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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It was odd-- to walk along side of him, her arm in his -- it really had seemed that hell had frozen over. Clara knew she had been awful to him from the start and it was a shame that it took the sight of his pain caused by Kieran to cause the sudden change in her. No, she wasn’t about to act as if she were his best friend, but she had to admit things had been different. She had been a little stiff at his side, unsure if she’d made the right decision to take his arm, but she also knew full well that there was no harm in it either. She simply had to trust it and let it happen, and she really did need to let her walls down eventually. It was of no use to her to keep them up -- especially in that home. She knew she had to learn eventually...

As they reached the stairs, she’d felt the squeeze on her arm before he’d broken away.She’d simply taken a step back and took a moment to lift her glass back to her lips again, her hesitation hidden by her sudden sip of wine. Clara had only nodded in return, surprised he’d even asked her if she’d wanted to wait for his return.

When he’d left, Clara stood alone at the bottom of the stairs - the remnants of any massacre now missing from the foyer. A soft sigh fell from her lips as she glanced towards the top of the stairwell for a moment. Regardless of what was bound to happen, Clara knew she had to keep firm and remain with Ryanair until he’d gotten everything out to Kieran. She owed him at least that. Part of her had felt guilty for the way she’d treated him before, and she’d at least hoped he understood why.

The fact that she’d been abandoned in such a way - all of those years without her sire - to come back to find him with another had hurt more than she’d anticipated. Of all of the scenarios she could have possibly planned in potentially seeing her sire again - to see him with another fledgling had been beyond her comprehension. She’d never thought of it; it never occurred to her that he could have just moved on, and this time, actually stayed with that person. And to add salt to the wound she had to watch Kieran care for him and show him more emotion than he ever could have bestowed upon her. It killed her more than she’d like to admit -- hell, it still did even after all she’d done for Kieran. It was almost a slap in the face to see him continuing to dote over the younger.

When Ryanair returned, his appearance had startled her from her thoughts. Clara had turned to look at him quickly and breathed a quiet sigh before she took his arm quicker than before this time. Perhaps she should take her own advice sometime and instead of reaming Kieran for all of the pain he caused -- she probably should act like an adult and explain it further... Maybe then he’d understand.

She’d took a few steps towards the stairs and headed up with him before turning down the hall. They’d eventually ended up at his new room, and she glanced to Ryanair for only a split moment. “I’m following your lead.” She reminded him quietly. She’d be there, regardless of how things played out. And hell, if she had to protect him should things go south - then so be it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

As they neared the door, the blonde found his determination and courage fading. He wasn't easily frightened or really startled by much, though the concept of facing his sire and telling him what he'd done was frightening. His throat felt dry and he swallowed thickly, his feet pausing before the barrier between the man who'd saved him.

How should he do this?

Go inside and snarl it? Or demand he listen and then say it? Or should he-

Without realizing it, Ryanair’s hand unconsciously opened the door. At Clara's words he offered a nod and stepped inside, his whole body tensing at the sight before him. Kieran was sitting up and had his head in his hands, the bandages covering his wounds were lightly stained with red. The blonde let go of Clara and moved forward with way and measured steps, until he was standing beside the nightstand. He set the plate down and swallowed to gather the courage he'd need, his hands curling into fists at his sides.

“Oh- Ryanair? Clara? What do y-” Kieran began but Ryanair cut him off with a sharp shake of his head. He saw his sire's hand reach for him out of the corner of his eye, he jerked back and moved to the seats in front of the window. He took a moment to glance outside and will his heart to slow, turning to face his sire he offers a fake smile.

“I wanted to talk to you about something.” He offered almost pleasantly, the only indication of his nerves was his hands that gripped the fabric of his shirt from behind. Kieran blinked and shifted slowly until he was cross-legged in the middle of his bed, Ryanair paused and scanned the bandages once more. Instinct had him wanting to check them, while his mind demanded he began speaking. His sire didn't say anything except nod, the blonde bit his lip and lowered his gaze to the carpeted-ground.

How should I begin? His mind pleads and Ryanair finches on the inside at the child-like voice, his own voice. He willed the panic to fade and mentally counted to six, his mind slowly returning to the present and the task at hand.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

When Ryanair had stepped inside, Clara followed until he’d released her. As she expected, he immediately headed towards Kieran, and it was apparent he was terribly unsure of what to do. She had lingered by the door quietly, only nodding towards Kieran when he’d acknowledged her. She’d carefully shut the door behind her and leaned against it for a long moment as she watched the two of them, noting how Ryanair still shied away from him. She’d known that feeling all too well - regardless of the words that had come out of Kieran’s mouth weeks ago - his touch had her wanting to hide; wanting to run. She didn’t want to allow herself to fall right back into what had caused her moment of weakness with him centuries before. She’d been terrified that she’d be betrayed again, and could hardly allow herself to believe any words that passed his lips, even if they might have been true.

The uncertainty and nerves had been so terribly obvious that Clara frowned as she watched the younger male near Kieran’s bed. She’d remained where she was for only a moment longer before she took a few steps into the room. She’d glanced at her surroundings - the high walls and windows; the furniture, even the floor - anything to keep her attention from the two for as long as she could. She hardly wanted to see any bit of comfort that she felt might occur, and yet, she had to be fully aware of what was going on should he lash out and Clara have to intervene.

She’d idly stepped passed a dresser and ran her hand against the top before she paused, only a little closer to Ryanair. Once more she’d lifted her glass to take a long sip of whatever wine remained, and she frowned at the little amount that had been left. Lord, she should have filled her glass up at least once more before she’d decided on assisting Ryanair. At least then she probably wouldn’t feel as uncomfortable as she was in that moment.

Even so, Ryanair had begun, but there was far too long of a pause following. She’d looked towards the younger male and cleared her throat softly, her hand dropping carefully with her glass at her side. Her other arm was crossed against her chest, her hand holding her fallen arm. “Go ahead, Ryanair...” She intervened, knowing he’d probably needed that little push. He needed that little chip at his wall to make it come tumbling down. The worse that could happen was that Kieran would lash out -- and Clara would at least be there to stop it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

At the others soft words, Ryanair felt his walls crashing and his lips parted to speak.

“You've been out of it for weeks and you started feeding on me and soon it wasn't even for that. I had marks all over my neck and shoulders and didn't come near you and everyone kept their distance and then Wolff found out why and then this happened and-” His breath left him and the blonde found his knees buckling, thankfully he'd been close to a chair and managed to sit himself down. “-You were injured and the wolves were slaughtered except for Ynez and Evian and no one woke up during any of it.” He finished in a breathless voice, his fingers clenching in his lap. His gaze left the floor and focused on Clara's glass, he lifted himself up and reached for the cabinet beside the door. Opening the doors he tugged out a small bottle of wine and rose to his feet, he ignored his sire in favor of offering the female a refill.

“I-wait-what ” Kieran stated after a moment, Ryanair swallowed and filled Clara's glass before moving back to his chair. He felt tired now and how could he not? Sleep hadn't been forthcoming for the past few days.

“I basically became a chew toy as well as a blood-sack until Wolff found out and suggested I have a separate room and lock the door.” He stated with his gaze focused on the brown bottle in his hands, his tone was snappy and harsh. His eyes blinked when he felt a gust of frigid air and he glanced up and out the window, a white and black-striped blur passing by had him relaxing. It must of been a burst of magic to keep the crystals working, leaning his head back the blonde closed his eyes and tried to block out the flurry of emotions filling him.

And now how was he going to react? Ryanair didn't open his eyes but took comfort in Clara's close presence.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She knew Ryanair had a bit of pent up emotion, but Clara hadn’t exactly been anticipating for all of it to come out at once. She’d felt herself almost taking in a breath for him after his onslaught of sudden words. She’d blinked in surprise, her brows rising in response before she’d even dared to look towards Kieran whom seemed just as shocked. Of course he was entirely unaware of the ongoings of the past weeks - how could he have known? Everyone simply skirted around it - allowed him to continue to be oblivious to what he was doing and what was going on. At the end of the day, she wasn’t entirely sure if that was a good thing or not. She supposed both her and Ryanair were about to figure that out.

Clara had quickly downed the rest of her wine in response and had almost braced herself for Kieran to lash out. But Ryanair had her distracted yet again. Once more the male surprised her as he suddenly rose to grab a bottle of wine and fill her glass. She’d raised a brow, wondering idly if this was a quick distraction to keep him away from Kieran, not to mention, it kept him closer to her. Still, Clara had nodded in return and murmured a quiet thanks before the sudden chill of the room had her focused.

It left her unsettled - the sudden burst of energy in the room. Whether it was to keep Kieran protected or not, she was unsure. If it was, indeed, to stop him from lashing out - perhaps that was his intention all along.

She’d looked back to Kieran and took a step forward in front of Ryanair. “Now, I know this must seem... alarming -- but you really did need to know.” Clara reminded him, her tone almost chiding; mature. She was willing to keep him in line if she had to -- although, there still was a part of her who doubted herself. He was her sire after all, and as such, he did have a bit of control over her whether she’d liked to admit it or not. Their bond was weak - almost non-existent, but Kieran had displayed more times than not that he knew it still was there and he could use it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“So I've apparently gotten the illness and happened to harm one of my fledgling’s? I highly doubt-” Ryanair rose to his feet and without hesitation, he slipped his shirt over his head. The marks were mostly gone but they still lingered on his skin, the blonde moved forward and tilted his head to show them off. He lifted his free hand -he'd left the bottle beside the chair- and pointed to each one, though he never actually touched them.

“Wanna see your old room? Have you even noticed this room difference then the other you've been in? You see the crystal in your hand? It's a present from Lye so don't lose it.” A lie but he didn't need to know that, he noticed Clara's tensing at the burst of coldness but said nothing. It was just a burst from Lye to help the crystals she'd surrounded the house with, Ryanair focused on Kieran when the other male moved as of to stand.

“I-the fuck-” The blonde stilled but didn't move as he rolled his head to show the other side, his right hand tightening on his shirt. After a moment more of silence Ryanair slipped his shirt back on and moved back to his seat, distance felt better then being close to him. Sitting down he brought his knees up to his chest and rested his chin on them, his long blonde bangs hiding his face as he leans his head downwards.

He was really tired.

“The wolves might have had an inkling but didn't say anything lest they draw attention to it and drama ensue. In the end it came to an end this morning when we found all but two dead and you pierced with silver rods, somehow none of us awoke and that's why Lye’s been absent for a few days.” His voice filled the silence and he could hear the dullness of it, his arms tightening around his knees.

The silence from below wasn't helping and he knew Wolff was probably trying to get either wolf to shift back. The others were probably around and in reality Ryanair wanted to curl up and let his eyes fall shut. Kieran’s silence was alarming and Ryanair focused on the bond and found it just as silent, he couldn't let himself relax yet with the possibility of the other lashing out.

Not yet.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As soon as Kieran spoke, Clara had cleared her throat and nearly scoffed into her glass that she quickly raised back to her lips to silence herself. It wasn’t that far-fetched. Clearly in his past when he’d slipped from his own control, he’d made the mistake of changing her and then left her so very quickly that night. Although this was very, very different, it wasn’t as if he wasn’t capable. Still, her eyes closed to keep from catching his own gaze. She’d not exactly meant to make a sound - it was something she just couldn’t help even though it was hardly the time. So, she’d taken to taking another long sip of her wine which was a pleasant distraction from the two. She needed to keep her wits about her, however, so after she’d finished, she’d placed the glass atop the dresser she’d been lingering by before she’d leaned against it.

Clara still kept close enough to Ryanair and could see the exhaustion on his features. She could imagine - it must have felt like a weight had lifted once he’d gotten it all out - as if it all had been a giant secret. It had been the enormous elephant in the room that no one chose to address, but it was necessary. At least then, if Kieran could fight whatever control this thing had over him, he might be able to try and fight against it. At least, that’s what she hoped.

“Ultimately-” Clara began as she crossed both arms against her chest again. She’d looked from Ryanair to Kieran carefully who seemed sincerely shocked at what had occurred without his knowledge. “You need to know so we can hope to prevent this from happening again. Not to mention, now you at least know why Ryanair’s been acting the way he has.” She shrugged slightly in response. Her words were quiet, trying to offer a bit of a buffer between the two males.

She’d still been cautious, unwilling to let her guard down. Kieran had not lashed out, rather, simply seemed shocked and in disbelief over what had happened. The evidence was all there, as Ryanair had so angrily displayed, so there really was no further argument. He simply had to accept it and move on. At least, that was what she hoped he would do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“”That explains it and I remember ‘waking up’? I guess at one point I felt heavy and couldn't remember past when we went to find the Mage…” Ryanair remained silent and listened instead, he didn't move until arms wrapped around him. The blonde jerked and stilled completely when long black strands of hair obscured his vision, the familiar scent of pine and sea-water that belonged to Kieran filling his nose.

I have to move on but… Thankfully Kieran released him and leaned back until he was seated on the floor, whether he could move or not was debatable. The blonde didn't raise his head and after a bit he'd relaxed slightly, when Kieran sighed the blonde tensed once more.

“I owe you an apology parvulus, I didn't...I wasn't myself.” Kieran began, his voice soft and sincere. The blonde opened his eyes and peered at the man from above his folded knees, the crystal was still in his hand and he was looking down. “I also owe you an apology as well Clara, I haven't been the best since we talked and I'm sorry for that.” Ryanair blinked in half surprise and half to keep his eyes open, he really felt tired now but with the male's admittance he felt tension fill the air.

How would she take it?

Lash out of snarl like she'd been doing?

He wondered briefly if he could just sleep here as he was, Ryanair didn't think he had the strength to move. His chest warming at the soft nickname the man had begun calling him after his transformation, he didn't relax but it did fill his chest with warmth instead of numbness.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Any worry of an attack or a negative reaction from Kieran was soon being dashed and thrown away. The man was surprised about everything, absolutely, but he also reasoned and understood how it could have happened after a moment’s thought. His explanation was enough to appease her - Kieran had not been himself and as such, had committed such horrible acts against Ryanair. Idly she wondered how that must have felt - how to be in control of yourself one moment, and the next to lose all memory and recollection of what you’ve done. Furthermore to never realize that part of you truly had been missing until someone had decided to bring it up -- She couldn’t imagine the guilt that would come with such a thing.

Clara eyed the two carefully, stiffening as Kieran neared Ryanair. When his arms slipped around the younger, she remained just as stiff and had shifted uncomfortably, her attention now focused against the farthest wall in the room. It was clear the man wasn’t going to react horribly anymore - with this little display of affection, perhaps it was time for her to make her exit. Clearly, Ryanair wouldn’t need her support further, although she wasn’t so sure leaving him with Kieran was the best of plans at the moment, despite the fact that the man seemed to have his wits about him.

She’d been toying with the idea of leaving, mulling over her exit as she heard Kieran’s soft apology to Ryanair. Once more she’d felt that cold chill of jealousy rising through her chest, but she did her best to quell it -- what was the damn point?

Her body had shifted in the slightest as she had decided to leave, however, Kieran’s words once more had caught herself off guard. His own apology to her, no matter how small, had not been anticipated. Hell, she figured she’d come in here, patch up what was ailing the two if she could, and she’d run back off to drown herself in the bottle -another vice to get her to sleep at night.

His apology had been so foreign to her, save that one time, that Clara wasn’t entirely sure how to react. Part of her had wanted to throw a fit - snap back at him that he should have been sorry - that he’d broken promises before and this was nothing new to her. That she was used to his cold behavior now; his favoritism...

But where would that get her?

And furthermore, she wasn’t sure that she really wanted him to know how she felt. Lord, she felt almost childish in her own admittance that, at the end of the day, she was hurt that Ryanair had been by his side when Clara stumbled upon him once more; that all of his focus and devotion seemed centered around that younger male -- and that she’d felt much like a piece of trash, discarded on the wind once he was done with her.

She cleared her throat, suddenly feeling the constriction well up within it before she simply shook her head and lifted a hand to wave it off -- as if it were nothing.

“Don’t worry about me..” Clara began, her words quiet as she’d turned her attention carefully back to Kieran. Her focused switched between both males for a moment before settling on the elder. “I’ll be fine. Like I always am.” She shrugged and her arms came to cross about her chest again. There was no anger in her words; no harsh tone with her usual attitude. She simply sounded tired - tired of the games; tired of her own frustration -- she needed to learn to get passed it, and honestly, she needed to grow a pair like Ryanair and simply tell Kieran how she truly felt; how all of it continued to make her feel. But- that was for another day... another time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

He moved on pure instinct then.

Ryanair found himself on his feet and wrapping Clara in a hug, Kieran joining them a moment later. The blonde wasn't even sure why he'd hugged his sire's other fledgling, and truth be told he was scared out of his mind.

Would she lash out?

Would the small..whatever it was they'd had be broken because of the hug?

I'm dead. I'm a dead-dead man. Why did I even- He didn't even finish the thought before Kieran was moving away and Ryanair doing the same. The blonde looked down to the carpet and tried to swallow the fear that closed his throat, his hands reaching up to grip his shirt. “I-I-erm…” Even words failed him as he backed away away and plopped heavily on his chair, his eyes catching Keiran nearly falling on the bed. The other male's face was pale and Ryanair wasn't sure if it was due to the incident or his wounds, he really didn't want to move. Why had they done that?


Lye finished setting the now dry dishes in their respective places, her attention moving to where Wolff sat with Evian and Ynez. Isabella and Esther were in the living room and the silence left the Mage with nervous energy filling her body. The wolves hadn't done much aside from eating and that was a warning sign as any, Lye knew the others -aside from Clara and Christian- knew to be wary. Pushing off of the counter she made her way to Wolff’s side, her steps seeming to echo in the quiet room. Neither wolf moved from their reclined position, both seeming relaxed if for their utter stillness.

Lye wasn't even sure they were breathing.

“Ynez- we have to hold a ceremony-” Wolff stated with a hard edge to his voice Lye knew wasn't good, she noted his hands were clenched on his knees. Neither female moved and Lye felt the air thicken with something she couldn't place, her attention shifting when she feels a cool breeze lap at her fingers. Her eyes blinked and with little thought she released a burst of magic that had Vox’s magic faded in an instant, a soft snort snapped her attention to the ceremony-planning.

Evian was slowly shifting, her form slowly rising as she sat up. Lye blinked in surprise when the werewolf shook her form out before leaving the room, Ynez still seemingly asleep on the floor. Wolff and Lye share a look when the Beta returns with a tome in her jaws and a determined set of her shoulders. Lye reached for the book and set it on the table, her eyes scanning the title before opening it. It was a book on Werewolves and the Mage found her interest grabbed.

It was a silent permission to start planning and both, joined by Isabella and Esther began pouring over the pages.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Of all things, Clara could not have expected what had happened next. When Ryanair suddenly stood, she had raised a brow and almost flinched as he’d closed the space between them. She blinked, her form rigid and stiff in his hold, unsure of what to do or how to react. When Kieran had followed suit, his arms around the both of them, she bit her lip. Her hands were still at her sides, trapped in an embrace that felt both awkward and yet necessary all in the same. And without much thought, she’d felt the small lump welling up in her throat - the quick constriction of her throat as she shut her eyes, unwilling to let anything well up, lest it be seen. Perhaps it was what she needed - she needed to be made to feel again, and this was one way of going about it.

One by one Kieran had moved away from her and then Ryanair had followed along. What she hadn’t anticipated was the look of sheer fear and almost regret upon Ryanair’s features. There was tension on the air, almost like electricity, and she couldn’t entirely fathom why. Did they both think she was going to explode? That she was going to curse the hell out of them for even touching her? Her gaze had softened at the thought and guilt suddenly welled up within her.

They’d notice the mix of emotions that continued to dance across her features all the while she remained silent. Clara swallowed again, unsure of what to say or how to react. She would not lash out at them - there was no reason to. And the fact that it was the first emotion they’d assumed she’d react with made her feel like a terrible person.

Even so, she crossed her arms in that new insecurity and she bit her lip carefully as she watched the two. “...Maybe I should go.” Her words were quiet. Yes, maybe she should simply leave the two alone now. Ryanair would be fine, she was certain, and it seemed Kieran would be harmless in those moments. Maybe they could hash things out further... much like she needed to inevitably do.

Clara had nodded in confirmation to her own thoughts and glanced towards the door. “Yes; You two probably still need to talk more.” She continued to offer, and she quickly looked for her glass that she’d discarded - it was a comfort - to be able to drink and forget for a moment’s time...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Ryanair relaxed after a few moments and watched as Clara remained still, his head tilting as an sea filled his mind. Kieran most of had an inkling because he rose and easily plucked the glass from her fingers, his free arm gesturing to the empty seat beside Ryanair.

“If you don't mind me asking this...do you like music?” The blonde rose and paused when a hand fell on his head, a snort escaping his lips when Kieran gently squeezed bearer releasing. He understood and moved to the door, pulling it open and stepping out into the hallway. He made a left and paused three steps away from the open door as he thought, he hadn't been in this mansion for awhile so his mental map was sketchy.

Where would it be…

His eyes widened and a grin spread across his freshers when he remembered it's location, his feet carrying him forward in a near run. The blond had thought he'd never see in instrument after he'd died and come back as a vampire, he was surprised when Kieran presented him with his most beloved treasure a few years later. Reaching the end of the hallway, Ryanair runs his fingers along the walls on either side of him and a moment later he hears a faint click. He steps back as the wall before him shifts, and a new staircase that leads to the basement is presented to him. He takes a moment to pat the wooden banister softly before continuing down them, his feet guiding him right when he reaches the bottom step. This part of the house wasn't that grand since it only consisted of a cellar, a music room and an indoor garden. Ryanair loved it just as much and soon found a set of double doors that led into the music room, pushing them open he steps inside and moves to where the grand piano sits.

The room is dusty and Ryanair has to blink at the sudden brightness that assaults his eyes, he doesn't stop however until he reaches a wooden door. He pulls it open and wrinkles his nose when a cloud of dust wafts into his face, he pays it no mind as he reaches inside and grabs the case that sits on the second shelf. This wasn't a closet but it wasn't large either, and by the other cased instruments that lined the other two shelves Ryanair felt a smirk twitch his lips up.

”A storage room then” His mind echoed Kieran’s murmured words from years back, the blonde shook his head and closed the door behind him. He exited the room then with a last glance at the covered piano, he'd have to visit here and start cleaning it up. Resolved with a plan, the blonde closed the doors and made his way back to the stairs. Reaching the top he stepped forward and continued walking, knowing full-well the door would slide shut once more. He reached the room and found Kieran seated in his vacant seat with a confused-looking Clara seated beside him.

“You don't have to leave I…” Finding the lack of words irritating, he lifted the case and offered a small smile. He set it on the bed and unzipped the case, his right hand flexing while his left and lifted the top portion away. Nestled within was a black violin, the first gift his sire had given him. The blonde reached for the crimson-wooden bow and easily fitted his fingers where they belonged. His left hand reached for the violin and removed it from its resting place, his smile widening as he held in in his hands.

Without another word, Ryanair lifted both bow and instrument and began to play. Even after all this time it was still in tune, he didn't even notice when he sat on the bed. The room filling with the notes he played, his eyes closing as it allowed it to fill him.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara had blinked in confusion as soon as Kieran had approached her, and furthermore, she frowned when he’d taken the glass of wine from her. Her empty hand still in the air she parted her lips to protest, but then Kieran had signaled for her to have a seat. She frowned, her lips pursed while her brow furrowed before she crossed her arms over her chest. Really, she had been ready to head right out that door, leave the two be, and head to her room alone. It was what she was used to -- she was okay with it, although, that probably was more a lie than the truth. So, she quietly made her way to the chair and sat down slowly as Ryanair had left the room.

She felt uneasy and unsure, her legs crossed just as her arms had been. Her attention remained throughout the room idly, the silence thick between the two of them. Why couldn’t he just let her run off?

She’d tapped her fingers against her arm idly until Ryanair had returned, and when he did, she raised a brow. She’d noticed the violin as soon as he’d lifted it and she didn’t exactly protest. Clearly he’d wanted to play, whether that was to keep her around or not, she wasn’t so sure. There had been a shift between the two of them recently, and thankfully it had been for the good. She’d regretted treating him terribly at first, although she couldn’t help herself. To see a replacement after being abandoned had not put her in the best position...

He’d begun to play and at first she’d still sat there with her arms crossed, but after a long moment she’d uncrossed them and pulled her legs up to her chest on the chair. She’d wrapped her arms around them and rested her chin atop her knees while she eyed the two of them carefully.

How she ended up there was besides her. About a month ago, she’d been hell bent on destroying the man who had stolen her life -- throughout that month she’d not only saved him numerous times, but she had also began a sort of fondness for Ryanair. The past her probably would have laughed terribly over the prospect...

And yet there she was, listening to Ryanair play.

The frown fell upon her lips for a moment as she mulled over the past and mulled over what future could have met her then. She’d swallowed the small lump that formed back up in her throat, and she shifted a little uncomfortably in her spot. But once he’d finished, she was hesitant to break the silence.

“...What are you boys trying to do?” Clara began softly. “Soften me up?” Even so, a small smile found its way back on her lips. Did she feel a little better? Yes. Were things entirely fixed? No, of course not... Those things would take some time, and inevitably, she would need to have that discussion.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“You looked like you could use the company.” Kieran offered softly after Ryanair finished his song, the blonde blinking as the noted faded and silence filled the air. The blonde busied himself with putting his instrument way and Kieran continued in a softer tone. “I am sorry for what happened and I'm glad you two...came to an understanding..” He said and then rose, offering the glass to her after a moment of thought. Once finished Ryanair glanced up and found Kieran on his feet and Clara's eyes focused on the carpet.

He was glad to see she'd relaxed and he wasn't afraid to admit that he'd wanted to make her feel better. He was a kind person and didn't like anyone feeling unwanted to down, the male blinked in surprise when a long finger tugged gently on one of his bangs. “Hm?” He offered as a yawn overtook him, Kieran released his hair and moved to lay down once more.

“It's long ago. Clara? Do you think you could cut it for him? I tried once but failed miserably.” His chuckle was soft and Ryanair moved to the doorway, his body swaying as exhaustion seeped down his form. He hadn't been sleeping and after this he felt drained, Kieran settled on his back and stretched his arms above his head.

“I can do it myself if you'd like. Though it would help to have someone who knows how hair should be cut.” The blonde offered over his shoulder, his body locked so he wouldn't collapse on the floor. His room was two doors down and he didn't think he'd make it on his own, Kieran’s soft snort showed his agreement.

They were hopeless in certain aspects, hair cutting being one of them.


Lye leaned back and watched as the other three around her did the same, the table before them littered with paper. The wolves were asleep and none of them wanted to wake them, the Mage huffed and rolled her neck. Wolff looked relaxed now and both female vampires looked somewhat appeased, the papers being stacked into piles between the two of them.

Planning had been done and when the music had filled the air, everyone stilled and listened to it. Ryanair didn't play much and when he did, everyone listened and admired his talent. A soft sigh jerked her to the present and the Mage found two sets of eyes on her, Isabella and Esther were watching her and she arched a silent brow.

“Are you sure?” The elder asked after a moment, her hair freed of its bun and spilling down her back. Lye clicked her tongue but offered a nod, the text had taken a while to decipher and she didn't blame them for doubting her idea. Though what she lacked in experience she made up for it with stubbornness and talent, she raised her right hand and a blue crystal lay in her palm.

“Yeah, the literature took awhile but I got it. I ask that all of you have one in your possession just to be sure, Kieran has one and I've left one one for Christian, Clara and Ryanair in their rooms.” That seemed to be news to all three, before answering she passed one to each vampire and slipped one attached to a string around each wolf with a small burst of magic. After that she began explaining what she'd found out and how she'd set up larger crystals around the grounds, the ceremony planning temporarily forgotten.

It was tomorrow anyway, for now a bit of distraction was a good thing.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It definitely had been a much needed break that relieved at least some tension from around her. Things had been slowly working out between her and Ryanair, and perhaps it was the need to protect someone younger than her, especially from the same person, that had pushed her past their differences. It was still odd- she could care less about him weeks prior and yet there she was, listening to him play for her, It was comforting, and it was probably something she’d needed - especially with all of the hell that was coming down around them. She didn’t anticipate that that relief would come from someone like Ryanair -- or even Kieran for that matter. She’d been purposely pushing others away and keeping to herself all of this time -- even this glimmer of a moment was what she needed.

When Kieran approached her again she’d looked up at him over her knees, and had been surprised that he decided to return the glass of wine to her. For that brief moment, she wasn’t entirely sure that she’d wanted it. That immediate urge to drown herself hadn’t entirely been there, but she’d taken it carefully none the less as she pushed her legs back down so that her feet touched the floor again. She’d not commented after Kieran spoke, although part of her had agreed -- they were much better off speaking than becoming enemies...

She’d watched the two once more and her brow raised as Kieran spoke to her again, a bit surprised that he’d asked her such a thing. Certainly she knew how to cut hair, and honestly, the thought of Kieran trying to cut Ryanair’s hair was almost laughable. Even so, she rose carefully and stretched with a small shrug of her shoulders. “I suppose I could..” Clara began quietly. “Although, that’s probably better left to tomorrow...” She murmured, a faint smile dancing across her lips as she eyed Ryanair while he headed towards the door. He looked as if he would collapse with exhaustion at any passing moment, and she soon decided to follow after him.

“Goodnight, Kieran..” Once more her words were soft as she headed out of the room after Ryanair, a soft yawn falling from her own lips. She still held the glass down at her side while she walked, heading down the hallway with him. “...I told you that wouldn’t be terrible.” Clara commented, glancing to the younger male.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“Goodnight, Clara.” Kieran offered softly before watching the two leave, his eyes falling shut as sleep took him under. Ryanair paused at the words and blinked his eyes open, -when has they shut?- and raw his head to face Clara. His lips twitched into a small smile and he nodded his agreement, it hasn't been bad aside from the exhaustion that not enveloped him. It was a mixture of lack of sleep and relief that he'd finally spoken out and Kieran had accepted it, his right hand rose to rub at his eyes.

“I'm glad for that, now I guess it's time to sleep and begin tomorrow once more. If you'd like to cut my hair then wake me up if I'm not up early, Kieran really does suck at it. I also wanted to ask if you'd like to start training with us? Well me really since Kieran can't at the moment, in the next coming days?” His question was slurred and the blonde blinked his eyes open once more, fear didn't grip him as he knew she would no longer lash out.

He leaned against the wall and released another yawn, once it passed he straightened himself and gestured for Clara to follow him. Their rooms were close enough that he knew if he fell she'd catch him and that had a sleepy smile pulling at his lips.

Sleep was slowly overcoming him as he continued down the hall.


Once done with the explanation, everyone rose and began to head out of the kitchen. Lye paused when neither wolf followed, then again they were deep asleep. She didn't wake them and followed the others out and towards the staircase, the house relaxed now instead of filled with tension like earlier.

It felt better really.

Reaching the second floor they separated after murmured goodbyes, Lye yawning as she used a burst of magic to teleport into her room. Tomorrow was another day and with it the ceremony would take place, and with it they'd begin to heal. The Mage undressed and slipped on a nightshirt and slipped under her sheets, her hair falling loose of its high ponytail to fall around her shoulders.

It was time to sleep and tomorrow would be another day.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara was a bit quiet as she fell in step with Ryanair, both heading to their own rooms. It was an odd sort of feeling – how she felt in that moment. Part of her had felt almost…. Happy – content with what had just occurred between the three of them. She knew they still had a long way to go, especially to try and patch anything between her and Kieran, but Ryanair should have been easy. She'd met him on bad terms, judged him and hated him for something he couldn't even control. Now, things were starting to grow between them. They'd had a commonality in that Kieran had hurt both of them – intentionally or not, it didn't quite matter. And it was through that that she felt the need to protect – she hadn't quite expected him to warm up to her just as quickly, however - -she'd given him no just reason to.

Clara continued along quietly as she tilted her head to look at him while he spoke. Given how exhausted he was, she assumed he would probably sleep in far later than her, especially considering she'd still had terrible insomnia and was awoken by night terrors far too often. At the thought, she'd glanced down at the glass of wine in her hand before she'd looked back to Ryanair. Perhaps she could try to sleep that night without the aid of alcohol… It was a thought, at least.

When Ryanair suggested training with them, Clara had raised a brow. She'd only sparred with him once, and had nearly lost her mind on Kieran another time before – she'd been surprised that Ryanair even suggested it. It would probably do her some good, at least to learn Ryanair and Kieran's style over how she'd been trained with Christian.

"Hm?" She began with the same tilt of her head, her brow raised. "Don't want me to continue kicking your ass, then?" Clara had prodded with that small smile. Something about the light feeling that she still carried with her allowed her to freely joke – something she hadn't quite done in a while.

With a shake of her head at her own teasing, she'd shrugged her shoulders easily. "I suppose I could join you. Will be interesting, considering we've been trained by two very different people…" Clara commented, finally reaching Ryanair's door before her own. She'd paused for a moment. "Get some sleep. If you're still asleep in the morning, I'll wake you and cut that mop of yours…" She smiled again before she turned. "Goodnight, Ryanair…"

And with that, she headed towards her own door before heading in her room, the door clicking closed behind her. Of all outcomes, she'd not anticipated what had actually occurred that night. Part of her had been ready to fight Kieran if she had to- part of her had been ready to defend Ryanair, and yet – there were no arguments, no lashing out .There were simply apologies and understanding – something that once more made her envious of the relationship between the two.

After a moment she'd moved from her door and placed her glass on her own dresser before she slipped into her bed, pulling the blankets around her. The room was already dark as she curled up tight, willing sleep to take her on its own that night. At least she'd felt more relaxed than she'd had been in a long time… She closed her eyes with a soft sigh. Tomorrow was a new day, and perhaps the beginning to a bit of change between the three of them.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

The next morning found the inhabitants slowly waking, Kieran slowly rose from his nest of blankets and made his way to his bathroom. He knew showering wasn't in order but getting ready for the day was, ten minutes later found the vampire downstairs and in the kitchen. Before he could sit, Wolff was on him and checking the bandages. He rose when the Healer asked him to and removed his shirt, his attention drifting to where Isabella was cooking. Everyone seemed relaxed and for that he was grateful, a hiss escaped him when Wolff Lee him to the living room and began to unwrap the stained bandages.

“They've stopped bleeding but look angry and red. I'll add the ointment and wrap them, come and find me later to make sure they haven't opened.” Kieran offered a nod and allowed the other to do as he said, the smell of food slowly filling the air. Once cleared and wearing his shirt, he moved back into the kitchen to help Isabella. He noticed the matching crystal she wore though decided to remain quiet, it was a better idea to help the female since Esther had just entered and looked sleepy still.

Lye entered the slowly filling room and sat in an empty seat beside a still half-asleep Esther. Vox was asleep upstairs and she had nothing else to do until the wolves came down, eating was her priority for now. “Has anyone seen Ryanair?” Isabella questioned after a moment of silence, Lye and the others -except Esther- offered nods.

“Maybe sleeping still.” Kieran offered as he flipped a pancake, no one questioned him and a comfortable silence filled the kitchen. Ryanair curled into a smaller ball beneath his warm sheets, sleep pulling him under as he settled once more.

He didn't want to move just yet.

Five more minutes.... He thought sleepily as he inhaled the floral scent of the sheets. His muscles relaxing as his mind drifted to nowhere in particular, he knew he was half-asleep and didn't care to fully wake up yet.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Much to her surprise, Clara had somehow managed to slip off to sleep that night without the help of (at least a bit of) alcohol in her system. It didn’t take long at all for her to fall, curled beneath her covers. However, come morning she’d awoken with her usual start: a quick jolt of her body and sharp breath in as her eyes opened, before it took her a long moment to register that her regular nightmare had woken her up, and she was still in the mansion. At least she’d fallen asleep on her own - the damn nightmares were another problem she had to figure out how to rid herself of.

Clara fought to even her breathing as she rolled on her stomach with a groan. She shoved her face into her pillow, still far too tired for her own good although she knew she had to wake. After all, she had to cut Ryanair’s hair - even if that was all she would manage to get done that day. Even so, she buried her face into her pillow further, trying not to slip right back into sleep as she relaxed. It took a moment or two before she huffed at herself and pushed herself away from her pillow and sat up, her arms stretching carefully over her head before she looked around her room sleepily.

Part of her felt lighter that morning - as if the horrible weight of her past hadn’t quite been as heavy. The realization had left a small smile on her lips before she shoved her blankets aside and moved to the shower.

The hot water was more than welcoming and perhaps she’d stayed in there a little too long before she’d decided to climb out and get dressed. She tossed on a quick t-shirt and cotton pants before she brushed through her long wavy hair, letting the damp locks fall down her back and around her shoulders freely. After she’d been content with herself, she dug around her room and bureau drawers in search of scissors.

Eventually, Clara had crept out of her room with another small yawn before she headed to Ryanair’s and she knocked quietly. The door had still been closed so she’d assumed he hadn’t gotten out of bed yet. After a long pause, she carefully opened the door and peeked inside, seeing the ball underneath his sheets. She carefully slipped passed the door and quietly placed the scissors on a night stand before she looked to see where his head might be under the sheets.

After a moment of hesitation, she slowly peeled back the sheets and bit her lip, reaching a finger out to just barely graze the tip of his nose -- once, twice... Waiting for him to register the feeling and wake up. Christian used to do it to her all of the time - an annoying little way to make sure someone had always gotten up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Something felt off.

It was the muddled thought that dragged Ryanair from comforting darkness. The blonde shifted into a tighter ball and wrinkles his nose when the feeling came again, he didn't want to get up. His eyes fluttered open and a frown tugged his lips downward the sun seeming to mock it as it assaulted his eyes. The smell of food filled his nose and the blonde stretched beneath his warm sheets a yawn overtaking him for a moment. His arms stretch to the side while his legs uncurl and do the same, emerald eyes blink once more and focus on the one that had awoken him.

“Mornin’ Clara-” He manages to say before another yawn breaks him off, his nose wrinkles as he slips out from under his sheets. The blonde was glad he'd slept in an old shirt and his boxers last night, he paused when his bare feet meet cool wood. “Should I shower? I haven't had my hair cut in awhile so I'm not sure.” More awake now due to the sudden chill from the floor, his moves to the bathroom and winces when the florescent light assaults his eyes as well.

He'd forgotten that Clara had offered to cut his hair, his lips twitching up into a smile as he reaches for his toothbrush. Once done he rinses his mouth and then splashes cool water on his face, the last remaining fog of sleep disappearing as he dries his face. He steps out into his room and tilts his head in thought, one hand coming up to tug at the a strand of hair.

Where should he sit?

Kieran shifted on his feet as he regarded the people gathered around him, a cup of coffee in his hands. Everyone was here except for the wolves, -he didn't count Clara or Ryanair since he knew what they were doing- his nose wrinkled in thought. “How did it go?” He asks Wolff after a moment, the male pauses with his mug halfway to his lips.

“They refused at first, both quiet and barely moving. They seemed to cave when Lye joined me, thankfully we sorted everything out and all that's left it to begin.” The male offers with a shrug of his shoulders, Kieran hums softly and doesn't break the comfortable silence around them. He guessed he owed them some quiet time and really he wasn't much of a morning person until he'd had coffee.

It was a win-win.

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