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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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““The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.””

Clark Kent // Jordan Elliot // Kal-El



The Daily Planet

Investigative Journalist

◉◉◉◉ EARLY LIFE & CAREER 1988-2007

The planet Clark Kent was originally born on was known as Krypton, a planet that was on the verge of collapse. His father, Jor-El, was a scientist who had been attempting to prepare a route to safely save his species but even through his support by his brother, Zor-El, and their closest friend, Dru-Zod, they found themselves at an impassable point as the ruling government of Krypton continued to deny that their planet was dying— enacting laws to censor the El brothers whilst they controlled Commander Zod through his obedience to planetary law. The survival of Krypton would be a challenge. The El brothers continued their labors as they realized what they could achieve, even together, would not be enough to safeguard their whole species; but they could save the future generation, at least in part. The two slaved in the coming solar weeks as they crafted interstellar vessels, researched former Kryptonian outposts, and integrated archives of their civilization. Kara and Kal, their children would be sent away before the Kryptonian Genocide had taken it’s full course.

But only one of them arrived on Earth uninterrupted.

The Kryptonian spacecraft containing Kal would crash land on the outskirts of the city of Smallville, located in the mid-western state of Kansas in the United States. Before government officials can investigate, a lone truck stops on the nearby road as one Jonathan Kent arrives on the scene; himself discovering the infant boy inside the crashed vessel. Taking initiative Jonathan takes the boy into his care and returns to his farmstead to share the discover with his wife, Martha. The two decide to “adopt” the boy and decide to name the child Clark. The two Kent’s would then confide in their close friend, Dr. Gabriel Sullivan, about making Clark’s paperwork legitimate in fear of the government knocking on their door some weeks or years later. Agreeing that the government has no place in raising a child, no matter of his “origin”, Dr. Sullivan agrees.

So as it was: Clark Jonathan Kent was born on April 19th, 1984 to Jonathan & Martha Kent.

Throughout his childhood, Clark knew he was different than the other kids in Smallville. His closest friends in Chloe Sullivan, Lana Lang, Peter Ross, and Fred Danvers would help him cope with the alienating feelings he felt throughout his childhood. However, as his Kryptonian powers began to develop he begins to believe that he is a metahuman, fearing that if he revealed this fact to anyone that he would lose the people he cared about. He would often confide in his parents about his developing powers, hoping that he would find some answers or at least reassurance about what he was. Whilst Jonathan Kent didn’t feel Clark was “ready” to know the whole truth until he was older, this would begin a series of conversations where Jonathan shared stories to keep the young Clark at ease; stories about the heroes of The Invaders and the Justice Society of America. Captain America, Liberty Belle, The Flash, and Starman served as inspirations to Clark to not be afraid of being “special”. But in time Clark began to wonder about these heroes— where did they go?, why did they leave? It was a thought Clark couldn’t shake; to think heroes just stopped in the face of adversity and danger was one to was unfathomable to him, even at twelve years old.

Clark Kent’s time in his high school years were decidedly average, and Clark wasn’t sure what he was going to do with his life. Even with his developing powers aside, he had no real “career” aspirations. He fancied himself curious about investigative journalism, meta-biology, and forensic science— but the harsh reality of life in a rural city was apparent and while he was bright enough to get a scholarship to several colleges of his choosing there came a roadblock in his senior year of high school as he was sitting in his Literature class with Lana. Clark was pulled aside by a teacher, but he already knew what they were going to tell him; he heard it as soon as the teacher picked up their phone. Jonathan Kent had been hospitalized. For the first time in his life, Clark felt weak. His father had always seemed unable to be fatigued, injured, or ailed but here the news had come— his father had just dropped out working in the fields, and not for the appearance of Jonathan Kent’s friend and neighbor, Benjamin Hubbard, nobody would’ve caught it. Clark blamed himself; here he was worried about College and he couldn’t hear his own father drop. He was too distracted, too focused. He told himself he wouldn’t let that happen. After he graduated, he would stay in Smallville, he could not allow himself to value himself over his father.

Clark graduated High School in the 2006-2007 semester, but unlike his friends who went off to college in Metropolis, Keystone-Central, Gateway City, and Gotham City Clark stayed in Smallville at the family farm helping his father recover and working around the farmstead. Several months into his time, his father who was attempting to recover approached him and told him they had to “talk before he kicked the bucket”. Clark found himself scared, but he listened— he always listened to his father, after all. It was here that Jonathan Kent dragged him to an old tarp-covered truck. The truck Jonathan Kent had found Clark in nineteen years prior and told the true answers that Clark had been craving since he was twelve years old. He wasn’t a “mutant”, he was an alien. Clark’s genetic code allowed him access to what Jonathan Kent had salvaged with Clark’s synthetic cradle and answers suddenly came to him. Clark’s curiosity told him to pursue answers and find answers to what he was. But for now he had to focus on who he was. Despite his father’s badgering to get him to live his own life and stop worrying about him, Clark stayed as he had not only promised his mother but himself. Up until Jonathan Kent’s last words, Clark stayed in Smallville.

Clark was twenty years old when his father lost his battle due to a lifetime of stress; the doctor’s citing “natural causes”. Jonathan Kent was fifty-nine years old. At the funeral, Clark reconnected with his friends who had flown back to Smallville for the engagement. Clark wanted to tell Lana about a flustered mess of feelings he had been holding right there since they were kids, but he was too afraid; too distracted. They parted for the second time in their lives as friends as Clark looked towards the world outside of Smallville for the first time since his senior year of high school. The clues he had to continue his quest for answers were out there— he said his goodbyes to his mother before he left. But he would always be listening in case his mother needed him.

His time as a child in Smallville was over.

◉◉◉◉ HERITAGE 2008-2011

Returning to the alien object that his father had shown him, Clark interfaced more directly with the technology which released a Kryptonian probe by the name of Kelex. This probe served as a useful tool for Clark, but only partially due to the fact that Kelex had an incomplete amount of information stored in its databanks. Had Clark want to cover information beyond his names and dates he would have to find something Kelex referred to as an “archive”. The discovery that his people had built anything on Earth at any point of time was reassuring given that Clark was not satisfied with the limited knowledge he had at his fingertips. He had to know more. Wherever this outpost was located, he would find it— he was tenacious and determined enough to do that, and with Kelex at his side he knew he wouldn’t be going in completely blind.

Trying not to completely rely on his powers, Clark traveled by foot. With government activity becoming more tense with the rise of terrorist groups like HYDRA, The Brotherhood of Mutants, and many others he had to try to keep the awareness of his abilities as obscure as possible. Throughout his travels to find information about Krypton he took on the guise of a hapless journalist named Jordan Elliot who was curious about technological theory, archaeological developments, and historical speculations. A cover that was effective as he visited a famed archaeologist and historian by the name of Daniel Garrett as his first stop in coming up with some speculative information towards where the Kryptonian Archive could be located. Garrett was not the only individual he visited— others such as Kent Nelson, Luri Hoshid, and Henry Henshaw serving as other notable experts he approached. The information was individually inconclusive and speculative; but after coordinating with Kelex, the search seemed to get smaller and smaller. Eventually he had an inkling near the arctic circle and before he realized it he was standing inside the archive; an archive that felt more like a Fortress.

Even with his abilities, the fortress took Clark by surprise— it was large in scale, the information was an entire comprehensive databank of Kryptonian history and culture, there were logs of every alien species the Kryptonians were aware of from the Skrulls to Tamaranians. It was impressive and Clark got lost in translation for a time. As weeks turned into months Clark avidly began to digest and comprehend; learning what The House of El meant. But the archive and Kelex together was not even one-hundred percent of the story. The last two thousand years of Kryptonian history were unrecorded as they had been the last point there was a Kryptonian sitting in the archive to record them… and that was in Kryptonian Solar Years. But with no more answers available to him he had to be content with what he had learned.

But now that he had discovered the majority of what he wanted to know— what was his next step?

Leaving Kelex at the archive which he noted as his “Fortress of Solitude” he began to travel the world. His adventures caught the eye of a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter & journalist by the name of Lois Lane who speculated his activities in Khandaq, Madripoor, Austanburg, Qurac, and other countries as being connected. Connected by a force of nature that she called “The Blur”. Another journalist by the name of Jordan Elliot agreed with her – Clark was always an easily amused guy, after all. For three years, Clark operated as The Blur and began to develop his alter ego of Jordan Elliot in the background. All while he continued to help his mother on the farm back in Smallville and dissect more archival information at the Fortress when he could. A legacy was brewing and in 2012 in Metropolis he took up residence at a small apartment complex; a residence that he would make his permanent “civilian” home. Clark starts sending articles and investigative information to The Daily Planet's Lois Lane as Elliot whilst as Clark he started his employment career as a lowly janitor.

◉◉◉◉ DEBUT 2012

“Superman” debuts in Metropolis in the Summer of 2012, coined by Lois Lane as Clark stops a 747 from crashing into the city. As far as Clark was concerned it was time to stop operating as “The Blur” and making more of a statement to not only the people of Metropolis but the entire world— the era of the Superhero was not dead and the soul of good would still be out there for people who needed it. They would no longer need to hold on to hopelessness and superstitions.

The cartel of criminals known as Intergang are not pleased with the ‘arrival’ of Superman. The organization begins to operate more quietly with the arrival of Superman and attempt to research ways to put the superhuman vigilante down before their operations took a hit. Their boss funnels research into a project that becomes known as the creation of the first Atomic Skull— a figure that would be Superman’s very first superhuman threat. In a vibrant display of radioactive fury, Atomic Skull attacks The University of Metropolis; drawing Superman in. Superman, despite taking the fight outside of the city finds the threat challenging due to Atomic Skull’s various displays of radiation. Intergang continues their attempts to combat Superman throughout the year as they hire a variety of metahumans, acquire various experimental technology, and generally attempt to find a principle weakness in Superman’s physiology. Their failure is avidly watched by the CEO of LexCorp, Alexander Luthor.

Luthor becomes “fascinated” with the Man of Steel and as a byproduct begins his own research into him – and following the revealing information discovered by Lois Lane during an interview with the superhero, becomes aware that the hero is an alien which initially upsets him. Luthor begins to research all supposed alien activity on Earth in the last thirty years in an effort to find more clues about him. Clues that eventually lead him to a laboratory firm from Keystone City by the name of CADMUS; a company that has held the remainder of the spacecraft that brought Clark to Earth in 1988. The billionaire begins to make plans how he can acquire CADMUS and as a byproduct, the vessel.

As Superman’s role increasingly expands beyond Metropolis, he realizes the load of work he has in store for himself. Thrown into a conflict between Vlatlava and Transia, Superman intercepts a Soviet-era ICBM missile that is launched; throwing all of his strength into disabling it and removing it from play. To prevent full blown war in Eastern Europe he forces the leaders of the two nations to meet to solve the issue. Superman’s “interference” in the conflict is debated but more liberal political commentators simply compare him doing what America has done for years without needing to flood foreign nations with ambassadors and soldiers.

Unaware of the machinations of Luthor's intentions, Superman continues with his investigation against Intergang. Metahumans such as Parasite, and Neutron are subsequently employed by Intergang to deal with Superman whilst they attempt to go about their activities without interference. But whilst Superman’s fights with Parasite and Neutron are difficult they are not enough to cause him to withdraw from uncovering more information about the crime syndicate; using his investigative wits Clark discovers the location that the orders are being sent from to kill him and where the bulk of their leadership is located— Gotham City. Superman heads immediately to Gotham City as he continues his investigation into Intergang. This leads him into a confrontation with Batman when Clark finds out that Intergang is being directly funded by Wayne Enterprises itself. After a couple thousand degrees of tension the two discover that former Wayne Enterprises director William Earle is the culprit of Intergang’s infiltration into Gotham and utilization of WayneTech properties. Using information acquired through Wayne Enterprises and Batman, Superman follows the trail of Intergang’s activities to Bruno Mannheim— one of the leading criminal leaders in Metropolis alongside Anthony Gazzo.

Superman continues his investigation into Intergang and more specifically, Bruno Mannheim. But Mannheim is more cunning than he looks, keeping his hands clean as far as Clark can tell about his criminal activities. Deciding to be a bit more “proactive” in his dealing with Mannheim and Intergang he enlists the help of investigative reporter Lois Lane to see if she could dig up any information to bring his crimes to light. Lois has been trying to take down Mannheim for years, easily accepting the request. Throughout the next several months Mannheim’s activities are inevitably uncovered but before he can be captured he disappears after activating a box-shaped device— his last known words are “He will be unhappy.”

◉◉◉◉ UNBOUND 2013-2015

Following Mannheim’s escape, Intergang seemingly disappears from Metropolis and Gotham’s criminal hierarchy. Superman forwards his “report” of Mannheim’s cryptic threat and Intergang files he hopes that Batman’s deductive skill can find something he missed so that Mannheim doesn’t escape justice— nor would “he” of which Mannheim mentioned. Returning to his regular patrols, Superman finds himself stopping a critical explosion at Metropolis’ central power plant that has been staged as a trap by the supervillain known as Libra. Libra is joined by a gang of likeminded villains as they hope to defeat him. Superman has difficulty contending with the group until the arrival of Captain Atom and Captain Marvel. This is the first time Superman works with people of his similar “power scope” as well as those associated and loosely associated with the federal government, giving him some perspective on the other “world level” heroes of the day.

Due to Superman’s increasing activity in the world at large, Luthor procures many deals with his experimental weapon technologies. Luthor reflects on it to his protege, his youthful niece (Nasthalthia Luthor), as there always being “a silver lining to everything”. Following this he sets up a high profile charity event where he invites high profile individuals to follow him in making a statement about the struggles of those caught in the crossfire of superheroism. Luthor also uses this to announce his acquisition of the technological firm, CADMUS, in a show of his success. As he makes the announcement he is attacked by a group of terrorists; before Superman can arrive Luthor shows the capacity of his new personal defense technologies by incapacitating them himself. A PR move that makes waves for Luthor.

With the acquisition of CADMUS, Luthor can finally get his hands on the vessel he had been coveting for several months, a fact that is deeply connected to his discontent towards superheroes such as Superman. Luthor’s research turns to the creation of a synthetic substance that is a sort of synthetic kryptonite – after “losing” a test portion of the synthetic kryptonite to a former soldier-turned terrorist by the name of Robert DuBois who attacks Superman with an energy rifle powered by the synthetic kryptonite thus being Clark’s first experience with dealing with a weapon that makes him feel utterly powerless. Luthor is content as he watches, even as Superman eventually outwits his foe. However, following the incident Clark confronts Luthor about the radioactive substance that came from his labs that DuBois broke into. Luthor dances around Clark, playing the role of an ignorant executive who says he’s been researching alternative sources of energy and that it truly comes as a shock that it can be used as a weapon against Superman.

After refining his synthetic kryptonite— a hiccup in his operations occurs when Luthor’s business partner, John Corben, falls ill as it is revealed that his heart is failing him. Convincing Corben to partake in an experimental project that could allow him to continue living his life, Luthor begins what he calls “Project Metallo”; transplanting Corben’s brain into a metallic construct that is powered by a synthetic kryptonite core. The process is successful, but in the process Corben goes insane and attacks Lex. Superman is the first on his scene to intervene at the newly built CADMUS facility in Metropolis and finds himself in a tricky fight when he realizes the kryptonite energy is once began being utilized by Lex recklessly. In the end Metallo is taken by the proper authorities and Luthor is brought in for extensive questioning but is never indicted on any charges. Whilst Luthor has done nothing against him personally, Clark feels nervous around the man considering his significant experiments with energy that is not only toxic to Clark but dangerous radioactive energy as well.

◉◉◉◉ THE MAN OF STEEL 2016-

On the 1st of April, Superman would fight his most challenging battle yet with the arrival of a starship in Earth’s atmosphere bearing Kryptonian markings— military markings at that. Led by the trinity of Kryptonian leaders including one Commander Dru-Zod, Superman is eager to finally have answers to questions he’s had for his entire life. However, Zod informs Clark that he wished their meeting was on more amiable terms; the Kryptonian survivors intend to harvest Earth and turn it into their “New” Krypton. As Kryptonian machines and soldiers invade Earth, Superman and his allies (including Steel and the newly caped Kara) try to stop them before the world is irreparably harmed. Using Steel’s mechanical genius and a lot of tenacity the Kryptonians are launched into The Phantom Zone and any stragglers flee into deep space or go into hiding on Earth.

Following the invasion, Superman finds his allegiance and character under question by dozens upon dozens of politicians, celebrities, and journalists. Lex Luthor directly blames Superman for his incompetence and carelessness as well as declares that had Superman not been on Earth in the first place his oppressive people wouldn’t have come and attacked Earth in the first place. Despite the arrival of Supergirl, Clark feels like he didn’t act swiftly enough or put together a plan in time. He seeks Batman’s consul.



Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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“With great power comes great responsibility.”

Peter Parker



Midtown High School


◉◉◉◉ EARLY LIFE & CAREER 1998-2010

Peter was raised with the best of intentions by his aunt and uncle who guided him no different than if he was their own child, but even growing up in a loving and warm household led to Peter seeking out answers to his questions regarding his parents— a topic rarely touched upon by his uncle and aunt. The circumstances of the freak accident became Peter’s first obsession and whilst he didn’t really have the information readily at hand. Peter was adamant about finding out as he began to clip pieces of information together through dug out newspapers from the local library, dedicated searches through the internet, and clever questions to the people who raised him as well as their closest friends. Peter may have been a child but he had to know the whole story; he would not be content otherwise.

Reminded of his younger days and recognizing Peter’s tenacity to find the truth, Uncle Ben decided that it was time to tell Peter the truth as far as he knew it. Taking Peter into his office and unlocking some old file cabinets Ben pulled out the information that he had himself investigated at the time— Ben gave Peter what he wanted, though all it did was give him more frustrated questions. The accident was suspicious, some speculated sabotage, and others discarded it as a hit and run. The reporting was largely inconsistent and the police wrote it off as an accident. The only thing Ben could really tell Peter was the little he knew about Richard’s work as a scientist and ultimately give Peter the first real advice of his life: how to move on and not let tragedy define him. Much like other talks with Uncle Ben, Peter would take to it well and never forget the lesson.

It was with that advice that Peter took a long breath and went back to being a typical twelve year old. Between this point and high school he would strengthen his bonds with his friends. His best friend— Gwen Stacy lived next door, and he had an awkward yet fulfilling relationship with a kid down the street by the name of Eddie Brock. The trio were joined by Oliver Osnick, Alexander O’Hirn, and Angelica Jones as a sort of “inner circle” for Peter; though the group would find themselves having turbulent issues with sticking together after Angelica was outed as a mutant, Alexander began to lash out at his friends due to his personal angst, and Eddie’s apparent attitude led to trouble with the law. Before Peter’s freshman year had even really taken off things seemed to have taken a bad turn— and it was only the beginning.

◉◉◉◉ ORIGINS 2011

A field trip to an OsCorp facility would lead to Peter being bitten by an experimental spider. An event that would change his life forever.

Feeling sick after the incident, Peter returned home as he passed out quickly in his bedroom not knowing that his genetic makeup was being changed; a change that would include various powers and abilities that for the next coming weeks he would struggle to understand and utilize. After accidently hurting a bully (and star quarterback) by the name of Flash Thompson at school, Peter realized his newfound strength, speed, and senses could allow him to do anything he wanted; the fact that he would no longer be bullied and targeted present on his mind as he got a stern talking to from Uncle Ben on the way home. It would be the first lecture and advice that he ignored as Peter found himself wallowing in his own teenaged angst at the time. But the words spoken to Peter at the time would make an impact in the months to come— “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Then there was a gunshot in the darkness of the night and then the world stopped making sense. The death of Uncle Ben was an unfortunate occurrence that happened because of Peter’s angst-fueled perspective that he could do as he pleased and that a lone gunman wasn’t his problem; that it didn’t concern him. His feelings changed when that very same gunman would pull the trigger on the only real father figure Peter ever knew. In a flurry of emotions, Peter chased the gunman to a nearby warehouse; only then realizing that his apathy and lack of real courage had led to his uncle’s death. Uncle Ben had been killed and there was only one person Peter could blame— himself. Shaken out of his foolish angst, Peter returned home in tears. He had to be better than he was, he would never forget or ignore the advice that he had been taught ever again. So began the genesis of Spider-Man.

◉◉◉◉ THE SPIDER MENACE 2012-2013


◉◉◉◉ GOBLIN 2014

In the shadows of New York City, Peter Parker was being watched— and soon he would face his toughest foe yet.

Obsessed by the spectacular debut of Spider-Man and his continued “adventures”, Norman Osborn was on the edge. Though, this was not uniquely the fault of the incident that happened that led Peter to become Spider-Man. Truthfully, OsCorp was teetering on the edge and the company he had established in 1984 as a technological giant to bring a new age of technology and industry forward was in a state of crisis. Over the last twenty years of looking for the brightest minds in science and bringing them together to re-create the same brilliance of chemistry that was the original 1942 super soldier serum, the only thing Norman had was failures, sabotages, and debt. With over several hundred millions of dollars sunk into his “vanity project” he had put his company’s future at risk— and it was driving him insane. Coupled with several rejected weapon projects by the Untied States government as well as private interests overseas, the loss of the majority of his genius employees such as Dr. Curt Connors and Dr. Calypso Ezili, corporate espionage by whom he believed was Wayne Enterprises, and “superhero”-related incidents that put his facilities and ethnics under investigation; OsCorp was sinking and there seemed to be no feasible way to dig it out.

And here he saw Spider-Man. A byproduct of his work with Dr. Connors. Spider-Man was his hope and his savior. All he had to do was have him. It would be convenient that he knew just who he was.

Bringing on his former colleague, Mendel Stromm, Norman decides to refine what was left of the snippets of super soldier serum projects he had obtained— but he’d need a catalyst to bring it together. He needed Peter’s DNA and once he could acquire it then the project that could save his company could be created skipping years of research and delicate experimentation. He could have what he wanted his whole life in an instant and safeguard his life’s work. It was here that Norman decided to pay a visit to Peter’s high school and offer an internship to the students who would meet his requirements; after talking to the school’s principal the plan was in motion. He would pick five lucky students. But all he really wanted was one. Norman was always good at planning, a fact that became clear as several weeks later he brought each of the five prospective students to the main offices to give them further interviews and talk with each of them. Norman never gave any hints of his intentions and during a conversation with Peter Norman acquires his DNA after he offers him a glass of water. Despite feeling oddly uneasy, Peter never suspects a thing. Norman hurries back to his lab.

In no time at all, Peter’s DNA is clipped together with other snippets of chemically altered organisms. But it’s untested and instable. Norman may be a brilliant chemist but he is uncertain about what the abilities inside the experimental serum might hold— the chance that the catalytic DNA warped and mutated is a likelihood he cannot afford to play around with. But the longer he waits, the sooner OsCorp’s future dims. In desperation he calls in one of the lab assistants, Nels Van Adder, and forces him to take part. Norman doesn’t have the patience into making Nels believe it is his idea. He needs to see results. However, the results are horrific as the serum conflicts with Nels Van Adder’s latent metagene and he transforms into a monster. Driven insane but also garnering superhuman reflexes and senses, Nels’ attacks Osborn and Stromm— sending the latter across the room. The appearance of OsCorp Chief of Security, Arthur Stacy, ends the confrontation as he distracts Nels’ long enough for Norman to retrieve one of his experimental weapons from a nearby table and killing Nels’ on the spot. Arthur is convinced to keep silent on what he had seen and what he suspects Norman had created. A creation that Norman would dissect on the very same table he had forced Nels’ to be injected on.

Over the next few weeks, he would find his answers— and a refined serum is created that Norman dubs the “Goblin Formula”, a naming convention originating from Nels’ goblin-like mutated appearance. Bringing on Dr. Conrad Marcus, an expert in genetics, on-board to help him refine the formula alongside himself and Stromm refinement of the formula seems to progress quickly. Upon learning that the side effects on the negative scale can possibly affect what Norman designates as “underdeveloped brains” the businessman begins to weigh in what the serum can do before a group of interested parties within the government. However, the serum is written off for being too dangerous and unsuitable for government agents. Infuriated that one of the sole things that could bring the world into a new age as well as save his company has been rejected Norman returns to his lab. This time he would show them what a fit mind and body could do with the serum. He injects himself.

Norman dons a prototype armored suit, an experimental hover glider, and some explosives. He kills the men who rejected him and goes on a rampage. His rage and madness growing by the minute, he finds himself tangling with Spider-Man for the very first time. He blames him for what has happened. Throughout the several weeks and months that follow, Norman (now the Green Goblin) is sick of Spider-Man beating him at every turn and making a fool of his clearly superior intelligence. He kidnaps the two most important women in Peter’s life— Gwendolyne Stacy and May Parker. He leaves a calling card for Peter to find and the two have a showdown at the construction site of a new Fisk Industries skyscraper that is to become the second Fisk Tower. Norman in a delusional, demented, and insane monologue tells Peter that he has to “choose” or he drops them both; as Norman expected Peter refuses and he shows him that he’s made the wrong decision. Peter attempts to save both of them using his webbing, but as it turns out— he’s low on fluid and now one very important person in his life is dead: Aunt May.

Peter nearly kills Norman in the aftermath of the tragedy; but eventually Norman is apprehended by the police.

Peter decides to quit being Spider-Man.

◉◉◉◉ HIATUS & RETURN 2016-

By 2016, Peter still hadn’t dusted off his suit— still languishing from his loss, the spark inside him still had not been lit. As far as he was concerned the fact Spider-Man wasn’t out there endangering other people’s lives made their lives safer; though it was more to do with how he felt about his “great power” and the “responsibility” that came with it. The world had stopped making sense for him and he began presuming the responsibility that came with his metahuman abilities was to not use them. After all, everything he had done as Spider-Man had complicated, hurt, or destroyed people’s entire lives. They were better off. Peter refused to return to his old ways. However, that was soon to change.

At the backend of the month of February, Peter would be forced into action. A string of murders had infiltrated Queens during the winter break. Initially these murders were believed by NYPD Detective Harrison Thompson to be the handiwork of three unrelated mass murders who originated in Gotham City, though such theories were disproved when the killer resurfaced in the second week of January carrying the same motif as the previous murders committed. Peter is unnerved by the killings and finds the temptation to return to being Spider-Man but only convinces himself after one of his classmates and close friends, [REDACTED} is kidnapped by the killer. As a race against time begins, Peter reluctantly returns to his calling as he learns that the killer himself has a motif way too familiar (albeit “out of season”) as he faces the serial killer to be known as the Jack O’Lantern— a serial killer who has clearly stolen OsCorp technology and possibly idolizes The Green Goblin. A fight ensues and all is back to normal upon the killer's capture.

Spider-Man was back.

For the next month, Peter is back to his old tricks— bank robberies, gang violence, and so forth are reintroduced to Spider-Man’s particular brand of annoying superheroism. During this time he crosses paths with the enigmatic (and slightly insane) Moon Knight who briefly aligns with Spider-Man during a conflict with Big Ben Donovan, a distinct criminal warlord in New York City (and one of The Kingpin’s lieutenants). Ben’s employ of Aleksei Sytsevich aka The Rhino is what originally brings Peter into the conflict and soon he realizes he’s quite in over his head; especially considering how “rusty” he is. Despite this, The Rhino and Big Ben Donovan’s plot by proxy is shut down and things go back to normal. Sort of.

During the Kryptonian Invasion— Peter attempted to get civilians out of harm’s way while dealing with the rampant criminal chaos caused by “end of the world-itis”. Peter was back in the spotlight and for the first time in the history of the Daily Bugle he got a favorable (albeit tiny) review. However, it wasn’t going to last.



Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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32 Bruce Wayne Chaotic Good

“My parents taught me a lesson, lying on this street, shaking in deep shock... dying for no reason at all. They showed me that the world only makes sense when you force it to.

[ ߜ ] O R I G I N
1 9 8 4 - 1 9 9 8 // I N N O C E N C E D I E S

Thomas and Martha Wayne’s second son, Bruce was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, privy to the perks afforded by his father’s corporate giant, Wayne Enterprises. Living on the outskirts of Gotham City in his family’s manor, he was often left alone with his older brother, Thomas Jr., and butler, Alfred Pennyworth, as his parents attended to such things that the lives of wealthy philanthropic socialites demanded of them. While one would think that being raised under such privileged conditions would guarantee that a child grew into little more than a spoilt brat, this was not the case for either of the Wayne brothers. Thomas Sr. and Martha were not your typical members of high society, planting their roots deep within Gotham’s foundations; Thomas, a renowned physician and surgeon, ran a large number of free clinics throughout the city’s most impoverished neighbourhoods, and Martha, having developed a strong social conscience in her youth, fought hard for Gotham’s children through her many charity events, giving the proceeds to any orphanages in need, all while campaigning for the gentrification of neighbourhoods such as the Narrows and East End. With such devotion to their fellow man, Thomas and Martha hoped to instil into their children values that would see them use their affluence to help those who were less fortunate.

Unfortunately, a life in which the two brothers could be raised by their parents was snatched away from them, be it by the cruel hands of fate or simply harsh circumstance, one cold night out at the theatre. Cornered in the place that would become known as Crime Alley, Bruce, age eight, and Tommy, age thirteen, watched as a common criminal shot their parents dead.

Custody of the brothers fell to Alfred, as per Thomas Sr.’s will, the older man struggling to coax the young Waynes of their mournful states; neither their therapist, Leslie Thompkins, or Bruce’s best friend, Thomas Elliot, could get more than a few words out of them. Worried about their increasingly antisocial behaviour, Alfred nonetheless relented, hoping that when Thomas and Martha’s killer was arrested, Bruce and Tommy might find some semblance of closure. And so he waited for the day that he would turn on the television and see the headline, “WAYNE KILLER BROUGHT TO JUSTICE,” but when the months continued to pass without any such news, Alfred all but gave up, fearing that he might lose the boys forever – but then they came to him. Bruce and Thomas knew of Alfred’s past – tales of his achievements while serving in Her Majesty’s Royal Marines and the MI6 were among their favourites – and they wanted him to train them, under the pretence of wanting a productive way to channel their anger, and while this wasn’t entirely untrue, it became clear that, as Alfred began to run out of things to teach them, that they had a larger plan in the works.

As their tutelage moved from Alfred to others, such as the world-famous boxer, Ted Grant, the boys started to drop their guardian hints as to what they were plotting, before telling him outright: they had vowed to avenge their parents’ deaths, and to see that Gotham’s criminal element, who struck so much fear into the hearts of the public, would have something to fear of their own. And so it was that Bruce and Tommy, fourteen and nineteen, left Gotham, marking the beginning of their worldwide trek as they trained under the world’s greatest martial artists, scholars, escape artists and strategists, the public believing that they were taking nothing more than an extensive trip around the world.

2 0 0 6 - 2 0 1 0 // T H E L E A G U E O F S H A D O W S

It was during the final years of Bruce and Tommy’s training that they found themselves in Nanda Parbat, stepping into the secretive world of the League of Shadows. Eight years had passed since they left Gotham, and they had learned a lot; gone were the helpless boys that watched their parents die in front of them – they were different now. They were capable.

They were greeted by the end of a sword as they entered the ancient halls of the League’s temple. To say that it was an organisation shrouded in mystery was an understatement, as its agents proceeded with the utmost caution, unable to believe that Westerners, Americans at that, knew of the League, and not only that, but its whereabouts, too. But after a test of their skills, Ra’s al Ghul, the Demon’s Head himself, deemed the brothers worthy, marking the beginning of their first years of League training – especially impressed when they name dropped one Henri Ducard. During their stay, Bruce and Tommy underwent a rigorous four years of training in the way of the assassin, preparing for their final test before their official induction: their first kill. It was around this time that Bruce developed a friendship with Ra’s’ daughter, Talia, soon spiralling into a fledgling romance that provided him with an anchor for much of his time there.

Four years later, Bruce returned to Gotham, alone.

Alfred welcomed him with open arms, doing the best he could to keep vultures – the most persistent among them, Victoria Vale of Gotham City News – from prying too deep into Bruce’s time away. He was surprised to see the youngest Wayne deflect their questions with expert charm and off-handedness, fitting into the role of the irresponsible playboy as easily as if he’d been raised by the Queens.

While Alfred was glad to see Bruce back home in good health, there was always one question on the tip of his tongue, one he was desperate to find an answer for: where’s Thomas? But no matter how much he wanted to know, Bruce had made it clear that he didn’t want to talk about it. The matter was dropped, and that was that – but Alfred wasn’t stupid. Something had happened between the brothers.

Gotham was not in a good state. Ever since Thomas Sr. and Martha’s deaths, the city had spiralled into chaos. Its officials reeked of corruption, and criminals, emboldened by the Waynes’ passing, expanded their operations well beyond their original scope – Gotham was now in their control. On the throne sat Carmine “the Roman” Falcone, uniting Gotham’s crime families under one banner: that of the Roman Empire. Falcone himself controlled half of the Upper East Side and the Bowery; the Maronis the other half, along with the rest of the Narrows; the Bertinellis seized the Upper West Side and Tricorner, while the Cobblepots had control of the Diamond and City Hall Districts, as well as Old Gotham.

Incensed, Bruce immediately began preparing for his mission, largely leaving his newfound responsibilities in Wayne Enterprises to its deputy CEO, William Earle. Donning a balaclava and tactical gear, he began striking the Empire where it hurt – barely escaping with his life each time. Recalling something Ra’s had taught him and Tommy early on, Bruce went to Lucius Fox, head of WayneTech, a different plan forming in his head. “Theatricality and deception are powerful agents.”

On the 27th of May, 2010, rumours of a bat-like terror shook Gotham’s underworld as the Roman Empire began sustaining crippling blows.

The Batman was born.

2 0 1 0 // Y E A R O N E

Bruce’s mission was underway, but it was far from easy. Falcone had many assets, one of them, Commissioner Loeb; as head of the GCPD, it was guaranteed that a SWAT team would be on Bruce’s trail, trying their hardest not to bring him in, but to shoot him dead. However, not all in Gotham’s law enforcement saw him in a hostile light, one being Lieutenant James Gordon, a veteran on the force for more than a decade. Jim viewed Batman as his only ally against the mob, and in turn, Bruce saw him as a valuable asset; using a modified Klieg searchlight dubbed as the Batsignal, Gordon summoned Batman whenever he had new intel to share, an arrangement that suited them both just fine.

While the GCPD knew of Batman, the rest of Gotham’s citizenry did not. To the public, he was nothing but a myth, an urban legend, fabricated by the police to scare any who might think to break the law. To any criminal who was not Carmine Falcone, Sal Maroni, Franco Bertinelli or Oswald Cobblepot, he wasn’t a man, but rather, a creature – a beast of terrible vengeance raining hell upon Gotham’s underworld. As far as anyone was concerned, Batman didn’t exist… and Bruce planned to keep it that way.

Within the span of months, he had sent shockwaves throughout the Roman Empire. The Bertinellis had retreated to Italy, Cobblepot had all but disappeared, the Maronis were relying on their only drug operation still underway, and Falcone was scrambling to hold it all together.

With his empire collapsing all around him, Falcone looked for someone to blame. Batman was untouchable; a ghost; making him pay was nothing more than a fantasy. Instead, Falcone turned to the one problematic cop not yet on his payroll: Jim Gordon. Hiring an old associate by the name of Ray Salinger, he rested a little easier knowing that Gordon’s family would soon suffer blows as crippling as his own. Not a night after he gave the order, Barbara Gordon, age thirteen, was kidnapped by the serial killer, Birthday Boy – Salinger’s alter ego.

Jim, in a state of panic he’d never been before, knew that he couldn’t help Barbara, not all by himself. Calling for Batman’s help, Bruce hurried to find his ally’s daughter before it was too late, searching for clues in the Gordons’ apartment and delving into Birthday Boy’s old case files. It wasn’t long before he found what he was looking for. Obsessed with his first victim, Amanda Grant, Salinger would take his victims – all young girls – to her former home, an abandoned mansion in the neighbourhood of Coventry. With a place to look, Bruce and Gordon rushed to save Barbara, bursting into the mansion as Salinger held a knife to her throat. After a brief scuffle, Bruce took the serial killer down – and in his anger, went after Falcone one last time.

The Roman Empire fell in the October of that year. To Alfred, it meant hope that Bruce might abandon his crusade – but Bruce had made it clear. He was just getting started.

As the year drew to a close, Bruce faced an even greater challenge than the Roman Empire: the enigma of the Riddler. Holding the Narrows at ransom, he demanded that Batman undertake a series of trials, or otherwise let the downtrodden neighbourhood suffer an explosive death. Playing to the Riddler’s whims, Bruce participated in potentially lethal “games”, all while trying to deduce Riddler’s location and identity, eventually succeeding. Tracking Riddler down to Gotham’s sewers, Bruce found his identity to being one Edward Nashton, former strategist of Wayne Enterprise’s CEO, William Earle. Bringing him in to the GCPD, Jim took credit for Nashton’s apprehension, further cementing Batman’s status as an urban legend.

2 0 1 1 // T H E D A R K K N I G H T

By the beginning of Batman’s second year, Bruce had garnered three more allies: Detective Harvey Bullock of the GCPD’s Major Crimes Unit, and sibling lawyers, Harvey Dent and his sister, Jessica – an old flame of Bruce’s teens. Of the three, Harvey and Jessica were the most useful; their positions as assistant district attorneys meant that more of the scum Bruce brought in remained locked up. Bullock, on the other hand, though helpful with cases not super in nature, frequently questioned Batman’s methods, challenging him on more than one occasion. Their clashing ideologies saw Bruce avoid Bullock more often than not, only going to him if it was absolutely necessary.

Following the fall of Falcone’s empire and the ordeal with the Riddler, Jim had been promoted to captain of the Central Precinct, granting him access to far more information – and power – than before. Even though Commissioner Loeb was still the ever present anchor of corruption within the GCPD, Jim didn’t let that stop him from helping Batman in any way he could; whereas before it had been an uneasy alliance, after Bruce saved Barbara, Jim not only felt indebted to the vigilante, but a great deal of respect.

New Year’s opened with a spectacular display of flames as the mercenary known as Firefly set fire to a number of locations in Gotham’s Narrows, resulting in over a dozen deaths in total. Equipped with a high-tech suit, he was a dangerous new enemy – but in the end, it wasn’t enough to beat the Batman. Analysing the scorched remains of Firefly’s victims, Bruce was able to identify most of them as former employees of Carmine Falcone, tracking down a survivor, who revealed Firefly to be one Garfield Lynns, former enforcer for Sal Maroni. Batman confronted Lynns in City Hall, besting him just as he was about to kill Commissioner Loeb. Agreeing to testify against Loeb with evidence on his corruption and position in the Roman Empire, Lynns was able to get a shortened sentence at Blackgate Penitentiary with thanks to the Dents, much to Bruce’s chagrin.

With Loeb exposed, the GCPD was in need of a new commissioner, finding one in former Chief of Police Michael Akins. Akins’ administration saw the department’s relations with Batman grow a little easier; no longer was there a vigilante task force out to get him, but rather an uneasiness in knowing that he was a necessity, but hating that fact regardless.

Batman found his next challenge in Killer Croc. Investigating a series of disappearances throughout Gotham’s Upper West Side, all of the evidence pointed Bruce towards the sewers. After a brief time spent searching, he found the remains of the missing persons, gathered in a bloody heap in a makeshift settlement amongst Gotham’s urine and excrement. Too far below ground to contact Alfred, Bruce could do nothing but fight when he was attacked by a hulking mass of green scales and sharpened teeth. The man that he would come to know as Waylon Jones, aka Killer Croc, tore through Bruce’s armour with quick and terrible ferocity, his seemingly impossible strength tearing through the Wayne heir’s flesh like scissors through paper. Weakened and bleeding out, Bruce managed to escape with a well-placed smoke pellet, dragging himself to what Alfred had sardonically dubbed the Batmobile, its autopilot driving him back to his headquarters below Wayne Manor. His injuries far beyond what Alfred could repair, Bruce’s loyal guardian came close to revealing the vigilante’s identity so that he might receive care in hospital – but Bruce had another idea in mind. Communicating through Morse code, he requested that Alfred call in a face from the past: Thomas Elliot, Bruce’s former best friend. Following in his father and Thomas Wayne Sr.’s footsteps, Tom had become a renowned surgeon throughout the East Coast, running Elliot Memorial Hospital in memory of his parents in the Bowery. Arriving at Wayne Manor, Tom was confronted by Bruce’s bloody form. Tending to his former best friend, no lie Alfred told could dissuade him. He remembered what the older man had told him all those years ago when he was fourteen, hoping that he could dissuade Bruce and Tommy Jr. from their mission. Thomas knew. Bruce was the Batman.

Despite Tom’s instructions, Bruce was back in action far sooner than he should have been. Donning an upgraded suit courtesy of Lucius Fox, Batman tracked Killer Croc down, besting him in the ensuing fight. The reptilian man was taken to GCPD lockup, before being committed to Arkham Asylum after pleading insanity in court. Seeing the extents to which Bruce was willing to push himself, Tom made it abundantly clear to his estranged friend that he would no longer be relying on Alfred’s medical expertise – but rather, his own. With Tom enlisted as Batman’s personal medic, Bruce continued his crusade. However, the next time he got injured, in what may be perceived as irony, it wasn’t Tom who gave him aid – it was an elusive woman by the name of Selina Kyle.

Someone was killing the heads of Wayne Enterprises’ competition. The ballistics eluded police – there was no way someone could pull off such accurate shots from such a large distance. The evidence didn’t lie, however, and soon William Earle, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, was under investigation for the murder of four high-profile businessmen.

Upon his return to Gotham, Bruce had done his research on Earle. He knew that the man wasn’t an honest businessman, but he’d kept Wayne Enterprises afloat for all these years, and with Bruce’s focus on Batman, that had to be enough. But this investigation opened Bruce’s eyes, and he started to monitor Earle’s activities, soon finding details of a wire transfer to one Floyd Lawton’s bank account – whose M.O. matched that of the GCPD’s mystery sniper, codename, Deadshot. With Bruce’s knowledge of Lawton’s previous four victims, he concluded that the next was Simon Stagg, head of Stagg Industries. He knew that Stagg was currently residing in a penthouse in the Fashion District, and so Batman scouted out the area, searching for Deadshot’s most probable position. It wasn’t long before he found it. Confronting the sharpshooter before he could pull the trigger, Batman and Lawton engaged in a firefight that spanned entire city blocks, making their way to the Fashion District’s less prestigious, yet still lavish, apartment buildings. Deadshot proved to be an extremely skilled marksman, more than living up to his apparent notoriety – a well placed shot wedged itself between the Batsuit’s chestplates, sending Bruce plummeting to a balcony below. Not waiting to see if his adversary was dead, Lawton fled the scene in fear of being found by the GCPD. When Bruce woke up, he was in a beautiful woman’s bed.

But this wasn’t like other times. Ever since his return to Gotham he had carefully put on a show, maintaining the image of an irresponsible billionaire playboy, like so much of the media seemed to want him to. This would understandably lead him to waking up in women’s beds, or them in his, after a night of agonising social activity. But no. This time, the night had consisted of chasing after a hitman – a hitman that managed to shoot Bruce through his armour, that sent him plummeting onto a balcony, knocking him out cold. A hitman that had inadvertently pushed Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle into each other’s lives.

Selina had patched Bruce up. It was temporary at best, and Bruce had to replace the stitches soon after, but she hadn’t done badly – and with her cat curled in a ball by his side, Bruce awoke early the next day, long before the sun would come up. It didn’t take long for him to notice that his cowl was no longer atop his head, and anger soon boiled out – anger that the headstrong Ms. Kyle shut down with seductive ease. Before she could ask what Bruce Wayne was doing running around in a bat costume, he left, intent on finding Deadshot before he could carry out his contract. He’d deal with Selina later.

When Batman found Deadshot next, he once again stopped him short of pulling the trigger. This time, Bruce made sure to keep the fight up close and personal, unwilling to risk another bullet. As the battle reached its peak, they were joined by a third party – a woman dressed in a cat-like costume, calling herself Catwoman – who Bruce quickly identified as Selina. He was surprised to see her prowess in combat, and with their combined skill, it didn’t take long for them to take Lawton down.

With adrenaline rushing through their system, Bruce and Selina shared a night of passion in her apartment. Though Bruce was not willing to admit it, it was the first time he had truly enjoyed such things since his time with Talia in the League of Shadows. So began Batman and Catwoman’s… complicated relationship.

The next day, Bruce made to deal with Earle, intending to leak evidence of his hiring of Deadshot after confronting the CEO as Batman. However, in accessing Earle’s computer, he saw no trace of the documents that had led him to finding out about Earle and Lawton’s business deal; in questioning the businessman, Earle acted dumb, unwilling to divulge any information. Enraged, Batman vowed that he would bring Earle to justice. It was only a matter of time.

The next Bruce saw of Earle, he wasn’t going after him. He was protecting him. A man going by the moniker of Mr. Freeze had taken those in Wayne Tower hostage, literally covering it in ice with technology that Bruce had never seen before. Batman confronted him, and in doing so learned that his real name was Victor Fries, an expert on cryogenics formerly under employment at WayneTech. He had been fired for using company funds for his own private research; research on how to save the life of Nora, his wife, who was dying from a rare heart condition. Searching for a cure, he had placed her in cryostasis using company equipment to prevent her health from deteriorating. Earle found out about this, and in an act of cruelty that Bruce was beginning to know him for, had ordered the funding for Fries’ projects cut and for Nora to be brought out of stasis. Unwilling to see his work undone and his wife dead, Victor struggled against Earle’s security, resulting in his exposure to his own cryogenic coolants. His body chemistry was significantly altered, leaving him only able to survive at sub-zero temperatures. He escaped unseen, taking Nora with him. Now, Fries had returned to take his vengeance on Earle. It took Batman all he had not to let him.

Earle was an evil man. Bruce knew this. He’d hired a contract killer, and a very expensive one, at that, to get rid of competition, and got rid of all evidence the moment he thought that he could get caught. He’d taken an innocent man – yes, he’d been misusing company funds, but for an innocent cause – and all the research, and the hope, that he had gathered, and ruined them without a second thought. Earle was scum, the very definition of the people Bruce had vowed protect Gotham from. But Victor was also in the wrong; he sought vengeance, not justice, and in doing so was putting innocent people in harm’s way. Bruce had no choice. He confronted Fries with words, trying to avoid a physical conflict. He had no wish to fight him. However, Fries’ hatred for Earle proved too strong to reason against, and the situation devolved into a fight, Bruce only narrowly escaping injury. That night, Victor Fries, alias Mr. Freeze, was taken to Arkham Asylum and punished for his crimes. And with no evidence to incriminate Earle with, there was nothing Bruce could do but watch as the current CEO of his father’s company got off scot-free once again.

2 0 1 2 // Y O U T H

The first item on Bruce’s agenda as 2012 came about was the removal of William Earle from his seat as CEO of Wayne Enterprises. The majority of WE’s board was more than cooperative (Earle had rubbed them the wrong way more than once), so Bruce soon informed Earle of his removal from office personally and with great satisfaction, gladly handing the reins over to Lucius Fox, who had by that time been promoted from Batman’s tech guy to a trustworthy member of Bruce’s inner circle, so far consisting of just himself, Alfred, Lucius and Thomas Elliot. Little did he know that this was the year it would grow by two more members.

In February, Jim Gordon was kidnapped. As the GCPD scrambled to find him, Bruce busied himself with finding any clues to his whereabouts, a search that was cut short by the activation of the Batsignal. Its light summoning him to the Central Precinct, Batman was met by a fifteen year-old Barbara Gordon, her kidnapping – and rescue – still fresh on her mind. Armed with footage of the Dark Knight (no doubt from one of her father’s case files) she demanded that Bruce help her get Jim back, lest she release it to the media and thus expose him to the public. Disapproving of her blackmail, but admiring her tenacity, Bruce agreed to let her tag along, provided that she did everything he told her to. Following a trail of familiar clues and cryptic riddles, they soon realised that the man behind Jim’s kidnapping was none other than Edward Nashton, the Riddler. Tracking him down to the expansive carpark of an apartment complex in Old Gotham, Batman navigated a variety of death traps even more complicated than those of his first tangle with Riddler. After a brief face-to-face confrontation with Nashton, and with Barbara’s help, the Riddler was apprehended. Jim and Barbara Gordon returned home safely that night. Edward Nashton was taken to Arkham.

A few nights after the incident, Batman offered to train Barbara. Her tenacity and fierce determination were to be commended, as was her level head under intense conditions – and this was the second time she’d been caught in the crossfire of Batman and Jim’s war against crime. She was happy to accept, and so every night, when her father was at work, he would train her on the roof of her apartment building. When she advanced to the point that it was no longer a suitable place to train, they would risk going to the Batcave, where training continued until September. Batgirl debuted not long afterwards, helping Batman take down Clayface, formerly the actor known as Basil Karlo before he was transformed into what could only be described as living clay, his change pushing him towards insanity and a life of crime.

Later that month, tragedy struck Haly’s Circus. A travelling act, the circus’ arrival in Gotham was highly anticipated, as it always was in the past. Bruce had taken Vicki Vale, recently made the host of her very own titular television show, on a date there. As far as he could tell, it was going well – a trio of teenage acrobats were wowing the crowd, and Bruce had to admit, their form was admirable – but then a man clad in red with a golden mask appeared, and chaos erupted. People died. Vicki and Bruce were threatened, the man claiming that they were the very thing that was wrong with Gotham; rich people trampling over the disenfranchised. Bruce managed to fend him off – Anarky, he called himself – chalking it off to self defence training when Vicki later asked. In truth, Bruce didn’t need to use even a fraction of his training; “Anarky” was weak and inexperienced, just a kid by the looks of it. By the time the police arrived, it was over. And one of the teenage acrobats, Richard Grayson, was left alone. Orphaned.

Barely a week after what would become known as the Haly’s Circus Massacre, Bruce took Richard in. Feeling guilty that he couldn’t do more when Anarky attacked, and sympathising with Dick’s situation – in doing his research, he discovered that this was the second time the boy’s family had been taken from him – it felt like the only right thing to do. Dick’s transition into Wayne Manor was awkward, the boy still in mourning for his lost loved ones. Bruce’s busy schedule in both Gotham’s streets and Wayne Enterprises’ boardroom (after what transpired with Earle, he was insistent on being more involved with his company) meant that Dick had to spend the majority of his time alone within the manor’s halls, exploring. One night when browsing through one of its expansive, dust-covered libraries, he stumbled upon something a little out of place – a hidden doorway concealed by a bookshelf, controlled by a singular mechanism: the Mark of Zorro, the original 1924 novelisation of the magazine serial. Walking through the dark corridor it revealed, he descended a seemingly endless set of stairs, walking out into the gigantic expanse of the Batcave, bearing witness to one of Bruce and Barbara’s more intense training sessions. With the two’s suits on display for all to see, everything suddenly made so much more sense to Dick. It wasn’t long before Bruce noticed his presence.

It was only after weeks of persistent badgering that Bruce agreed to train Dick, but even then, he only agreed to the basics, making it clear that he would never allow him to don a mask like himself or Barbara. However, as Dick progressed in his training – his hand-to-hand combat a particular highlight; his skill in acrobatics contributed to a unique, dynamic style all of his own – both his ability and conviction were made abundantly clear, and Bruce finally relented, providing him with the training he truly sought.

In October, Bruce came into contact with the being known as Superman. Ever since the Man of Steel’s debut earlier that summer, along with the likes of the second Flash, Coast City’s Green Lantern and the vigilante dubbed as Spider-Man, Bruce had eyed these superpowered beings with great caution, compiling files within which he analysed their every power, action and aspect of personality, in the case that he ever needed to use such information against them. When he first found himself face-to-face with Metropolis’ resident hero, the man in blue was snooping around Wayne Enterprises, claiming that it was funding the criminal organisation known as Intergang; an accusation so bold and so infuriatingly untrue that the Batman denied it outright. It was impossible, he maintained – the fact that it was his company, and that as such, he should have known, he left out – and demanded that Superman leave. The tension between the two came to a boiling point when the Dark Knight attacked, thinking that he knew everything there was to know about Superman’s powers. However, he had underestimated him, and soon found himself held by the throat, his cowl ripped from his face like it was nothing but paper. And so that night, Superman discovered that not only did the Batman exist, but that his name was Bruce Wayne. After listening to the boy scout’s reasoning, Bruce grudgingly agreed to help him investigate – if what he was saying was true, then it was Bruce’s problem to fix. Following a carefully covered trail, the caped crusaders soon discovered evidence pointing at William Earle, implicating him in involvement with not only Intergang, but many other criminal enterprises as well. Giving Captain Gordon the information he needed to arrest the former CEO of Wayne Enterprises, Batman and Superman’s first team-up came to a close. By that time, Bruce had deduced Superman’s identity, and he watched Clark Kent leave as an ally – and not only that, a friend.

As the year came to a close, Gotham became subject to the biggest computer hack ever performed. Utilising a virus not unlike Stuxnet, the man known as the Calculator used a malicious software of his own design, utilising worms and remote access tools to take control of Gotham’s power grid. With the city at his mercy, he demanded that he be paid hundreds of millions of dollars, or otherwise render the power grid out of order. With a virus of such complexity, Bruce couldn’t hope to write a program to counter it in time; to do so would take weeks, if not months – time he did not have. He sent Barbara out into the streets to mediate the impending riots, focussing on tracking the Calculator down from the Batcave, something that would backfire on him as the criminal traced the hack back to his computer, compromising the lair. Unplugging every device with a possible connection to the internet, he destroyed their circuitry for good measure, before donning the Batsuit to track Calculator down remotely. Writing code from his suit, he located the hacker miles away from the city, confronting him in a small motel. Identifying him as Noah Kuttler, Batman forced him to deactivate the virus and wipe any and all data from his devices, effectively removing any information he might have on the Batcave’s location, and getting rid of any copies of the virus he had used to hack Gotham’s power grid. With Kuttler taken care of, Bruce refitted the Batcave with new computers, reinforcing its cybersecurity measures – all while getting to work on a program that could counter viruses with ten times the scope of the Calculator’s. All the while, Dick and Barbara continued their training.

2013 - 2014 // C I T Y O F F E A R

Oswald Cobblepot resurfaced as the world transitioned into the new year. After nearly three years in witness protection (agreeing to expose the Falcones and Maronis had seen him demand that he be guarded from what would no doubt have been a vengeful retaliation), he sprung back into the public eye with all charges against him dropped, and a lavish new nightclub to his name. The Iceberg Lounge opened to an enthusiastic crowd, boasting the most profitable opening night of any establishment in the Upper East Side. While people were flocking to the supposedly reformed Cobblepot and his new, “legitimate” business, Bruce was less than convinced that the mob boss had turned over a new leaf. With Barbara in tow, they broke into the Lounge, discovering that Bruce was, in fact, correct. Cobblepot, called “Penguin” behind his back by his underlings due to his... unfortunate appearance, was using his club as a front, still operating in Gotham’s underworld through the bartering of information and the sales of firearms, drugs and stolen goods. This lead to one of their many ensuing clashes over the years, with Cobblepot somehow always evading capture.

Dick Grayson completed basic training in the April of that year. After undergoing what Bruce called “the Gauntlet”, in which he had to evade Batman for an entire night all while fighting whatever crime he saw (much like Barbara had to before she became Batgirl), he donned a suit made to his own specifications and debuted as the “Boy Wonder” – a nickname courtesy of Barbara – codename, Robin.

Robin’s first run-in with Gotham’s brand of costumed crime would be with a man called Jervis Tetch. A schizophrenic man, Tetch had an unhealthy obsession with the works of Lewis Carroll, coming to believe that he was, in fact, a character from Alice in Wonderland: the Mad Hatter. Formerly under the employment of Horizon Labs, Tetch was a gifted inventor before the deterioration of his mental state, leading to his release from the company. As he slipped further into his delusions, he became obsessed with hats and finding “Alice”, believing her to be “in trouble” and that she “needed his help”. Using mind control technology he had invented after being let go from Horizon Labs, he began luring young, blonde girls to his lair in the Bowery, molesting and then murdering them in a psychotic episode. There had been three missing girls of such description by the time Batman, Batgirl and Robin picked up Tetch’s trail. Confronting him just as he was about to “free Alice” (his latest would-be victim), it was ultimately Robin that subdued Tetch as Batgirl and Bruce freed the captured girl. Jervis was later taken to Arkham Asylum.

Bruce’s paranoia reached an all time high when he heard of CADMUS’s most recent development: synthetic kryptonite. He’d acquired that information through less than legal means, but it was for the greater good. He’d seen what the mineral could do to Superman – such an asset could be the difference between winning and losing if Clark were to ever go rogue. Bruce wasn’t kidding himself; Clark was the most optimistic, inherently good person he knew, perhaps to the point of stupidity. The chances of him ever switching sides were minimal at best. But even so, he had to be prepared for any outcome, any possibility. Who knew where the rest of Clark’s species were? What if they came to Earth, hostile, an unknown number of near-gods trying to retrieve one of their kind? What if it wasn’t Clark that would interest them, but Earth? He had to be prepared. And so, Robin in tow, Batman took a trip to Metropolis. Moving past the CADMUS facility’s security with practiced ease, they stole the amount of synthetic kryptonite Bruce required, escaping into the night. Arriving back at the Batcave, Bruce immediately got to work on his anti-Kryptonian armoury.

In mid-January, 2014, the University of Gotham was held at ransom by a former professor, Dr. Jonathan Crane. Specialising in psychology, Crane had always been fascinated by fear, coming to be fired from his job after performing several experiments on students with what would become known as his trademark fear toxin. Overwhelmed with rage, he returned to the university with murder in his eyes, calling himself the Scarecrow; he was dressed in a fearful costume to accompany his moniker. Flooding the school with his toxin, he caused everyone without a gas mask or the antidote to see, hear and feel their greatest fear, triggering an eruption of chaos unlike any seen before. Under the distraction such a disruption provided, Crane attempted to murder the regents responsible for his termination. Unfortunately for him, Batman, Batgirl and Robin were on the scene. While they managed to subdue Scarecrow without any deaths, it wasn’t before Bruce received a concentrated dose of the fear toxin. As Batgirl and Robin rushed to get him back to the Batcave, Crane was being escorted by GCPD officers to a police cruiser. The last words news teams managed to pick up from him were, “You think this is it? I’m just getting started. Gotham will know me. It will be afraid of me. I’ll make it a city of fear!”

It took two days for Bruce to recover from the effects of the fear toxin. Upon his recuperation, using a sample of the toxin extracted from his blood, he immediately got to work on an antidote – much to Alfred and Tom Elliot’s dismay.

Barbara hung up the cape and cowl in mid-2014, believing Bruce to have a very skilled and capable partner in Dick. Moving on with her life, she was already looking ahead to the future, excited for what it might hold. After a few nights of silence, Bruce returned to his regular schedule – taking out his frustrations on Gotham’s criminals. He began dating Selina Kyle again a few months later.

2015 // A S I C K J O K E

2015 opened with the kidnapping of three infants. Over the next few months, dozens more were taken from their homes. All evidence the GCPD uncovered pointed towards a human trafficking ring, with Harvey Bullock theorising that the babies were being sold to parents who thought they were simply adopting. However, when investigating, Bruce uncovered evidence that didn’t match Bullock’s hypothesis, and decided to follow the lead himself, keeping the police out of the loop. His search for clues took him all over Gotham, and all the while, more infants were being kidnapped; determined to find them before any harm could come to them, Bruce pushed himself harder than he ever had before, nights blending into days before he lost track of time completely. Eventually he found the location of where the infants were being held, where he believed that they weren’t being sold off to families in the United States, but rather, overseas. What he believed to be good, legitimate detective work led him to an abandoned warehouse in Gotham’s neighbouring city of Blüdhaven. Tipping Jim Gordon off to be ready at the scene, Batman went inside. What he saw would traumatise him for months – years – to come. A large pit, dug into the centre of the warehouse. Inside it, the dismembered bodies of all the kidnapped infants, of every baby taken over the last few months. And at the edge of the pit, the monster behind it all – a man dressed in purple, his skin bleached as white as a ghost, with a shock of green hair… and that smile. The grotesque, red-streaked smile as he laughed, cackling at Bruce’s horror. The Joker, he called himself. He’d been manipulating Batman the entire time, he said – he always had a feeling that he was real, he was simply too crazy a thing not to be – leaving clues and evidence that would point him here, to the warehouse in Blüdhaven, where the punchline awaited him, and oh, was it a good one. Bruce didn’t know how to take it. Rage, pure, unbridled rage, flowed through him, the sudden hatred he felt for the Joker unmatched by any other, not even by the hatred he had for his parents’ killer, whoever he may be. But there was also something else, something he had never felt before during his time as Batman, never induced by his own, natural reactions: fear. Bruce was afraid. And he took that fear, and that hatred, and that rage, the anger he felt for all those innocent lives lost, those lives barely lived, and he let it all out, hitting the Joker harder than he’d ever let himself hit anyone, over and over, until Jim burst into the warehouse and pulled him away. All the while, the sadistic, twisted clown cheered him on. The Joker's face would haunt Bruce's dreams ever since.

Following the Joker’s horrible debut, Bruce became more reclusive than ever. Not Alfred, Tom, Selina, Barbara or Dick could get him to open up. He spent weeks in isolation, never leaving the shadows of the Batcave. Eventually, Dick had enough. With his bags packed, he informed Bruce that he would be leaving Gotham for his hometown, Blüdhaven. He wanted to ensure that nothing like what the Joker did would ever happen there again. Bruce didn’t try to convince him to stay.

2016 // I N V A S I O N - P R E S E N T

Just before the new year dawned, Alfred and Selina were able to convince Bruce to seek therapy. Seeking out Leslie Thompkins, his and Tommy Jr.’s psychiatrist since Thomas Sr. and Martha’s murder, he did as they wished, if only because he wanted someone to talk to. It was around this time that he was contacted by a mysterious figure going by “the Message Man”, offering to tip him off on crimes in progress and keep him informed on any developments, be it supercrime or not. After the Joker, although he would never admit it, Bruce had lost confidence in himself. Against his better judgement, he accepted Message Man’s offer, and further still, came to trust him.

On April 1st, Bruce’s worst-case scenario of the Kryptonian race became a reality when Commander Dru-Zod and his army invaded the Earth, intending to shape it into “New Krypton.” It wasn’t long before Kryptonian soldiers, powered by the Sol System’s yellow sun, arrived in Gotham, and Bruce was forced to don the suit he’d had prepared three years prior. With the synthetic substance weakening the Kryptonians, and their cells not fully charged by the sun’s radiation, he was able to hold them off as Gotham slowly shook around him, courtesy of Zod’s World Engines. However, one man was not enough to stop the aliens, and people died as a result. The Kryptonians only fled when their leader was flung into the Phantom Zone by Clark Kent, known to them as Kal-El – the traitor.

Following the invasion, Bruce continued on with life as it had been after Blüdhaven. He was not prepared for what’s to come.

[ ߜ ] A L L I E S
Captain James Gordon |

Harvey Dent |

Detective Harvey Bullock |

Commissioner Michael Akins |

??? // Message Man |

Anthony Stark // Iron Man |

[ ߜ ] F R I E N D S
Dr. Leslie Thompkins | Bruce's psychiatrist, Leslie doesn't know of his nightly activities; only that his troubled mind may be impossible to heal.

Jessica Dent |

Thomas Elliot |

Vicki Vale |

Selina Kyle // Catwoman |

Clark Kent // Superman |

T'Challa // Black Panther |

[ ߜ ] F A M I L Y
Thomas Wayne Sr. |

Martha Wayne |

Thomas Wayne Jr. |

Alfred Pennyworth |

Richard Grayson // Nightwing |

Barbara Gordon // Batgirl |

[ ߜ ] E N E M I E S
The Joker |

Ray Salinger // Birthday Boy |

Edward Nashton // The Riddler |

Garfield Lynns // Firefly |

Waylon Jones // Killer Croc |

Floyd Lawton // Deadshot |

Victor Fries // Mr. Freeze |

Basil Karlo // Clayface |

Jervis Tetch // The Mad Hatter

Oswald Cobblepot // The Penguin |

Jonathan Crane // Scarecrow |

The League of Shadows |

Ra's al Ghul |

David Cain |

Malcolm Merlyn // The Dark Archer |

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18 Wallace Rudolph West Neutral Good

[ ߜ ] O R I G I N

1 9 9 8 - 2 0 1 3 // D R E A M E R

Wallace Rudolph West was born to Rudy and Mary West in the town of Blue Valley, Nebraska. An avid daydreamer, he would spend his days dreaming about the long-disbanded Justice Society of America, namely the Flash – a speedster who could, according to recounts of countless stories, run as fast as sound. Idolising the hero did well for Wally’s personal development; since the beginning of his infatuation with the Flash, he’d adopted the speedster’s strong moral principles as his own, seeing the world in black and white – good and evil – wherever he looked. However, his reputation as a dreamer and his admiration of the Flash didn’t do as well for his schooling. His parents would often be called up to the principal’s office, be it because the young West’s grades were at an all time low, or because he’d gotten in yet another fight with a bully picking on kids below his weight. But while most parents would scold their child, let them know how disappointed they were and then punish them accordingly, Wally’s parents were not so invested in their duties. Being what some would consider emotionally distant, Rudy and Mary were too busy trying to get rich quick and worrying about what others thought of them to truly concern themselves with their son’s upbringing, and as such did what they always did in such circumstances: they sent him to stay with his Aunt Iris.

This was not the punishment they thought it to be. Wally was as close to Iris as he was distant from his parents – as a little boy, he would often refer to her as his best friend. Living in Central City, Missouri – “the city always on the run” – Iris lived a life more exciting than that of anyone else he knew. Working as a journalist for Central City Picture News, she delivered news on both paper and television screens; if the story was big, you could bet that her name was on the byline. More than her job, though, Wally felt like she truly got him – like she truly understood who he was, and not only that, accepted it. During his “punishments”, so cheekily named by his aunt, one of his favourite pastimes was their visits to Keystone, Central’s sister city on the other side of the Missouri River, across the Kansas-Missouri border. The Flash’s home city before his retirement in the eighties, Keystone was also home to the Flash Museum, a proud building full of memorabilia from the Justice Society and the Flash’s heyday. It was here that Wally and Iris would spend the majority of their weekends together, dividing their time between the museum and sites where the Flash had fought what were considered some of his toughest battles, namely those between himself and the aptly named Rival, a man considered his reverse – a perversion of the speedster’s every principle, of everything he had ever stood for. Although Wally was born in Blue Valley, it was in Central-Keystone, the Gem Cities, that he was raised. In Nebraska, he was ridiculed because of his idol; an outsider. With his Aunt Iris, he was home.

It wasn’t until the middle of 2011 that he met Barry Allen. A forensic scientist for the Central City Police Department, Barry initially struck Wally as a boring man; Iris’ new boyfriend, he was around more often than not, and from what Wally saw of him, he did not impress. Always the last to arrive, Barry seemed so uninteresting, so dull, that he often found himself wondering what his aunt saw in the man; the only interesting thing he could find out about him was the coma he’d been in after getting struck by lighting – that was until they had their first real conversation. Once Wally actually paid Barry the attention Iris wanted him to, he was surprised – and happy – to find a kindred soul that shared his opinions on the world, on good and bad, on heroism and villainy, but not only that – on the Flash. When Barry spoke of the Flash, it was as if he was speaking from experience; an impossibility, Wally knew, as Barry was born in the decade that the Flash retired, but still – the teenager couldn’t help but wonder at how Barry could describe running at high speeds so vividly, how his imagination could take him to such places with so much detail and emotion.

And then the Flash released his autobiography. Titled Things You Can’t Outrun, the book revealed the Flash’s identity as that of one Jason “Jay” Garrick, a former scientist turned superhero caught in a one-in-a-million lab accident that transformed him into the speedster of fame. Upon its release, Wally immediately purchased a copy, and it was everything he expected it to be – a near one thousand page shrine of information on his childhood hero. The quotes collected over his years of activity didn’t portray half the man Jay was. In his autobiography, his words radiated the values he upheld, giving depth and detail to the tall tales Wally knew of – and to those he didn’t – that he could only dream of. But there was one thing in particular that caught his eye that both puzzled him and filled him with excitement – a single paragraph in one of the final chapters of the book.

“I never thought that my two decades as the Flash would have any lasting consequences, any legacy behind them. And yet, walking through Keystone City, I saw the monuments her people have put up in my honor, the statues – the museum, Lord help my ego – and I saw the impact that I’ve had, that the Justice Society have had on the world. But somehow, that still wasn’t enough for me to truly see the change my team and I had brought – something that I didn’t realise until a young man showed up on my door, exhibiting the very same powers as mine. He, whose name isn’t mine to share, had discovered my identity through careful research, and had come to me for my permission, for my blessing, to take the identity that I’d forged over the years and make it his own; to become the second Flash. I don’t know where he is right now, but I can assure you, from our initial meeting and the many that succeeded it, that he’s a good man – the best person I could have ever hoped for to continue the Flash’s legacy. And who knows? By the time this gets published, there may already be another speedster running around the Gem Cities.”

The thought of a second Flash debuting in a time when Wally was alive seemed absolutely mind-blowing – and to think that he, whoever he was, had the blessing of Jay Garrick, was even more so. It seemed impossible to Wally. Another Flash, in this modern era. No way that could happen.

And then it did.

Within days of Superman’s debut in Metropolis, the second Flash sped his way through the Gem Cities in a sleek red suit, apprehending a grand total of two hundred criminals between the two cities before a minute passed noon. Wally was staying with Iris when it happened, and even saw the new speedster rush past her apartment building. Barry arrived shortly after, too late to catch a glimpse.

Over the next year Wally would continue to spot the Flash during his visits, quickly growing to admire the new hero just as much as he did Jay Garrick. The former superhero was right; whoever this new Flash was, he was the best candidate for the job. He wouldn’t dish out anything a criminal didn’t deserve. To those who could still walk away, he gave a chance. Even when the supercriminals began to surface – Captain Cold and his Rogues, Turtle Man, Double Down and Peek-a-Boo, to name a few – he didn’t serve them any unneeded punishment, never allowing his anger to get the better of him. But there was more to it than that. It was the little stories, too; the fluff pieces in the news about how he took the time (a few seconds) to paint an elderly couple’s fence, about how he renovated an apartment block that had been damaged in one of his run-ins with the Rogues, about how he’d brought pizza to a group of kids he’d saved from plummeting off the Central-Keystone Bridge in their school bus. He wasn’t like that supposed urban legend in Gotham, the Batman, a silent protector that hid in the dark – he was that guy all the locals knew, who always lent a hand because he wanted to, not because he was obliged to.

One hot summer’s day in the August of 2013, everything changed. Wally, now fifteen, was once again in Central City. This time was worse than the others. He and his parents had argued before, but it had never escalated to the point that it had now. Rudy had hit him. Before either of his parents could tell him to, Wally had already packed his bags. Barry and Iris could tell that something was wrong; yes, Wally was usually in a bad mood upon his arrival, but it was usually gone by the time he set foot in Iris’ apartment. But now, his mood only ranged from sullen to joyless – not even a sighting of the Flash near Iris’ work was enough to lift his spirits. A few days into his stay, Iris and Barry made an executive decision. They needed help from a friend.

The Flash met a starstruck Wally that evening, angry storm clouds overhead, touring him around the Gem Cities at speeds high enough to exhilarate, but not enough to cause injury by the laws of physics. They talked for a while, Wally asking all of the questions he had wanted to since the Flash first debuted a year earlier: what’s it like to be a superhero? How didn’t he get sick of criminals like the Rogues, always seeming to break out just to hurt people again? How did he get his powers? And so it was that Wally found himself in a familiar forensics lab in which he’d met with Barry countless times before. The Flash rearranged the room, placing vials of chemicals in a specific order, explaining that those were the substances that spilled onto him when he was struck by lightning – it was then that everything clicked, and Wally realised who it was that he was really talking to. And then the lighting struck.

Months after Wally woke from his coma, he and Barry theorised that Barry had subconsciously drawn the Speed Force to Wally, thus replicating the accident that gave him his powers – and making a sad kid’s dreams come true.

When Wally awoke from his coma, six months had passed. He wasn’t in the hospital, though – he was in STAR Labs’ Central City facility, under the care of Dr. Harrison Wells and Darwin Elias, who Barry told him were his go-to experts on their power source, barring Jay Garrick. At first, Wally thought he’d misheard Barry; surely he hadn’t said that the Speed Force was their power source. But then time slowed down, and Wally zipped from one end of STAR Labs to another, and he knew that he hadn’t misheard Barry. He had the Flash’s powers.

But while Wally was ecstatic, and Barry had agreed to help him learn how to control his speed, not all was well – his parents, more angry at Barry and Iris than they were happy to see him up and about, had banned Wally from visiting them until he was able to live on his own, and for a few moments, he was devastated. And then it hit him. He had the Flash’s powers. He didn’t need their permission to visit Barry and Iris; he could run from Blue Valley to Central City before either of them even noticed. So began a new chapter in Wally’s life, running to the Gem Cities to catch up with Barry and Iris, training with the former in the use of his powers. Eventually, Barry made him a costume with a reversed colour scheme to his own, and Wally happily debuted as Kid Flash. For a while, all was well.

And then his mother died.

2 0 1 3 - P R E S E N T // S P E E D S T E R

Mary West was on a cruise. She needed a break from everything; Rudy was starting to drink again, and ever since Wally awoke from his coma, it seemed as if he wanted to do anything but spend time with his immediate family. No, he’d much rather have spent time with his aunt and her boyfriend in Central City, the very people that were to blame for his ending up in a coma. The only person that seemed to want to be with Mary was herself, and so she came to the conclusion that she shouldn’t wait for Rudy to snap out of his drunken, violent stupor, and nor should she expect Wally to suddenly prefer her company over that horrible woman’s – so the first chance she got, she bought a ticket for a relaxing cruise through the Caribbean. She did not make it back home.

A freak storm, seemingly out of nowhere. No one was prepared. The majority of the cruise ship’s occupants managed to get to the safety of a life raft. Mary was not one of them.

Wally blamed himself. He knew he shouldn’t, that it wasn’t his fault, but he couldn’t help but feel that with his powers – his speed – maybe, just maybe, he could have saved her. Maybe, just maybe, she would still be alive… if he’d just been fast enough.

Rudy blamed Wally, too. Slipping further into his drinks, he insisted that it was Wally’s insistence on keeping away from Mary, from him, that drove her to go on that cruise. Not long after her funeral, Rudy packed his bags and left, leaving Wally without his parents. Without a home.

Barry and Iris took Wally in without hesitation. They shared in his grief, but they were happy to be able to provide him with some semblance of normality, providing him with a family he could come home to. Joe West, Wally’s great uncle, became a more prominent figure in the young speedster’s life. Whereas before he’d served as an ally for the Flashes, after Mary’s death he became something more – what he was always meant to be. Family.

Wally began attending school at Central City High, held back a year due to his time spent in a coma. He was quick to find friends in Jared Morillo, Lilith Clay and Linda Park, three people with very clear aspirations – a future cop, psychologist and journalist – their sureness in where they wanted to go in life drawing him to them like some sort of lightning rod. Wally didn’t want to admit it then, but he, along with everyone else in the school, knew that he was drawn to Linda most of all. It wasn’t until mid-2015 that he found the nerve to ask her out. No one was surprised when she said yes.

As Kid Flash, Wally was increasingly in his element, taking to the role of a superhero as easily as he did talking. He even got to meet his childhood hero, the one and only Jay Garrick, and his wife, Joan; a meal with the Garricks became a near weekly event, something that Wally got excited for no matter how often they visited. Jay was everything the media and his book said, and more. Wally knew of the saying, “Never meet your heroes,” but people would eat those words if their hero was the original Flash. All in all, despite his mother’s death, things were going well for Wally. He wasn’t expecting the Kryptonians to attack.

But even before General Zod came with his army and the World Engines, an invisible enemy was making himself known to Barry. The Flash would find notes at work and in his home, letters from his “biggest fan” informing him of “something big” in the works, disturbed fan mail from an untraceable stalker. When the Kryptonians invaded… he struck.

Eobard Thawne. Professor Zoom. A man wearing a perverted, reversed version of Barry’s costume, he was faster than anyone Wally had ever seen before – initiating a chase through the Gem Cities as they were torn apart by Zod’s army, taunting them the entire way… to STAR Labs. It was no secret that the Central City division of the think tank were constructing a particle accelerator; the media frequently cited it as a controversy, with renowned scientists such as Dr. Reed Richards and Anthony Stark stating that there was no telling what the activation of such an apparatus within a populated urban environment such as Central City would mean, or what kind of damage it would cause. Professor Zoom’s plan soon became clear, as he sought to activate the accelerator – unfinished in its current state – under the blanket of distraction the Kryptonians provided. In desperate need of help, Barry and Wally called for help, signifying Jay Garrick’s return to action. As he and Wally did what they could to protect civilians from Zod’s army, Barry confronted Zoom, but was ultimately unable to defeat him – he was too fast. With the particle accelerator primed to explode, Barry began to run around STAR Labs, pushing himself to run as fast as he could without breaking the time barrier. If he was fast enough, then he might have been able to contain the explosion. But the strain was beginning to be too much for him, and with the onslaught of antimatter and other “theoretical” energies, released as the accelerator ripped open the fabric of reality, causing him more damage than anything ever had, Barry was beginning to become one with the Speed Force. Unwilling to let his mentor and uncle (Barry and Iris had married a few short months ago) die, Wally helped him, running faster than he ever had before. With their combined speed, the explosion was contained to a two-block radius, dimensional energies flooding what was a relatively minimal area, as opposed to what could have been. Barry, Wally and Jay did their best to get everyone out of the blast radius, and as far as they knew, they did. Soon after, Superman and his allies defeated Zod and his army. The Kryptonians left in the Gem Cities fled at their leader’s defeat.

One month later, the Gem Cities were still recovering. Barry, Wally and Jay (who “temporarily ran out of retirement”) did their best to assist with the clean up, speeding up the process significantly. All the while, Barry and Wally reeled from the beat-down they received from Professor Zoom, his whereabouts thus far unknown.

[ ߜ ] A L L I E S
Amanda Waller | The director of A.R.G.U.S., S.H.I.E.L.D.'s special tasks and operations branch, Amanda Waller, called "the Wall" by many in her department, is a cold, calculative woman that will do anything for the protection of her country. Wally and Barry have had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting her during one of his team-ups with Vibe.

Director David Singh | The director of the CCPD crime lab, Director Singh is Barry's hot-tempered boss.

Hunter Zolomon | A close ally of Barry and Wally's, Hunter is a former detective for the Keystone Police Department prior to the Kryptonian Invasion. Crippled from the waist down during the tragic calamity, he was forced to resign from the force. He is currently recuperating at Central City General Hospital with the help of Dr. Wells. He and Wally consider each other friends.

Frederick Chyre | A beat cop in Keystone P.D., Chyre is a cynical hothead with a serious bone to pick with any criminal in his city.

Harrison Wells | The reclusive head of Keystone City's STAR Labs, Doctor Harrison Wells was among the first people to know of Barry's identity. He helped Barry to better understand the source of his powers, and remains the Flash's go-to guy for all things Speed Force. Despite the years he's known Barry and Wally, he is insistent on remaining nothing more than an associate.

Darwin Elias | Perhaps the only man considered to be Wells' equal in STAR Labs, Doctor Elias rivals his knowledge of the Speed Force, exhibiting a passion for it that Wells does not seem to share. However, whereas Wells often tells the speedsters of how they can better utilise their powers to get faster, Elias is prone to warning them of the dangers doing such things pose. As such, Barry and Wally remain mere acquaintances with him, as opposed to their comparatively close relationship with Doctor Wells.

[ ߜ ] F R I E N D S
Linda Park | Linda Park is the girl Wally wants to spend the rest of his life with – which people might say is a bit of a rushed statement, considering that they've barely been dating for a year. An aspiring journalist, Linda is a smart, capable young woman, and despite what some might say, she's the girl of Wally's dreams.

Chester P. Runk | An overweight, highly intelligent classmate of Wally's, frequently picked on for his size and smarts.

Jared Morillo | Wally's best friend, Jared dreams of becoming a detective for the police force.

Lilith Clay | Linda's best friend, Lilith has been apart of their tight circle (or is it square?) of friends since Wally first arrived at Central High.

Malcolm Duncan | Central High's most popular jock, Mal Duncan is a guy with a strong sense of justice and a penchant for standing up for what he believes in.

Francisco Ramon // Vibe | Based in Detroit, Cisco leads a double life as an intern at STAR Labs and an agent of A.R.G.U.S., working for the latter as the superhero, Vibe. Having the ability to manipulate multidimensional energies, he has worked with Barry and Wally before, coming to call them friends.

Captain Darryl Frye | The man who took Barry in after his mother was murdered, Darryl is the captain of Barry's precinct. A close friend of the Flash's, and like a second father to Barry.

Patty Spivot | A forensic analyst in Barry's crime lab.

[ ߜ ] F A M I L Y
Barry Allen // The Flash II | The second man to take on the title of the Flash, Barry is the husband of Wally's aunt, Iris, and therefore, his uncle. Granted his powers after being struck by lightning in his workplace, a crime lab at the CCPD, Barry succeeded Jay Garrick after receiving his blessing, working hard to fill in his predecessor's boots. He has recently met, fought with, and lost to his mother's killer.

Iris West | Wally's aunt, Iris works as a journalist and reporter for Central City Picture News. Since Wally was a young boy, she has been everything his parents were not – giving the love and guidance they seemed too busy to give him. She is the wife of Barry Allen, the second Flash, and Wally's favourite person in the world.

Rudy West | Wally's father, Rudy was often too busy to be anything resembling a father. Following his wife's death, he left Wally, leaving him in Barry and Iris' care.

Mary West | Mary, much like Rudy, often neglected her duties as a mother – but unlike him, she at least had the credit of trying. In 2012, she died while on a cruise in the Caribbean.

Daniel West | Rudy and Iris' brother, Daniel is Wally's uncle. Growing up, Wally had only ever met Daniel a few times, his uncle's reputation as a criminal straining his relationship with his family; it's fair to say that Wally is as distant from Daniel as he is close to Iris. Daniel is the father of Wally's cousin, Wallace Joseph West. He disappeared during the Kryptonian Invasion, leaving his son in the care of his uncle, Joseph.

Wallace Joseph West | Much like Wally, Wallace Joseph was named after his great grandfather. Kid Flash's cousin, Wally has grown up idolising his father, Daniel – a career criminal. A troublemaker at heart, he strives to be better, but often finds himself clashing with authority. Up until recently, he had never met Wallace Rudolph. However, following his father's disappearance during the Kryptonian Invasion, he has been placed in his great uncle's custody: Joe West. He's recently been enrolled at Central City High.

William West | Wally's paternal grandfather, William was an abusive alcoholic after his wife died at childbirth. When Daniel reached his teens, he had enough of William's abuse, pushing him down the stairs of their home. William has been crippled from the waist down ever since.

Nadine West | Wally's paternal grandmother, Nadine died giving birth to his uncle, Daniel. Her death saw her husband spiral into a cycle of alcoholism and abuse, neglecting their children, most of all Daniel, who he blamed for Nadine's death.

Joseph West | Nadine's half-brother, Joe is Iris, Rudy and Daniel's uncle. After Daniel ran away from home, leaving Iris and Rudy with their now crippled father, Joe took them in, taking care of them and his former brother-in-law. A detective for the CCPD, he's worked with Barry many times before ever since he joined the crime lab, coming to see him as the son he never had; a feeling only made stronger once Barry and Iris began seeing each other. He's aware of Barry and Wally's double life, and has recently been awarded custody of Wally's cousin, Wallace Joseph West, after his father, Daniel's, disappearance following the particle accelerator explosion.

Jay Garrick // The Flash | The original Flash, Wally has idolised Jay ever since he first heard stories of his heroism. Since he became Kid Flash, Jay has transitioned from being some mythical hero to just another member of Wally's family.

Joan Garrick | Jay's wife, Joan is a lovely woman who often acts as the grandmother Wally never had.

[ ߜ ] E N E M I E S
The Rogues | Led by Captain Cold, the Rogues are criminals with a code – efficient, skilled criminals with a twisted set of morals, but with a code nonetheless. They have been Barry and Wally's primary enemies since Barry's debut.

Leonard Snart // Captain Cold | The leader of the Rogues, Snart is a tactical genius equipped with an experimental cold gun, hence his motif.

Mick Rory // Heatwave | Snart's second-in-command, Mick is an arsonist at heart, his love for flame burning bright. Armed with a flamethrower that reaches insane temperatures, he is the brawn of Snart's operation.

Evan McCulloch // Mirror Master II | A hitman who became known throughout America's underworld as one of the best there is, McCulloch found the tech belonging to the first Mirror Master, an enemy of Jay Garrick's, in the possession of one of his targets. With his "mirror gun", he can travel to the Mirror World, an alternate dimension only accessible through reflective surfaces.

Mark Mardon // Weather Wizard | Mardon was a serial robber before he stumbled upon the technology that enables him to control the weather. Becoming the Weather Wizard, he joined the Rogues in pursuit of riches and personal satisfaction.

Axel Walker // The Trickster II | A teenager inspired by the original Trickster, James Jesse, Axel is every bit the deranged psychopath Jesse is not. He joined the Rogues in the hopes of "impressing" them, Captain Cold, Heatwave and Mirror Master being particular idols of his.

Digger Harkness // Captain Boomerang | An ex-Rogue, Digger left the group in favour of a solo act. Working as a mercenary, he pulls off jobs for anyone willing to cough up the dough.

James Jesse // The Trickster I | A former circus performer, Jesse was an enemy of Jay Garrick nearing the hero's retirement. A mentally ill middle-aged man, Jesse is actually a nice guy if he attends his psychiatry appointments and takes his meds when he should. However, if for whatever reason he happens to skip one of the two, mostly the latter, he occasionally slips back into old habits, often without realising it.

Eobard Thawne // Professor Zoom | Hailing from the future, Thawne claims to be the Flash's greatest enemy, claiming to be the one that murdered Barry Allen's mother. Following his attack during the Kryptonian Invasion, he achieved what he said was only his first victory against the Flash. Barry Allen is no longer the fastest man alive. That title belongs to Thawne.

Jeremy Tell // Double Down | Tell is a conman who gained his abilities when he was bonded with a cursed pack of cards. After a brief stint with the Rogues, he left the group in favour of working as a mercenary, much like Captain Boomerang.

Lashawn Baez // Peek-a-Boo | A metahuman, Lashawn has the ability to teleport within a small radius. Her father was severely injured during the Kryptonian Invasion.

Grodd | ???

[ ߜ ] N O T E S
He doesn't like Gardner Kolins. At all.

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| G A R F I E L D L O G A N |
A G E N T O F S. H. I. E. L. D.

19 Garfield Mark Logan Neutral Good

The son of paleontologist Mark Logan and biologist Marie Logan, "Gar" grew up in all corners of the world. After the death of his father in a boating accident, Marie Logan moved the family to a permanent home operating a wildlife sanctuary in the Republic of Qurac. At the age of eight, Gar contracted the Sakutia virus. Due to the isolation of the wildlife sanctuary and the rapid deterioration of Gar's condition, his mother was forced to treat him using an experimental vaccine developed for treating the virus in West African green monkeys. Though Gar made a full recovery from the illness, his body reacted to the vaccine.

In light of the aggressive, sometimes violent reactions, Marie Logan moved Gar to a pediatrics hospital in the United States. Tests revealed that Gar's genetic structure had undergone a mutation of unstable molecules within the rNA of his cells, thus allowing him to alter his shape and form. In particular, Gar was successful in changing shape and form into animals with which he was familiar. When treatments were unsuccessful in reversing the metabolic changes, Marie Logan again returned to her work in animal conversation with Gar in tow.

Though an American citizen by birth, Gar attended elementary school in Qurac, middle school in Brazil, and completed the equivalent of a high school education in the Congo. As a result, he speaks three languages fluently (English, Portuguese, and French), in addition to having some conversational familiarity with Arabic, Urdu, Swahili, and Lingana. At his mother's insistence, Gar applied to, and was accepted at, Metropolis University for Conversation Biology. The transition from the outback to the big city was not an easy transition for Gar, on top of which the first year of college added a great deal of personal stress.

Deciding to take a semester off, Gar began applying for jobs in Metropolis in order to achieve greater financial independence, but found that he had difficulty in getting hired due to his green color. Seeing an advertisement for a student internship at a federal office in Metropolis, Gar applied as part of his "ask a hundred, get ninety-nine rejections" strategy... and wound up being hired when the interview revealed his multi-lingual fluency and experience in the third world.

Colonel Slade Wilson (Codename "Deathstroke")
The enigmatic leader of the Strategic Hazards Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate.

Colonel Niles Caulder, Ph.D., Ret. (Codename "Chief")
The Branch Chief of the Metropolis Field Office, responsible for all of its activities, to include oversight of Field Operations Unit SG-1.

Sergeant Joshua Clay
An Army Field Medic and Afghanistan combat veteran, he's interning at S.H.I.E.L.D. in order to get a good reference to John Hopkins University for medical school.

Tara Markov
An undergraduate student interning as Rita Farr-Dayton's personal assistant.

Dorothy Spinner
A graduate student interning at S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Human Resources Department.

// Field Operations Unit SG-1 CODENAME "DOOM PATROL" //
Steve Dayton (Codename "Mento")
Widely regarded as the greatest secret agent in the world, Steve Dayton's success is largely due to his psionic abilities, which border on clairvoyance at times.

Rita Farr-Dayton (Codename "Elasti-Girl")
Olympic gold medalist in college, Hollywood Oscar nomination at 20, an accident while shooting on location at an active volcano in Hawaii left this star athlete with the ability to shrink or enlarge her body. She now acts as one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secret agents.

Larry Trainor (Codename "Negative Man")
A Navy test pilot exposed to near lethal levels of radiation while testing a supersonic jet, Larry carries his own personal demon as a result of his trauma. He serves as Doom Patrol's logistics and transportation expert.

Clifford "Cliff" Steele (Codename "Robotman")
A NASCAR driver critically injured in a deadly crash at the Daytona 500, Cliff Steele's brain was successfully transferred into a machine body. Today, he serves as Doom Patrol's C4I specialist (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence).

Captain Zahl
The captain of one of the new Akula-class ballistic missile submarines, and a possible rogue agent from the Russian Navy.

Laura De Mille (Madame Rouge)
A high profile assassin with a malleable body and the ability to mimic the appearance of others.

The disembodied brain of a French geneticist, hell-bent on world domination.

Morden (Nobody)
A disembodied spirit, capable of possessing others and draining away their sanity.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Central (Metropolis)
The original headquarters of the Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate, the Metropolis field office remains one of the most important R&D support facilities to the agency's operations.

Triskelion (Washington, DC)
The modern headquarters of the Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Directorate, aligning it with the Pentagon and Capitol Hill.

USS Chesapeake (Helicarrier)
A Luxor-class Helicarrier, named after one of the original 6 frigates built by order of the Naval Act of 1794, which created the modern U.S. Navy.

• At this time, Garfield does not use the name "Beast Boy" or "Changeling".
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10 (Deceased) Damian al Ghul (Clone) Chaotic Neutral


The sixth in a series of clones devised from the embryo containing the child of Talia al Ghul and Bruce Wayne, intended for use in genetic experiments to determine the modifications and training necessary to develop the real Damian into the League's ideal of a perfect being -- the future Demon's Head. Secretly, Ra's al Ghul also intended that the final clone might be of use to him in case bodily transference were necessary to prolong his life further. Though Talia might have had ideas for Damian to one day replace her father, Ra's shared no such sentiments. Accelerated growth allowed scientists to study the anticipated development of the developing embryo, and make any recommended genetic changes in utero based on observation. When no longer required or when displaying undesirable qualities, the clone would be terminated and a new replacement requisitioned from the current genetic model. The replacement was then age accelerated and implanted with artificial memories in order to step into the training program where its predecessor had failed.

He lived only six months, believing it to have been ten years.

Replacing the fifth clone of Damian al Ghul-Wayne, Six was 'born' at the level of physical and psychological growth commensurate to a nine-and-a-half years old child. Implanted with artificial memories, the clone resumed the physical and mental conditioning program where his predecessor had left off. He was wielded as a weapon and a tool by Mother, the only name by which he knew the woman Talia al Ghul. In return, she was stern and direct in her tasking of him, admonishing each mistake and tolerating no failure.

Six was brought to Gotham City as a sniper on an assignment of low enough priority as to suit being utilized as a training operation. The League had applied pressure to renown scientist Umataro Tenma to provide certain technology to the League. When he refused, it was decided that a message needed to be sent. Dr. Tenma's wife had died in childbirth, but their son had survived and was Tenma's only family. While Tenma had the child with him in Gotham, the League intended to murder the boy.

Except that Six refused the order, and begged Mother to reconsider. Disgusted by the display of weakness, Talia turned the gun on the likeness of her own son, shooting him through the throat with a single shot.

The death was presumed to be gang related. The body was never identified or claimed, and then buried in a municipal cemetery outside of Gotham.

He descended into Hell.

It might have been the third day. It might have been the day after tomorrow. Time has no meaning here.

The thing about Hell is that it isn't a single place, or even a single realm. Like Dante's Inferno, it exists on a multitude of levels, each controlled by its own group of lords, devils, demons, or other primordial entities whose mere existence defies the mortal imagination. As one such creature, the Devil Malebolgia had challenged the other so-called Princes of Hell by creating creatures, known as Hellspawns, composed of souls infused with necroplasm to serve as his own personal army against both heaven and hell. Hela and Mephisto likewise had their own champions, in the form of the Dsir and the Ghost Rider respectively. Klarion, one of the Lords of Chaos, the primordial creatures of eld, decided to do likewise. Whether to legitimately challenge the Princes of Hell for his own ends, or merely to feed the chaos and instability in Hell... only Klarion could have said what his exact motivations were.

Brokering a deal with the Devil Mammon, insinuating some kind of alliance between the Lords of Chaos and the Lord of Greed and Avarice. Mammon supplied the necroplasm from the Malebolge, Klarion supplied the power to merge it with a human soul. But this deal would require a host.

To find a suitable soul, Klarion searched along the Phlegethon, the river of blood. Along the shores of Purgatory, he found the most unlikely of souls in the form of a blood-stained child. Taking the boy from out Purgatory and into the Garden of Avarice, Klarion skillfully befriended and beguiled the young and confused soul until he'd discovered what had led to his death.

Six made a deal with Klarion, one which allowed him power with which to go back and protect Toby Tenma, the child that Talia al Ghul had sent Six to kill. A pact made, the bargain struck, Klarion completed the ritual -- bonding Six and C'thu -- and sent the newly forged Hellspawn back to the mortal realm.

Klarion did fulfill his word. Each letter, in point of fact. He gave Six power with which to protect the boy, and sent him back to Earth so that he might accomplish that goal. However, Klarion sent Six back to Earth by way of the River Lethe, which causes people to forget their previous lives. As a result, Six returned with no memories of who he was or why he was there.

Awakening in a graveyard, Six wandered aimlessly until he came across a pack of hellhounds that were chasing a ghost. Intervening, Six was subsequently introduced to both Casper McFadden and Hot Stuff. The two became like two halves of his own forgotten conscience, revealing pieces of himself to him. Hot Stuff in particular had an interest in Six, identifying him as a Hellspawn who had made a deal in Hell and had accepted a commission in Hell's Army as a result.

At the behest of Casper, Six sought out Wendy the Good Witch, crossing into Gotham's crime alley, and was able to recover some of his memories. The four traveled to Gotham Academy, where they were unable to prevent Toby Tenma from being assassinated by a rogue angel, during which Six was teleported back to Hell and met his supposed overlord, Mammon. Revealing that the bargain struck had been that Six would be given an opportunity to go back and save Toby Tenma, Mammon ruled that their deal was complete and Six's servitude in Hell was to begin.

Back on Earth, Hot Stuff offered to aid Wendy and Casper in their efforts to retrieve the Hellspawn from out of the bowels of Hell. Introducing them to Klarion the Witch Boy, who augmented Wendy's magic with his own, the group was successful in teleporting Six back to Earth. Exposing Mammon's bargain as a hoax, Klarion stated that he would be willing to help shelter the Hellspawn and his friends from Hell's wrath... for a price. A small pittance, really. Just a few favors now and again.

And so the Hellspawn finds himself in a web of deception. Klarion double-crossing Mammon. Mammon attempting to usurp Klarion. Hot Stuff working for both, or neither. And Six stuck in the middle.

Hot Stuff the Little Devil
Both the Clown and Cogliosto to Six's Simmons, Hot Stuff is a child-like devil who ostensibly works for either Mammon or Klarion, but like so many agents of Hell appears to have either his own agenda or else is merely an agent of anarchy.

Casper McFadden (Casper the Friendly Ghost)
The disembodied spirit of a young British boy who lived in the American Colonies and died prior to the War for Independence, he often serves as the voice of Six's conscience.

Wendy Markowski (Wendy the Good Witch)
The adopted, orphan daughter of the Three Witches (Thelma, Velma, and Zelma), Wendy is a young witch who struggles to perform the dark arts but has an innate talent for white magic.

Dr. Shondra Kinsolving, MD
A physician operating a free clinic inside Gotham's so-called Crime Alley.

Lori Zechlin (Black Alice)
A teenage student at the Gotham Academy, with a chip on her shoulder and a personal vendetta in the War on Drugs. She has the ability to 'borrow' powers from nearby magical creatures, including Hellspawns or Angels.

Colin Wilkes (Abuse)
A young orphan in the care of St. Eustace's Home for Boys.

Klarion (bum bum bum) the Witch Boy
The architect behind Six's transformation into a Hellspawn, and the one who wields final control or authority over the contract binding C'thu and Six together. He may, or may not, be supporting Mammon's claim to all of Hell in the face of both Mephisto and Malebolgia's challenges.

The Devil Mammon
The Lord of Greed and Avarice, ruler of the Fourth Sphere of Hell. He intends to use Six, and others like him, for an army that will depose all other devils and install him as the one ruler of Hell. He also believes that he is manipulating Klarion, and will replace him to become more than just ruler of Hell... but a Lord of Chaos as well.

Victor Zsasz
A serial murderer and child killer.

Doctor Fate (Nabu)
A Lord of Order, Doctor Fate has long been that which kept Klarion in check. He sees Six as an agent of Chaos, period.

An angel sent to Earth. Like the Lords of Order, he sees Six as a threat to all mankind.

One of the fallen angels, who refused to serve in Heaven and now works to reign in Hell and Earth.

Solomon Grundy
A zombie from the Swamps of Gotham.

An immortal priest of Ancient Egypt, mummified alive for his crimes against the Pharaoh and condemned in the afterlife.

Halyard Street Cemetery (Bludhaven)
A municipal cemetery that ran out of funding a year ago. Six's grave, marked only as 'A Boy' is located here. Six lives in the condemned ruins of the former caretaker house.

St. Bernadine's Church (Bludhaven)
A Catholic church in Bludhaven, which operates a soup kitchen and food pantry for the homeless.

Park Row Clinic (Gotham City)
A free medical clinic located inside of 'Crime Alley' in Gotham.

Avarice (Fourth Sphere of Hell)
The realm of Mammon, currently used by Klarion the Witch Boy as a base of operations for the Lords of Chaos.

Malebolge (Eighth Sphere of Hell)
The realm of Malebolgia, which contains the river of necroplasm used to empower the Hellspawns.

• As an entity composed of roughly 9,000 units of necroplasm, Six is able to manipulate both tangible and intangible effects in the mortal realm as well as in Hell. He is effectively powerless, and mortal, when in the Heavenly realm.

• As necroplasm is denser than human bone or tissue, Six weighs several hundred pounds more than he otherwise appears, making his body more durable than that of an ordinary mortal. This also contributes to his strength to a degree.

• Six's symbiote is known as K-9 C'thu.

• Six gets around in a 1974 Ford Pinto, which he calls the Red Bird.

• Because of the manner of his death and resurrection, Six has a permanent wound in the form of a bullet entry and exit wound at the base and back of his neck.
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| S U P E R B O Y |
8 Lor-Zod Chaotic Neutral

"Kneel before Zod!"

Lor-Zod is the son of Kryptonian General Dru-Zod and his lieutenant, Ursa. He was born inside of the alternate dimension of the Phantom Zone and raised aboard a Kryptonian interstellar warship left adrift in the wake of Krypton's destruction. Once New Krypton was established, Lor-Zod was supposed to be his father's heir and legacy in leading the future of the Kryptonian race.

// APRIL-MAY 2016 //
It was with that goal of creating this Utopia that General Zod dispatched probes throughout the galaxy in order to search for fertile land on which to sow the seeds of this ideal Krypton. Targeting Earth, the planet on which the son of Jor-El had concealed himself, the warship exited the Phantom Zone in order to terraform the Earth into Zod's vision of a New Krypton.

Because he had been born in the Phantom Zone, and thus did not possess a physical body, Lor-Zod had difficulty in manifesting on the material plane. The boy was placed in stasis within a Kryptonian matrix in order to assist in the formation and development of his actual body. One of the Kryptonian puppies that had been born in the Phantom Zone was placed in a matrix as well, so that the boy would have something to play with once he had manifested his physical form. As the battle for Earth turned against the Kryptonians, the ship carrying the matrix became damaged. The pod containing both the boy and the dog were ejected when automatic safety protocols were triggered, putting the object in orbit of the planet Earth.

After the Kryptonian threat to Earth had ended, the governments of the world turned their attention to the debris in space. When researchers discovered a substantial size of debris floating in Earth orbit, scientists began contemplating it's recovery for study. Dr. Reed Richards, together with a team of three other individuals, flew an experimental orbiter design to retrieve the object. During the mission, the shuttle crew was exposed to a barrage of cosmic radiation due to unusual solar activity taking place.

While medical teams tended to the Richards expedition, the Kryptonian pod was moved to the Pike Island Research Institute for further study.

Krypto the Superdog
Lor-Zod's companion, a canine-like species native to the Kryptonian homeworld. While non-sapient, Krypto exhibits many of the same abilities as Kryptonians when in the presence of yellow sun radiation.

Adam Grant
The son of media mogul Victor Morgan and tabloid journalist Cat Grant, Adam is a student at Metropolis' Benedict Arnold Elementary School. He is Superman's self-proclaimed biggest fan.

Cat Grant
Gossip columnist and entertainment reporter for the Daily Planet.

Commander Dabney Donovan, MD, Ph.D.
A U.S. Navy flight surgeon and NASA astronaut, Dr. Donovan specializes in the area of space medicine out of the Pike Island Research Institute in Metropolis. He is the medical authority in charge of Project SUPERBOY.

Captain Micah Flint
An Air Force test pilot and NASA astronaut assigned to the Pike Island Research Institute as part of Project OPEN DOOR, the development of the top secret Excalibur space plane.

Dr. Albert Michaels, MD, Ph.D. (Atomic Skull of the Golden Age)
The predecessor to Dabney Donovan at the Pike Island Research Institute, Dr. Michaels was a genuinely unfriendly administrator who suffered from a rare disorder of the nervous system. An experimental treatment, devised by Donovan, resulted in violent seizures. Forced to step down as administrator, Michaels was offered help by LexCorps Laboratory Science Division, where they used radium to harness the violent electrical impulses in his brain. Now, Michaels runs a division of Project C.A.D.M.U.S. responsible for researching the Kryptonian genome under the guise of being LexCorps' philantrophic contributing toward the Human Genome Project

Clone 23 (Bentley Whittman)
A juvenile clone of a minor criminal, created by Michaels as part of C.A.D.M.U.S.' human genome project. Michaels' thinks of him more as property or a specimen than as a human being, but acknowledges that the thing's intellect does make him at least somewhat useful. Often used as a test pilot for a variety of different technologies C.A.D.M.U.S. is developing, including mind control helmets, power gloves, and anti-gravity mobility devices.

A spy sent by Ronan the Accuser to assess Earth's ability to resist a Kree invasion, Psi-Phon is a child-sized alien closely resembling The Greys. He can telepathically suppress a superbeing's abilities.

A large, beastial alien who often works in concert with Psi-Phon. He can mimick the powers of other superbeings.

A magician who appears able to perform magic with the use of his top hat and cane.

Pike Island Research Institute (Metropolis)
A U.S. Government research institute operated by NASA with contracts supported through Wayne Enterprises, Stark Industries, Star Labs, and LexCorps, this human space flight support laboratory was re-purposed overnight to house and study a juvenile Kryptonian left behind after the Superman incident in April 2016.

Benedict Arnold Elementary School (Metropolis)
An elementary school in Metropolis, providing public education for grades Kindergarten through 5th Grade. Their mascot is the Boot.

The International Space Station (Low Earth Orbit)

• Lor-Zod is a full-blood Kryptonian, possessing all the natural abilities of Superman when exposed to yellow sun radiation. The same is true when exposed to Kryptonite or red sun radiation.

• Because Lor-Zod's body isn't fully developed, he can only store a finite amount of energy. As such, his abilities fade over time as his access to solar radiation is reduced or diminished.
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| Character Notes |

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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 11 days ago

Identity: Carol Danvers, Commander, USN/Captain Marvel
Age: 28
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Born to Joe and Marie Danvers in Milford, Colorado, the lone daughter of the couple's three children. Carol's childhood was as close to idyllic as the modern world seems to get; a fixture in a small town where people knew each other, and cared for each other. The world was changing, sure enough, but the folks in Milford barely knew a single homosexual--let alone any mutants. It was the perfect kind of place for a girl with big dreams to fly high to grow up, especially considering the many air bases in the area. Since the day she was three and attended her first air show, Carol Danvers knew what she wanted to do with her life. There was never any mystery.

Life changed after graduating the top of her highschool class. There had been a brief recruitment battle between the Air Force and the Navy, but in the end, the idea of being a pilot that could travel the world and fly off the steel deck of an air craft carrier was enough to win her over. All of that was great, fun even, but reality came fast and cold as she left home for Annapolis. The demands seemed insane, the expectations extreme, and for the first semester she felt more like she was drowning than living any kind of dream.

After a holiday break spent at home, Carol returned to Annapolis and found her footing. With comfort and confidence came results; Carol was quickly proving herself a fine student and better Cadet. Soon after the Academy Carol begins pilot training, and her career is on the fast track. Nothing seems to change until Carol is selected as a finalist for NASA's Astronaut Corps. Though she doesn't make the final cut, she does meet an alien named Mar-Vell by a trick of fate, an alien under the disguise of a NASA scientist, Dr. Walter Lawson.

Though Mar-Vell doesn't admit exactly what he's doing on Earth, or why exactly he's poking about Cape Canaveral, he does admit to her his commander has turned on him due to jealousy and a love triangle, framed him for the murder of the woman he loved--an admission that takes the entirety of four shots of tequila's time. Buzzing or not, the duo soon find themselves on the run from agents of Mar-Vell's commander. The two are separated, and Carol finds herself captured, brought up to a Kree warship avoiding earth's detection sensors. Mar-Vell follows despite knowing a trap awaits, and a battle ensues.

In the course of the battle, Carol and Mar-Vell are caught in the explosion of a Kree Psyche-Magneton device. The energy bombardment somehow caused Carol’s genetic structure to be melded with Mar-Vell's. While Mar-Vell was apparently unaltered by the event, Carol was now a perfect hybrid of Kree and human genes. In addition, she possessed all of Mar-vell's Kree knowledge and training. A transformed Carol joining the fight after the explosion is enough to swing the fight in their favor, leaving Yon-Rogg to limp home and answer for his crimes and deceptions. Inspired by, and nudged into it by, Mar-Vell, Carol adopts the identity of Captain Marvel to do more with her new found powers than simply hide.

Carol Danvers outs herself first to the US Navy, and subsequently the DoD as a whole. Until they can figure out exactly what to do with her, Carol initially spends her time as a test pilot...no one having to worry for her life if she were to blow up in blaze of fire because of a design flaw. She helps rescue submarine crews, and helps avoid disaster at another Naval facility by entering a highly radioactive zone and being remotely walked through repairs. Word gets around and another corner of the US Navy asks if Carol can help them out, too: the US Navy SEALs.

Thus begins Carol's involvement in shadow ops. Her time with the SEALs is spent right alongside them, and often at the front of any and every confrontation; her new found powers saving precious lives of the special operators all around her. After a few years Carol begins working with the CIA, though never officially leaving active duty status, she would do well enough to eventually find herself working with SHIELD. Always shadow ops, always missions too dangerous or just impractical for anyone else. Eventually Carol is taken off the black ops roster, and promoted to Commander.

The US public is introduced to Captain Marvel, aka Commander Carol Danvers, at a press conference. Before she gets off the stage, her phone is blowing up, most of all by a shocked set of parents: Joe and Marie. Not a week later Captain Marvel makes her first appearance, responding to Kryptonian attacks in Gotham City. It's a rough introduction, but gives Carol the confidence she can make a deciding impact even against epic targets such as Kryptonians. In the aftermath the Pentagon announces Captain Marvel's joining of the Avengers.

Supporting Cast:

Tony Stark - Iron-Man,the "self appointed" leader of the Avengers--a claim Carol cares little for. The more she's around Stark, the more common ground she finds, and the more she realizes just how much an asset he could really be to the team. And maybe, with improvement as a leader and a person, Carol could even see Stark leading the Avengers one day.

Lt. Commander Jamie Hunley, Jr., USN - Fellow female pilot, best friend. Carol's sister from another mother, as well as her current roommate. Jamie's considered a jump to SHIELD, not caring if her friendship to Captain Marvel is the reason for the potential opportunity.

Joey Danvers - Her brother remains a strong presence in Carol's life, as well as her bridge back to Milford's daily comings and goings. Joey is married with two daughters; both of whom hold up Captain Marvel, their aunt Carol, as their hero.

Alex Gage - Veteran, writer, journalist. British young man with a knack for investigative reporting who did two tours in Iraq. Carol's on again, off again, boyfriend--he's around when she has time for him, and understands when she doesn't. Not an ideal situation, but Alex is a sweet man, and a fascinating human being that Carol has all the respect in the world for.

Tiffany Saunders - Society writer and sometimes gossip blogger, well known fashion vlogger, all despite being a graduate of Vanderbilt and award winning writer of several children's books. Part time model, full time friend of Carol's, occassional FWB.


Nitro - A western metahuman merc fond of working for violent extremist organizations. Helped unleash a wave of terror bankrolled by al-Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State. A constant thorn in Carol's side from her time with the SEALs, and one that may have developed an unhealthy obsession with the woman who has handed him his ass more than a few times. Who knows what length Nitro will go to in order to get even with Captain Marvel.

Von-Rogg - Yon-Rogg's illegitimate son, present on his father's warship during the incident with Mar-Vell and Carol that cost Yon-Rogg his life. A fanatic and leader of a small band hellbent on avenging Yon-Rogg. There is talk Von-Rogg's group may be receiving aid from a higher positioned member of Kree society not pleased with the events that turned Carol Danvers into Captain Marvel...

Ronan the Accuser - Sees Carol as an abomination of Kree biology and technology. Though he has yet to actively work against Captain Marvel, he is aware of Captain Marvel's public emergence and her success in helping defend Earth from the Kryptonian invasion. It's only a matter of time before he decides she has broken the very natural laws of all Kree by her very existance.

Aria - Alien life force determined to "test" Carol for compatibility. Each "test" is more dangerous than the last, and while Carol has so far been able to fight off Aria on her own without much collateral damage, logic seems to dictate it's only a matter of time. Currently stalking Tiffany Saunders.

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42 Arthur Curry Chaotic Good

“Now it's your king's turn to hunt.”

[ ߜ ] O R I G I N

Son of Land and Sea ▲ 1974-1985
Arthur Curry is the product of a chance encounter between two people from entirely different worlds. Philip Curry, a world famous marine biologist and Atlanna Queen of Atlantis. Atlanna had fled from the grasp of her husband King Trevis, the current ruler of Atlantis. Philip found Atlanna walking up on a beach in the middle of the harsh Maine winter. So he brought her back to his home to help her get warm and as days became weeks the pair ended up falling in love. The product of their love was Arthur, a child of land and sea. Half Atlantean and Half Human. Soon after though when the boy was still young, King Trevis sent out forces to the surface world to 'rescue' his wife and bring her back to him. Atlanna urged her husband to take their young son flee for if they found Arthur they surely would of killed him.

So Philip bundled up his young son and together they fled as Atlanna was dragged back to her king. When Arthur was older his father would tell him that his mother died when he was young of illness, in an effort to protect his son from the same monsters that had taken his mother. Thanks to Philip's work, as a young boy Arthur never stayed in one place for too long, he spent most of his youth at sea on his father's research vessel named the Atlanna in memory of the Queen he once loved. Together the two sailed across the world. When he was not working Philip home schooled his son in many subjects: math, the sciences, English, et cetra. In short it was a good life if not a conventional one and by the time the boy was ten he had already seen more of the world than most see in a lifetime.

Of course even as the boy was young his abilities began to show through, his Atlantean blood giving him strength, speed and endurance far beyond levels of Olympic athletes let alone other boys of his age. His father only began to realize the true extent of the boy's abilities when he slipped off of their boat in shark infested waters off the coast of Papua New Guinea; rather then kill the boy, the sharks actually helped push the boy back up to the surface and to his father's boat. Finally coming to understand that he couldn't go around pretending that his son was just a normal boy like everyone else, he made it his life goal to help train his son and help him come into mastery of his powers.

Fate would have different plans of course.

They got caught in a terrible storm. The waves streching taller than buildings came crashing down upon their little research vessels and the very water gnashed and whipped around them. The Atlanna would end up in pieces by the end of it. As he tried to reach his father struggling to stay afloat in the rough water, floating debris carried by a wave hit young Arthur. Knocked out by the force of the blow, his lifeless body drifted slowly down into the ocean depths. Philip Curry would die during that storm and when the coastguard found the wreckage they assumed his young son had perished as well.

Lost ▲ 1985 - 1994
Arthur evidently would end up being saved by a pod of dolphins and there they would give him his second name Swimmer. Arthur would spend his pre-teen years with the dolphins and in return the dolphins taught him the ways of the world below the surface. At first the Dolphins rightfully thought him as a lost Atlantean but when Arthur proved to have no knowledge of Atlantis or the people that dwelt their, they realized they had stumbled upon something much different.

The world first found out about Arthur after one of the dolphins was killed by illegal fisherman off the coast of Japan. In rage and anger, Arthur hunted after the ship and when he found it assaulted the fisherman aboard easily beating them back and destroying their equipment, threatening to take their lives if they harmed the creatures of the sea again. After several other events such as that, the press caught on and soon headlines were appearing talking of the mysterious Aquaman fighting back against illegal fisherman. And just like that Arthur gained his third name.

He could feel the disturbances in the ocean and from what he could gather form the other creatures was that something was happening out in the sea. The waters had become dark and lifeless for miles, and no matter where Arthur went he found dead creatures. Eventually he would find the culprit of these crimes, a man who would become know as Black Manta. Manta was Arthur's first real taste of a so called supervillan, a man who grew to come to hate the sea after events he could not control in his childhood. So in return he wanted to make all the creatures within suffer.The two would engage in combat and Arthur nearly perished but the young man was able to outwit Black Manta and in the process make a life long foe.

Soon afterward Arthur began having dreams of a beautiful women telling him to go and save Atlantis...

Birthright ▲ 1994 - 1998
Upon arriving at the city, he discovered that King Trevis had gone mad and put all of Atlantis underneath his totalitarian regime. He kept his Queen tucked inside the palace and the people were kept in check only by fear of death. Arthur sneaked his way into the palace where he discovered that the woman haunting his dreams was none other than his own mother Atlanna.

Atlanna would tell him the true story of his heritage, and give him a new task to free Atlantis from the grasp of King Trevis. And so that was how Arthur ended up leading a rebellion against the king. It was during this period that Arthur met Orm Marius. Orm was the son of Atlanna and King Trevis borne after the Queen was dragged back to Atlantis after her small getaway with Philip Curry. Hated by his father for being weak and hated by his mother for being a child that she was forced to bear, Orm had always felt like an outsider and an outcast. Seeing his chance to change his position in life he allied with his new half-brother to fight against his own father.
deep into parts of the ocean long since abandoned to find the tomb of Atlan, ruler of Atlantis once lo
Together the pair traveledng ago and the one who eventually brought it sinking beneath the sea. It was in this ruin that they found the lost Trident of Neptune, once the symbol of the royalty of Atlantis and an object of great power. With the power of the Trident at his hand Arthur was able to rally an army to his cause from those oppressed by King Trevis. While the war was costly for both sides, in the end due to Arthur's might and Orm's tactical brilliance they were able to dethrone King Trevis. The king dying by the hands of his own son. who

Among the casualties of the war were Atlanna. The good queen was killed in the final siege of the royal palace, sacrificing herself to save her sons. Atlantis finally free from the rule of Trevis made the one that had freed them their king and Arthur Curry received his fourth and final name that day, Orin King of Atlantis taking the name of one of the first great kings of Atlantis. This fact angered Orm greatly as the young man believed that he as the 'rightful heir' should of taken the throne, but he kept his anger to himself and in return from his service his half-brother even made him the High General of Atlantis.

Love ▲ 1998-1999
Atlantis was not the only kingdom to survive the wrath of Atlan, two others did and in time Orin would come to know the first of those Xebel. The Xeblians much like those of Atlantis and assumed they were the only ones to survive the great sinking by Atlan. They were a peaceful and prosperous people compared to the more warlike and aggressive Atlanteans. In a bid to secure his own power, a lesser noble known as Leron lead a revolt and forced the then Queen Mera into exile. Mera traveled the oceans alone until she heard talk of the city of Atlantis. Desperate the young queen made her way to Atlantis chased all the way by Leron's forces. Eventually she would be saved from the clutches of death by none other than Orin himself.

Orin defeated Leron's thugs and took the injured Mera back to Atlantis. Swayed by her tale Orin along with Orm and several Atlantean soldiers made the dangerous journey back to Xebel. Using some clever tactics and great courage, Orin and company were able to displace Leron and restore Mera's place as Queen. After the fact, Atlantis and Xebel came closer together as the two monarchs believed that their peoples would do better as allies than enemies establishing both political and trade relations. Though eventually the two cities would become unified even further than just by politics.

A man by the name of Professor Hadley became fascinated by the old Aquaman tales on the surface. A talented biological engineer, he created a serum which allowed him to gain the powers of the mythical man beneath the waves, essentially becoming Aquaman's doppelganger. Hadley in his extensive research had discovered that Atlantis did exist and soon wanted it for his own. So the Professor ambushed Orin and Mera when they were out on an excursion together and trapped them in his own secrete underwater base, while he went on to pretend to be Orin and take the throne of Atlantis for his own. Together though the King and Queen were able to break free from Hadley's base and stop Hadley before his was able to do any harm. Hadley himself perished when he tried to hold Mera hostage only to have the sharks he tried to call down upon Orin attack him instead.

The incident brought Aquaman and Mera closer together and planted the sparks that would eventually flame into romance. A year after the incident the two were married and the cities of Xebel and Atlantis were untied as and the kingdom that was shattered long ago seemed to slowly come back together.

Trench Warfare ▲ 1998-2005
A third city survived the sinking one forgotten by time, a kingdom which would become known as Trench. Cast into the darkest depths of the Mariana Trench by the rage of Atlan, they were once people but overtime evolved into something much more monstrous to survive the dark depths. For generations upon end they remained in the darkness following the will of their King and Queen. But then Black Manta found the Scepter of Atlan, the very same scepter that had brought ruin to all of his kingdoms. Upon being touched, the Scepter was activated and the Trench were drawn to it like a magnet. Black Manta controlled an army and with it he set his sights on Orin his old foe.

Orin would come to learn of the threat from a youth by the name of Garth. Garth was born in a forgotten colony known as Idyllists. The colony of pacifists and builders was entirely wiped out by the Trench lead by Black Manta. Garth was away when the attack happened and manged to avoid the Trench and find his way to Atlantis. Taking Garth underneath his wing to help avenge his people and protect his own, Orin began a great quest to defeat the Trench and save those that he cared about. The Trench devoured all that stood in their wake and in the darkest hours it seemed as if Black Manta would destroy them all.

It was not Orin would saved the day, but young Garth who was pushed aside by the Manta as nothing but a mere boy. Garth saved Orin from being devoured by the Trench by sneaking up upon Black Manta and knocking the Scepter out of his hand. With the Trench now in state of confusion, Orin was able to break free and help Garth take down Black Manta before taking the scepter and leading the Trench back into the depths. Unable to destroy the scepter because of its magic, Orin threw it down into the depths with the people that it controlled hopefully to never be found again.

Namor ▲ 2014-2015
Time passed and life return much to normal with Orin and Mera ruling over a time of peace and prosperity. When trouble approached the city it was fought back by Orin and Garth who had become his prodigy. Yet all the while Orm was at work spinning his plot to take the throne that he deserved. His chance would come with the arrival of a new face in Atlantis. Namor. Namor was a young upstart, much like Orin himself had been sharing the blood of both Atlantis and the surface. Namor's mother an Atlatiean princess and younger sister of Atlanna haaving escaped the grasp of King Trevis much like her older sister and having escaped to the surface where she fell in love with a human man known as Leonard McKenzie. The two were killed though some time later by sleeper agents left on the surface by Trevis to deal with such issues.

Namor would spend his time alone growing up and get in his own host of adventures and problems and on an occasion was even confused himself for the Aquaman that had been sighted time and time again. Eventually following the rumors and stories of mysterious happenings in the ocean, Namor went out in search of the lost city of Atlantis to find those that had killed his parents and to take revenge. It was here that he met Orm. After telling him of his tale, Orm saw an opportunity. He whispered falsehoods and lies in Namor's ears telling him it was Orin that had sent out the order to kill his parents like he did with his own father, the last good king of Atlantis. And that he ruled the people through brainwashing and fear. He told him of an old prophecy of a true son of Atlantis would come and save them from the yellow king.

And so Orm secretly began shaping Namor into the tool he would use to usurp his half brother. He presented Namor as his own son and brought him into the royal court. Orin was cautious but accepted the boy into the palace. Namor earned the respect and love of the people of Atlantis for his skills and abilities, becoming a hero of the people. At the height of his popularity with the help of Orm he raised a rebellion against Orin calling himself to be the true King of Atlantis. That Orin himself was weak willed and corrupt, that he shared too much love for the surface world and that he would only lead them to ruin. Many flocked to the young mutant's cause.

War ▲ 2015-2016
And for what seemed like the fiftieth time, Orin had to defend his throne once again. Namor proved himself to be a tremendous foe though with not just great skill but inherit tactical supremacy. His forces first seized Xebel making it into their own base of operations and conscripting the citizens superior building abilities to create great weapons of war. Orin with his allies including Orm (still pretending to be on his side) brought together their own army and fought against Namor time and time again. While Orin's force was bigger, Namor used guerilla tactics to strike out against his supply lines and severally damage his morale. Deserters became a common occurrence with many of them switching over to Namor's side.

Eventually Orin's forces were pushed back to the walls of Atlantis were a great siege began listing months. While Namor's forces continued to assault the city the defenders held on with all their might and kept them back. Many lives were lost in the process and the great city was nearly destroyed in the process. Seeing his people suffer and the city he had come to love turned to ruins, Orin knew that he had the war and end it soon. So he did it in a way which he saw could end the bloodshed once and for all So he challenge Namor to single combat to the death, whoever one would be the rightful king. Mera tried to stop him and so did Garth but Orin had already made up his mind and knew what he had to do.

Before he left he gave The Trident of Neptune to Orm to watch over and protect as up to this point his half-brother had seen him through thick and thin. And Orin left the city to meet Namor on the field of battle. The battle was long and bloody with the two would be kings fighting with everything they had. It continued for hours, and the hours turned into days and yet they continued to fight. The survivors on both sides could only watch the horizon in baited breath feeling the earth shake as they saw columns of dust rise in the distance. The two beat each other to near death in the process and in the last moments of the fight Orin had gained the upper hand. He saw victory, he saw peace finally.

It was then when they were both weakened the Orm struck. Using the power of Neptune's Trident he thought that he had destroyed both of them bringing an entire section of the seafloor down with them. Orm then returned to Atlantis and with his own forces hiding among both Orin and Namor's armies rose up and took control of the defeated city, crowing himself as Ocean Master. He imprisoned Mera and Arthur Curry, Jr, the couples young child in the royal place dungeons. And with the ocean under his control he soon began to set his sights on the surface world above.

Exile ▲ 2016
Though little did Orm now that the pair had survived his treachery. The pair would wash up ashore on the coast of California, weary and beaten. Namor realized he had been tricked by Orm into believing was filled with rage and anger. Orin was once again a king without his kingdom, separated from his family and those he cared about. Unable to do anything about his half-brother's treachery. Now stuck with Namor wither he liked it or not he had to gather up allies once more, warriors to help him fight Orm who held the power of Neptune in his hand and had an army to do his beck and call.

[ ߜ ] A L L I E S

  • Namor: Technically cousins, one time enemies and now allies more out of necessity more than anything else. Namor of course blames Orin for everything that has happened and refuse to admit that he was fooled by Orm. Can they get over their differences. Maybe.... Maybe not. This Namor is much younger than the one in the Marvel verse of course probably in his mid to late twenties if anything.
  • Mera: Aquaman's wife, Queen of Atlantis and mother of his children. A powerful being in her own right. Currently imprisoned in the dungeons of the Royal Palace by Orm.
  • Garth: The Original Aqualad, a young, bright youth from a doomed colony joined up with Orin to fight the Trench the first time.
  • Lorena Marquez: A teenage girl from Monterey Californa, just happened to be on the beach when Orin and Namor washed up.

[ ߜ ] E N E M I E S

  • Orm: The Ocean Master, Orin's half-brother. Kind of a dick. Currently in Possession of The Trident of Neptune, ruler of Atlantis.
  • Black Manta: Orin's longest nemesis, holds a hatred towards everything in the sea. Wants nothing more than to watch Orin die.
  • The Trench: Evil fish man that live in the depths of the ocean, tend to mind themselves but the Scepter of Atlan can be used to command them. The Scepter was cast away by Orin into the depths of the ocean but Orm has sent teams into the furthest reaches to try and find the scepter.
  • Many More but Hex is too lazy to list

[ ߜ ] N O T E S

Fish Noises
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nexus Prime
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Nexus Prime Alpha & Omega

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Dinah Laurel Lance | Canary

| AGE: |



Neutral Good


Born to Dinah Drake and Larry Lance in downtown Gotham, much of Dinah's early life would be fairly common and uneventful. As time went on in Gotham, crime rates rose and the dangerous aspects of the city became all too familiar to its citizens, leading to Dinah's parents, both law enforcement veterans, deciding that Dinah would need to be prepared for life in the increasingly dark city. Dinah's mother and namesake, former Gotham City Police detective and current private investigator, made it a point to personally train her daughter in self defense lessons from the age of eight and on throughout her teenage years.

In elementary and middle school, Dinah would join the school chorus, having aspirations to become a singer like her many pop idols. Her father would often call her his "little canary" for how sweet her voice was. By some ironic twist of fate, however, Dinah would soon discover she was a metahuman - a genetic offshoot of baseline humanity commonly referred to as mutants - with powerful sonic abilities caused from vibrating her vocal chords at varying frequencies. Barely a teen when she discovered this, it would scare Dinah, both for how uncontrollable it was at the time, and for how metahumans were treated by society at large. Because of this, Dinah would resign from the chorus believing it was too difficult to participate given her unpredictable new powers.

Entering high school the following year, with no incidents regarding her metahuman nature, Dinah would continue her otherwise mundane, average life. At the age of sixteen, fate would strike again, though. Dinah's father, Larry, a long-time veteran of the GCPD and detective under Lieutenant James Gordon, was gunned down in the line-of-duty while investigating the activities of a street gang. Dinah chose to try and mourn the death of her father in somewhat unconventional ways by tracking and hunting down his killers and serving them her own brand of justice. Using information the elder Dinah had been gathering to give to colleagues on the force, the younger was able to find the gang's hideout in advance of the police. Going in with the intent to cause as much pain as she could utilizing her sonic scream, Dinah quickly realized that her untrained mutant powers were not reliable in their current state when she became surrounded by several opponents at once. Falling back upon her self defense discipline, she fought desperately and managed to survive and escape. Luckily, the police were alerted to the disturbance, and the criminals wanted for the murder of Larry Lance were eventually caught.

Dinah was disappointed in herself for being unable to avenge her father, but she did discover that fighting crime with the intent to dole out justice - albeit unsuccessfully in this case - was something she enjoyed, and could continue to do in order to honor the memory of her heroic father. However, as it stood now, Dinah was unsatisfied in her abilities and sought out more extensive training. She first found the gym of local legend, and former World Boxing Council heavyweight champion, Ted "Wildcat" Grant. She studied under his tutelage for more than two years until her high school graduation.

At the age of eighteen, Dinah enrolled in the University of Washington, traveling to and getting an apartment in Seattle - the furthest she could get from Gotham City. It was here that she found the dojo of Desmond Lamar, a former ex-special forces soldier and martial artist whom she would train under for the following two years. Desmond, impressed by Dinah's growing skills and tenacity, suggested she go find his former master, a man in Asia known only as Sensei Otomo. Taking an indefinite break from university, she would go on a journey across the world seeking even higher levels of training.

During these travels, Dinah would pay her way across Europe and Asia by participating in and winning many martial arts competitions and tournaments, which also served to hone her skills. Over the course of her year-long trek across the globe, Dinah would meet several rather amazing people, primarily Zinda Blake - a former ace fighter pilot, who was operating in the Middle East as a relief aid pilot for various non-governmental organizations. Dinah would assist Zinda in several cases wherein the latter was being harassed by hostiles during her humanitarian efforts, and, in return, Zinda assisted her new friend by giving Dinah a lift to the top of an obscure, difficult to reach mountain that Sensei Otomo was rumored to reside upon.

Finding the seclusive man, he accepted her as a student after a trying test, and so began an intensive, several year-long tutelage that would repeatedly push Dinah to her limits and beyond. Over the course of her instruction, Dinah set a limitation for herself by not allowing the use of metahuman ability, this endeavor serving to both teach her not to rely upon her sonic scream in combat, and also to give her greater control over this devastating power. After more than four years learning extensively from Sensei Otomo, Dinah would eventually return to the States, once more settling down in Seattle, though this time with much greater purpose in mind.

Several months after returning home from her cross-continental journey, Dinah would finally feel ready to begin her career as a vigilante - to help and save others in the memory of her beloved father. Taking cues from the many costumed "heroes" running about the country, she donned her own outfit, including a blonde wig to better hide her identity, and took on the code-name Canary, also in memory of her late father. Dinah uses the money she earned abroad during the various martial arts competitions to support herself financially while devoting her time fully to vigilantism. Initially only stopping petty crimes, and beating up common thugs, Dinah soon comes across news of a new, dangerous drug hitting the streets: MGH.

This new drug, she learned, is capable of providing baseline humans with superhuman attributes and abilities for a limited time, at the cost of its incredibly highly addicting nature, and the risk of death - as had been occurring for a small minority who took the drug after just one use. Using skills she had learned from watching her mother in action as a teenager, Dinah followed leads and tracked down a dealer by the name of Charlie Hustle, from whom she discovered what MGH really was: Mutant-Growth Hormone. Harvested from metahuman genetic material, this drug came at the cost of innocent mutant life. Horrified and outraged, she interrogates Hustle until he gives up the man he works for, someone known only as the Pusher Man.

Dinah spends the following weeks disrupting the drug running operation, which apparently has roots all along the American West Coast, but is unable to find Pusher Man himself. With no other avenues available, and making no significant progress as is, she comes to the decision to infiltrate the crime organization with the intent to dismantle it from the inside. It takes time, careful planning, and much subterfuge, but she eventually manages to cement herself within the group utilizing a different, redheaded wig, and the name Sara White. Over the following couple months she makes steady progress in her infiltration, but it isn't until a horrific and terrible incident that Dinah makes significant headway.

On April 1st, 2016, the world found new fear. A military force of aliens - Kryptonians like the Superman who had been making waves in recent years - struck. Death and destruction followed, and dangerous World Engines capable of terraforming the Earth were launched from their orbiting ship, with one landing off the Californian coast. The resulting earthquakes and tsunamis caused by the World Engines affected Dinah's home of Seattle, as well, and much of the Washington coast was damaged. Despite the horror and havoc wrought by this destruction, some good came of it as a few of the leadership representing the Washington and Californian divisions of the drug runners were killed in the event, leaving positions open for others. As a result, Dinah, as Sara White, now found herself in the position of adviser to a lieutenant in the organization. Despite the tragedy that enabled the advancement, this opportunity was too good to pass up, and, with higher management in California suffering the most, Sara's lieutenant and herself were ordered to Star City directly from the Pusher Man himself.

For the past month, Dinah has been working in Star, both as Sara White, and the Canary, learning all she can about the Pusher Man and his operation, as well as disrupting as much of the organization's dealings as possible. With each passing day she can feel herself growing closer to discovering the Pusher Man's identity, and, hopefully, putting an end to the MGH distribution along the West Coast.



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Stuff & things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Anthony Edward “Tony” Stark // Iron Man

Chaotic Neutral

1986 - 2010 // P R O D I G Y

Tony Stark was born to Howard and Maria Stark in New York City in the year of 1986. His father was a genius in his own right, the fourth generation of Starks to run the family business, Stark Industries, founded in the mid-nineteenth century by Isaac Stark Sr. as Stark Enterprises. It came as no surprise when Tony demonstrated his own genius, having inherited Howard’s a hundredfold, graduating from high school before he entered his teens. However, he and Howard had a strained relationship, Howard often berating him for the tiniest of mistakes; this was made worse by the drinks, and so Tony endured much verbal abuse from his father since an early age. He instead found a father figure in Edwin Jarvis, his family’s butler, and for much of his life before the Iron Man, his best friend.

At the age of fifteen, Tony was already acquiring his tertiary education, having graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with Master’s degrees in physics and electrical engineering. It was during this time that he first met Obadiah Stane, the CEO of Stane Industries, Stark’s biggest competitor in the corporate world. Intrigued by the man, a master of chess, Tony allowed himself to speak with him, leaving the conversation with a sour taste in his mouth. He didn’t need his father to berate him for talking with Stane, and although Howard did, a part of Tony was glad. Something seemed off about the man, something that not even his genius mind could pinpoint, and he remained cautious of him ever since.

Later in that year of 2001, Tony met people who would remain his rivals for years to come at Oxford University, attending Dr. Harrison Wells’ “Forward Thought Conference”. It was there that he was introduced to the likes of Bruce Banner and the jet-setting brothers, Thomas Jr. and Bruce Wayne. Priding himself as a futurist, Tony saw through the latter two’s facades; while they behaved like anyone would expect the young inheritors of a gigantic fortune to, Tony noticed a conviction within them that ran deeper than a taste for young models and the thrill of high adventure, like so many tabloids liked to report – an observation that would later lead to his deduction of the younger Wayne’s identity as the mythical Batman.

Howard and Maria Stark were killed in an apparent car accident when Tony was twenty-one years old. Edwin Jarvis, their driver, died along with them. Moving past his grief with concerning speed, Tony took over as CEO of Stark Industries, transforming it into Stark International – and through the manufacturing of weapons he’d designed in his bedroom and many military and government contracts, he transitioned it from a multi-million dollar company to that of a multi-billion dollar conglomerate, bringing to the forefront of the American corporate world alongside the likes of OsCorp, Wayne Enterprises and LexCorp. Stane Industries was left behind in the dust, and unbeknownst to Tony, Obadiah was slowly but surely developing a dangerous vendetta against him.

Tony later got involved in what would have to be his most serious romantic relationship yet, with a woman called Whitney Frost. It was progressing far further and faster than any other relationship he’d had before – Whitney was, as far as he could tell, the woman of his dreams. If that was so, however, then the woman of his dreams would have had to have ties to a gigantic criminal empire – that of the Maggia, an international syndicate led by her father, Count Luchino Nefaria. Whitney was a mole, placed within Tony’s life in order to get Stark International’s tech within the Maggia’s grasp. Upon his discovery of Whitney’s agenda, he broke things off with her, telling her that if he ever saw her again, he would call the authorities. She disappeared not long after, going completely off the grid – but not before she got caught in accident that left her face permanently disfigured.

After promoting the woman that had notified him of Whitney’s activities, Virginia “Pepper” Potts, to the position of his personal assistant, Tony soon returned to his ways of drinking, partying and womanizing as if nothing had ever happened.

2012 - 2015 // I R O N W I L L

A weapons demonstration in Afghanistan would change Tony’s life forever. He’d flown over there to introduce a new multi-warhead missile of his own design to the U.S. Air Force, but before he could do anything of the sort, his convoy was attacked by a militant terrorist cabal called the Ten Rings. In the ensuing firefight, shrapnel was embedded deep within his chest, just inches from his heart. He was taken captive by the terrorists, placed in a makeshift lab within their encampment in the Afghani desert, serving as his prison. He awoke to find another man with him: Dr. Ho Yinsen, a renowned physicist and Nobel prize winner whose work Tony had admired from an early age. Yinsen had built a makeshift electromagnetic device that was inserted into Tony’s chest, keeping the shrapnel from piercing his heart, effectively saving his life. He explained that they were being held captive by the Ten Rings, who answered to a mysterious figure called the Mandarin, and that they wanted Tony to build them his weapons, or else face death. This was soon confirmed by the encampment’s leader, Raza, who made it very clear that should Tony not comply, his death would be very slow, and even more painful. Agreeing to help, Tony pretended to give the Ten Rings what they wanted – but with Yinsen acting as his assistant, he began working on something else entirely.

The Iron Man Mark 1 debuted as it burst through the sandstone walls of the terrorist encampment, protecting Tony from machinegun fire as he fought to escape with Yinsen. Unfortunately, Yinsen was killed by a stray bullet, and Tony was forced to leave by himself. As he traversed the desert with the armour’s rudimentary propulsion system, he stumbled upon an Air Force pilot who had been shot out of the sky and was under fire. Tony helped him repel his attackers, and soon he and James Rhodes had radioed for immediate extraction via Rhodes’ downed plane.

Tony returned home with a new lease on life. Pepper had insisted on hiring a bodyguard upon his return, expecting him to be fully opposed to the idea, and although he initially was, he was too preoccupied with other thoughts to do anything other than tolerate Harold Hogan. Having seen what his technology was capable of, he announced that Stark International would no longer be involved in the development of weapons, cancelling any military contracts his company might have had; shocking many and angering even more. He instead spent his time developing what would become the revolutionary repulsor technology (R.T.), replacing the electromagnet in his chest with a never ending source of R.T. energy after the shrapnel was removed from his heart. It was this R.T. battery that would come to power the new and improved Iron Man armours, and it wasn’t long until the Iron Man Mk 3 took flight, destroying any Stark weapons caches left in the hands of terrorists and criminals – bringing Tony face to face with organisations such as the Ten Rings, al Qaeda and the Taliban. By this time Rhodey had declined Tony’s offer to come work at Stark International, opting instead to leave the Air Force for work as a test pilot at Ferris Aircraft; a job that lasted all of three months before he came to work at Stark.

Tony’s identity as Iron Man was revealed to the public in a press conference after he prevented a missile launched by the Ten Rings from hitting its target: Times Square, New York City. Holding a press conference the morning after, Tony announced to the journalists and news crews gathered there that he was the armoured hero that had prevented the terrorist act, and that the Iron Man armour will never be anything more than a tool for peace, squashing any hopes the military might have had for getting the tech themselves.

The publicity stunt – because that’s what it was, a stunt – left Obadiah Stane seething with rage. He would not be outshined by another Stark, let alone the entitled brat that was Tony. He was no stranger to corporate espionage, and through it he was able to acquire the blueprints to the Mark 1 armour, beginning to add his own touches to it. Then the Iron Monger attacked, and Tony faced his first real battle as a superhero.

Only because of Stane’s inferior technology was Tony able to beat him. The older man fought viciously, and could have beaten him if not for the absence of R.T. in his armour. Incarcerated in Ryker’s Island, the reigns of Stane Industries’ CEO were handed to Obadiah’s then eighteen year-old son, Ezekiel.

Tony went on to encounter many more supercriminals as Iron Man, chief among them siblings Anton and Ivan Vanko (Crimson Dynamo and Whiplash) and Boris Bullski (the creatively named Titanium Man). All the while he continued to upgrade and create his Iron Man armours, and expanding Stark International beyond the weapons sector, moving into nearly field imaginable.

April 1st, 2016 would see him receiving his biggest reality check yet.

2 0 1 6 // A V E N G E R S , A S S E M B L E

Not even Tony was prepared for Zod’s invasion. A self-proclaimed futurist, he didn’t see it coming – and when it did, Iron Man struggled to protect New York. People died, and if it wasn’t for himself and New York’s other heroes, the city may have well been nothing but rubble by the invasion’s end. His armour barely holding up against the Kryptonians, Tony could at least save one life – that of Spider-Man, a vigilante recently returned from a two year hiatus, who upon their meeting, Tony realised was just a kid. Soon, though, the invasion was over… and Tony was left feeling like he should have done more.

He soon heard of the Avengers Initiative – a S.H.I.E.L.D. response unit tasked with dealing with and preventing superhuman and extranormal threats to the world at large. Approached by S.H.I.E.L.D. director Slade Wilson, Tony was offered a position on the team, the director saying that his intellect would be a valued asset to the team. Seeing this as his chance to make things right, Tony agreed – even though the conditions of his enlistment meant a lucrative deal between Stark International and the government.

And so, the Avengers assembled.

T H E A V E N G E R S I N I T I A T I V E // S . H . I . E . L . D .

A S.H.I.E.L.D. unit tasked with responding to and preventing superhuman and extranormal threats, the Avengers are made up of a variety of government agents, those from the armed forces... and Tony Stark.

Colonel Slade Wilson (Codename: Deathstroke) | The director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Slade oversees the Avengers' activities through Maria Hill, his most trusted agent.

Agent Maria Hill | The Avengers' official leader, Maria finds herself constantly at odds with Tony, finding his insistence on being the response unit's self-appointed headman infuriating beyond words. If it wasn't for Stark International's generous contract with the government and Tony's genius intellect, she would have seen him out of the Initiative long ago.

Carol Danvers // Captain Marvel | Commander Carol Danvers of the U.S. Navy has powers that Tony believes could rival that of Superman's. A strong woman in more ways than one, Carol is a capable and skilled individual who wants to do right by the world, and who Tony is very happy to have on his side.

Nathaniel Adam // Captain Atom | A former fighter pilot for the Air Force, Nathaniel's career ended when he accidentally killed civilians in an airstrike over a large village in Qurac. Given the option of participating in a potentially lethal experiment as opposed to life imprisonment by Director Slade Wilson, he didn't hesitate, agreeing to partake in Operation: Atom. Captain Atom debuted after Dru-Zod's invasion as the government's answer to Kryptonians, with the ability to manipulate radioactive energies to his every whim. Tony suspects that he is capable of doing much more – just what that is, he's unsure of.

Jessica Drew // Spider-Woman | An agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. with a mysterious past, Jessica Drew is a very capable spy with the abilities of a spider, plus a few more. Where Carol doesn't accept any of Tony's crap, Jess makes sure to let him know when he's being an ass, her snark keeping up with his at every turn.

Tony's position in the Avengers Initiative also sees him working with those not a part of the team, but still affiliated with S.H.I.E.L.D. and its three branches.

Stephanie Carter // Captain America | The biological daughter of Steve Rogers, Steph has already been through a lot, despite her relatively young age. An experienced S.H.I.E.L.D. operative, she was invited to join the Avengers. She is yet to give an answer.

Amanda Waller | The stoic head of A.R.G.U.S., Amanda Waller will do anything necessary to protect her country's interests. Tony would rather avoid her company more than anything else.

Francisco Ramon // Vibe | A young man with the ability to manipulate multidimensional energies, Ramon is a government-sanctioned superhero working under Amanda Waller and A.R.G.U.S., and a potential candidate for the Avengers Initiative.


Dr. Harrison Wells | The reclusive head of Keystone City's S.T.A.R. Labs, Wells was one of Tony's biggest influences as a teenager.

??? // Spider-Man | A young kid with spider powers who's in way over his head, but Tony thinks that he has great potential regardless.

Bruce Wayne // Batman | First meeting at Oxford University when they were teenagers, Bruce always struck Tony as... off. This hunch has led to Tony deducing his identity as the mythical Batman, something he is yet to make Bruce aware of.

Oliver Queen // Green Arrow | The CEO of Queen Industries, moonlighting as the bow-wielding vigilante, Green Arrow.

Henry Fyff | Formerly working for Queen Industries' tech division, Henry was fired for allegedly stalking a colleague of his. He now works at Stark, mostly because Tony heard of his talents when it came to technology – something that he'd hate to see go to waste.


James "Jim" "Rhodey" Rhodes | Having met Tony as he escaped from the Ten Rings, Rhodey has since left the Air Force to work for Ferris Aircraft before coming to work at Stark International as Tony's personal pilot and chief aviation engineer. He's since become a close friend of Tony's.

Virginia "Pepper" Potts | Tony's personal assistant at Stark International, and one of his best -- and only -- friends. Although there is an attraction between the two, both would rather not act upon it, Tony instead choosing to maintain his playboy lifestyle.

Harold "Happy" Hogan | Tony's bodyguard, hired by Pepper following his return from Afghanistan, Tony gave Harold the nickname, "Happy", due to his seemingly permanent frown. Initially opposed to the idea of a bodyguard, Tony eventually came to befriend Happy.

J.A.R.V.I.S. | Tony's A.I., J.A.R.V.I.S. is based on his deceased butler, Edwin Jarvis.


Obadiah Stane // Iron Monger | Howard Stark's fiercest competitor in the corporate world, Obadiah Stane was the head of Stane Industries, and largely considered by contractors as the poor man's Stark. Following many failed hostile takeovers of Stark International, Obadiah did the only thing he saw fit to do: he had Howard and Maria Stark killed. Following Tony's debut as Iron Man, he donned the Iron Monger armour, unable to take being outshined by a Stark once more. He currently spends his time in a holding cell within the Triskelion.

Ezekiel Stane // Iron Monger II | Obadiah Stane's son, and the current CEO of Stane Industries, Zeke is a genius rivalling and perhaps even surpassing Tony, developing advanced tech since the age of nine. Indoctrinated by his father to hate the Stark name, Zeke harbours a deep enmity towards Tony.

Anton Vanko // Crimson Dynamo | Brother to Ivan Vanko, Anton is a Russian inventor who built the Crimson Dynamo power armour, enabling its user to manipulate electrical fields. He is currently incarcerated in a Russian prison with his brother.

Ivan Vanko // Whiplash | Brother to Anton Vanko, Ivan followed in his older brother's footsteps as an inventor, creating an armour of his own design that closely resembled that of Tony's Mk IV, complete with two electrically charged whips. He is currently behind bars in a Russian prison with Anton.

Whitney Frost | One of Tony's many exes, Whitney was what Tony would call one of his most serious relationships. Breaking up with her after discovering that she was a corporate mole for the Maggia, Whitney was caught in an accident that left her face permanently disfigured. She's been off the grid ever since.

The Mandarin | The mysterious leader of the Ten Rings terrorist cabal.

| NOTES: |
Following the Kryptonian Invasion, he’s become focussed on designing and implementing security measures and new technologies in order to protect himself, those close to him, his new teammates, and ultimately, the world.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 7 days ago

28 Oliver Jonas Queen Chaotic Good

“I'm a fair man. So I'm going to let you start running. When you're a dozen yards away, I'll try to bring you down. You could get lucky. I might miss.”

[ ߜ ] O R I G I N
EARLY LIFE ■ 1988-2009

[ ߜ ] F A M I L Y
Robert Queen: Formerly Star City's most prominent billionaire, Robert Queen was a self-made man who innovated numerous technologies during the microcomputer revolution, forming Queen Industries in the latter half of the 1970's and amassing his considerable fortune through savvy business acumen and, according to whom you asked, less than moral business practices. By the time of his death in 2009, Queen Industries had gone from a group of friends building computers in their garage to a multinational corporation dealing in all manner of technology, from military equipment to spacecraft to cellphones. The company was eventually re-branded as Queen Consolidated in the 1990's. Queen Consolidated is often seen as the west coast equivalent of companies such as Stark International, Wayne Enterprises and LexCorp.

Moira Queen:

Thea Queen:

[ ߜ ] A L L I E S
Arsenal (Roy Harper, Jr.):

Proxy (Wendy Harris): Elder of the Harris twins and a bona fide computer genius, Wendy first encountered the Battling Bowman during his investigation of Constantine Drakon, when, at the time, she was working with Arsenal

Marvin Harris:

John Diggle: A decorated veteran of the United States Special Forces, John Diggle received an honorable discharge according to the Sole Survivor Policy following his brother Andy's death during an operation in Qurac. He has since become a freelance bodyguard. After some months as Oliver's glorified babysitter, Diggle learned Ollie's dual identity as the Emerald Archer and has become one of Green Arrow's closest confidants, and now works as a security consultant at Queen Industries.

Green Lantern (Hal Jordan):

[ ߜ ] A S S O C I A T E S
Slade Wilson:

Felicity Smoak:


[ ߜ ] E N E M I E S
Malcolm Merlyn:

Simon Lacroix:

Constantine Drakon:

Lawrence "Crusher" Crock:

The Mandarin:


Anatoli Knyazev:

Isabel Rochev:


Prometheus: Will be happening

Onomatopoeia: Will be happening

[ ߜ ] N O T E S
Notes? What notes?

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HenryJonesJr
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

24 Stephanie Carter Chaotic Good

“I know who I am. I rescue the helpless. I raise up the hopeless. I don't measure people's lives... I save them.”

[ ߜ ] O R I G I N
Project Reclamation

World War II had been won by the Allies, HYDRA had been stopped by Captain America, and yet his allies were somber. The loss of the world’s first true superhero shocked the OSS, and many believed without his guidance in the new era of superpowers the world could once again fall into chaos. In response to this fear, the OSS got to work on Project Reclamation. The project, led by Nazi defector Arnim Zola, was designed to recreate Erskine’s supersoldier serum at any cost. Highly secretive and heavily funded, the team toiled endlessly on the genetic samples that had been taken from Rogers before his untimely passing. There was little hope that the project would garner a success, but the top brass thought it was worth the expense.

The years passed, and Project Reclamation experienced failure after failure. Eventually the remnants of the OSS transformed into SHIELD, and Zola traveled with the project to the new hierarchy. By the time SHIELD was formed, Zola was the last one working on the project. He had an obsessive zeal to see it completed, and few understood why. Many chalked it up to an aging scientist yearning for one last discovery, but some feared he desired to create a supersoldier in secret for the reborn HYDRA. While he worked, he was kept under constant supervision, though few truly understood what he was doing. But Zola toiled endlessly, sure he would crack the code eventually.

A New Generation

As the world rapidly started to move towards a new direction, an elderly Doctor Zola came to the SHIELD leaders and told them he had finally cracked the code. They would be able to produce another super soldier, though the means would be very different. Using the Captain’s genetic material, Zola had devised a way to impregnate a surrogate and ensure the majority of Rogers’s abilities were passed on. SHIELD, wary of the time it would take to activate such an asset, agreed as they saw no other choice. With the advent of the burgeoning mutant and metahuman populations, they knew they would need powered agents in the field to combat any possible threats.

After a search, Sharon Carter, the great-niece of Rogers’ former flame Peggy, volunteered to carry and raise the child. After she was impregnated, Zola disappeared, which struck a deep fear into her heart. She worried about what kind of child she was now carrying, and whether or not it would end up being a weapon for HYDRA.

Sharon was relieved when, on February 22, 1992, she gave birth to a beautiful, and completely normal, baby girl. She was named Stephanie, after her father, and the new family settled down in Keystone City, MS. There, Stephanie grew to be an outstanding young girl. Sharon was proud that the best attributes of her father seemed to shine through the girl. She was kind, brave, and ferociously defended the weak around her.

While that was a good sign, as Steph’s powers began to materialize around puberty, Sharon had a hard time keeping her daughter’s lineage a secret. The girl was terrified she was a mutant, and that the people who attacked them would come for her. Sharon comforted the girl, and began teaching her how to control her strength, speed, and agility so that she could pass off for a normal human. Steph was sure she’d be able to reach adulthood as a normal person and live a normal life.

She never got the chance.


On her 20th birthday Stephanie Carter’s normal life came to an end. In the wake of SHIELD monitoring the growth in superhuman populations across the world, not to mention the appearance of the Superman, the decision was made to activate the asset they had in Stephanie. SHIELD believed they needed a SHIELD agent and former Howling Commando Nick Fury was sent to tell the girl of her true origin.

Steph was initially furious with her mother for keeping her origin a secret, but the two reconciled when Stephanie saw all the good she could do in protecting the people of the world. Deciding to honor her father’s legacy and ideals, Stephanie agreed to train to become the new Captain America.

Her and her mother left their home in Keystone to travel to Washington DC and SHIELD headquarters. There, Fury would teach her how to be a hero, as well as tell her what her father was really like. Fury treated her like the daughter he never had, and the two bonded quickly. He was amazed at how quickly their pupil learned thanks to her enhanced mental capabilities. Within a year, Stephanie was deemed ready to begin training with her father’s shield, the only thing that had ever been found from his supposed final resting place.

All-Star Squadron
As her training progressed, Stephanie was introduced to two men who would make up her team. Veteran agent Brock Rumlow and fellow rookie Sam Wilson were introduced to her training, and the three began running exercises as a team.

Before long they were running well enough that the powers that be decided it was time to test them out in the field. While Fury believed Stephanie needed more time to hone her instincts and leadership skills, SHIELD leadership was anxious to get her into the field.

The squad’s first mission was to extract a defector from the notorious Red Room. The three of them extracted Natasha Romanoff, who became the fourth member of their team. They were then rounded out by the ninja known as Snake Eyes, a mute who hated HYDRA more than anyone.

Betrayal and Fugitives

On a mission to Madripoor to stop the terrorist organization known as AIM from deploying a technologically born virus on the city. However, once the mission was completed as a success, Rumlow betrayed the team, revealing himself to be a HYDRA mole. He nearly killed the rest of the team, and let Stephanie know that he wasn’t the only mole in the operation.

When the Squad returned to SHIELD headquarters, Cap warned the powers that be that they had been infiltrated by HYDRA. They, however, insisted that Rumlow was the only traitor.

The enraged Captain America was then contacted by a hacker known only as “The Question”, who knew of HYDRA operations across the globe. Question told her he could help her bring down the organization, but she needed to leave SHIELD to do so.

So Stephanie left, disobeying direct orders and becoming a fugitive from SHIELD. The organization sent the rest of the squad after her, but Stephanie was able to convince them that going rogue was the only way to be sure they were fighting with people they could trust.

Hunting HYDRA

The team, on the run from SHIELD, began following the Question’s leads, uncovering a vast HYDRA plot. They came in conflict with the villainous Serpent Society, Snake Eyes’ archenemy Storm Shadow, and a fellow Red Room assassin known as The Baroness. While they seemed to make progress in weeding out HYDRA across the globe, they could not find or identify the organization’s leader, known only as “The Commander”.

While they searched for the Commander, HYDRA’s chief scientist, the villain known as Destro, had changed the technological virus from AIM to be used against SHIELD. Using another SHIELD mole, the virus was released on one of the agency’s helicarriers. It took over the minds of the crew, forcing them into a kamikaze mission to destroy the united nations.

After a daring rescue by the squad, SHIELD was forced to admit that there were more internal problems than they cared to admit, and Cap and her team were welcomed back with open arms.


While Stephanie grew by leaps and bounds in her leadership skills during the Squad’s time as fugitives, she was still a relatively young hero compared to most of the superhuman community. Still, she was acclimating herself well, and Wildcat was sure her father would have been proud of her. The nation, and world, at large now knew about her after the Helicarrier Incident, and most were behind her as well. Some held the belief that her strictly patriotic visage was outdated in the modern world, but Cap insisted that she wanted to represent America as it should be, an inspiration to everyone and anyone.

Little did she realize, she’d become not only an inspiration but a mentor to a young hero sooner rather than later. She was sent to protect SHIELD scientist Pat Dugan, the grandson of Dum Dum Dugan. Steph was joined by Starman, a legacy hero from the days of the JSA. HYDRA, clearly keen to gaining Dugan’s knowledge, sent the Serpent Society as well as a mysterious assassin, known only as The Winter Soldier, to deal with the heroes. A great fight erupted. In the end, Starman laid dead, felled by the Winter Soldier, and Dugan and his wife were abducted. Stephanie only survived thanks to the intervention of Dugan’s stepdaughter Courtney Whitmore, who took up Starman’s staff after he fell and helped Captain America fight off the attackers.

With nowhere else to go, Courtney asked to join the Squadron. While Stephanie was apprehensive, she saw no other option for the girl. Whitmore took on the name Stargirl, and became Captain America’s protege.

Like her father before her, Stephanie now had a teenage sidekick of her own.


The All-Star Squadron participated in the fight against the Kryptonian invasion, tasked with destroying one of the alien “World Engines”. Working together with the rest of Earth’s heroes, the planet is saved, but in the process paranoia begins to ripple through its populace. Stephanie and the Squad now struggle to show that they fight for good, while also hunting for the commander of HYDRA.

On top of that, Stephanie mulls over an invitation to join Earth’s Mightiest Heroes...

[ ߜ ] A L L I E S
All-Star Squadron
Nick Fury
The former Howling Commando, Fury is Carter’s mentor, trainer, and de facto father-figure. Granted unnaturally long life through the mysterious Infinity Formula, the world-weary Fury now advises Cap on her missions. He is one of the few left that knew her father personally.

Sam Wilson/The Falcon
A fellow former agent of SHIELD, Sam Wilson was sent to bring Stephanie back after she stole her father’s shield and went rogue. The two, having trained together for nearly their entire adult lives, came to an understanding. Sam decided to join her quest.

Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
A former Russian assassin turned double agent, Romanoff is one of the world’s deadliest people. She was betrayed by fellow SHIELD agent and saboteur Brock Rumlow and left for dead, only to be saved by Stephanie and Falcon.

The Question
A vigilante from Hub City and a noted conspiracy theorist, Question is the team’s wildcard. Question was the first ally Cap had after her escape from SHIELD.

Snake Eyes
A mute ninja who has a blood feud with Storm Shadow.

Courtney Whitmore/Stargirl
A teenage hero saved by the Squad after her mentor Starman was killed by HYDRA and her inventor stepfather and mother abducted. Courtney is now part of the Squad.

While Cap and her team were once fugitives from the defense agency, they now liaise with them in order to combat HYDRA at optimum efficiency.

Sharon Carter
Stephanie’s mother and former SHIELD Agent 13.

[ ߜ ] E N E M I E S
The Commander
The Commander is the enigmatic leader of the terrorist organization known as HYDRA. He constantly wears a helmet that obscures his identity. He leads the command in an effort to bring down the world’s governments through subterfuge and terrorism.

Brock Rumlow/Crossbones
A former SHIELD agent and HYDRA infiltrator, Rumlow betrayed his teammates on a mission in Madripoor. Now one of Cobra’s main figures, his fighting prowess and history of leaving mass casualties in his wake makes him incredibly dangerous.

Like the Widow, Baroness is a former trainee of the infamous Red Room assassin factory. She is as deadly as she is beautiful.

HYDRA’s chief scientist, and secretly the CEO of the Military Armaments Research Syndicate, a powerful weapons manufacturer.

The Serpent Society
HYDRA’s elite death squad featuring a snake motif.

The Winter Soldier
A new player in the field. HYDRA’s most deadly asset.

Storm Shadow
The Commander’s personal bodyguard and sworn enemy of Snake Eyes.

Advanced Idea Mechanics
A terrorist organization bent on using technology to overthrow civilization

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

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30 Robert Bruce Banner / Hulk Chaotic Neutral

“Hulk is strongest one there is!”

[ ߜ ] O R I G I N
Bruce Banner is the son of Dr. Brian and Rebecca Banner. Both Briana and Rebecca were respected experts in the field of atomic physics. The two of them helped pioneer the creation of a formula said to rival or even surpass the original Super Soldier Serum in its ability to enhance a normal human into a powerful metahuman. The two of them were hired by the United States government straight out of college to develop the serum for use by the military. It was on that project that they first met, quickly growing attached to one another through their love of science. The creation of the serum was a slow process, considering that they were building it from the ground up. Worst still, the team working on the project consisted mostly of aides and second hand researchers. Only Brian and Rebecca had any true expertise in the field. Their greatest breakthrough came when a tiny sample of Captain America's blood was recovered from a defunct Strategic Scientific Reserve base. The discovery led to the project gaining a huge swath of monetary support from the Pentagon, which in turn led to a much larger and more qualified staff being hired. General Thaddeus Ross was brought on to oversee the logistics of the project and report back to the Pentagon with his team's progress.

Brian and Rebecca were married for less than a year when their son Bruce was born. He spent very little time with his parents due to their busy workload, instead living with his aunt Susan and her husband Drake a few hours from the base. He became close friends with Betty, the daughter of General Ross. As young Bruce grew older, he began to notice just how often his parents fought. It seemed like every time he saw the two together, they were arguing about anything and everything. His aunt had always told him it was because work was extra stressful. But Bruce could tell something else was wrong. His father had quite the temper and was prone to yelling and cursing at both his wife and son, especially when he drank. Which was often. His alcoholism became such a hindrance that Thaddeus forced Brian into a help group, threatening to fire him if he continued to act out. Ross's hard line response only seemed to infuriate Banner, who became increasingly violent as time passed. It all came to a head one night when Brian returned home, incredibly intoxicated and likely high on something. Rebecca greeted him by chiding him for leaving the door open when he left. Doctor Banner responded by striking her in the face. Bruce watched from his room as his father choked the life out of his mother.

Ross had Brian arrested and Bruce sent off to live with his aunt and uncle, his new legal guardians. The project was suspended and all assets frozen when it was discovered that Brian had been experimenting on himself with the formula. Investigators claimed that the Super Soldier Serum in Brian's blood had actually been driving the scientist insane and forced Ross to close the project, deeming it a total failure.

Meanwhile, Bruce began to isolate himself from those around him. He gave himself to his school work, graduating every class with a perfect score. His concerned aunt tried to get Bruce to interact in any way every chance she got. Any attempt to get Banner to befriend another living soul failed miserably. The only one who made any progress was Jennifer Walters, Bruce's stubborn cousin who vacationed in New Mexico every six months and spent every waking minute with Bruce. The boy refused to admit it, but he enjoyed her company immensely. The two were quite close by the time he graduated high school. The genius prodigy received no shortage of college invitations, with Oxford, Harvard and Yale offering him completely free rides. Instead, Bruce decided to stay local and chose to study nuclear physics in Navapo, New Mexico, at Desert State University as the star student of Professor Rex Tyler. He also briefly transferred to Pennsylvania State and met Walter Langkowski while studying there. Bruce received his masters degree in nuclear physics and went on to work on his doctorate at Caltech, alongside Philip Sterns. One of the more memorable moments in Bruce's education was attending the Forward Thought Conference by Harrison Wells at Oxford. He met a number of interesting individuals there, such as Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne. The conference itself was one of the major influences on Bruce's decision to return to New Mexico and restart the Super Soldier Project.

At first, Ross and his superiors outright refused the now twenty-three year old Bruce's request. Try as he might, there was no convincing them to change their minds. Not without evidence that he could finish what his parents started. So, Doctor Banner set out to do just that: prove himself capable. He approached a shady group known as AIM and acquired a small amount of funding from them and a laboratory to work in, as well as colleagues to assist him, in exchange for the finished project. Bruce had tried to come up with something tangible on his own and had failed. He didn't like having to work with Advanced Idea Mechanics, but in his mind it was the only way. He was determined to finish the formula; it was his family's legacy. And he knew he could do it. He'd spent his entire life up to that point proving it. Now Banner had the money and manpower to finish it. He spent the next six years creating a working version of his Super Soldier Serum. The secret, he discovered, was injecting gamma radiation into the subject's blood stream prior to releasing the actual serum. By the time animal testing produced a 68% success rate, AIM's higher ups decided to move on to human testing. Doctor Banner was against the idea, of course, but was forced to administer the process to a willing volunteer. The first successful human test subject was a famous boxer turned ex-con named Carl Creel. His absorption abilities were an anomaly, to say the least.

It was at that point that Bruce decided things had gone too far. He had gotten caught up in the excitement of fulfilling his life's dream and accidentally turned a common, every day criminal into a super villain. He took all the research he and his team had done and torched the laboratory, causing an explosion that destroyed the entire complex and killed everyone inside. What he didn't know was that Crusher Creel had not only survived, but managed to save the lives of the project's heads, Samuel and Philip Sterns.

Robert approached Ross with all of the research he had done, choosing not to inform him or anyone else of his exploits within AIM. The general took the information to his superiors and Project: Gamma World was reinstated. With the full force of the United States military at his back, Banner was able to perfect the formula in only two years. Ross brought on a much larger staff for the first official test on a human being. The team included a number of interesting individuals, such as: Igor Drenkov and Yuri Topolov, a pair of Russian scientists who fled to the U.S during the Cold War; and Chang Lam, a Chinese doctor who participated in less than legal experiments in Afghanistan prior to being arrested by SHIELD and pardoned by the United States government in exchange for his assistance. The actual subject was a British Royal Marine by the name of Emil Blonsky who had been hand picked by Ross for his fierce loyalty and fighting spirit.

The experiment would've been a success if it were not for the intervention of outside forces. Dr. Deidre Wentworth, a former colleague of Bruce's parents on the old Super Soldier project, had seen what the serum could do first hand. She feared Bruce's creation, and chose to sabotage the first trial in the hopes that the entire project would be cancelled. Unbeknownst to Deidre, her plans only caused further havoc. The main pipeline pumping the serum into Blonsky's chamber exploded, dousing the entire room in hazardous chemicals. The room quickly flooded with gamma radiation as well, thanks to a series of catastrophic system failures caused by the pipe bursting. Blonsky was the first to change. His body rapidly took on mass. His skin shifted and cracked, transmogrifying into tough emerald scales. Despite the trauma and confusion brought on by the sudden change, Emil managed to smash his way out of the lab and lead the people inside to safety. Everyone inside the main testing area when the 'accident' occurred was placed into quarantine. For the first two weeks, only Emil showed any symptoms of the serum. Slowly, over the course of several months, the scientists' powers began to manifest. Each was different, but almost all of them shared a similar monstrous appearance. Only Wentworth remained human in image.

Bruce's transformation came last and was the most violent. Unlike the others, who couldn't free themselves despite their best efforts, he destroyed his containment cell (which was meant to hold rogue Kryptonian prisoners) and injured three dozen guards and base personnel before escaping into the Nevada desert. General Ross brought in General Talbot and SHIELD to assist in the hunt, but they couldn't find the monster. Bruce found a dark cave and decided to seclude himself from civilization to protect them from himself. He would've stayed there forever, if not for happenstance. Or perhaps it was fate. Whatever the case Rick Jones, a young college student on vacation for the holidays, was out rock climbing when he discovered Bruce's particular hiding place. The terrified doctor tried to get the boy to run, yet he refused. The two sat down and Banner explained what had transpired. Rick decided to assist in the doctor in any way he could. He procured food, water and shelter for the doctor. Over the course of months, Bruce set up another laboratory in that cave where he would work day and night to find a cure.

One day, Jones returned to Banner's 'home' with distressing news. Someone had attacked Gamma base. The monsters held there had all been freed by a man the media were calling the Absorbing Man. At first, Banner refused to act. His presence would only make matters worse. Besides, he couldn't control his...other form. He'd leave it up to Ross and the super heroes. Eventually word reached him that Emil Blonsky, now calling himself an 'Abomination,' was rampaging through Las Vegas. The beast had already beaten a number of heroes and would continue on his path of destruction if he wasn't stopped. Jones convinced Bruce to leave the cave and go to Las Vegas to stop Blonsky. Banner confronted Emil, pleading with him to stop the madness. But the marine wouldn't hear any of it. His mind was too far gone and he only to make others suffer for his condition. Bruce's anger flared when Abomination attacked a fleeing family, and he transformed for the second time. Dozens of onlookers broadcast the footage of the battle between this 'Hulking creature' and 'Abomination.' Hulk's name was coined, and the world was left to ask: was he a monster? Or a hero? Or something else entirely? Bruce couldn't answer. He didn't know.

Flashfoward to April 1st, and the Hulk is needed once more. Bruce leaves his hole and does battle with the alien invaders attacking the west coast. The Hulk's rage burned against the Kryptonians, for they thought they were stronger. But Bruce's inner beast couldn't accept that. It seemed obsessed with proving that it was the strongest there is. So the Hulk fought, harder than it had fought even the Abomination. Many were killed in the crossfire. The monster knew no self control. And the aliens gave no quarter. Destruction was wide spread. When the Hulk reverted back to Bruce, the doctor fled back to his home in terror. He was horrified by what he'd done. The next morning, an image of the Hulk standing atop a pile of rubble and holding the decapitated head of a Kryptonian in his hand circulated the internet, further proving to the downtrodden doctor that he was nothing more than a monster. Rick was quick to rectify that, pointing to numerous incidents of the Hulk shielding civilians from the aliens. Bruce argued that it was merely coincidence. Whatever the case, he was determined to cure himself.

There could be no more Hulk.

[ ߜ ] A L L I E S
Betty Ross: Bruce Banner's best friend and crush since he was young. He hasn't spoken to her since his father died. Nor does he plan to, now that he turns into a giant green rage monster whenever he gets a little flustered. He does think about her quite a bit, however.

Rick Jones: Banner's current lifeline to reality. He met the teenage college freshman by total chance less than a year ago. Now Bruce can't imagine life without the kid. He's the only light in Bruce's world of darkness. He provides Bruce with sustenance, tech and information. Supposedly, Rick's parents gave him a considerable amount of funds when he left to go 'find himself' in the mountains. Well, he certainly found something. The Hulk probably wasn't what he bargained for.

Jennifer Walters: Bruce's cousin and close friend. She's a big time lawyer living in New York City now, but once upon a time she was a nerdy teenager trying to comfort her cousin who just watched his dad choke the life out of his mom. She loved and cared about Bruce more than anyone else had, and that had endeared her to Banner at an early age. The two haven't spoken since Bruce set out for college, though he wishes he could get in touch with her again. Living in the mountains with only a nineteen year old kid for company could get rather tiresome at times.

Leonard "Sampson" Skivorski: An old friend of the family, Leo was the closest thing Bruce had to a second dad. He was constantly visiting Bruce when he was younger and was always around to cheer him up. When Brian was sent to prison, Skivorski decided to move in with Bruce's aunt and uncle to help out. He was Bruce's physiatrist until the boy went off to college. The two have interacted only a handful of times, but nothing after the Hulk incident.

[ ߜ ] E N E M I E S
Emil "Abomination" Blonsky:

Chang "A-Bomb" Lam:

Samuel "Leader" Sterns:

Philip "Madman" Sterns:

Carl "Crusher" Creel:

Deidre "Superia" Wentworth:

Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross:

Glenn Talbot:

Igor "Jack the Ripper" Drenkov:

Yuri "Gargoyle" Topolov:

[ ߜ ] N O T E S

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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19 Barbara Norris Lawful Good

“The lame rides a horse
the maimed drives the herd
the deaf is brave in battle.
A man is better blind than buried
A dead man is deft at nothing."

~ Hávamál

[ ߜ ] O R I G I N


The story of Valkyrie begins in the time before time. It was the closing years of the first Ragnarök when Earth was known by a different name Aesheim. This young world had been corrupted by the hands of Cul Borso also known as the Serpent, an Asgardian and the older brother of All-Father Odin. He ruled over the oceans, mountains and forests through fear and destruction with the help of his mighty warriors known as the Worthy. Odin heard the cries of the people upon Aesheim and so gathered up his two other brothers Vili and Ve and a group of mighty warriors from Asgard and lead a campaign to rid Aesheim of the evil that their brother had created.

Battles were fought and warriors on both sides were lost in the fighting but in the end Odin, Vili and Ve triumphed over their older brother and slayed his army of Draumar and every member of the Worthy. They stormed Cul's citadel and in a climactic duel for the fate of Aeshei, brother fought brother. Odin proved the stronger that day, and tossed his brother into the depths of the ocean imprisoned by chains forged by Brokkr himself. The evil was banished, and yet Odin was still plagued by dreams bestowed upon him by the Yggdrasill. In those dreams he saw Cul rising back up from the depths empowered and using said power to destroy the entirety of the nine worlds. To prevent this, Odin began to systematically kill all the man and women that had bore witness to Cul. These people carried within them seeds of fear and darkness that had been planted into their being, it was this fear of Cul which would allow the fallen Asgardian to gain his powers back. The people of course did not understand this and tried their best to fight back against Odin to try and save themselves.

One such man was Sigmund, a warrior and champion of the people that had lead the rebellion against Cul long before Odin intervened. In his long adventures Sigmund had met Brunnhilde, princess of the Wrlstead Arms whom Sigmund had trained in combat under the order of her father, the king. The pair loved each other greatly and were a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Upon hearing of the great culling of the humans of Aesheim, Sigmund gathered an army to fight back against the gods. In the end though Odin's great strength and power would result in the shattering of Sigmund's army, and the razing of Wrlstead Arms.

Yet before Odin could strike the deathblow to Sigmund, Brunnhilde leaped in front of Odin and attempted to strike him down with her blade. Odin demanded that Brunnhilde step aside and let him finish his job, but Brunhilde fought onward. The strength and tenacity of the humans even after they had been bested had impressed Odin who came to realize that the warriors of Aeshim needed a paradise of their own. So rather than kill Brunnhilde he made her into his Valkyrie who would bring the souls of honorable warriors up to the paradise known as Valhalla.


Brunnhilde became the leader of the Valkyrior, a group of six warrior goddess tasked by Odin to bring worthy fallen warriors to Valhalla. During this time she came into the view of Amora. Amora saw Brunnhilde's great strength and prowess and saw use for her. Considered on Aeshim to be the god of beauty, love, and sex who had helped Odin before in his battles, Bruunhilde saw no problem in helping the women. And so using Amora with her magics and Brunnhilde with her strength traveled together in an effort to gain items which Amora greatly desired. At first Brunnhilde held only admiration from Amora both in her beauty and her skills. All the while Amora spun her little web ensnaring Brunnhilde further and further making the warrior into her own perfect little champion.

In the end though Bruunhilde realized her mistake when the Yggdrasill revealed to her that Amora was planning to try and overthrow Odin and take Asgard for herself. The artifacts that the two had been collecting if brought together would've allowed for Amora to achieve immortality, making it so that no man or asgardian could defeat her. Brunnhilde learning of her partner's treachery began working on a plot to foil Amora's plans. Brunnhilde destroyed the artifacts and shattered Amora's army before it could even begin with the help of the Valkyrior and others. Amora managed to escape but promised revenge upon the Valkyrie for all that she had done.

Her revenge would come many centuries later after Odin had limited Asgard's connection with Aesheim for the greater good. Odin's sons Thor and Loki and the Warriors Three had been lost on an excursion to recover Gungnir from the giants of Jotunheim. Odin fearing for the worst dispatched Brunnhilde and the Valkyrior to the world of giants to rescue them. Little did Brunnhilde know that Amora had planned all the events which were to occur to spring a trap upon the leader of the Valkyrior. When they arrived at Jotunheim, they found an army waiting for them. The Valkyrior fought bravely against the giants and managed to carve a path to the dungeons of Utgardhall freeing the trapped heroes. In the end Brunnhilde sacrificed herself - holding the line to allow the others to escape from Jotunheim. The great valkyrie being struck down by a combination of the giant king's might and Amora's magic.

While Brunnhilde perished in the snows of Jotunheim, the soul of the Valkyrie lived on imbued with the power of her spirit. Amora banished the spirit and sent it into the void so that Odin could not recover it and bring Brunnhilde back to life. And so many ( Amora included) thought that was the end of the Valkyrie. What they didn't know was that the spirit would eventually find its way to Aesheim over many millennia where it would eventually find itself a host worthy of its mantle.

The spirit would first find its way into Samantha Parrington, a rich socialite born and raised in Gotham. Born into a wealthy family and raised on ideals of empowerment and the betterment of all. The spirit bestowed upon Ms. Parrington amazing powers and the ability to a make a difference in the world. Ms. Parrington became a crime fighter that the news dubbed as Valkyrie known for her sword Dragonfang and her flying steed Aragon. Samantha would end up joining the Justice Society of America and fight alongside the likes of Wesley Dodds, Ted Knight, Jeffrey Mace and others. An impressive feat at the time considered at the time of her joining the league in 1960 she was barely seventeen years old.

The heroic acts of this new Valkyrie had caught the eyes and attention of Asgard. Odin summoned the young girl from Earth to speak with her and learn of her story. After spending some time bouncing between Asgard and Earth, it was decided that Ms. Parrington would become Odin's voice upon the planet and act in his stead as he was forbidden too. Samantha would continue to fight alongside the JSA and face many foes that had fallen from the other nine worlds as well. Her actions would bring her into conflict with a villain known as the Enchantress otherwise known as Amora who saw this semi-reincarnation of Brunnhilde as nothing more than a simple pain in her side.

At the age of thirty five, the JSA had disbanded and Samantha was at a lost at what to do with her life. With nowhere else to go she turned back towards the origin of her powers and went to Asgard. Here Ms. Parrington would join up with the Valkyrior. The group of warrior goddesses had become a shadow of its former self in the time since their original leaders death. War against giants and other foes had resulted in great losses and forced many of the original Valkyrior to be replaced with newer warriors with less experience in battle. Samantha then made it her duty and task to train the Valkyrior back into fighting shape as a force to help defend Asgard.

Eventually though Samantha would perish in battle against Hela, the goddess of death after she tried to steal a piece of Odin's soul. And once more the Spirit of the Valkyrie would continue to live on jettisoned back into the void until it could find a worthy host once more.


Born to Steve and Krista Norris in Breckenridge, Minnesota, the first of their eventual three children. Barbara lived a normal life in a city that was small by most standards with only around three thousand and five hundred residents at any given time. Her family life was simple at best, her mother a waitress at a truck stop and her father a local journalist that earned his pay writing about high school football. It was the kind of place that people spent their entire lives trying to get out of, because if you didn't do it fast it had a habit of keeping you stuck for the rest of your life.

The early years were normal , she spent much of it with her father as her mother's work schedule was erratic at best. Her father wasn't the best parent in the world with the inability to cook and a permanent stoic distance that he seemed to keep to his children. As a result the routine was established early though with the same dinner of deli meats on white bread with a small selection of condiments every night, they eat at a dinner table where little small talk was engaged. Sometimes though on the rare occasion that the pestering of his children managed to crack his resolve of stone he would tell his children stories. His favorite were the ones he read when he was young boy enraptured with Norse Mythology. For all his lacking in other fields Steve was a grand story teller who was able to fill his children's minds with vivid pictures of Thor, Odin and others battling Stygian terrible foes like giants. Though it would be Barbara that would be sucked into them the most.

In the ended though times of storytelling and the freedoms of early childhood were replaced with School. Unlike some Barbara had found little difficulty adapting to the school setting. Able to run to the jungle gym and back quicker than any of her classmates, and recite the alphabet without messing up forwards and backwards she was on the quick road to popularity. Her teachers could only say good things about her to her parents that she was a 'bright child', a 'pleasure to have in class', among others. But she did have one issue, one that would follow her through most of her life her constant spats with bullies.

You see like many children her age Barbara grew up with more than just the stories of mythological heroes, she grew up with the stories of real heroes. Heroes such as the Flash, The Sandman, Star Man and others. While the time of the JSA had long since passed their dreams and ideals continued to live on and imbued themselves into the hearts of the people that they once protected. Children in particular having an inexplicable draw to the heroes stories and legends. So when Barbara saw her fellow classmates being picked on she would step in to intervene. This lead to many days of her coming home on the bus with a black eye and a call home to her parents. Her parents worried about her and in response to at least give the girl the chance to defend herself they signed her up for karate lessons which she would take throughout high school.

Junior High school came and went with it the first steps into puberty, boys, and all the other not so fun things to do in the world. She excelled once again in most of her classes except for the dreaded fear that was Sarah Keller's Algebra I class in Seventh Grade. She bounced around a lot between groups and friends trying to find her place among them as she was stuck at the epicenter of many intersecting circles. She stayed fairly popular though both among the students and the teachers and things seemed to go alright.

High School rolled around and much of the same followed. She passed through her advance placement classes not with the best grades but ones that didn't have her parents trying to kill her. She stayed active with things such as the student government and leading the girl's volleyball team to the State Championships where they lost in the closing minutes of the game. Relationships, a troubling pastime that she had been dealing with since Junior High continued, nothing ever truly deep or meaningful occurred though and she was smart enough not to get pregnant or anything like that. Senior year rolled right on along and she found herself applying to college something that was easily enough with her good grades and athletic ability.

In the end though she ended up going to Metropolis University where she went to go play Volleyball for the Bulldogs studying political science with law school on her mind for the future. To go from a small city in Minnesota to one of the largest metropolitan centers in the world was something of a shock. Expectations rose, the general craziness of life mounted higher and higher. She almost lost her scholarship by almost getting kicked off the volleyball team, she struggled in some of her classes and found herself scrambling for purchase. Mid-way through her second semester she found her footing again, doubling down in an effort to not disappoint her parents and anyone else.

She thought she had finally found even footing. She thought it was going to be easy from that point forward. She was wrong.

The truth of the matter was that Barbara had forgotten about the heroes of her youth. It wasn't until the Kryptonians attacked that she remembered them. The attack hit Metropolis pretty hard and a whole lot of lives were lost in the process, hell half of Barbara's dorm at Met U had been completely demolished when a Kryptoian mech was tossed into it by Superman. But like the many other civilians who there that day, she watched as the Superman, Steel and Supergirl fought against the Kryptonians. Watching them almost immediately her mind was brought back to the days of her youth playing pretend with her siblings.

In the weeks following the attack Barbara found herself thinking about the superheros more and more. Her notebook was filled with sketches of the heroes that she had pretended to be in her youth. It was a stupid fantasy of course, something to get her mind off of the stress for a minute. She knew she was enraptured with the idea of being a superhero, she could never be one herself. She was just Barbara Norris from Minnesota, she played volleyball and she wanted to become a lawyer some day. She wasn't like them, the best she had done was get beat up trying to stop bullies in elementary school.

That changed of course.

April 20th, 2016 it was a day that would become ingrained in Barbara's head for the rest of her life. She was walking back to her dorm after going out to go see some punk rock band with her friends. The rest of them were staying out getting drunk with their fake I.Ds and what not. In all her heart she wanted to go them but she couldn't, she couldn't afford to get caught by the police it would mean the end for a whole lot of things she worked far too long for. And so she trudged it alone back to the campus grounds. She had made such treks what seemed like a million times and she suspected it to be the same as always.

She heard a cry for help and instinctively she turned down an alleyway heading off of the main street. There she saw a woman being assaulted by a man. Barbara froze unsure what to do, the pair having not noticed him yet. She could run back to the safety of the main street and head on with her day, no that wasn't right. She could call the cops and hope they arrived quick enough, they wouldn't. She could stick around to see what happened, things were getting worse by the second. No. She knew what she had to do. She yelled out at the culprit starling him and charging into him. The culprit pulled a gun as the young Norris wrestled him to the ground. He fired.

The bullet should of killed her. The man left her for dead in a pile of her own blood. She could feel her heartbeat getting slower and slower. Then a warmth of light surrounded her and the pain vanished. She was no longer in her own clothes but out of something of some fantasy viking novel. She felt the strongest she had ever been in her life. On her back was a sword of all things. She chased after the man that had shot her and found him easily enough as the scratches that she had left on him left a blood trail. The next morning, the cops found him tied up in front of their police station, bickering about some golden haired warrior that had come down from the skies.

It's been a week and a couple days since. In that time Barbara had been introduced to a slew of interesting things including a flying horse and ghosts of dead warriors talking in her head. For now though she's playing it cool, not jumping to any conclusions or doing anything that would draw the media to her. In fact she hasn't even stopped a single crime since the one that got her stuck in this mess. She's got a long road ahead to becoming anything close to a hero, but everybody has to start somewhere right?

[ ߜ ] A L L I E S

Mercedes Knight | A close friend of Barbara and another student at Metropolis University. Studying Criminal Justice, wants to be a cop some day.
Elsa Bloodstone | Barbara's roommate. A friendly girl from Boston that is studying biology. She has vampire problems. Currently they are the only people that know of one another's respective problems.
Felix Alvarez | One of the best lawyers working in America and a total dream boat. He's Barbara boss down at her current internship at Luthor Law Solutions.
Detective Ry Sovereign | Works for the metropolis police department, specializing in super human related crimes. Hasn't got to know Ms. Norris just yet.
Odin | The big man himself, is aware that a new Valkyrie is up and about it somewhere but has more important things to deal with at the moment.
Yggdrasill | Less of a person and more a tree that is central to the very fabric of reality and all but you know. It can communicate though by sending people prophetic dreams about usually very bad things.
Balder Odinson | Son of Odin sent to Earth to try and find the new Valkyrie. He landed in Russia, probably going to be awhile.
Aragon | Flying horse. Yep you read that right, flying horse.

[ ߜ ] F A M I L Y

Steve Norris | Barbara's father, a journalist from Minnesota who is pretty good at telling stories. Kind of a grump.
Krista Norris | Barbara's mother, a waitress from Minnesota. Barbara's biggest fan.
Jack Norris | Barbara's younger brother. Sixteen years old and full of hormones, he likes drawing things.
Kathryn 'Kate' Norris | Barbara's younger sister and twin of Jack. She throws a mean softball.

[ ߜ ] E N E M I E S

Adaliah Hazlewood/ Hela | Asgardian and Goddess of Death. Currently pretending to be a human and budding up to Barbara who is taking a strange liking to her. Hela has plans of course.
The Enchantress | Amora is the age old enemy of the first Valkyrie and probably won't like the new one that much either. Right now though she doesn't even now that she exists or cares. That might change in the future.
Malekith the Accursed | Ruler of Svartalfheim and generally a pretty big jerk. He sometimes comes to earth to try and conquer, destroy, exploit, et cetra.
The Doom Maidens | Harbingers of the end times.
Nathan Garrett/ Black Knight | One time British scientist set to win the noble prize in Physics turned evil man with a sword that corrupts all that it touches.
More to come

[ ߜ ] N O T E S

At the start of Maximum, Valkyrie has been well Valkyrie for like two weeks. She stopped one crime in the middle of the night and that was it. As a result the world doesn't really now about her yet as he hasn't had her big revel yet. That will happen soon enough though.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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15 Amadeus Cho Chaotic Neutral
“I'm the smart guy.”

[ ߜ ] O R I G I N

In ancient times, Zeus, king of the Olympian gods, bore a child with Alcmena. His name was Hercules. The child's Godly heritage granted him superhuman strength, something he demonstrated before he was even one year old by strangling two snakes whom the Goddess Hera had sent after him. He completed many labors during his lifetime, until his death at the hands of the centaur Nessus. Upon his death he was resurrected by Zeus, who brought him to Olympus where he settled into his true place as a God of Olympus.

Thousands of years later, Hercules found himself banished from Olympus. Seeking direction, he turned towards Athena, who told him of a young man of great importance.

That "man", was Amadeus Cho.

Amadeus was born to Philip and Helen Cho, two immigrants who had moved to America from South Korea. As a result of their shared love for historical names, Amadeus was named after the famous composer Mozart, while his sister Madame Curie Cho, Maddy for short, was named after the physicist Marie Curie. The Cho's raised their children in the small town of Tucson, Arizona, where Amadeus discovered from an early age that he was different from his peers at school. During kindergarten he was already reading at a fifth grade level, and by the time he was starting high school, Amadeus was taking theoretical physics college courses in his spare time. Needless to say, he was a genius.

This statement was proved on his 15th birthday when he decided to enter an online competition for young geniuses, run by a soap corporation named Excello. Winning the $5000 first prize was child's play for Amadeus, with Amadeus Cho being dubbed the Mastermind Excello, as well as earning the title of the 7th smartest person on the planet. Little did he know that winning would have dramatic ramifications on the rest of his life. He returned home just in time to see his house explode, killing his family. Or so he thought.

After being taken in by S.H.I.E.L.D, Amadeus discovered that while his parents could be accounted for, the remains of his younger sister, Maddy, had not been found. Realizing that she was still alive out there somewhere, as well as discovering that S.H.I.E.L.D. was planning on using his mind as a tool for coordinating all of their militaristic plans, Amadeus escaped custody. The teenager went on the run, adopting a coyote pup along the way that he later named Kirby, short for Kerberos.

It was during this time that he came upon Hercules, who ended up defending him from a group of AIM Agents, after the organisation had heard that S.H.I.E.L.D. was after him. Hercules became the boy's partner and guardian, while the two traveled and tried to find Maddy.

Their first adventure started after the two heroes came across a hunting party of Amazons. The group had traveled all the way from the island of Themyscira, after their home was attacked by a fearsome and unruly beast. The two agreed to help in their hunt of the beast, although soon it came to light that the leader of the party, Artume, was actually after an object called the Omphalos, with the beast attack being orchestrated by her so that she could get permission to leave the island. She aimed to use it to become the world's dominant force, bringing it to the new Axis Mundi, Washington, D.C. Thankfully with the help of Artune's former second-in-command, Delphyne Gorgon, they managed to stop her plight for power. During their time together, both Amadeus and Delphyne developed a mutual attraction for one another, ending their encounter with a kiss before Delphyne was forced to return to Themyscira with the rest of the Amazons.

Afterwards, Hercules and Amadeus, with pup in tow, continued on with their search, renting out an RV and travelling across the United States looking for clues relating to Maddy's location.

[ ߜ ] A L L I E S

Hercules: Amadeus' best friend and the brawn to his brains. Hercules acts as Amadeus' partner, with the two travelling across the world adventuring together. He seeks to steer Amadeus on a more righteous path, although this isn't always the case, especially since he tends to succumb to his hobbies of drinking and seducing beautiful people.

Kerberos: Kerby for short. Kerberos is a young coyote pup that Amadeus picked up off of the side of the road after its mother had been hit and killed by a car.

Agent Sexton: The mysterious FBI Agent who contacted Amadeus directly before he had been picked up by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Wonder Woman:

Delphyne Gorgon: A young descendant of the original Gorgon sisters who were cursed by Athena, Delphyne is a member of the Amazons of Themyscira. A deadly warrior, she hopes to someday follow in the footsteps of her idol, Wonder Woman.

Michael Holt: Mister Terrific, as well as another super smart guy.

[ ߜ ] E N E M I E S

S.H.I.E.L.D: Amadeus has been a fugitive of the organization for months since fleeing their custody.

Ares: The Olympian God of War, Ares has "beef" against Hercules due to him killing some of his precious birds or something. Truth be told, Amadeus wasn't exactly paying attention when Hercules told him of the rivalry, with him being too busy running for his life.

Vali Halfling: The demi-god son of the Asgardian Loki, Vali and Amadeus have a bitter rivalry.

Pythagoras Dupree: The mysterious man rumoured to have been behind the Excello competition, as well as the death of Amadeus' parents.

Cheetah: While primarily a villain of Wonder Woman, Cho ended up having to flee her himself when Hercules tried and failed to seduce her.

[ ߜ ] N O T E S

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 11 days ago

26 Jean Grey Chaotic Neutral

Jean Grey's childhood was a fairytale, that ended with a nightmare you don't wake up from. Jean is the only child of Percy Grey and Matilda Jennings-Grey. The Greys trace their bloodline back to a Norman knight, and had been in Boston since the days of the Massachusetts colony. The Jennings of Irish descent that saw them become part of a new wave to power in more recent American history, related to Kennedys in ancestry and political agenda. Both Percy and Matilda grew up in the machinisms that is the New England traditional life of high society, with its class structures, rules and concepts of appropriate behavior.

And they both rebelled against it as best they could until they found each other at Harvard, and rebellion became open dissent. For Percy that meant not using History as just an in to Law School, but actually wanting to pursue the life of an academic in the field. For Matilda it meant getting a job after graduating with no more than a Bachelor's in Biology. Refusing to use family connections, all Matilda found for work was that of a night shift nurse in a beaten down downtown Boston hospital. The couple moved into a small apartment in the city, and spend their time together sipping wine from plastic cups. Far from lavish, but they were happy.

The cycle of life would change that. Matilda lost her father, uncle, and a brother within the span of two years. Two to old age, one to drug addiction. While she would be okay, when the dust settled the family lawyers revealed her inheritance. Roughly at the same time, Matilda revealed to Percy that she was pregnant. It took Percy all of four minutes to go from finding out he would be a father, to announcing they would have to move. The couple agreed Matilda would quit her job, for now, and Percy would finally begin talking to schools outside of the Ivy League that had been offering him jobs for years.

Nine months later Matilda gave birth to a girl the couple named Jean Mallory: Jean after Percy's grandmother, Mallory after Matilda's favorite aunt. The day she was born was a bright pretty spring day, with a horrible storm that night. Matilda recounts having fever dreams that night, and remembering of them only stars and a star fire that spoke to her in tongues Matilda couldn't understand. Matilda had the first of many 'Phoenix' dreams that night, and though it was Matilda's last, Jean would continue to have them for the remainder of her life. When she was young they were nightmares that never went away, dark scenes and darker tones that were the only cloud in an otherwise cloudless life of happiness and love.

Her father became a respected professor of History and later Dean. Her mother would go on to be a hospital executive, the representative for nurses and other lower scale health workers at the very hospital she once worked the night shift as an ER nurse for. Jean spent her time between Boston and Cape Cod; the Red Sox and the boardwalks, even becoming the very thing that brought her parents and their families back together on good terms with her cotillion and work with the DAR. Life was all but perfect when Jean was twelve, a passenger in a car with Abby, Abby's older sister, and her best friend. Jean still doesn't remember the accident. Police reports say the car swerved to avoid an animal, and flipped. A lot.

Jean remembers Abby dying; except she remembers it from Abby's point of view. She remembers holding Abby as the girl died in her arms, though police reports say that was impossible, as Jean was unconscious when they arrived. Jean even remembers dying, and hearing a voice that cracked and popped like a raging fire telling her to let go of Abby in the darkness: that if she stayed with Abby's mind too long, too far into death, it would be dangerous.

When her parents brought her to Xavier, Charles claimed the voice was just a manifestation of her own natural abilities. That if it were real, he would sense it in Jean's mind, and in her memories. But the bird of fire still appears in Jean's dreams, though it's never spoken to her since the accident. Charles believes this to be because Jean's training has come far. She has fought alongside her fellow X-Men against many foes, and took her place side by side with them against Magneto and the Brotherhood, Sentinels, Kryptonians, and much more. As a nod to her endless fiery dreams, she did all of this under the codename 'Phoenix'.

A nod to dreams became infinitely more during the Kryptonian invasion. When Jean truly believed her friends could die, heatless flame began to appear where telekinetic force had only been before, mixing together as if somehow both were part of the same universal puzzle--as if the power had become cosmic in nature. Where flame and force appear together in the cosmic state of energy and matter, time and space. For a flash Jean felt and saw more than the combination of every Phoenix dream she had ever experienced.

This was different. This was real.

On that day the Phoenix turned the tide, and lived up to her name. The chaos and destruction of the day also saw her become closer to Wolverine than would have otherwise been possible given normal circumstances. When Jean felt an outsider because of the dreams gone real it was Logan that she felt could truly understand. Not her boyfriend. Not her mentor. More than her relationship began to come apart in the aftermath of the invasion; so too did her relationship with Xaviers. It's rumored in the halls of Xavier that Jean did not part on good terms with their namesake. The true reason stays unknown but to those involved--and they don't seem to be talking.

When Jean left, Logan left. The night it happened, no one seemed to believe Jean left before Logan. Everyone assumed Logan was the leaving type, not Jean. Never Jean Grey. Logan caught up to her at a diner about an hour north of the city, and JFK airport. Not many words were shared, not many were needed. They left together, quickly securing under the radar transportation to a somewhat surprising destination given the duo in question: Genosha, the mutant nation.

Time is needed to decompress and regroup, but even now, Jean has something already in mind. If only she had a fedora and a trenchcoat...


Wolverine - Her friend, first and foremost, her lover and beau. Jean likes to joke he's also her muscle, her body guard. People who have no idea of what occurred during the Kryptonian invasion have an easier time laughing at that.

The X-Men - Jean, like Logan, remains a 'reserve member' of the X-Men. They're still her family. She just needs time to figure her own issues out before she can properly focus on being an active X-Man again. Given her former role as team mom, she remains in constant communication with many of the X-Men, and even some students.

Charles Xavier - Despite their falling out, the two remain close: the result of knowing someone on the level only two telepaths can. She called him a liar, he admitted to violating her psychic trust for what he considered the good of the X-Men, and that was the show. He's e-mailed, having the decency to stay away telepathically. She responded once to let him know she was safe, and where she was going.

Erik Lensherr - Because of her connection and time with Xavier, Jean probably knows the man most know as Magneto better than anyone. With Xavier no longer an option for Jean to turn to if she needs advice after the first flicker of the Phoenix come alive, Magneto becomes an intriguing option. Few know what it's like to hold such power in their hands, to feel connected to the wider universe on such a deep, profound, level. He does.


Erik Lensherr - Call it frenemies. Magneto has done damage to herself and those she cares for in the past, and that forever marks him as someone she could never fully trust. One day she believes the man could truly rehabilitate...but she does not believe that moment is anywhere in the immediate future.

Mystique - Simply put, Jean hates the bitch.

Senator Robert Kelly (VA-R) - More a political rival than a rival on the battlefield, never the less Jean has many times found herself as the public face of the X-Men going off against Senator Kelly. He is a vain idealogue that has proven he will stoop to any level to achieve his vision of success--a vision that bodes very badly for any metahuman, let alone mutant.
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133 James "Logan" Howlett Chaotic Good

1883 - James Howlett is born in Cold Lake, Alberta, thought to be the son of John Howlett Sr. and Elizbaeth Howlett. His father is actually Thomas Logan, a groundskeeper at the estate. James spent most of his early years on the estate grounds with two playmates that lived on the Howlett Estate with him: Rose O'Hara, a girl who was brought in from town to be a companion to young James, and a boy nicknamed "Dog", Thomas Logan's son (and James's half-brother). The children were close friends, but, as they reached adolescence, the abuse inflicted upon Dog warped his mind. Dog made unwanted advances towards Rose, which James reported to his father. In retaliation, Dog killed James' puppy, in turn leading to the expulsion of Thomas and Dog from the estate. In turn, Thomas Logan kills John Howlett Sr. during a confrontation. These events lead James to leave home and lead a nomadic life.

1901-1902 - Logan settles in with Silver Fox, who is murdered by Sabretooth on Wolverine’s birthday in a series of yearly recurring attacks on that day. Sabretooth kills Silver Fox.

1914-1945 - Service in WWI, time spent in Madripoor.

1946 - Throughout Logan’s travels during World War II and afterwards, he meets Ogun, who mentors him in martial arts.

Logan settles in Japan with Itsu. Itsu is pregnant, though is killed by Winter Soldier, who was sent by Romulus, a mutant who has been alive for ages and has taken a particular interest in shaping Logan’s life.

1960's and 1970's - Wolverine eventually enlists with the CIA, and becomes part of Team X, along with Sabretooth. He spends time around the world performing covert operations, with notable service in Germany, Southeast Asia and Central Africa.

Logan is eventually placed within the Experiment X program, under the Weapon X project. The government experiments with different means to take best advantage of Logan's mutations. The team arrives at the plan to bond adamantium to his skeleton, a process uniquely applicable to him due to his healing factor. Mind control is used to keep him in line, but Logan eventually manages an escape, albeit with no memory of what came before.

In the late 1970's, the Wolverine was one of several operatives in the Weapon X program. Owingg the Ford and Carter-era cutbacks to black programs, operations were cut back drastically. In no small part due to the Wolverine's escape, the program, was deemed too volatile and was slowly shut down. It was easy enough for the program to fundamentally let go and let these mutants go back to their lives, though the plans to bring these people back, as necessary, existed and the operatives themselves were provided treatment for longevity and modifications to their memories.

Logan doesn't remember any of that. He found himself in rural Alberta with a truck and a place to live, but little recollection of how or what happened. While there were far more questions than answers, Logan found himself in a familiar place and a familiar pattern; on the outskirts, the margins, the frontier. He inhabited a place with wide open spaces and relatively few neighbors. In the course of time, he found a small community of those like him, mutants on the fringe, keeping their head down against a harsh world, and inhabiting their own little space. It was a hippie commune, essentially, and Logan made the obligatory cynical comments about that, but was fundamentally drawn to the idea of letting the world do what it would so long as he had some modicum of peace.

While the others in the commune did their thing, Logan existed on the fringe of that, providing some degree of services as a handyman and fellow that knew the woods pretty well; how to chop lumber, how to otherwise survive. The other mutants didn't ask a lot of questions he couldn't answer about his past. Toward the 1990's, they heard from Xavier and representatives; Hank McCoy and, later, Jean Grey. At the time, Jean had her boyfriend and Logan was in his own dalliance, even if there was something there. Beyond that, the time spent in Alberta was, at least, a quiet sort of existence. That was, rather suddenly, disrupted around the time that Logan started to get closer to the community and start of a relationship with a girl named Bethany, when it started to get serious. The man was blonde and vicious, and seemed to know things about Logan's past. He killed Bethany, he killed other members of the commune. He tried to kill Logan. This led to questions and questions led him to the Xavier Institute.

Once he and Xavier came to an agreement to explore the root of his amnesia, he began to go out on X-men operations. Perhaps it was something about Jean, but Logan, with his rough charm, couldn't quite get past Jean's doubts about his stability. It was true that Logan was a cypher and a paradox, skilled in violence but always looking to settle down somewhere. A man with a strong independent streak that nonetheless committed himself to things, though never easily, with great tenacity. A skeptic and a cynic, a man that'd been hurt many times. Underneath that mass of emotional scars, even the ones that weren't consciously remembered, there was something else, but it was too fleeting in the face of the sure thing that was Scott. And Logan lived up to the billing of unreliability, disappearing for periods of time, off doing his own thing, trying to track down his past. He managed to come up during the big fights, with Magneto, with the Sentinels and in other situations, but he was just as often away pursuing his own agenda. He managed to come up with a couple things; Weapon X and a couple of names, but they were dead ends.

The Kryptonian invasion altered the calculus; they were in more fight than they could handle and it was Jean that unequivocally saved them in the fight. Logan thought they were goners and said what he was thinking, though it was easy enough for a telepath to just dig it out of there nor was it precisely news. After, they survived, but there was tension in the Institute. It was a traumatic fight for Jean and Logan understood trauma, even if he couldn't remember it all. She had her own scars and he tried, in his own rough and earnest way, to help her. Logan was there for the arguments. He had his say with his typical lack of tact. He wasn't entirely sure where his vehemence came from, because he couldn't remember what happened to him. But he made his choices. Jean left. That was when he felt her reaching out for him. It wasn't a hard choice, to leave behind Xavier's. Jean left first, but Logan wasn't far behind.

The next stop was Genosha. It wasn't much of a sanctuary, but it was where Jean wanted to go.

Jean Grey: The Kryptonian invasion changed Jean Grey, or perhaps it unleashed things that she has to wrestle with for control. Logan was never the polished type and he certainly never commits easily to anything, but he now finds himself tied to Jean and following her into Hell. Hell, in this case, is a mutant nation run by Magneto. In a lot of ways, the bodyguard accusations are true in the sense that he's protecting Jean from other people, but also protecting them from Jean. Logan, above all, understands the need for solitude.

The X-Men: In general, Logan is considered a part of the X-men on reserve, like Jean Grey, though he has never really fully joined on for the cause. Jean Grey's departure was also his departure, and that left some trust issues in his wake. While Logan believes generally in what the X-men are doing, he also felt strongly compelled to leave with Jean. There's a lot of wreckage in the wake of Jean's leaving, whereas Logan was expected to pick up sticks sooner or later. In truth, a couple people there probably were relieved that the Wolverine went off on his own again.

Charles Xavier: While Logan respects the professor, he's an outsider at the Institute, and moreso than the other X-men, his own person. The ideals are fine and the Professor tries his best to make it work in a murky and uncertain world. Whatever went on with Jean and the Professor, Logan was there for it, but he's certainly not saying much.

William Stryker: This is an enemy that Logan is not aware of, but he is back in government work, advising on special projects for DARPA, who have seen a huge infusion of resources in the wake of the Kryptonian invasion. He is hardly the only old black ops guy being brought back into the fold.

Victor Creed (Sabretooth): Sabretooth's attack on Logan in Canada when he was just settling in with Bethany and that fits a pattern. What made Logan seek out the X-men in the first place was the possibility of unlocking the answers to these questions but it has been surprisingly hard to find much out about his past. Sabretooth, of course, dangles some of the tidbits before Logan maddeningly when they fight. It's clear that this is part of a cycle, but he has not had luck in learning much more than that.

Erik Lensherr (Magneto): Logan doesn't trust Magneto further than he can throw him, and is mostly on the island because Magneto feels that Jean Grey is an incredible coup for Genosha. Of course, seeing as Magneto can turn Wolverine into a puppet at any time, there is a degree of contempt there. Logan, in turn, can respect Magneto's position even as he objects to the methods. Magneto is a ruthless guy, and now he's a politician in charge of a nation. That has the Wolverine's hackles up, especially when they want to talk to Jean.

Mystique: She apparently knew Logan in the past, further back than his memory goes back, but she's not providing answers. So far, Logan isn't taking the bait.

Others?: That is the rub of having amnesia. You never know who else is out there.

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