**Transmission begins**
You've heard of the Sierra Madre. Its treasures, the danger.....the shining actress on the radio.....You've heard of the stories of people who went there, and never come back.....how greed got the best of men. Its in our nature. We want every thing. The money, the gold, the jewels....everything that would satisfy your desire...all that wealth ripe for the picking....all within the Sierra Madre.... But what would you do to get them? Murder your friends? Family? All for a shiny object? A few bars of gold? Well, now's your chance to find out what you really are....What your true morals get you....who would you trust? But, Lets get to the point.
You don't know me, but I certainly know you. I brought you here for a reason that will be........explained later. Right now, what's important is your predicament. Your in the City of Decay. A once fabulous casino before the bombs...now a wasteland...only the casino remained unaffected....Your in The sierra Madres villa, a compiling collection of ruins and scrap...
Your wondering where I am? I'm broadcasting this signal in the fountain, don't try to locate my signal. Or it wont be pretty....not for you anyway. You see, each of you are special in your own little way, mercs, gunslingers, murderers, hero's, wizards and mages, hackers...... And I need that. So here are three things I need you to do, and you better listen closely....if you don't, you will die, and I wont shed a tear, as ill pull someone else from the multiverse to replace you...But if you do listen, well, your chances of survival double, and your closer to leaving this hell.
If you want to live, here's step one. Watch out for ghost people. They are not human....used to be human....worked with them, used to help them clean up chemicals before the war....but not anymore. There predators now, and worse than what you could imagine.. Be on the look out for green eyes....also, this is very important, they cant be killed traditionally. You'll have to dismember them....or for you sicker people, eat them, I don't care what you do. But if you shoot them, they will just get right back up, so avoid them at all cost. Unless you got a ton of bullets...
Two, no matter what you do, stay out of the toxic red cloud. Sure your in the cloud now....but it isn't concentrated, only minor damage is being done, it'll wear you down though...make you weaker the longer your outside, so try to go indoors. Do not sleep in the cloud, or you will never wake up. You know your in the cloud when there's a light red mist around you...and you smell a hint of sulpher. The concentrated parts are what you have to worry about. Breathe it in, your likely to die....but not instantly. Its a slow and painful suffocation, and you'll have to run through it quickly...or you wont have the energy to do so. I advise you to stay out of it....or hold your breath.
Three. You see those bomb collars on your neck? I put them there. Don't tinker with them, or they will explode. Don't leave the city. Or.....you get the idea. Also stay away from speakers and radios. They all emit a frequency that set off your bomb collars, and I couldn't be bothered to work the frequency's around them....so your going to have to find the radios, and deactivate them. There are two kinds of radios. Sheilded, which can only be shut off, and non shielded, which can be destroyed. So be careful.
Also, one more thing. Your weapons are gone. there in the Sierra Madres security system, which prohibits weapons and chemical compounds, so your drugs and potions are gone too. You could try to find them....if you dare, as the security around contraband is extreme. So, use your wits and imagination. Homemade weapons are a ghost persons favorite. From knife spears to zip guns. Anything will help. Even bits of junk you find. So, that's all for now. Ill let you get...acquainted with everyone.
Welcome to the Sierra Madre. And please.
Enjoy your stay.
**Transmission Ends**
1. The GM Controls all npcs, and most big events. smaller event are controlled by the player
2. Limited OC characters. The rest must be canon with books, video games, TV shows, and real life. Characters can be modified to likening
3. No Godmodding!
4. Everyone is affected by the cloud. Even robots, or things that don't need to breathe. The cloud affects all, and is extremely dangerous
5. There are a certain number of traitors in this game, the traitors are not known to other players, and they can instantly kill players by IMing me and placeeing there votes for who they wont to kill. Only one character can be instantly killed with votes per round. If all players are eliminated, and the traitors are left alive, the traitors win. If the traitors are picked out, and the players remain, the players win. Every round (except for the first round) players must vote in there post by saying the suspected traitors name in bolded letters. Be careful who you pick.
6. Every round except for the first round, traitors must pm me there votes on who is murdered. They cannot post about murdering somebody, or they will be found out and banished, only one person can be murdered each round.
7. The bomb collars are on every one. No exceptions, but they may be on you in other ways other than your neck. But they must be on.
8. when a player is killed by traitors they are out of the rp until one of the afterlife rounds. (every 5th round), after that, your on your own.
9. no starting weapons. You may find them later in the rp, but that is controlled by me.
10. Have fun, post relatively long post, unless if its a conversation. Godmodders and nuisances will be targeted by traitors. Plz note this is a fast paced rp, but take time to post.