So I've been wanting to do a modern witch RP (think American Horror Story: Coven) for awhile now, but I'm still on the fence as to whether or not I'm up to creating one myself. I'm gonna use this interest check as a decision maker. I really, really, really, want input from those interested on just about everything here. If you don't like something, want more of something, want to change something please, please, say so. Your ideas really mean a lot to me and many brains create a better final product than one, for the most part. So please speak up!
Brief (and quickly made) Intro:
Countless eyes gazed up at the pale full moon and the dark expanse of sky that surrounded it. The white circle sat alone, hanging bright against a curtain of black. But that would not be the case for long. Tonight was the night. The night the world had been anticipating for the past 20 years had finally come. The stars were returning.
Children heard stories of the week long event from just about everyone who was old enough to remember it the last time it happened. Those who have yet to marvel at their fleeting beauty don't have the capacity to appreciate such an event, but they will soon. Soon, they would be back.
So basically the stars return to the sky for a week every 20 years. Historically, the first day of the Emergence (October 15) is a holiday and many have off from work and school. It is a day of celebration for some, and reverence for others. Parties are very common in the evening hours leading up to the moment the stars flicker into existence at midnight. Special masses are held, in most religions, during the day as well. But the Emergence has another, more mysterious meaning for some. Many stories exist of people gaining special powers, gifted to them by the stars. The requirements for attaining these powers varies from story to story. Some say it is based on ancient bloodlines, others that it is based on merit, and some even say it is purely random. Whatever the case, the act required to gain access to the ancient magic is the same in all. You must kill.
How magic will work:
Each magic using character (I guess we'll use witch and warlock, unless someone has something else. I don't like the sound of warlock much, but that might just be me.) will have one innate ability that is stronger than their other magic. Think of this like a super power. It requires no materials, chants, or preparation. It is based purely on willpower and skill. This can be just about anything from teleportation to pyrokinesis to invisibility.
Other than these abilities, they will also have access to various spells and rituals. These require much more work and prep than the innate abilities do. This is like old school witchcraft with chanting and symbols and all that stuff.
Now, if you've seen AHS: Coven, its obvious that was my inspiration for this system.
This was something I couldn't decide on, so I'll let you guys choose. I want there to be hunters in the RP as they'd give the magic users an obvious enemy, and can really add to the conflict of the story. They'd be NPC and PC. The part I couldn't decide on was the type of hunter. Anything from religious zealots to money grubbing bounty hunters. Its up to you guys.
Now I know its pretty vague, and I'll flesh things out if it makes it to the OOC stage, but I really wanted to get this out there to see what others thought about it. Ask me any questions, point out any flaws, whatever you like.