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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Vec I actually have most of who he is figured out in my head, just have to get it written down. Given that at the moment it seems like I won't be sleeping I might go ahead and start on it now. As for you being his parent I would be interested, my only question is how does a giant scary space dragon have sex with a mortal? o.o. I suppose he could have used his avatar?

Ull can shapeshift into anything, really. Till now, he has taken only 3 forms. First was his star form, then dragon and most recently, humanoid.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

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<Snipped quote by Iktomi>

Ull can shapeshift into anything, really. Till now, he has taken only 3 forms. First was his star form, then dragon and most recently, humanoid.

Ah alright that makes a lot of sense. In that case I would have no issue with having The Primordial Star as my Demigod's father. Though as mentioned he won't be taking after him much.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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@Iktomi I feel that I need to say this once more. If you REALLY want me to be the parent of your Demi, you'll have to come at me with a set plan on how you want things to go. I am not very good with Demis, as evident from the fact that Ull'Yang has remained a bachelor the whole time...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

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Actually I'll just link the post

@Gimmickly, I quite like your character. It's a good idea, seems like fun, and it fills the niche of two gods who have been inactive from the start. Although 'Persuasion' seems to be a rather narrow Domain; someone suggested Deceit, which is a bit broader. Although there are a few very specific Domains around (we have one demigoddess of Toil), so Persuasion can work too. But your character seems more of a Deceit guy, so I'd recommend that.

@Iktomi, demigods do not need to be created by means of sexual reproduction. In fact, most demigods here were not made by that way. Let me grab the list...
Lifprasil was made when Vulamera and Vestec had a fight inside Vestec's mind, and some of Vestec's essence got mixed up inside her to make a demigod embryo.
Keriss was made by some strange (planned) essence mingling between Vulamera and Vakarlon while the former was in the latter's mind, and Keriss materialised out in the real world.
Belvast was made by a union between Vowzra and Belruarc (there was some touching of faces and stuff involving plants, but it is unclear whether any intercourse actually occurred), and Belruarc who had became mortal gave birth to Belvast. This is the closest to a natural birth we've had.
Amartia was made when Vestec found some ancient god-soul recalled by Slough (no Slough involved in the process of making Amartia) and shoved it into a mortal.
Kinesis and Conata were both made by Teknall with help from Ilunabar. And by made, I mean literally crafted.
Lazarus was made when some mortal found an eldritch artifact, a Relic of Perfectus, (which we think contained an ancient god-soul) left by Vowzra.
The Bard came into existence when Vowzra got Ilunabar to create a musical instrument, and they imbued it with their essences.

So as you can see, there are plenty of options for how a demigod can originate. If you are set on a Hedonism (Drinking) demigod, then thematically Ilunabar is the best fit. Whether @Double Capybara wants to join you in such plans is up to her. Although really, Hedonism (Drinking) seems like a rather narrow Domain/Portfolio. You could probably fit that character into a Hero.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

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@Vec Ignore what was written.

@BBeast It is not as narrow as it appears, I've been giving it a lot of thought since deciding upon it. I do appreciate your insight on the matter however, as I held reservations as well before delving into it.

In regards to the creation I do know that I mentioned regular birth, but I was aware that there were other ways to create a demigod. For the most part though these would require at least one of the Gods/Godesses to influence the creation.

I had asked broadly originally, simply due to the fact that Koh had mentioned that a demigod does not have to have anything in common with their "parents". After discovering that Ilunabar had created wine I too thought she would be best.

Thank you again for your feedback.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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@Iktomi@BBeast Also, don't forget we sort of already have a Demigod of Debauchery in the form of Amartia.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Kho.... It seems that you have not been playing much attention.

Of course I haven't, I freely admit it. Other than the upcoming collab and Turn updates, I don't plan to have much to do with the IC in future. I'll just be here to troll you all.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

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@VecThere is a difference between Debauchery and Hedonism, debauchery focuses on sensual pleasures while Hedonism (specifically Ethical Hedoisim) is the belief that every person has the right to pursue that which brings them the greatest pleasure and that there pleasure should outweigh their pain.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

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@Iktomi@BBeast Also, don't forget we sort of already have a Demigod of Debauchery in the form of Amartia.

This is true. There is a notable overlap them. But then again, there was a notable overlap between Conata and Kinesis. The characters will probably be quite different.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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@IktomiSo, debauchery is excessive indulgence in pleasure. Hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure and an ethical claim that pleasure is the proper aim in life?

So, whereas Amartia is Neutral Evil, your guy will be closer to Chaotic Neutral.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

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@Vec The key difference is that debauchery is excessive indulgence in sensual pleasure, though that was just the information gathered from one source. Another states that it is bad or immoral behavior that involves sex, drugs, alcohol, etc.

In this effect I, personally mind you, would believe the two to be opposites. At the very least in the manner that Hedonism will be presented by my demigod and my interpretation of the word from what I've read.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

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@Iktomi, At this point in the RP, fairly specific Domains are probably appropriate. Not saying Hedonism can't be made to be adequately broad (since it can be), but that in the early-game specific Domains were less advantageous. Imagine being a Hedonism god before the creation of sentient life; it just wouldn't work out. But in the present situation it works fairly well. Especially with the recent development of primitive cities.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

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Teknall hasn't made a single ring! Ever!

Well, I suppose at some point he should pull a Zephyrion and drop 10 Might on something like

What could go wrong?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

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@BBeast Of course, and that is part of the reason I decided to choose one that was more narrow while still giving me amble room to grow. If I had joined when this started I wouldn't have even thought of Hedoisim or anything similar.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

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Culture is a good potential domain to explore for prospective mortal-involved demigods. Defined as the diversity of ways that mortals do things- Culture (Revelry), Culture (Courtship), Culture (Religion), Culture (Family)- There's a lot to be explored, since Ilunabar and Amartia are the only really culture-involved gods we have now (Ilu has done a lot, though!).

And a lot of potential free points saved when customising cities.
when did I write this? the context has already moved on
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

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@Iktomi I was about to volunteer Ilunabar for the task too.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

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@Antarctic Termite Curse you Termite! Here I am defending my domain/portfolio and you come along with one that makes more sense.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Double Capybara Sorry missed your post at first. That would be wonderful!

@Vec Also yes, that is the alignment I had been intending. That or chaotic good, I had forgotten the exact definition of both.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

I feel like there has been much debate on the definition of words when dealing with portfolios. This has only limited benefits.


Because it's okay if domains and portfolios overlap.


Because as long as no two characters are the same, they are going to go about it in different ways.
Broader domains are weaker than narrower domains, allowing subdomains and superdomains to coexist with distinction from one another.

As long as everyone understands what you are trying to explore with your character there are probably going to be few to no problems with what domains and portfolios you pick as long as they aren't carbon copies. If two characters are too alike, then we run into problems.

Also, creation is probably only limited in scope by its opposite; destruction.

Do we have a destruction god?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@MuttonhawkThe closest to a destruction god we have is Vestec. As for pure destruction, Chaotic Evil, Mehrunes Dagon-esque kind of god, no. I don't think we have one.
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