Earth. Many things were just as they are now and have been for a long time. Wars came and went, political and economic situations arose. There was much tension between the alliance of the U.S. and the European Alliance, and Russia, China, and the Middle East as each vied for power and influence, and each worked to stop the other as indirectly as possible.
Tensions rose and fell but another catalyst soon came about. This one pushed things to a point just as volatile as the global posturing: humans mutated. It started subtly but quickly and many people tried to hide these mutations initially. Some were easily hidden while others were not. After a variety of incidents all over the world, some that involved humans lashing out at mutants who responded, or simply mutants using their powers blatantly, the world responded.
In 2020 different nations and governments reacted in different ways, but all over the world, things were violent and tumultuous. About this time, the world Powers began to mobilize and some seemed willing to take this situation and use it to press others for more land, power, or resources. Things began to heat up to a multi-directional cold war when in 2022, something unthinkable happened: spaceships began to orbit the Earth.
For the first few days, the massive ships hovered in space but after several days, a handful moved down and hovered over land masses. One day, several fragments of the ships were launched at the Earth and each country. Finally finding a reason to focus on something that wasn’t human, the military powers banded together and launched nuclear arsenals at the ships.
None of them reached their targets or detonated.
Hours later, the ships launched energy weapons that destroyed most large cities and other populous areas. Not long after, the invasion began as aliens transports poured out of the main ships, swarming the Earth with alien lifeforms.
The invasion had begun.

Tensions rose and fell but another catalyst soon came about. This one pushed things to a point just as volatile as the global posturing: humans mutated. It started subtly but quickly and many people tried to hide these mutations initially. Some were easily hidden while others were not. After a variety of incidents all over the world, some that involved humans lashing out at mutants who responded, or simply mutants using their powers blatantly, the world responded.
In 2020 different nations and governments reacted in different ways, but all over the world, things were violent and tumultuous. About this time, the world Powers began to mobilize and some seemed willing to take this situation and use it to press others for more land, power, or resources. Things began to heat up to a multi-directional cold war when in 2022, something unthinkable happened: spaceships began to orbit the Earth.
For the first few days, the massive ships hovered in space but after several days, a handful moved down and hovered over land masses. One day, several fragments of the ships were launched at the Earth and each country. Finally finding a reason to focus on something that wasn’t human, the military powers banded together and launched nuclear arsenals at the ships.
None of them reached their targets or detonated.
Hours later, the ships launched energy weapons that destroyed most large cities and other populous areas. Not long after, the invasion began as aliens transports poured out of the main ships, swarming the Earth with alien lifeforms.
The invasion had begun.