Soon after the end of the Civil War with the Imperials victory and the fall of Alduiin both thanks to the Dragonborn, he is betrayed by his loyal followers, the Blades, who have chained him in the darkest room of Sky Heaven Temple, they trying to find a way to steal the dragon powers from him and use the Thu'um for Talos know what purpose.
Now we present those who will get in the Blades way, the new-bloods of the Companions, this knew-bloods met the Dragonborn in person and even had the luxury of sparring with him. They found out about the Blades betrayal when one of them finds several corpses of the Blades members on the ground along with the Dragonborn's favourite weapon, the Wuuthrad.
Character Sheet:
Class Type (Warrior, Archer, Assassin, Mage):
Gear (weapons, armour, etc):
More Info?:
1-All weapons and armor will have the same stats, wich means Iron = Dragonbone.
2-Almost all NPC'S will appear with exception of the Stormcloacks eliminated during the Cannon Quests.
3-No Daedric artifacts will be allowed. Will think of a way to put them in the sotry.
4-The shouts will be learned when I say so. Just tell me what shout you want so I can make the list
1) Hilfe Maelstrom: Soul Tear shout (IronWill)
2) Dar'Adhba (arowne97)
3) Way-Of-Many (NecroKnight)
4) Bobo (knockout709)