Ah, so this is what they call 'university'. Currently, I am enrolled in an engineering studies program, to learn about human technologies. So far, I have deemed it to be somewhat lacking in advancement. Apparently, humans are very much like my own people, they live in communities that are structured similarly to what I am used to back on Xa'an. I live in a shared dwelling complex called a 'dorm', which I understand is a shortened name for the structure. It is, gridlike. It does not flow very smoothly, and the builders clearly put no effort into making it beautiful. That is another thing I noticed about these humans. They live quickly, and son't take the time to appreciate small things. In my dwelling, I share the space with three other people. Their names are Luke, Sasha, and Ty. They are amiable enough. It seems that all four of us have been labeled 'exchange' students. I was set up as such to explain the reason why I am not familiar with the culture here, and it seems to be working just fine. I am curious as to where the other three of my 'roommates' hail from.
I've been on Earth for some time now--it took me quite a while to adjust to the people here, and their languages are extremely complex. I was able to learn quickly, however, and I feel that I am growing more comfortable here by the day. Earth days are so short, it amazes me how much they sleep. They think I'm an insomniac because I do not sleep every night here like they do. I don't tire nearly as much as they, and won't need to sleep for another several weeks at least. It's given me plenty of time to work on research for my classes here, though, since I can go all night working while everyone else here is asleep. My roommates should arrive soon, most of them have classes before I do, so it gives me a few Earth hours of silence to work while they are out. I've taken a liking to an Earth beverage called coffee, apparently whatever's in it makes humans able to work a little longer before tiring, but I haven't noticed any strong effect of it on myself.