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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Things are progressing well. Rtron and Double are working on the collab that will create him while I watch in interest. I have been working on a character sheet, but I am taking my time simply due to the fact that they will take sometime to do their part and it allows me to make sure I do not neglect other things. It will be finished before the collab as will any requested edits.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 18 days ago

@Cyclone Oh yeah, our demigods-in-waiting
Did Wong put down a CS? Didn't see it.
And @Iktomi, everything good on your end?
Assuming rainbow has gimmick's back...

I've seen what he has in the works, but I don't believe he shared it to others.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OldManWong
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OldManWong Senile Scholar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oh yeah, I don't really have anything really solid yet, not happy with the character as of yet in the slightest, but hopefully I'll be able to hash things out during this 5 day uni orientation
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

There we go. I feel like it was a bit rushed, but I have to get some study done today and I think I'm getting a cold anyway -_-

Toun is hanging around for anyone to interact with. He probably won't be deciphering the cube unless he spends some might or the Bard starts singing it to him. Results may vary.

I can answer any questions you might have about the Oath of Stilldeath.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gimmickly
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Gimmickly spookmeister

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sorry for taking so long to finish my app! Anyway, here it is, appearance and all.

Name: Altair

Alias: The Magnificent Living Monument to the Complexity of the Mind (only he calls himself this), Insufferable Twit/Irritating Fartknocker/Coffin-Dodging Oxygen Thief/Moron/etc. (everyone else calls him this)

Gender: Male

Domain (Portfolio): Deception (Riddles)

Domain (Portfolio) Description: Altair's abilities circle around misdirection and confusion. It's the essense of a puzzle or a game and it requires creativity and careful thinking to overcome. It can create or turn written knowledge into riddles. It's a power that can be used to manipulate people, for better or for worse. It can bend someone to your will, misleading them away from their intended goal. It can be used to present a challenge, driving one forward to think, overcome, and improve.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Personality: Altair is a very laid back individual who loves both relaxing and irritating anyone within earshot. As talkative as he is, he's very introverted, and will often drive people away by being obnoxiously cryptic with every word that comes out of his mouth, with the exception of a few close friends. He's regularly pretty cheery or calm and he's very difficult to anger, and when he is angry he hides it as best he can. However, no doubt he'll be extremely passive aggressive and ruin the day of whoever made him mad.
He's facinated with the mind and how people solve puzzles and problems in creative ways. His favorite kinds of people are not those who are defeated by his riddles, but those who aren't. In the long run, his goal is to bring community together, not fighting over trivial things but pushing the limits of their own personal knowledge and self-improvement, helping one another and problem solving to advance into a brighter future.


Altair's body is made up entirely of intricate, ever-changing puzzle pieces. His head always faces to the right, regardless of which angle you look at him from, and on his torso is a hole revealing his exposed heart, which is it's own intricate puzzle in of itself. The heart pieces twist and change more rapidly than his body does, often depending on Altair's emotions. His torso and legs are disconnected.

Musical Theme: youtu.be/pUDNnCtrP6E

Description: The creator of riddles, Altair enjoys solving puzzles and games for fun. He's very relaxed and won't often choose to seek out anyone to talk to and bother them, and he hopes they won't bother him in return. He uses his powers to spark challenges for civilization, pushing people to use their heads and rewarding those who do.

Concealment Level: 1
Detection Level: 1
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Name: Altair

Cryptic riddles everywhere? This soon after Vowzra's demise?

This world truly does have a way of balancing itself out.

Edit: Updated my character post with the creation sheet for the oath.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I had been hoping to get a Holy Site out before the turn change.

Oh well, never mind.

P.S. Stand Part 4 is going to really clash in feel with this mourning and ceasefire and stuff, even though chronologically it is set well before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Kho, hey, you got any information on the Eldritch Relics of Perfectus which Vowzra scattered across the Universe?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Made a right quick post that doesn't really need a summary to read quickly - and to clear up things from the incomplete collab between Allure and Lifprasil. Not to mention to tie into current events, and get myself back into the swing of Lifprasil starting his descent into moodiness.

In summary: Poog writes a post in the middle of the night with lots of big words.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Oh yeah, on Poog's note, I'll ask that if anyone signs the Oath of Stilldeath near the Gate that they make it extra clear so I can keep track of who's on it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

There. I stayed up later than I should have, but I chugged out that post in one go and it feels good to get something done like that. As you can tell, I tried something a little different. Felt more fitting to do a retroactive response with some retrospective thoughts. If it feels disjointed or the tense is inconsistent where it shouldn't be, then blame that on me just writing as I thought.

Also, @Muttonhawk, Teknall has signed the Oath, and also reinforced it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

I guess I'll respond to Teknall...eventually. I'll see if there are other reactions (and also do yet more study).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Gimmickly Nice char. Better put those images inside hiders though ;D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Kho, hey, you got any information on the Eldritch Relics of Perfectus which Vowzra scattered across the Universe?

What would you like to know?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Antarctic Termite @Kho By the way, I wanna thank whoever put that video in the post. You just introduced me to my new favourite genre of music :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gimmickly
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Gimmickly spookmeister

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Gimmickly Nice char. Better put those images inside hiders though ;D

done and done :D
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Kho I have a question. Does the New Chronos time flow function in the same way as it previously did? I mean, is it still 1000 years-to-1 day inside or not?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by BBeast>

What would you like to know?

You mentioned there being other Relics. Are there any others on Galbar? And do they all just give anyone who drinks them a kick of maddened god-soul?

Also, is the Bard still around? I presume he is. We want to ask him about what's written on the Cube.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 4 days ago

I've got a post done. @Dawnscroll, will you be posting yours or can I post mine first? Astarte's just gonna be visiting the Gravestone Contract.

Edit: I suppose I ought to post it xD
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