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Azseth Born to Kill

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Steve Spears.
Age: 24.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown

Status: Formerly crowned human.
Abilities: Crowned abilities: increased strength, senses, agility, durability, healing, etc.
Birth place: Northern Michigan.

History: Steve was born in Northern Michigan and had the envious childhood that entailed being raised on a compound with a family of dooms day preppers. The majority of his life, he was only around family and hadn’t seen anyone outside of those on the compound until he was about 16. His family “went into town” to stock up on some supplies.

He ended up talking with two other kids around his age and after that, something just didn’t sit right with him being as isolated as he was. Part of that was the fact that he had developed a crush on the girl he’d met, but another arguably larger part of it was simply the fact that there were other people out there and other things.

Eventually, he started sneaking out and off of the compound, using this time to socialize with people outside of what had recently been his entire life. He enjoyed it more and more, did it more and more, until it started causing friction with his family. When things reached their boiling point with the family, he was 19 and given the option of moving out or ceasing his activities. He opted to part ways with his family and they haven’t made contact to this day.

He eventually made his way out to southeast Michigan where he worked at menial jobs. He was somewhat socially awkward, but it was easy for him to find jobs because he was very mechanically inclined and capable. He had all kinds of skills that had him be able to work at places that needed odd jobs.

Around the time that the mutations began, he was working at a bowling alley as a mechanic and grounds keeper. Truth be told, if he was anything he was curious. Upon leaving the compound, everything and everyone not survival related was new to him and he accepted many new things into his life. Mutants couldn’t be much different. While this was his opinion, it was not the opinion shared by many people, and because of this, he began to seclude himself from people, keeping to himself because the world seemed to be going into a frenzy of sorts.

Things were tense and only seemed to be building and then the unthinkable happened: alien ships filled the skies. He was 22 when he was taken and crowned as aliens started to touch down outside of Detroit (which was heavily attacked leaving most of the city in complete ruins).

Almost two years later, he was freed from his crown and joined a resistance group.

Personality: Prior to being crowned, Steve was quite but curious and enjoyed people. Once he was familiar with settings and people, he was very outgoing. The crowning and removal changed him however. Where he was quiet before, he is now withdrawn and distant. He didn’t get too close to people out of a degree of self-loathing and the fact that lots of people were lost in the fight against the aliens. There’s also a degree of having been violated that most people do not understand or even think he would be going through. Most just assume he’s happy to be free and do not consider the damages he accrued. There are a lot of people who do not trust him, or look at him differently now too, so between his own distance and the hostile actions of others, it seems a good thing more often than not.

There are 2 distinct marks, one on each temple of his head, that make it obvious to anyone who knows about crown removal what has happened to him.

Where he was curious before, he’s now insulated. He doesn’t talk much, especially about anything personal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azseth
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Azseth Born to Kill

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Lazlo Bragimov.
Nickname: The Ukrainian. Yook.
Age: 27.
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 210.
Hair: Blue.
Eyes: Black.

Status: Mutant.
Abilities: Lazlo’s first ability is heightened sense. He can hear, see, sense things at higher level than normal humans. His vision is extremely acute and he can see very long distances. His other ability is that once he is completely still and focused, he can essentially become indestructible. He must concentrate extremely hard and it must remain unbroken for the entire time. This also physically exhausts him the longer he utilizes it.

Birth place: Rolov, Ukraine.

History: Lazlo was born and raised in the Ukraine. He worked at a young age in the rural area as his family owned a farm and raised livestock and crops. On his off time, he worked in the village with a cobbler to make money to go to school, also in his off time. He learned English and a variety of other subjects that made him more than just a farmboy.

When the tensions of the world started building up, Russia and its satellites went into a state of military frenzy, similar to the cold war days. Armies were made, territories redrawn and eventually Lazlo’s family lost their farm. His mother and father put together enough money to send him to America to work and get enough money to bring them over, but that was never to happen as the world began to spiral lower and lower. And then the aliens came.

Eventually after the smoke cleared and various degrees of conflict started, Lazlo started joining whatever resistance movement he could.

Personality: Lazlo is loud, talkative, and social. In spite of the world’s state, he doesn’t seem too negatively affected by it. He drinks when he can and enjoys down time almost as much as he enjoys killing aliens. He has a noticeable Ukrainian accent when he speaks English.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azseth
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Azseth Born to Kill

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Lonnie Tyler.
Nickname: LT.
Age: 23.
Height: 5’11”.
Weight: 190lbs.
Hair: Black.
Eyes: Brown.

Status: Mutant.
Abilities: Lonnie can control the mind of sentient beings. Up to the war, he could only control one human mind at a time. Upon the alien invasion however, things changed slightly. Since the majority of the aliens have some form of telepathic link with one another, he can view a group of aliens almost as a “network” in his mind and choose which to control. This is also valuable for getting positions of enemies as he can get approximate locations and get a good estimate of enemies.

The more powerful a target is mentally, the more they are likely to resist. Additionally, when entering the mind of another, he essentially becomes 100% vulnerable and has zero awareness of what’s around him and no ability to react until fully withdrawing from the mind of the target. He wouldn’t know if his own arm was being sawn off while in the mind of another.

Birth place: Michigan.

History: Lonnie was born and raised in a relatively unstable environment. His mother and father were together, but his father was very mean and cruel, and his mother only acted as an occasional buffer. It didn’t work however, it only made it worse because he had to see his mother as the target of his father.

He played football and did what he could to stay out of the home through high school. One day, during an altercation, he discovered his mutant power when he entered the mind of his father out while reacting angrily. He essentially made his father run outside and get hit by a car. At the time, he thought it was a weird dream, but he woke up and saw his father in the street. His dad survived, but it was after that that Lonnie started exploring his powers. He left his house to as he went to college and worked, maintaining a relatively normal life, even amidst the mutant panic as he could hide his power very well.

He was lucky to live through the initial alien attacks and started fighting back immediately, joining whatever group he could find, discovering that his powers were a lot more useful with the aliens than with humans.

Personality: Lonnie is on the middle ground in terms of being outgoing and insulated. He is very talkative in a social manner, especially around people he knows. He tends to be a bit more tight lipped around new people, or around conversations that are deep. When it comes to people he trusts and cares about, he is willing to go to great lengths to make things good and right, or help them out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dovesong13


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Korra Willis
Age: 22
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 112lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

Status: Formerly crowned human.

Birthplace: London, England

History: Fraternal twins Korra and Sarah spent only two years in England before moving with their parents to the United States when their father was offered his dream job. Sarah, the elder of the two, was destined to be a mutant. By the time the girls were in kindergarten, Sarah had developed telepathic abilities. At first, they were exceedingly weak, and she could only form a telepathic bond with someone she knew very well – namely, her sister. Within a year of the first time Sarah heard Korra’s whispered thoughts, they had become accustomed to a near-constant mental link with each other, and though Sarah soon discovered she could tap into the minds of others, she chose to forego any such ventures in favor of keeping up the link with her sister.

To others, it seemed only that the twins had that uncanny “connection” that twins always seem to show, and the sisters made no attempts to correct this notion. The word ‘mutant’ meant nothing special to them. It was just how things were. Korra developed no such power, but that was unimportant to her. As they grew up, they found comfort and support in their shared pool of thoughts; they were two bodies to one mind, and reveled in the love and connection between them.

As global tensions rose, they took on high school and planned for college. When mutants became a daily subject on the news, they unanimously decided that it chanaged nothing, and they would carry on as they always had. When aliens arrived in the sky, they split a list of basic survival skills and each set about to master their own half, for why shouldn’t they use their learning time efficiently? They had only just begun this new venture when the attacks began. Twenty-four hours later, Korra and Sarah were physically separated, Korra was crowned, and an unfamiliar silence engulfed them, as their telepathic bond was broken for the first time since their childhood.

The two years and six months that Korra spent with the aliens’ crown on her temple were lonely and cold. Where her sister’s thoughts had felt as natural in her mind as her own, the aliens’ commands crept in like slimy black tentacles, and Korra quickly discovered the horror of being unable to shatter the silence with a scream. When she was idle, the loneliness and quiet brought on by her sister’s absense seemed unbearable, and though her body could not collapse in sorrow, she sunk into a bitter depression.

It was Sarah, her life-long protector and best friend, who finally freed her. The ordeal of Korra’s uncrowning dragged on, and it was nearly two full days before Korra heard the first echoes of Sarah’s voice in her mind. Something went drastically wrong, however, and in the battle to win back her sister’s thoughts and sanity, Sarah desperately railed against the limits of her gift until, to restore Korra, she forfeited her own life.

Abilities: Crowned abilities of increased strength, stamina, senses and physical prowess. In addition, since the removal of her crown, she is immune to nearly all telepathic attacks – one repercussion of Sarah’s efforts. To anyone that asks, she may also disclose that she hears her sister’s thoughts as clearly as ever before.

Personality: Before being crowned, Korra was fairly reserved in her interactions with people other than her sister. Sarah had always been more outgoing than her, and Korra was perfectly content experiencing the socializing through her sister’s mind. She wasn’t friendless, but didn’t devote much time to getting to know others. Since the removal of her crown, her demeanor is bubbly, cheerful and friendly to most people she meets. Fully certain that her twin now resides within her mind, she converses happily with the familiar voice on a near-constant basis.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dovesong13


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Anne Lorraine Holt
Age: 28
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green

Status: Human.

Birthplace: Maryland

History: Born into a relatively poor family, she moved around a lot as a kid. She became disillusioned with life early on, and in her teenage years dabbled in petty crime (pickpocketing, shoplifting) and selling her body for money. Her mother, an alcoholic, died in a car crash on her way home from a bar one night when Anne was in her early twenties, and her father overdosed on pain meds about a year later. Trying to clean up her life a bit, Anne moved to a new city and got a job as a barista there. When the attacks came, she immediately realized everyone would just be out for themselves, and took “precautions” to protect herself, which included acquiring a gun and moving the hell out of dodge to somewhere with fewer people to have to contend with.

Personality: With most people, she is cold and distant, though she begrudgingly cooperates with people she views as trustworthy or useful. She tries not to get attached to her companions, because, as she learned as a child, friendships are fragile and no stable community lasted very long with her in it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dovesong13


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Priscilla Marie Henderson
Age: 25
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 140lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue

Status: Mutant

Abilities: Telepathy, in that she can communicate with others, but cannot control them. She also cannot forcibly enter another’s mind. The subject must be willing, or must be unaware of her presence such that she can “sneak in”. Also possesses weak telekinesis – can’t move large objects, and has a limited range, generally can’t move anything that’s out of sight or more than a few yards away.

Birthplace: New York

History: Priscilla was the daughter of a wealthy Wall Street businessman who was frequently away from the house on business trips. Her mother possessed no strong mental capabilities, or none that she cared to exercise, and was therefore a rather airheaded, frivolous person who never had much time for her daughter. Priscilla went to a private boarding school, where friendships were superficial at best and manipulative power plays at worst. She learned that her most dependable companions were the characters (and authors) of her favorite books, which she began to carry everywhere.

When she discovered her powers, she made the mistake of trying to find some real human connection through them, and was quickly ostracised at school. Her parents withdrew her from the boarding school as soon as they were aware, and kept her mostly sheltered at home ever since. While she resented them for having such control over her life and keeping her so cooped up, she did her best to be civil with them in hopes of making some peace and maybe earning some freedom.

By pure coincidence, Priscilla was in the rural country visiting her aunt when the alien ships appeared in the sky. The elderly woman, unaware of Priscilla’s mutation and terribly paranoid, sent all of the servants away and demanded that she and Priscilla live in the basement to avoid abduction. The initial attacks landed nowhere near their area, and after two weeks Priscilla was anxious to be outside and away from her unpleasant relative. They argued. Priscilla, in her frustration, let slip her control over her mutant powers and sent a glass of water flying across the room to shatter against the basement wall. In the stunned silence that followed, Priscilla closed her book, threw a few changes of clothes in a duffel bag, and stomped upstairs and out of the house without even a second glance.

Personality: Priscilla can be really awkward around others. She had an unconventional upbringing, and she’s far too aware of it in this new world where danger and struggle are the norm. Still, she strives to be friendly, and while she doesn’t trust others easily, she goes out of her way to find allies, even if the companionship doesn’t last long. She uses her powers only rarely, and even then, never in front of others.
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