"You should not have fought me, mortal! Your life is forfeit, your flesh mine!"
Name: Xarxos
Age: Ageless
Class Type (Warrior, Archer, Assassin, Mage): Spellsword
Gear (weapons, armour, etc):
Dremora Longsword
Dremora Helmet
Dremora Cuirass
Dremora Gauntlets
Dremora Greaves
Dremora Boots
Dremora Shield
Bio?: Xarxos was the Kynmarcher at Ganonah during the Oblivion Crisis. His men sacked the city of Kvatch and he personally killed Count Ormellius Goldwine, a task which was regarded as extremely trivial given the lack of meaningful resistance put up by Kvatch. No sooner had he withdrew to the Blood Feast (Ganonah's Sigil Keep), the Hero of Kvatch arrived at Kvatch and entered through the gate. Despite the best efforts of Ganonah's garrison, the Hero of Kvatch cut their way through them and Xarxos finally engaged in combat with the Hero and Ilend Vonius in the Sigillum Sanguis. Although Xarxos was able to cut down Ilend and wound the Hero, the Hero's blade found its mark and decapitated him.
By the time he had reformed it was the closing days of the Oblivion Crisis. Having been shamed at Ganonah he was offered the chance to redeem himself during the attack on the Imperial City. He attempted to stop Martin from reaching the temple however was driven back by the Blades and become distracted fighting Baurus and some officers of the watch. When Mehrunes Dagon was defeated by the Avatar of Akatosh, Xarxos retreated from the city with a small host of lesser Dremora, approximately 80 in total.
With the Oblivion Crisis officially at an end and the defeat of Mehrunes Dagon, Xarxos and his band of warriors elected to remain in Tamriel. Following the example of the Dremora Pirate Velehk Sain, they raided merchant caravans and looted temples and marauded around Tamriel. Eventually, as the Oblivion crisis faded and was replaced by the chaotic stormcrown interregnums, they began to outsource their services to the highest bidder. Their services were valued highly by the Imperial Nobles, mostly because of the intimidation factor that the Dremora brought with them. Although they were hated by the peasants, they had wealth beyond measure due to their numerous contracts with well connected Nobles. The end of the stormcrown Interregnum spelled an end to this charade and they soon found themselves out of favour again. Without the need for these warriors and given the obvious connotations as the Oblivion Crisis was still fresh in people's minds, the Dremora went back to raiding and looting for over a century
Overtime, the number of Dremora dwindled as more were slain and forced back to oblivion. Xarxos took up conjuration in order to summon more Daedra to bolster their numbers but in time even that was not enough. They eventually began to recruit mortals to their ranks and by the end were mostly just another band of outlaws among many, only being notable for the race of their leader.
During the Great War, Xarxos' company fought as mercenaries for the Aldmeri Dominion. The band was all but destroyed during the battle of the red circle and the few survivors scattered. Xarxos' made off with all the gold and gems he could carry. He fled east to Morrowind.
Morrowind's now ash covered wastes reminded him a lot of the Deadlands; They were covered in thick layers of suffocating ash and the very air felt like it was on fire. Rivers of lava flowed down from the volcano on Vvardenfell into the sea. He lingered here for some time, trudging through the Ashland's and even climbing past the now ruined Ghost Fence and to the peak of the Red Mountain. He lingered on Morrowind and Solstheim for nearly two decades before setting sail for Skyrim after rumours of Dragons reached him. He hid his armour and horns under a hooded cloak and pretended to be a dark elf immigrant.
These Nords were a strange lot- though endearingly they had a warrior culture of their own and had a strong reverence for honour. Although it was naturally a lesser mortal culture, it was closer to that of the Kyn than anything he had yet encountered in 'Tamriel'. The frozen tundras of Skyrim were a stark contrast to the Ashland's of Morrowind and he wasn't sure whether he was fond of them.
Sure enough, the rumoured Dragons roamed the land. Alduin, first born of Akatosh and resultantly the child of his enemy, had returned and set about raising these wonderful creatures from the dead- It didn't take much to figure out that these Dragons were immortal Aedric beings. They would be a worthy challenge for one of the Kyn! And of course- his old enemy reared their heads again.
The Blades had apparently not all perished following the White-Gold Concordat, much to his annoyance. Initially, he had planned on exacting some revenge on the successors of his old foes however in time he learnt that these Blades had rallied behind this Dragonborn, a mortal body with the soul of a Dragon. They were hunting down the Dragons and worked to stop Alduin. Grudgingly, Xarxos put off his desire for personal revenge to a later date- If his Lord Mehrunes Dagon was not going to be the one to destroy this pathetic mortal realm then he wasn't about to enable some flying lizard to do so in his place.
Perhaps most frustrating about the entire experience, however, was that he had not yet been able to draw a Dragon into single combat. He had trekked all the way from Windhelm to Winterhold to Dawnstar and down to Whiterun and not a single blasted Dragon had challenged him. A handful had flown overhead as if to tease their presence to him and yet he could never goad it into landing and fighting him.
He was approaching Whiterun from the North, pursuing a Dragon south from the mountains when he came to cross the plains; Directly in his path up ahead was a small rocky gulch with a massive bonfire. There was the sound of yelling and the sound of something very big smashing into the ground! His first thought was that it was the Dragon he was tracking and he charged forwards into the gulch with his sword drawn, eager to fight it. Instead, he was greeted with the sight of three massive humanoids fighting two Nord warriors.
Although distressed that he had again failed to find a Dragon, he had instead happened across this little skirmish. He threw himself into the fray, on the side of the Nords, distracting one of the giants and being quick on his feet to avoid it's attacks while slowly wearing it down. He managed to trick it into trapping it's club in between some of the boulders and as the hunched over Giant struggled to get its weapon free, Xarxos charged it and slashed it along the chest, eviscerating it and causing it to keep over as it let out it's death rattle.
To his surprise, the two mortals had succeeded in slaying their marks without his assistance These beings were clearly surprised to see a Dremora and at first made ready to fight - However having realised that he was apparently not hostile, they engaged in a short conversation. He learnt that they were from the 'Companions', a Mercenary group for want of a better word.
He felt compelled to accompany them back to this "Mead Hall" and at least give them a look over- After all, he had steadily exhausted his money over the years and could do with some form of income. He donned his cloak again and was able to make it through Whiterun without anyone realising his true nature.
He met with the other companions and sensed something- Daedric hanging in the air. Old magic, powerful magic. A curse perhaps. Perhaps it was that he felt drawn to this or perhaps it was simply old habits dying hard (Or maybe a line of conversation he overheard about the Harbinger being a Dragon hunter..) but for whatever reason he found himself talking to the Harbinger and was allowed to join the Companions- an act which was understandably entirely unprecedented.
That was a couple of weeks ago. He, as with the other "New bloods" (Foolish Mortals! His blood is older than them all!) has spoken with the Dragonborn on several occasions . Unsurprisingly, Xarxos spent as much time as possible bothering the Dragonborn about Dragons- And has disappointingly not yet made any progress in this regard.
More Info?:
Knows Flames, Healing, Conjure Flame Atronach, Conjure Dremora Lord and Expel Daedra