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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Out of all things, Clara hadn’t entirely expected Ryanair to react. The poor thing seemed rooted to the spot, in shock over the gruesome scene before him. Clara had kept herself disconnected from most of the group - distant from nearly everyone except Christian whom she’d looked for immediately in the carnage. He’d not been there - she’d been relieved to notice - but then she wondered how the hell all of this had happened underneath their noses. She’d actually slept through that night, and clearly, so did everyone else who were beginning to emerge from their rooms.

Her gaze focused on Christian for a long moment as he also emerged, carefully approaching the rest with as much surprise and shock as each of them. His eyes remained only on the bodies below, even as Clara turned suddenly on her heel next to him to take off after Ryanair. She’d seen him slam on the door - again, something she hadn’t expected, before he’d broken into the room.

Clara was quick to meet him - determined just as he to figure out just what the hell had happened and how it had happened. Kieran had to have been behind it - with everything that had been happening as of late - however, the new scene that she was met with had caught her off guard just as it had Ryanair.

Her steps came to an immediate halt as she stepped into the room - the smell of burning flesh invading her nose all at once as her gaze lingered on the blood all over the room before they fell on Kieran.

“....What the fuck?” The words were a whisper on her lips as she had seen Ryanair fall in the corner of her view. She’d not looked at him - her attention focused only on Kieran who hadn’t moved. The air almost left her lungs in that moment, unsure if he was even alive - and unsure if she should even approach him. She’d paused and took a step forward before suddenly lurching forward towards him.

“...Kieran?” It wasn’t really with much thought that she’d dropped next to him to try and take the rods out immediately - ignoring her own burning skin at the touch of it. She was only focused on him -- not Ryanair across the room - not anyone else who could have come in. Perhaps it was instinct - or sheer panic, but suddenly she felt she needed to help.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

He couldn't breath.

His lungs felt frozen I'm his chest as white-hot agony trailed down his back. He hadn't even noticed the presence until crimson eyes met his own and pain invaded his senses, the Ice cold hand that trailed down his back almost lovingly had him shuddering. He could hear muffled voices and sounds, though he couldn't bring himself to move. It seemed to continue until a new and familiar scent drifted into the air, Kieran’s stomach settling on the smell rather than the previous smell of burning flesh. He still couldn't move but he wished to console the owner of the scent, his throat working as if in preparation to speak.

He couldn't of course with the lack of oxygen missing from his lungs. Kieran twitched when another familiar scent joined the first, the iron-grip on his legs receding slowly as he took measured breaths. Then the second scent moved closer and suddenly the grip was back on his lungs and the agony returned with a vengeance.

His lips parted and a scream tore itself from his dry throat, his body instinctively tensing and moving away.

Ryanair jerked to the present when Kieran’s scream echoed in the room, his blond head whipping up so fast he heard his neck crack. He was beside his sire in moment, his hands steady as he helped Clara remove the rods. His jaw tightened as his own flesh burned, though he ignored it and kept helping.

The sooner these were removed the better. Then they could go about finding the anders aa to how all of this happened with no one noticing. How the werewolves were slain and not even the Alpha noticed, or how this had happened and the bond hadn't flared to life.

He wanted answers, he hated being in the dark.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara had not focused on anything other than the man before her and the need to pull out those rods as quick as she could. She hadn’t paid attention to her own pain; had hardly noticed her own burning flesh or the horrible sensation shooting through her hands as she gripped each rod while her other hand braced his chest to pull it out. She was silent, unsure of her own motives; unsure of what would even meet her once she was complete. Would it be the regular Kieran that she’d been previously hell-bent on killing - or would it be the new, crazed Kieran that no one could stomach being around? For all she knew, this could have very well been a trap and yet there she was, blindly trying to rid him of the rods in his chest and the pain and hinderance that it had caused.

Why she didn’t even think twice was beyond her -- she had no idea what had suddenly changed; what motivated her to want to even help him. She wanted to pawn it off on instincts - the need to save her sire at all costs- but it did seem like something changed. She just didn’t know how or why that was.

Clara didn’t even notice when Ryanair had suddenly been by her side to assist. Even Kieran’s cry had startled her from her own thoughts and had brought her own pain into light. She nearly hissed at the sensation shooting through her own hands and she could hardly stomach the smell of her own burning flesh now coupled with Ryanair’s and Kieran’s, but still she pushed through until she could pull at the very last one.

It was almost as if her stomach had been in her throat as she pulled it out and she sat back almost in her own confusion about what she was doing and why she even cared- but it wasn’t the time to think about it. The silver would hinder his healing, even as it was now removed. Who knew how long he’d been there - how long he’d been stuck like that?

She’d looked around the room suddenly to find any semblance of fabric that hadn’t been drenched in blood. She’d been able to find at least some sheets and she scrambled to her feet to grab at them before returning back to Kieran, immediately working to press them against his chest to stop the blood from oozing out.

Nothing around her would piece things together -- they needed answers, and she couldn’t fathom how any of this had happened. Their bond wasn’t strong at all, but hell - she should have known something was wrong. Even Ryanair had been clueless to Kieran’s injuries - lying behind closed door. Nearly half of the group had been slaughtered overnight - and no one had heard a single thing. How the hell was it possible?

She’d rather dwell on those questions than wonder just why she was so frantic in making sure Kieran was alright.

Her hands were burning even as she held the fabric to him, but she disregarded the pain as she tried to fully assess what happened and if he would be alright -- if he was even the normal Kieran even in that moment.

“What the hell happened last night? None of this fucking makes sense...”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

A weight seemed to release his chest and Kieran immediately gulped in large gasps of air. He became aware of how his body was shaking, and how the smell of blood and burnt flesh filled the air. He heard his first fledgling’s question though his mind didn't immediately supply him an answer, another three gasps later and Kieran managed to unclench his fists and open his eyes.

A hiss escaped him when bright sunlight met his gaze, his body instinctively curling into a tighter ball. His eyes slowly adjusted to the light and with it he became more observant as to who was at his sides. He opened his eyes and found both Clara and Ryanair sitting on their knees, their faces pale and eyes wide. He could remember the feel of ice-cold hands on his chest before his gaze met crimson eyes, his teeth grit and his lips part to answer Clara’s question.

“I don't know how but...someone was here. I only saw this person for a moment but I could tell he wasn't human. His eyes were crimson and I spotted a black phoenix on his shoulder before I was overwhelmed by pain…” His words failed him as he felt his throat close up, his hands flying to his neck. The copper scent of blood now filled his scenes, he curled his battered body into a ball and opened his mouth to speak once more. “Move...away….” He manages to rasp out, his tone weak but authoritative. It felt like he hadn't fed in what felt like weeks, his mind felt foggy and try as he might he couldn't recall anything other then the missing to find the Mage.

He didn't want to hurt either of his fledgling’s. Teeth gritting so hard he tasted blood on his tongue, he unconsciously fills their bonds with exhaustion and confusion.

Why couldn't he remember?

Why did he feel so thirsty as if he hadn't fed in a while?

….And why did he feel so heavy?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara had only remained focused on Kieran ahead of her, her brows furrowed as he began to speak. It was unsettling, to say the least, that he'd made mention that someone had been in the room with him prior to their breaking in – just as unsettling as it was that someone, if not Kieran, had created the massacre that was just beneath them downstairs while each of them slept. To have someone in the mansion go undetected – even rooms down from her – made her feel more than uneasy. Not to mention, as she looked around the mess that surrounded them, it hardly seemed as if there had been anyone there in the first place. Yet, Kieran had given quite a few specifics to the person's description…

She frowned as she listened to him, leaning back on her legs slightly, her frustration starting to show. It seemed as if he'd no idea of the bloodshed that had occurred over night and she wondered if all of the blood around the room had solely belonged to him. Clearly the man before her hadn't seemed to be the crazed Kieran that they'd come to known over the last week or so, but then again, she couldn't be so sure.

"And you didn't see where he went?" She asked suddenly – despite the fact that it was obvious he was in pain. Clara needed answers, and if he was in his right mind at the moment, she wanted to get them as quick as possible. Her hands were balled into little fists in her lap despite the pain of the burns on her palms.

"You have no idea what happened last night?" Clara continued – not heeding his warning to move away either. Perhaps her stubborn nature wasn't best suited for that moment, but she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity before it slipped by. "Half of the group is dead downstairs – do you have any clue what happened?" Her words were quick and heavy with her frustration, hoping she could get something out of him – clueless to the danger that lie just ahead of her as well. Although, she was fairly certain she could handle herself – Ryanair, she wasn't so sure about.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Kieran took a slow, measured breath before answering. The first question was easy enough, he shook his head and uncurled from the ball he'd made himself into. He could feel his body beginning to mend itself, the feel of skin moving and slowly closing over the wounds. The second question had his eyes widening and his stomach dropping to his feet, he was sitting up before his mind could process just what the hell he was doing. A familiar pair of hands on his upper arms stilled him for a moment, Ryanair was watching him and Kieran questioned him first.

“What happened below?” His managed to grit out, Keiran caught Ryanair’s flinch before the blonde rolled his shoulders and offered a nod. He was released but one of Ryanair’s hands gripped the sleeve of his torn shirt, Kieran relaxed and rested his head against the headboard.

“Someone managed to slaughter the Pack except for Evian and Ynez, somehow someone room out a pack of werewolves without anyone waking. And this morning everyone was still asleep when I awoke to head down to the kitchen, I don't..no one fucking heard anything….” His words failed him and Kieran reached forward to gently card through blonde locks. He was pleased when Ryanair didn't flinch and after a moment more, allowed his hand to fall to his lap.

“I just saw his reflection in the window...His smile wasn't one of friendliness it was twisted. I remember seeing one of his fingers trailing down his own chest before...pain” He suddenly felt exhausted -his eyes fighting to stay open- Kieran knew logically that that was a bad sign and he tried to keep them open. His head felt heavy and he felt the world spin dizzyingly as his body tipped sideways.

He was so....sleepy….


V’yest grinned maniacally as the person before him withered in agony, it wasn't much but it was entertaining enough. A sigh slipped passed his lips when the figure stilled and his creatures vanished into nothingness, he rose from his chair and made his way towards the nearest window. It was daylight and the fields that surrounded his home were bare and dead, he turned away and made his way towards the dining hall.

A tune began to fall from his lips as he continued down the hall, his steps silent and vermilion eyes closed. He'd had fun the night before, the screams and snarls echoing in his ears as he took a right. He slowed when he felt a familiar weight settle onto his right shoulder, the beak that nudged at his cheek had him frowning. “I just payed a little bit, nothing more.” He stated in a tone that oozed boredom, the phoenix trilled a few notes and fell silent.

He saw us you fool, if only for a moment. V’yest hissed softly as the words filled his mind, it was chastising and the Mage didn't appreciate it. He shooed the phoenix away and pushed over the large doors, stepping inside he found nothing but books and candles. Moving forward and grabbed the closest book, he sat down and began to read.

He'd bide his time and see how his toy was doing, he hadn't meant to hurt him but it had happened.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

None of it made any sense at all. Clara couldn't quite grasp how someone had managed to come into the mansion, completely annihilate most of the wolf pack, injure Kieran without even Ryanair knowing – and simply vanish into thin air all while they'd been asleep. There hadn't been a moment that she'd woken up to any sound or any disturbance – hell, it had been one of the first nights that she'd actually slept without waking up to anything at all, let alone her own nightmares.

Clara had looked around the room while he spoke, and she pushed herself away from the two of them to come to a stand. Her steps took her towards the windows, surveying everything while she tried to make sense out of it. If this thing could come in and out undetected, who was to say it still wasn't in the mansion? Who was to say it still couldn't attack the rest of them while they slept that night? Was the mansion, or anyone in it, safe anymore?

She frowned at the thought and glanced over to see Kieran and Ryanair together, Kieran looking to console Ryanair. She nearly rolled her eyes, glad that they couldn't see the look of disdain on her features at the interaction before she went back to looking around the room. "Well – " Clara began, interrupting the two of them. "I'd suggest getting Kieran into a different room so we can clean this one up – and honestly, I think we need someone on the lookout." She continued before she turned to face them, her arms crossed about her chest.

"I'm sure the others need assistance downstairs as well," Clara reminded him, still lingering a bit away from the two. "And we need to find some answers over all of this. Who knows if that thing could still be here…"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“You can't really blame him though, not when the bastard enchanted everyone into a deep sleep. The only ones who weren't asleep are the ones dead downstairs, he wanted us to start and doubt our surroundings and the people here so we'd split up and head our own ways. I suggest against that and I have a method that will keep us safe, also welcome honey I'm back.” Lye’s sudden voice filling the room had both vampires turning to face the still open door, their eyes blinking in unison. She smelled of the forest and a bit of mint, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were narrowed. Kieran noted that she seemed exhausted and that she held something in one of her hands.

“What are those?” Ryanair asked and Kieran was grateful that he did, Lye blinked and glanced down at her hand. She opened her palm and a blue crystal caught their attention, Lye clicked her tongue and nodded.

“These are what I've been working on since my arrival here. They're called Ward Crystals and are helpful in keeping out others that aren't welcome are are consumed by darkness. I just finished them and have scattered that around the grounds, so if you feel a slight chill around you know that it's just that he crystals and that they mean no harm.” Kieran blinked when she moved forward, her head tilting to the side as she paused near his side. Ryanair rose and moved to stand beside her, Kieran didn't even do much as wince when her hand fell on his chest. The crystal in her hand began to glow then, a soothing chill filling his body.

“Ly-” Ryanair began, only to pause when the Mage clicked her tongue and half-turned to face him.

“I'm temporarily healing him, get me new clothes so we can move him to another room. From there we'll help out below and then clean this up, The crystals will keep anyone out and my partner will keep watch tonight.” Ryanair remained still for a moment before doing as she instructed him to, soon Kieran could somewhat move and his clothes were clean and bloodless. He didn't much want to move but Lye was having none of it and soon he was on his feet and allowing Ryanair to guide him. He had the still glowing crystal in his hand -Lye hadn't really given him the option- and was glad to leave the copper smelling room, he wouldn't have been able to sleep there anyway.

They stood in the hallway for a moment before Ryanair began to lead him forward. The house eerily silent as they moved.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara had turned abruptly at the new voice in the room and she’d raised a brow to see Lye in the doorway. Come to think of it, she hadn’t seen the female in a while, but then again, she was hardly keeping tabs on the others in the mansion. As long as Christian was still around, that was really all that mattered to her. Although she had begun to warm up to the rest of them slightly, she still could hardly let her walls down - not even Kieran had that priviledge, no matter how much she had found herself helping him as of late. Lord, she’d dwelled on leaving more than once and yet for some reason, each morning she’d woken up still in the same place, still worrying over the same things, and still somehow trying to save his ass at the end of the day.

She’d fought to keep the frown from her lips as her thoughts wandered before she’d listened to Lye’s plan. It was perfect, and it was what she’d anticipated. They could get Kieran cleaned up and out of the room in order to clean that. Downstairs needed to be completely cleaned and the bodies needed to be removed and buried. And as long as there was someone to watch out and keep an eye on Kieran - it should be difficult for whatever the hell it was to get back in.

Still - she had her concerns.

As she watched Ryanair help Kieran get up to take him to another room, she couldn’t hide the frown that fell on her lips any longer. She’d wanted to roll her eyes at the two of them, but she restrained herself before she looked to Lye as the other two left.

“How certain are we that these things are going to work?” She’d asked her quietly, eyeing the other female for a moment longer. “I mean, this thing ripped us apart from the inside last night, and although Kieran’s fine now, I doubt it’s all over with with him...” Clara reminded her. “Apologies, but I just have my doubts here...”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“Wouldn't be the first time someone's doubted me. I've been scanning the Magic books and have found a way to make them stronger. I use these around my home so I'm familiar with how they work, the trick I had to study was how to make them protect against Shadow Magic.”.Lye explained as she stepped into the room, her hands moving to stay on her hips. She'd rather have taken a shower but this needed to be taken care of, with a exhale she moved to the bed and began to pull the sheets off the mattress.

They were safe and as long as she kept a steady flow of magic in the crystals they'd be just fine. She paused when the top layer of sheets were off and on the floor, her gaze widening the stains that colored the white under sheets. Hands rising to her hair, she tied her hair into a bun with a ribbon she'd tugged from her bag that morning. “After this I'd like to get Wolff to check on Kieran, these stains...he's lost too much blood and that's not good. I also heard about the conclusions all of you came up with, and I have an added bonus. That crystal Kieran has isn't just for healing him, it's added bonus is that it'll keep his mind safe. I have a feeling the Shadow Mage as somehow taken over his mind, and with that crystal it'll help keep him sane.”

The bed now bare, she turns to the dresser that stood in the corner of the room. Opening it and finding new sheets, she tugged them out and turned back to face Clara. Her fingers twitched against the bundle in her arms, her eyes lowering after a moment to the floor. Moving to the bed she set the sheets down and then began to dress the mattress, she was glad the blood hadn't reached it.

“I thank you for that, though with this victory I guess the Mage will try again with Keiran.” Lye paused and glanced up, Isabella stood leaning against the doorframe. The Ice Mage knew she had a point and with a wrinkle of her nose she rose and rolled her shoulders.

“No problem, he's a friend after all. Mind helping us out? After this we need to head down and…” She let the words fade as she turned and headed for the bathroom, the copper scent of blood the next thing she wanted to get rid of. Both females could finish the bed, opening the door and crouching down to open the cabinets under the sink.

Tugging out a bottle of bleach and a bucket, she rose to her feet and reached for a towel that hung on the rack above the toilet.

Time to get cleaning.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It seemed as if Clara was satisfied with the answer she received. How could she not doubt the other, however? Whatever this was had made its way into the mansion right under their noses and completely wiped out half of their group -- all of this while they were simply sleeping. It shook her confidence over the situation, that was for sure. It was one thing to deal with a crazed Kieran - it was a whole other story to deal with the rest of it that clearly had the ability to overpower them without them even knowing. Really, it made her doubt why she even had been sticking around. Sure, Kieran was her sire - sure, perhaps there was something in her that she couldn’t outright explain that needed to be near him -- but at the end of the day, her actions seemed for naught. Ryanair was the one with him now, and she felt as if maybe when all of this was over, she would leave -- maybe after all of this time, Christian had been right.

Clara frowned at her own thoughts, but she moved to help the other clear the bed mindlessly. “I think the battle is going to be making sure that he keeps that thing on him st all times.” She reminded the mage as she waited for her to return with a new set of sheets. She’d only glanced over at Isabella once she entered, almost a little uncomfortable at the growing group around her.

Still, Clara had helped Lye make the bed and waited patiently for the other to collect the supplies to clean the room. Once this was done, they could head downstairs and help the others. They would have to collect each of the fallen and bury them while others would have to clean up the remains of the disaster downstairs. It was going to be an absolutely long day.

And yet, there she was on hands and knees scrubbing at the floor beneath her - soon scrubbing at the walls and furniture. It gave her far too much time to dwell on things, and the frown remained on her lips. Without a doubt something more was going to happen, and even with Lye’s spells, she still wasn’t so sure that they were safe under the same roof. Part of her really did want to run and throw it all behind her. What really, was keeping her other than a sire who was too caught up in her replacement to even notice what she’d been doing for him half of the time? She probably could run and he would never think to go after her...

Maybe it was a conversation she needed to have with Christian. Although - she knew the other male would jump on it at the first opportunity that she’d given him. She honestly had been surprised that he hadn’t already come through the door and demanded that they both leave after last night -- nothing was holding him back, except for her.

Eventually, Clara had made her way back downstairs once Kieran’s room had been cleaned and smelling of bleach rather than copper. It seemed most of the bodies had been moved, and what was left was both soaked and caked blood on the floors, walls, and furniture. She curled her nose at the smell again, and only sighed before she went right back to scrubbing it all over again. Even she couldn’t ignore the troubled look that was on Christian’s features as he soon came back inside to help the effort.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“There's an out if you'd rather go” Wolff offers as he enters through the doors, the gruff edge to his voice gone for once. He felt tired and with the amount of blood staining his clothes, he knew he wouldn't sleep well. He'd checked the wolves and had helped Ynez and Evian move them to the back of the mansion, both wolves searching for a good place to bury their fallen packmates.

Wolff closed his eyes for a moment before moving forward and grabbing a spare washcloth, dropping to his knees he begins to scrub. A half hour later he rises to his feet and dumps the rag into the clear bucket of cleaning solution, his other hand reaching for the first bucket. With little effort he lifted it and took it to the nearest bathroom, his steps seeming to echo in the silence of the mansion.

“Are you free?” A soft voice questions as he finishes washing the dirtied water from the bottom of the bucket, Wolff pauses to glance over. Lye is leaning against the doorframe, her arms crossed and her eyes blinking open. He nods and exits the room when she moves away, they head back to the foyer with quiet steps. “I managed to heal Kieran’s wounds-” She pauses when Wolff tenses and stills at her side, blue eyes meet golden. “-He's fine but I'd rather you check on him, I'll help down here.” It wasn't a dismissal from the Mage, it was more of a suggestion and after glancing at Clara and Christian he nods.

“On it.” is all he can think to answer with as he move to go up the stairs, shoulders rolling as he reached the top step. Now that Wolff noticed he hadn't seen Ryanair or Kieran, his pace quickened as he followed the faint scent of copper. Knocking twice the Healer opened the door and entered after taking in the scene before him. Ryanair was curled in the windowsill with his head on his bent knees, Kieran asleep on the bed with a glowing stone in his hand.

“Lye helped with the bleeding and open wounds, the crystal is a modified ward with healing factors.” Ryanair’s sleepy voice stilled the Healer just as he reached the other vampire, Wolff blinks and focuses for a moment on the blonde. He wasn't tense anymore and seemed to have relaxed, Wolff offers a nod before moving to lean over Kieran. His breathing is deep and with practiced ease, Wolff removes the blankets covering him and opens the first aid kit someone left on the bed.

Once the wounds are dressed and Kieran is tucked under the sheets once more, Wolff speaks to the blonde. “Let's head downstairs and make breakfast.” The usual bite still isn't in his tone and he turns to the open door, his hands folded behind his back. Soft footsteps alert him that Ryanair is behind him and after a moment he leads the other downstairs, his jaw clenching at where the others were still cleaning. Entering the kitchen, both find Esther already at the stove. None of them speak as they set out to make food, the familiar sounds of pots and pans filling the silence.

It's the little things that matter.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Christian had not reacted nor had he spoken to anyone while they’d cleaned. Perhaps it was on both of their features for everyone to read, but could anyone blame them? Christian had nothing to do with the group - no ties to keep him in this fight other than Clara. If Clara would go, he would happily walk right out the door behind her. He’d gone successfully throughout the years dodging as much conflict as he could, although this time, he’d had to admit that he would feel guilty leaving. They’d all spent enough time together that his manners alone would drop the heavy weight of guilt on his shoulders. And although Clara’s look was just as troubled as his own, he had a feeling she wouldn’t find herself so quickly outside that door either. Part of him wondered why -- despite the quick spat he’d had with Kieran, he hadn’t seen much of a change between the two, and if anything had happened as far as an apology, or even if he’d given her answers, Christian hadn’t noticed much of a change in Clara either. Half of the time she seemed just as bitter as she always had - so he wondered why she was continuing to torture herself.

Once things had been cleaned up, it seemed they all needed to clean themselves up in the aftermath. Someone had been in the kitchen, he’d noticed, as the scent of cooking food had lifted towards his nose. After all of that he could use a good meal, although, his appetite was stunted after waking up to that horrid scene that morning.

He’d watched Clara turn away from the group to head upstairs, no doubt to head towards her own room to get cleaned up, and he quickly followed behind her. She allowed it, heading into her room before he quickly bee-lined behind her and shut the door.

“...What do you want, Christian?” Her words were quiet and almost exhausted.

“Why are we still here, Clara?” Christian began as he ran a hand through his hair before his arms crossed his chest. He still lingered in the doorway, knowing he was walking on eggshells as he approached the topic. “It’s not safe for you here -- And it’s getting worse.”

“...Christian. It’s just as safe for me as it is for everyone else.” She reminded him as she looked over her shoulder at him. She’d carefully taken down her hair from the messy bun she’d tossed it in while cleaning, tossing the hair tie aside as she stretched her arms over her head. “It’s a waste of time to try and convince me otherwise.”

Christian sighed as he watched her, the frown soon falling on his lips. “What’s the point anymore? I don’t know what more you’re expecting from all of this.”

“Leave me alone.” Clara suddenly hissed as she turned on her heel to face him. Her eyes were bright as they narrowed on him and her arms fell at her sides. “You don’t understand-- If you want to go, then leave. No one’s keeping you here, Christian. I certainly am not.”

“... I’m not about to leave you -” He began. “I’m not like hi--”

“Stop it. Just go, I’m not about to talk about it any further.” She bit out, her hands curling into small fists. “I’ll see you at dinner then.” She’d waved him off then, turning on her heel once more only to disappear behind the closed door of the bathroom, leaving Christian to stare at the door for a moment longer before he’d huffed and left the room just as quick as he came. That girl would never make any sense to him - no matter how many years they’d spent together. He could never understand her motives; her ideas; her plans... He only supposed he would stay at the mansion while she decided to remain -- Someone had to look after her.

Meanwhile Clara was flipping him off behind the closed door before she’d decided to undress and slip in the hot shower. She couldn’t blame him, Clara knew that, but he should know better as well. If he really wanted to leave, he really could. There was no use watching after her forever... She could manage on her own...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Once the food was finished, all three vampires moved to the foyer to see how the others were doing. The iron smell of blood was gone and in its place was the smell of cleaning solution, Ryanair’s nose wrinkled in distaste. He didn't stay long to investigate however, turning on his heel he made his way to Kieran’s temporary room. Hesitating before the door the blonde took a moment to gather his courage, opening it he stepped inside and glanced to his left. His sire was asleep and Ryanair knew better than to wake him, he bit his bottom lip and moved forward. Rechung the bed he shook the other gently, relaxing when he spied the crystal still in his hand.

“...Nngh” Was what filled Ryanair’s ears, the blonde snorted slightly before gently shaking him once more. Resting led to healing and he knew Kieran need it, however food was just as important. The other male groaned softly and rolled slowly onto his back, Ryanair pulled his hands away and stepped back a step. He was still cautious around the other, true he'd fallen asleep earlier but he'd still been on alert. The marks had healed but they still seemed to linger, Kieran’s eyelids fluttered before opening.

Hazy grey-blue met emerald-green.

“Would you like to eat?” He asked with his hands in his pants pockets, Kieran blinked slowly up at him before nodding.

“Not really hungry right now...why not go and join the others?” His voice was soft and sleep-heavy, Ryanair ducked his head and swallowed at the tone. He glanced up and found Kieran’s eyes focused on him now, the haze of sleep gone and replaced with something Ryanair couldn't place. “What's wrong?” The blonde jerked and stepped away further from the bed, he knew the other couldn't move but the space made him feel somewhat safer.

“N-nothing at all! I'll just be-” He stammered out, turning on his heel and all but fleeing the room.

He managed to catch a “Wait Ry-” before he closed the door. He stayed against the wood for only a moment before making his way back down, his pace slowing when the door opens and two familiar wolves enter the house. He offers them a nod and takes off towards the kitchen, easily joining Esther and Isabella as they set out the plates.

His jaw clenched when he felt confusion and worry echo in the back of his mind. He knew he had acted odd and Kieran would question him later, for now though he had something to distract himself with. Grabbing two plates and filling them with three pieces of steak -he knew it wouldn't be enough to fill them- he set one down after another, his pace slow and measured. The Alpha and Beta moved forward and dug into the food, Ryanair standing up straight and going to wash his hands. Grabbing a plate for himself, he moves out of the room and heads towards the pool room.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It had been a long while that Clara had been in the shower – perhaps longer than she'd intended. The events of the night prior had her shaken, more than she'd like to admit. The female always had to be in control of her own situations, especially after Kieran had once stolen away everything from her and left her helpless. She'd sworn never to make those mistakes again; never to lose control of her own life or future once more. And yet, the night before she'd been forced into a deep sleep that kept her blissfully unaware of the massacre that had occurred just behind her closed door. It was unsettling, and she hardly enjoyed the feeling of weakness one bit. Furthermore, to know someone had been in Kieran's room as well – She felt on edge, as if she really should run and take off, far, far away from it all. And yet – there she was, in the shower, unwilling to move from the hot water that surrounded her.

Why she found herself rooted was beyond her. She'd hardly held a bond with Kieran, at least – nowhere near the level that Ryanair had. Christian was clearly eager to go, so why couldn't she just agree? There really wasn't much there for her, was there?

A deep sigh fell from her lips as she pressed against the cold tile of the shower wall behind her. Her eyes remained shut as the water flowed against her skin, but she knew she would have to emerge at some point. She would have to face the rest of them who had lost most of their companions without the ability to help them.

Part of her had wanted to remain in her room and let it all unfold without her. Then again, she also felt the need to make sure Ryanair would be alright. Where the hell that urge came from, she wasn't entirely sure. Perhaps it was the reminder that she had no one to stop Kieran from what he'd done. She'd been vulnerable – she fell for that charm, she gave him the world – and look what happened. Ryanair seemed just as defenseless against Kieran – afraid to defend himself simply because he shouldn't have had to defend himself against the man that turned him. Clara, however, had no problem stopping him from causing harm against the male.

Clara had carefully reached out and turned off the water before she stepped out into the chilly air of her room, grabbing a towel to dry off. She'd tossed on whatever was easily accessible – a long-sleeved black shirt with dark jeans – before she brushed out her long hair carefully.

Her steps soon left the room and she headed down the hall, pausing only momentarily at Kieran's door. She'd lingered there for a moment, longer than she'd cared to admit, before she continued down the hall. What good would it do should she check on the male? He hardly would care, she thought, and neither should she.

The smell of cleaning solution had reached her nose in an onslaught of chemicals and harsh perfumes – it was almost a welcoming difference compared to the suffocating copper that had just been there hours before.

Once she'd made it towards the kitchen, she had not looked towards Christian, refusing to give him any inkling that she might have been breaking towards the idea of running. Instead, she went towards her usual vice – pouring herself another glass of wine before she drifted from the dining room at the absence of Ryanair. Given the situation, she hardly believed he would be with Kieran – the poor thing didn’t seem as if he enjoyed being around the other male alone any longer, and she hardly blamed him given the circumstances.

Her steps were mindless as she drifted through the mansion, but inevitably, she'd spotted the male once more in the pool room and she stepped inside quietly.

"How is he doing?" Were the first words out of her mouth as she headed a little closer towards the pool, glancing down at the water. "Or rather – how are you doing?" Clara continued and she'd glanced over her shoulder at him before she looked back towards the pool. The glass all at once lifted to her lips and she closed her eyes as the cool liquid slipped past, carrying notes of fruit and smoke. Why she was asking, once more, was beyond her – yet she was sincere in wanting an answer. Kieran had scorned her once and perhaps that was enough commonality between them for her to open up.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

He'd allowed his mind to wander when he entered the silent room, the warm plate in his hands discarded on the nearby table with little care for the food on it. He stood before the still water and watched his reflection as it stared back at him, his eyes slipping shut a moment later. He shouldn't be afraid of his own sire, hell his instincts were telling him to go check on the other. The blonde just...couldn't however, no matter how much he wanted to. Living with the male had given him a sense of security, and to suddenly have the very same male that rescued him...harm him…

A shudder he couldn't stop rippled down his body. He remembered that night all too long ago when he'd been left for dead, his could he forget? It had led him to the man that would change his life. At the sound of spot footsteps and the faint smell of floral shampoo, Ryanair blinked his eyes and focused on the figure behind him. At Clara's first words his lips parted to answer, after her next question he found himself hesitating.

He was scared.

Angry that he was scared.


Angry that he was even questioning his sire.

His teeth grit hard as he tried to quell the turmoil happening within, his head lifting to face the vampire now at his side. Ryanair blinked and swallowed, his fingers clenching and unclenching at his sides as he thought. The fact that she was asking meant she cared on some level, and right now Ryanair wanted nothing more than to calm his churning mind.

“He's fine, asleep maybe. And as for me...I'm dealing I suppose. I went to check on him and all but ran out of the room when he noticed I wasn't comfortable standing there, I guess I can't really blame him for what he's feeling.” His right hand reaching up to rub absently at his chest, even now with his feelings like they were he could still feel Kieran’s confusion. “I feel like we should tell him about what happened, with the crystal he's not going to go off the deep end like before. But if we do...I don't really want to relive it, I guess that makes me a coward. I guess asking Wolff would be a good idea, what do you think?” It was a distraction mostly, but he meant it in full. He didn't want to add to Kieran’s emotions and telling him would do just that. Maybe if they just tell him he'd fallen under the illness? Could they avoid the ordeal of him being used as a toy?

He knew the answer and it caused his stomach to plummet to his toes. It wasn't fair to lie to someone who'd saved him, even worse when it wasn't even him at fault but the damn Shadow Mage. And they still had to do a ceremony for the fallen wolves...the blonde's shoulders rolled as a tired sigh left his lips.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara hadn't been entirely sure what sort of reaction that she would receive from the younger male. Clearly he seemed distraught, maybe more than he would have liked to have admitted. She was very familiar with that sense of inner turmoil, the need to do one thing all the while feeling the absolute necessity to run from it. Hell, she'd felt that every single damn day since Kieran had suddenly shown up back into her life. She should have left it alone a long time ago. She should have cut her losses and stopped looking for answers to the questions that overwhelmed her each and waking moment. She should have listened to Christian and found more companionship within him than she'd ever allowed herself. Instead, she'd grown into a bitter woman who'd been scorned, who was unwilling to accept the answers presented to her, and was unwilling to fully forgive someone who, at least minimally, did seem regretful for his mistakes.

His answers had come shortly after her question, and she'd allowed herself another sip of her wine as she mulled over what he'd said. She almost allowed a small smirk to fall upon her lips as she idly wondered just how to respond to him without sounding so damn cynical all of the time.

"… Welcome to my world, love." Clara began softly, her bright eyes falling upon the male once more. "Reliving it is only the beginning to healing, you know." Clara continued with a quiet sigh before her attention fell back on the pool ahead of them. "And perhaps dealing with it is all we can do – He does need to know what happened. Keeping him in the dark isn't necessarily going to fix things – although, I'm probably not the best person to discuss such doubts with." She'd shrugged her shoulders at that moment and again, took another sip of her wine.

"If you want to ask Wolff his opinion, then that's fine. But it seems as long as he has that crystal – he should be alright. There shouldn't be any lapse in control should he find out what exactly happened, but he really does need to know."

"Hell, I know I haven't been the best of company as of late, but I could tell him with you, if you'd like." Why she was offering, she really didn't know. The words had come out quicker than she could have thought about them. She owed this boy absolutely nothing, and yet felt the need to protect him like she'd once wanted to be protected. Perhaps it was the fact that they'd been sired by the same man, she wasn't sure. But, she'd placed the offer out there and was unsure he would take it. Even so, she didn't look back at him, afraid of the sudden judgement that might be in his eyes.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“Nunc dolor potest ducere ad sanationem” Left his lips as her words filled his ears. He knew she had a point and thinking back to how he'd become a vampire, the pain Kieran had caused wasn't as bad. He also underwood why she was the way she was, the blonde felt a budding connection to the female at his side. “I'd rather let him deal with the ceremony while we discuss with Kieran of that's fine.” He'd easily accepted her offer, not quite sure why but wanting her to be there.

In truth when he'd first woken up all those years ago and found his wounds healed, he had questioned the man who sat beside his bed. He felt the fever and agony filling his body but had only one thing on his mind. Why hadn't he died? He reflected on the memories he shared after finishing the transformation, his first steps without pain filling his body.

“Shall we?” He asked after a moment, shaking his head and turning on his heel. The room was warm and Ryanair wanted to do this before the ceremony was held, it was only polite to attend since he knew the wolves that had passed. His gaze turned to his forgotten plate and a wrinkle of his nose showed his annoyance, he knew better than to grab food it he wasn't going to eat. Reaching for it and taking it in hand, he moves towards the door and opens it. His free arm held out for Clara to take if she wanted to, his ears listening to the silence of the house.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara hadn't entirely anticipated his acceptance. Hell, given how she'd been to him since day one, she wasn't sure she was the right person to be around should he choose to speak with him. What sort of comfort could she really provide? A part of her had hoped he would simply brush it off, but when he'd agreed to her plan, she'd tried not to look surprised. Well, she was in it for the long-haul, at least then, so she had to suck it up and deal with what she'd just committed herself to. Even if she was just a body in the room, it seemed that Ryanair sought some sort of comfort in that – and she would never really understand why.

"That sounds like a plan then." She spoke with a nod of her head. It was best to leave Wolff to the ceremony – given all that had happened in under twenty four hours, the man did not need to deal with any other drama. They could handle themselves and if, by some chance, Kieran would act out – Clara would have to be the one to deal with it. She'd made a mental note to stick to only the glass of wine she was holding, at least until all of this had passed. She had a feeling she might need another after Ryanair confronted Kieran.

Hell, she probably should have had a conversation like this with Kieran a long time ago instead of simply letting her anger go. She should have asked him what she wanted – told him how she felt. Instead she acted out her anger and put up her walls so that no one could penetrate them. Clara had frowned at the thought, knowing that too much time had probably passed to fix those errors. What was done is done and he'd at least sought some form of forgiveness…

Clara watched Ryanair move from her then before she decided to follow after him. When he'd extended an arm for her, she'd given pause – a moment of hesitation. Clearly, she was not used to such kindness from him given the fact that she'd never given him reason to show her such kindness. She'd been cold to him from the beginning out of both jealousy and the behavior that she'd grown used to. Now, he stood there, offering her his arm without any hesitation.

She'd only given a moment of pause before she had switched her glass to her free hand, and carefully took his arm. Her hesitation was clear, but she hadn't said a word further before she decided to follow him in step towards Kieran's room. If Christian could see her now, she was sure he'd probably think hell had frozen over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

He knew he was taking a chance by offering Clara his arm, hell he was.half expecting her to refuse. He noted the hesitation but said nothing as her arm met with his own, he hid his small smile behind his blonde hair. He led them forward and thought idly that it was about time he cut it, he never could stand long hair.

“I'll just stop by the kitchen to drop this off, mind waiting by the stairs while I do?” His words were soft as if he feared being heard, that wasn't the case this time and Ryanair didn't really question it. She was older than he in vampire years -whether that was true was to be seen- and the bond with his sire had him asking instead of offering. She was in a sense his older sister and while he wasn't one to simply follow orders if anyone were to suggest them, he did understand rank and the power that came with it. True she'd been mean and downright intolerable when they'd first met, but he didn't -couldn't rather- hold a grudge against her. They were kin and as such he understood why she had been like that, in a way he was just a replacement that took her rightful spot. Nearing the kitchen he squeezed her arm once softly before letting go and entering, no one seemed to notice and with little effort his now cold food was stored in the fridge and he himself was grabbing another plate.

“Kieran hasn't eaten yet has he?” Wolff’s gruff voice sounded from behind him, the blonde merely hummed and offered the plate in his hands in answer.

“I'll take him this if that's fine, he was asleep and didn't seem well enough yet to come down.” His tone was light and conversational, he only used it when he was either uncomfortable or lying. This time however it was neither case, he wanted to keep the Healer and others from going to the second floor. The conversation he was about to have was just for the three of them, Ryanair noticed Lye glance up from her plate and arch a brow. “He's fine just tired and healing.” He offered her with a smile he forced across his features, both Wolff and Lye accepted and returned to their conversation. Swallowing and quickly refilling the plates for Evian and Ynez, he exits and makes his way to the staircase.

The next set of events might very well test the limit of his courage. Thankfully he had someone who even if she didn't speak, could offer silent support. That thought alone had him relaxing as he neared his destination, re-offering his arm to Clara when he nears her.

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