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Because characters are like vegetables ... crunchy and filled with nutrients oh wait

Dawn of Marvel: Srgt James Buchanan Barnes, The Winter Soldier

All Star Marvel: Thor "Tarene" The Goddess of Thunder

Blackwell Academy:

Full House: Leith Meyer, Bailey Meyer, Aunt May

I Remain: WINTERTIDE; Jaime London (pending)

Blackwell Academy; Life is Strange: Greer McGregor (pending)


End of the Line: James Buchanan Barnes

Intrigue: Benjamin Jack "BJ" Cross

Behind Enemy Lines: James "Lucky" Harvey

Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spud
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Spud The Best Potato on the Guild

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

| Identity |

Name: Thor Goddess of Thunder
Alias: Tara Olsen (a human name if she is on the DL), Tarene (birth name), Thor Girl (previous title), Hammer Girl.

| Origin & Backstory |

Humble Beginnings
Born with a predetermined destiny, Tarene believed her life was perfectly scripted out for her and all she had to do was play her part. A future seer declared that she would become a great hero and save many world's from darkness. What she did not know was that even a prescripted destiny was hard to follow.

A Hero is Born
At first, she was subject to much ridicule and scorn from the larger, older and more battle-hardened Asgardian men whom didn't believe a young girl such as Tarene could hold her own in battle. Although disappointed at first, she wasn't dissuaded and fought to convince the nay-sayers that she was just as capable as they were. Thor Odinson noticed the young girls enthusiasm and determination and encouraged her to train harder, his encouragement, along with that of the Lady Sif whom was also making a name on the battlefield for herself, allowed Tarene to get her first taste of battle on the cold wastes of Jotunheim.

Out in the frosts, Thor Odinson noticed that Tarene was indeed a brave warrior, and so he allowed her to fight alongside him in future conflicts. He bestowed unto her many tips and stories to aid her growth as a warrior. She learned to use a variety of weapons before finally settling on a golden hammer, thus earning her the nickname Thor Girl as she fought alongside Thor Odinson using a hammer, much like he did with his Mjolnir.

Over time Tarene became a powerful goddess in her own right, proving herself to be a formidable Asgardian warrior, comparable to the Lady Sif. She earned the respect and admiration of her peers, yet despite her many courageous feats, she often appeared as little more than a sidekick to Thor Odinson. Although she greatly admired and respected her mentor, Tarene wanted to live out her own destiny and not spend her days living in the shadow of her mentor. She loyally served under the All Father Odin, and later under Thor following his coronation as King of Asgard.

Brother Dearest
Loki, adopted brother of Thor, often wrought havoc in Asgard and across a number of the 9 Realms. Despite having more than one opportunity to kill Loki, Thor could never bring himself to slay his brother, and despite Tarene's protests, he would not allow her to slay Loki either. Sparing Loki would later prove to be Thor's greatest mistake as Ruler of Asgard. Tarene, reluctant to commit treason and betray her King, stayed her hand, though she was reluctant to spare Loki's life. Loki was committed to prison but even locked in a cage, Loki could not be stopped.

When Heroes Fall: Ragnarok
Loki, bitter and vengeful, allied himself with the Fire Demon Surtur so that he could escape his prison and destroy Asgard, the events that transpired culminated in Ragnarok, a war which would destroy the Asgardians and the entire realm of Asgard.

When Ragnarok (the end of days) struck her precious realm of Asgard, Tarene took up arms to face off against the End itself. During the fight, an evil clone of Thor appeared and attacked her she believed she had been betrayed by her greatest ally. She sought out Loki to fight him head on and kill him once and for all but despite her years of battle, Loki proved to be a more formidable opponent, catching her out with tricks and sorcery. Moments before Loki, alongside the evil Thor-clone could deliver what would have been a fatal blow, the real Thor Odinson appeared and saved her. Thor Odinson had lost one of his arms, but in the other arm, he clung onto Mjolnir. He told her to fall back, to take the Bifrost to Vanaheim before it was destroyed.

While Asgard crumbled around her and became consumed by fire, death and destruction, she managed to make her escape, under Odinson's orders and reached Vanaheim where the Vanir used their magic to heal her. During her escape and subsequent recuperation, Asgard fell and the Asgardian's were killed in the war.

The Aftermath
Dreadfully depressed about what she believed to be her failure to stop the end and save the realm she loved so dearly Tarene began to roam the 9 realms in search of Thor Odinson and in search of answers. SHe believed that Thor Odinson was so strong that he could not possibly have perished.

Her spirit broken by what she believed was her utter failure to live up to her destiny, she wandered the world like a lost soul for many years, digging through the wreckage of Asgard and discovering only ashes and bones.

A Hero Reborn
Tarene's life would take an interesting new course when she found Mjolnir, Thor's legendary hammer. With nothing left of Asgard, Tarene wound up on Midgard (Earth), a realm which Thor Odinson had always held a great fondness for. She adopted the alias "Tara Olsen" to blend in with Midgardian society, but it was largely a struggle and she found herself living a nomadic lifestyle travelling with caravaners across the United States. In the wilds of Oklahoma she discovered Mjolnir lying abandoned in a desert crater. To her own disbelief, she was able to lift the hammer and thus she acquired Thor's powers. Believing her own destiny was a lost cause she took up the mantle of Thor taking his name and his legacy and seeking to right the wrongs that had befallen Asgard.

The discovery of Mjolnir abandoned on Midgard was both a comfort, and also distressing. With Mjolnir on Midgard instead of Asgard, she believed perhaps Odinson had escaped, however, Odinson would never part with his hammer willingly, which led Tarene to believe perhaps something untoward had happened to her former King.

Regardless of Odinson's fate, Tarene became "Thor, Goddess of Thunder" and vowed to remedy the wrongs that had befallen Asgard and protect Odinson's precious Earth Realm. She made her way out of the desert to begin her new life. Armed with Mjolnir, but no idea what Midgardian life and culture consisted of, she had a shaky start. The city is a whole other world compared to the desert wilds or the pristine uninhabited mountains, still new to this world, the new Thor has to learn who her friends and enemies are, and also how to use a cell phone.

Does History Repeat Itself?
A deep seeded self-loathing, and an unstable lust for revenge against those who played a role in Ragnarok (namely Loki Laufeyson) mean that she walks along a thin line between saving the world, and destroying it herself.

Will she become the hero she was meant to be or will she end up causing more destruction than Ragnarok unleashed upon her world?

| Attributes |

Mjolnir: mythical hammer only those deemed worthy if it's power shall lift it and with the hammer she possesses the powers of Thor. The hammer can be called "telepathically" (for lack of a better word) to fly into her hand whenever she needs it. Forged from Uru it is virtually indestructible and packs a mean punch.

Powers of Thor: with the hammer comes Thor Odinsons powers, aka possessing the power of the God of Thunder. She can manipulate thunder and lightning and create dangerous storms and even tornados with a little help from Mjolnir.

Flight: Thor can use Mjolnir to fly, in a pinch it can be used for interdimensional travel so she can traverse between realms which is great since travelling between realms is tricky since the Bifrost was destroyed.

Asgardian: as she is an Asgardian she is immune to all human illnesses and possesses extreme longevity and a pretty impressive healing factor. Superior strength, speed and stamina and damn good reflexes.
Years of training have resulted in her being a formidable opponent in hand to hand combat as well as being able to use a variety of weapons although Mjolnir is always her trusted weapon of choice.

Asgardian armour: forged by dwarves her armour can take quite a beating, as the Thunder Goddess, she can generate scale-maile armour made of lightning energy itself to protect her arms.

Technologically incompetent. She cannot utilise any modern technology.

Unworthy? If Mjolnir no longer deems her worthy she loses the ability to wield the hammer and the perks that come with it thus leaving her in a weakened but not entirely useless state. Without Mjolnir, she still possesses the abilities of a battle hardened Asgardian.

Ignorance is bliss: Thor doesn't know much about earth or its customs, she's also prone to act first and think later so strategizing is not a strong point. On a super hero scale her intelligence is below average but she possesses incredible strength to compensate.

Destiny unbound: with her "failed" destiny as Tarene, she now has a whole new destiny as Thor however this destiny could take her down the wrong path.

Ghosts of the past: she is haunted by her past and believes she failed Odinson and failed Asgard. Her lack of self confidence in Tarene is a weak point and her confidence as the "new Thor" is built on shaky foundations leaving her open to emotional manipulation. She also gets homesick and lonely for good company which means she's likely to hang around with the wrong crowd if they appear inviting.

Ragnarok PTSD: She experiences flashbacks of unimaginable horrors, sometimes reliving what happened on Asgard during Ragnarok. She can react violently and unpredictably.

| Character Notes |

Supporting Casts & Rogues

Thor Odinson: THE God of Thunder and former wielder of Mjolnir. He has been MiA, presumed KiA, following Ragnarok, no traces of him have yet been found thus he cannot be officially declared dead, however given how long it has been without any sign of him, its presumed he perished on Asgard. (SThor will mention him a lot possibly, but I'm not going to touch this chararcter, in case someone wants to jump in and play Odinson, it would be cool for the two to meet in the future and see how that pans out!)

Jane Foster: Former love interest of Thor Odinson, Foster, and fellow physicist Dr Erik Selvig, were good friends of Odinson's. Given that a total stranger is going to shope up around town swinging a hammer and declaring to be the "God of Thunder" when she is certainly not the Odinson Selvig and Foster are familiar with, they will be displeased with whats going on.

Erik Selvig: (See Jane Foster)

Loki Laufeyson: Thor's greatest enemy, and Odinson's adopted brother. Thor would tear the 9 Realms to shreds if it would reveal Loki's location so she could proceed to tear him limb from limb. The Trickster, Loki is the God of Lies and played a large role to say the least, when it came to bringing about the events of Ragnarok.

Lady Sif and the Warriors Three (Hogun, Volstagg and Fandral): Asgardian warriors and dear friends of Thor's, all presumed dead after the events of Ragnarok, though like Odinson, it is difficult to confirm.


Bifrost:The bridge between realms, Thor used it to escape Asgard but it has since been destroyed and she has relied on powerful magic or other means of travel to get from place to place.

Asgard: Her former home, this realm was destroyed and all that remains is death and rubble.

Jotunheim: Realm of the Frost Giants, a barren, ice cold world where Tarene once fought alongside Thor Odinson.

Vanaheim: A realm of healers and magicians, Thor spent some time here recovering after escaping Asgard.

Midgard: Basically Earth though in Asgard it is referred to as Midgard.

Oklahoma: This is where Tarene discovered Mjolnir lying in a crater and she became Thor.

| Character Goals |
Thor is evil but has good intentions. She is an anti-villain, a villain who does not want to be a villain or is not aware she is a villain.

<Snipped quote>

She is at risk of becoming unworthy of Mjolnir, as her desire for revenge and the horrors of her past threaten to send her down a dark path.

Destiny doomed to fail: Thor winds up allying with the bad guys believing they are the good guys. She's generally their muscle and does what they say with minimal questions. Running from her past eventually things catch up with her and she realises she is going down the wrong path. Perhaps it's too late and she loses the hammer she hold dear and has to make peace wirh herself in order to become worthy again (of the hammer and/or of being a hero) and fix her mistakes before its too late. Perhaps it will be too late and in her despair and grief she only turns darker and more dangerous and destructive regardless of Mjolnir.

I've played Thor and SThor before in a few different styles and scenarios, while Loki is my babe, I think that my strength lies in playing Thor/SThor when it comes to RP-ing Asgardians. -Loki is still my #1 MCU character though and I love him so much omg-

I want to explore Thor unworthy or evil Thor themes, and also Thor's identity crisis and inability to accept her past mistakes.

| References |

(Comic RP reference)
#3 - Sample Post: SThor Threatens Stark Towers, Marvel Group RP

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spud
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Spud The Best Potato on the Guild

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Player Name: Spiffy McSpuddington
Alias: The Black Widow
Real Name: Natasha Romanov

Moral Alignment: Villain-turned-Hero
Affiliation: Formerly HYDRA Presently SHIELD (poss Avengers)

Character Origin & Backstory:

The Red Room

Natasha Romanov began life as an orphan in the Red Room facility in icy cold Moscow, Russia. Along with 28 other orphan girls, she was raised by KGB/HYDRA and subjected to various physiological and psychological experiments. Medically sterilised, tortured and forced to endure gruelling training, Natasha emerged from the program a ruthless assassin. The program was based on the successful Winter Soldier Program that produced the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier himself was deployed periodically to train the young Spiders in combat. Natasha's memories of the Red Room have been augmented by HYDRA, she was implanted with artificial memories, believing that she was training as a ballerina in the Bolshoi school, rather than assassins training however the artificial memories were patchy at best and Natasha could recall swathes of her training and tortures.

Graduating from the Red Room and Early Assassin Years

Natasha began carrying out assassinations for the KGB, though despite her proficiency, she drew little joy out of her espionage career and began to question where her allegiances lay. Killing and sabotage became routine and she carried out orders without question but in the back of her mind she questioned herself.

What Happened in Budapest...

While deployed on a mission to Budapest, Romanov had a change of heart and attempted to defect from the KGB and escape. Her mission was a failure and HYDRA decided Romanov herself was overall, a failure and attempted to kill her. After being gunned down and left for dead, Natasha was dragged, unconscious to a hospital where she later woke up and decided turn against HYDRA. When SHIELD agents discovered that Black Widow was alive, they attempted to kill her in the hospital, she escaped and with no where to go, returned to HYDRA but began working as a double agent, squirrelling away information to feed to SHIELD and pave the way for her to defect from HYDRA and ally herself with SHIELD.

Present Day

Natasha is presently on SHIELD's radar but still working for HYDRA, playing both sides.

Powers and Abilities:

Enhanced Physiology: Her training and KGB experiments have drastically increased her strength, speed and reflexes. .

Black Widow Training: Black Widow is proficient in multiple styles of martial arts, she's also efficient with various types of weaponry.

Interrogation: Black Widow has trained in a variety of spying/espionage and torture methods, she's great at gathering intel.

Multilingual: Romanov is fluent in English and Russian.

Sample Story Arcs:

((plot and backstory need a lot of work >S<))

Escaping Hydra: Natasha Romanov is sent on a mission to kill a target. During the mission she has a change of heart and flees. Failing her mission, she lives on the run from HYDRA and inevitably ends up on SHIELDS radar ... as a potential ally or a threat ...

Spiders Nest: Natasha works for SHIELD now, but she still has a lot of intel on HYDRA which she keeps well hidden. When she hears a rumour about the Wolf Spiders escape, she decides to taken on the Super Soldiers herself and encounters a ghost from her past ...

Avengers Assemble: After a SHIELD attack on a Hydra base in the heart of icy Serbia, Natasha switches sides. Finding the confusion of the attack the perfect time to escape, she prepares to run and remove herself from HYDRA's grasp once and for all, however SHIELD want her dead too. As a firefight ensues, Natasha risks her life to save some of the SHIELD agents as she escapes. SHIELD, although mistrustful, thank her for her efforts and when the Avengers Initiative is brought up, she finds herself shortlisted to join the team of heroes ... But can a former master-assassin from HYDRA really fit in with a team of heroes?

Return to the Red Room: Natasha faces her demons. Her past. The Red Room.Unable to shake the horrors of her past, despite the fact she's turned over a new leaf and now works for SHIELD rather than HYDRA, Natasha wants to shut down the Red Room. FOREVER. She wants to travel to Moscow and blow the place to hell so no young girls have to face the horrors she did as a child.

Rules: Were discussed in Budapest, no one knows what happened in Budapest, therefore, no one knows the rules.

Sample: Thats classified.
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Spud The Best Potato on the Guild

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Aunt May
42YO, Meredith's younger sister.
Beautician/nail technician.

Leith Meyer
Oldest son
25YO, Mechanic and barista.

Bailey Meyer
13 YO Youngest Daughter, Student
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Spud The Best Potato on the Guild

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James Buchanan Barnes

The Winter Soldier, The Asset
: 5'9"
: 260lbs

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spud
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Spud The Best Potato on the Guild

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Player Name: Spiffy Sebby McSpuddington
Alias: The Winter Soldier, The Asset, Karpov's Pet/Karpov's Dog, Buck, Bucky, Sergeant Barnes, зимний солдат (pronounced: zimniy soldat trans: Winter Soldier)
Real Name: James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes
Moral Alignment: Lawful evil
Affiliation: KGB/HYDRA

Character Origin & Backstory:

.:Pre-War Bucky:.

Bucky was born in Brooklyn, New York where he met and grew up with his best-friend-forever, Stephanie Rogers. The pair were thick as thieves. Meanwhile in Europe, Germany crept towards its Second World War where things were getting pretty messy.

Bucky was drafted into the military, and over the course of his training in the military, Bucky achieved the rank of Sergeant and was assigned to the 107th Regimen. Things were going pretty well for him, however his luck would run out when America became more heavily involved in the Second World War after the bombing of Pearl Harbour.

Barnes was deployed to fight the Nazi forces in mainland Europe.

.:World War Two and First HYDRA Kidnapping:.

During the war the 107th became overwhelmed by enemy forces, trapped and facing certain defeat, HYDRA agents proceeded to capture Barnes and the few remaining survivors left in his company. The 107th were declared MIA and largely presumed dead. Col. Phillips was filling out letters of condolences, but not all believed that the 107th were dead and an elaborate rescue mission was hatched.

Barnes and Co were taken prisoner in a HYDRA Weapons Development facility in Austria where they were forced to build weapons for the enemy (or face brutal beatings and tortures). During his imprisonment, Barnes developed pneumonia and grew too ill to work. He was taken to an isolated infirmary ward where he was then subjected to various torturous HYDRA experiments at the hands of the psychotic Armin Zola. His fellow prisoners of war suspected he succumbed to his illness or died at the hands of HYDRA scientists, either way, they assumed he wouldn't leave the facility alive.

At some point during the experiments he was injected with various serums, trying to replicate the effects of the Super Soldier Serum used on Johann Schmidt and Stephanie Rogers (though Barnes was not injected with Erskines original formula as it was lost when Erskine was murdered). Barnes was badly wounded and gravely ill as a result of the experiments. The weakened soldier clung on for dear life until he and his fellow prisoners were liberated and taken back to the safety of one of the allies camps in Central Europe where Barnes made a steady (though unusually fast) recovery from his injuries.

Barnes joined Rogers for a final WW2 mission to stop HYDRA for good!

.:Final Mission:.

On what would be their final mission together, Barnes and Rogers prepared to hijack a HYDRA train, capture Dr Armin Zola, and stop Red Skull before he could launch his attack. The two life-long friends set off to face their biggest enemy so far. Unfortunately this would be the last time the two would be together for over 70 years.

During the firefight which broke out on the train, Barnes was blasted by HYDRA agents and clung for his life to a piece of railing on the side of the train as the perilous cliff face of the Alps whizzed by for several hundred feet below. Despite her best efforts, Rodgers was unable to grab Barnes before the railing snapped free and he fell from the vehicle. Barnes was declared KIA and his body was never discovered.

Srgt James Barnes was the only Howling Commando operative to die in service of his country.

.:The Fall:.

Barnes' dead body was recovered from an icy river flowing through the mountains when he was discovered by Soviets. The icy water and Zola's experiments managed to maintain Barnes in a suspended status, his heart had stopped and his body was heavily damaged, but somehow he wasn't braindead. He was revived by the Soviets who administered electrical shocks and adrenalin to try and restart his heart while they stemmed the heavy bleeding from his severed left arm and attempted to preserve what they could of his broken body as he thawed.

What happened to Barnes next was a fate even worse than death.
.:Barnes' Return to HYDRA:.

The Soviets handed Barnes over to HYDRA and once again he was subjected to Zola's gruelling experiments. Through careful procedures, HYDRA was able to wake Bucky from his comatose state and fully assess the extent of the damage to his brain. He was stricken with amnesia but aside from the total loss of memory his motor-functions were entirely normal, and to the doctors surprise, some functioned better than average, he had incredible muscle memory and displayed astonishing martial skill, he could also speak several languages but didn't know how he knew them.

Although his brain was alive, and his heart restarted, his body required extensive careful procedures to repair and further enhance, the most complex was his missing arm. His healing factor, enhanced by Zola, greatly aided his physical recovery, although his arm showed no signs of regrowth or significant repair. His severed arm was replaced with a bionic prosthetic that was grafted onto his body during several agonising live-procedures. Barnes was not anaesthetised for his operations.

His amnesia appeared to wane over time and some of his memories began to resurface, to counter this, HYDRA began a series of brainwashing and electroshock conditioning sessions to ensure his compliance and remove any and all memories of his old life. When he began to have episodes of non-compliance and recurring flashbacks, HYDRA opted to freeze him between missions and enforce strict brainwashing procedures as soon as he was wakened from cryo to ensure he remained entirely obedient.

Over the course of the decades that followed, HYDRA used The Winter Soldier to discretely neutralise assigned high-profile targets before storing him in cryogenic sleep until they needed him to perform a hit again. The Winter Soldier was so efficient and prolific at killing that he faded into myth, even the best intelligence agencies couldn't catch him and eventually he became known as a ghost, a myth, a fabled super-assassin with a growing list of successful hits spanning several decades.

He became the Winter Soldier. The worlds greatest assassin. The worlds longest serving prisoner of war.

.:Serbia and the Wolf Spiders:.

When Howard Stark formulated a replica of the original Super Soldier Serum, HYDRA wanted it and the Winter Soldier was sent on a mission to procure the recently replicated Super Soldier Serum. Barnes successfully collected the Serum samples and returned to Serbia where he was wiped clean once again.

The Serum was used to create a group of Super Soldiers for HYDRA, these were the Wolf-Spiders. The Wolf-Spider Program was heavily inspired by Barnes' own modifications and training. Barnes was involved in training the Super Soldiers in combat. When the Spiders turned on their masters during a training exercise the program was quickly shut down and declared a failure. The Wolf Spiders were frozen in cryo-sleep.

Barnes was wiped clean and kept on ice till he was needed by HYDRA again.


The Winter Soldier continued his cycle of waking, killing and freezing once again, with unwavering obedience due to the long-lasting effects of HYDRA's intense brainwashing regime. He remains under HYDRA control, however with a little persuasion (more specifically, a series of code words), the Winter Soldier can be brainwashed and coerced into serving any master. His proficiency in killing make him a valuable HYDRA asset and a formidable enemy to anyone who stands in his way.

The Soldier has recently been unfrozen and unleashed on the hunt for his next target.

Powers and Abilities:

Enhanced Senses: Bucky has extremely keen hearing and eye-sight. Though not impossible, it is very difficult to catch TWS off guard or unawares. If he doesn't see you coming first, he probably hear you.

Enhanced Speed: Augmented Bucky can run up to (and perhaps upwards of) 50mph. His reaction time, like his movement speed, has also increased, meaning he can perceive and respond to movements or scenarios far faster than ordinary humans.

Enhanced Strength: The augmentations performed by Dr Armin Zola have vastly increased TWS's physical capabilities. His body has been pushed to peak physical condition, far surpassing that of even the fittest human athlete.

Bionic Arm: Barnes' left arm is a cybernetic prosthetic. The arm is largely immune to bullets and brute force and packs a mean punch. It can move faster than a regular human arm and employ far greater force than an organic arm.

Expert Marksman: The Winter Soldier is prolific in a large number of ranged weapons. He's lethal with a variety of guns and grenades.

Master Assassin: His long hit-list has no misses, he is an expert sniper. Although he is prolific in ranged weaponry, he is absolutely unbeatable when sniping from a distance. He is also able to employ a terrifying range of methods to dispatch targets, if it can be killed, he'll find a way to kill it.

Hand-to-Hand Combat: His enhanced physiology paired with his bionic arm and training result in an extremely adept fighter. He has ample experience. He also fights with a combat knife.

Healing Factor: As a result of Zola's experiments, Barnes has a generous healing factor, hence his ability to recover from Zola's tortures as well as being able to be revived after his fall from the train in the Alps. He cannot regenerate limbs, however he does heal quickly from injuries and is able to survive what would prove fatal for regular humans.

High Pain Tolerance: The Winter Soldier is in a constant state of low-level pain as the cyber-arm has some trade offs, it exerts some serious stress on his body but he has developed a pain tolerance to counter this side effect. As such, TWS will fight to the point that he cannot stand, ignoring great amounts of pain (e.g in CATWS, Cap breaks TWS's right arm but TWS continues to fight until the Triskellion's go down).

Pilot: TWS is able to hijack and pilot various types of aircraft and vehicles (cars, tanks, motorcycles etc). His HYDRA handlers haven't been able to totally wipe out a Kleptomaniac streak they programmed into his brain, sometimes he steals cars and crashes them for fun.

Espionage: He is a master of disappearing, master spy, he can vanish in a crowd and hide in plain sight. He didn't earn a reputation as a "ghost story" by not being good at vanishing and gathering intelligence on enemies for HYDRA.

Multilingual: Barnes is fluent in English, Russian and Romanian, he is also adept in a handful of other languages.


Bionic Arm flaws: The bionic arm is NOT indestructible, although it is very very resistant to most damage it contains no vibranium. Tough, but not invulnerable. Electrical pulses can temporarily disable the arm. The Arm is also not as flexible as an organic arm, its inflexibility can be a handicap in some fights!! The bionic arm (in this particular incarnation of TWS) CANNOT be removed/pulled off, this would kill him, the arm is attached to too many other vital systems that it cannot be pulled off without yanking out too many other bones and tissues. Portions of the arm can be ripped out/blasted off, but the arm itself cannot be detached/removed in its entirety from his body.

Electricity: Electrical shocks can mess around with the HYDRA brainwashing as well as his shiny-arm, causing memory flashbacks and confusion. As electroshock therapy was used to regulate his brainwashing, unregulated shocks can alter his brainwashing with unpredictable effects, sometimes the shocks have relatively little effect, other times they can be very debilitating and disorienting or induce flashbacks.

Amnesia: Barnes is an amnesiac and using his codewords can wipe him clean leaving him vulnerable to serve whoever says the words, thus, his code words and triggers are kept a deep dark secret. The process of wiping him clean is incredibly painful but ALWAYS results in total obedience.

Supporting Cast:


Stephanie Rogers - Childhood friend and All-American hero. They grew up together in Brooklyn before Barnes went to serve in the US military during WW2. The two share a long, happy history ... if only The Winter Soldier could remember any of it, and if he did, would Stephanie still consider him her friend? Is any of the old Bucky she once knew left?


Captain America - Although the Winter Soldier is working for Cap's enemy, she's also Bucky's closest friend and if he's able to break his mental programming, he'll need her more than ever!
HYDRA - HYDRA created The Winter Soldier and as such, he is totally in their debt and under their control, or rather ... he doesn't have any free will, he is ... compliant.
CODEHOLDER - Whoever holds his brainwashing codes holds the Soldier.


Any HYDRA Assigned Targets;
Possible targets,
Nick Fury - Director of SHIELD, Super Spy. Possible threat to HYDRA schemes
(Poss) Iron Man - Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist (heh). SHIELD ally and possible threat to HYDRA schemes
Captain America - Former Friend, American war hero and threat to HYDRA.
(later) Wolf-Spiders - HYDRA experimental SuperSoldiers, trained to be equal/superior to The Winter Soldier. Some (if not all) Spider's hold a bit of a grudge against their predecessor and wouldn't hesitate to rip out his arm.

Bucky's Enemies;
HYDRA. - His creators.
The Wolf Spiders. - Soviet Super Soldiers gone rogue.
Possibly SHIELD/SHIELD's allies - if they attempt to capture him.

Sample Story Arcs:

.:Remembering Bucky:. After being out of the freezer longer than usual, the Winter Soldier's memories begin to return and he goes rogue during his mission and begins a personal quest of self-discovery (and possibly revenge).

.:Trial:. Bucky breaks his programming and remembers things. Living on the run from the authorities and from HYDRA, Bucky tries to evade SHIELD capture and also tries to evade HYDRA recapture, for fear he'll be indoctrinated once again. Bucky, if captured, will have to face punishment for his actions OR a return to his life of assassinating indiscriminately under HYDRAs control but just how much does he actually remember and how much does SHIELD know about him? and who will catch him first?

.:Ready to Comply:. Bucky is totally under control ... however, someone steals Bucky's "code words" and steals the master assassin for his/her/their own ulterior motives.
Note:(Depending on who steals the Soldier, he could be good or evil. He will begin the RP in renegade/HYDRA mode until another character steals him. PC's can steal the Soldier, but please PM/discuss and get the "okay" from GM's FIRST!!!!)

.:End of Winter:. Bucky wasn't the only Winter Soldier created by HYDRA ... the supposedly "decommissioned" Wolf Spider operation which followed the Winter Soldier Programme was not as unsuccessful as HYDRA led others to believe. Unlike Barnes, the Wolf Spiders were not obedient and were frozen to prevent them destroying their creators and the world alike, however some of the Wolf Spiders have somehow escaped/been released. HYDRA has sent Bucky on a mission to assassinate his would-be spy-brothers before SHIELD or anyone else can take advantage of HYDRA's grave mistake.

.:Reunion:. The Winter soldier is sent on a mission to eliminate a dangerous threat to HYDRA. Captain America who just so happened to be his best childhood friend.
If Stephanie can manage to knock the HYDRA brainwashing out of Bucky's head ... just what will happen next? Can Rogers forgive Bucky for his past transgressions? Can Bucky forgive himself? And just where do they go from here?

.:Homecoming:. Bucky somehow escapes from HYDRA and seeks a cure for his mental conditioning, some way to pull HYDRA out of his brain and rehabilitate himself. But who will trust the worlds deadliest assassin to not kill them in a moments notice? And who would offer to help said assassin?
Can Bucky even be cured? What will he do if he is cured? Will he try take down HYDRA, or go into hiding? Will he be captured during his rehabilitation and if so, by whom?


No one could say Bucky Barnes wasn't a gentleman ... at least half of the time anyway. The roguish young New Yorker held back his best friends hair and sympathetically patted her back while she chucked up her lunch after he'd convinced her to brave the Cyclone roller-coaster on Coney Island.
"You alright pal?" he asked, as Stephanie straightened up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, looking a little less green now, thankfully.
"Oh I'll get you for that, punk" she declared, as spirited as ever.
Bucky beamed and threw an arm over her shoulder. "Sure ya will, but first, lemme get ya a hotdog. You pick the next ride."
"Do we even have enough money for hotdogs?" Stephanie scoffed, "How much money did you blow on those stall games anyway?" she rolled her eyes, "You need to work on your aim if you want to try pick up girls at the fair."
"Steph, you might just be the worst wingman in history" Bucky joked.
"And you might just be the worst shot in history."-


That memory was gone. It had been gone for over 50 years already. If it ever bubbled back to the surface, as unlikely as that was, it would be wiped away in a single swift stroke. All it took was ten rather harmless words, at least, they appeared harmless until they were spoken in a specific order in quick succession.

He was waking up- No ... Not that, he was thawing, and he was in a chair, manacles holding his arms in place and a HYDRA handler was talking to him, ensuring he was compliant when he came around from being thawed out of cryogenic stasis.

The HYDRA scientists had files heavily detailing his augmentations, his history, every single mission report. The psych portion of his file was particularly messy, particularly around the 1940's and through the 1950's. That was before they started putting him on ice and engineering a failsafe switch to try and prevent the Soldier escaping, or realising who he had once been. After 3 years of non-stop service for HYDRA, shadows of Bucky crept in. He began to ask questions when he gave his mission reports and that scared the scientists. The Winter Soldier's brain was trying to heal itself, to remember who he was, piecing things together that he shouldn't know, having thoughts he wasn't allowed to think about. The only solution was to force those questions and memories away, bury them deeper. The Winter Soldiers HYDRA leash was shorter and tighter, he was muzzled, questions silenced and his brain wiped over and over before he was stuffed in the freezer again. Then defrosted again several months or even years later.

"Longing, Rusted, Seventeen, Daybreak, Furnace, Nine, Benign, Homecoming, One, Freight Car"

Halfway through the brainwashing mantra, pain lanced through Barnes' skull, he screamed at the searing heat in his head and then it was over.

"Ready to comply."
"You have 36 hours. Find and neutralise target."

The Winter Soldier didn't nod. Didn't reply. There was no need for him to portray emotion or voice confirmation, his track record spoke volumes whereas he was steeped in silence. When HYDRA gave the command, someone wound up dead and the cycle continued.

Within 36 hours a famous Norwegian physicist was dead. Single gun-shot wound, unmarked Soviet slug lodged in the brain. There were no witnesses. No viable suspects and Barnes was back in Serbia before anyone had even noticed his presence in Norway. Like many missions, it went off without any hitches.

"Mission Report."
"Target neutralised. No witnesses."
"We are one step closer, Soldat."
Another line was added to his in-exhaustive list of hits and mission reports. The Soldier was put on ice again as the Norwegian public, and later, the UN as the physicists death drew a great deal of backlash, were outraged and dismayed.


"It is time again, Soldat" the scientist started before slamming his fist down on the table.

The icicles in his hair hadn't even melted and already his thoughts were searing with blind-heat.


"No-" The Winter Soldier's thoughts screamed, but he remained silent as ever. Weapons didn't speak. He was a weapon. HYDRA's greatest weapon.



A scream ripped through The Winter Soldiers throat as an electrical shock pulsed through him. He felt memories he hadn't even remembered being ripped asunder. Mentally scrambling through the darkness, the glittering fragments of what Bucky had been winked out of existence before they even dared to peek out of the deepest darkest recesses of his brain. There was nothing left to erase.

"... -coming. One. Freight car."
He gasped for breath, the searing lance of pain through his brain had vanished but residual shocks rattled inside his skull. His muscles, which had coiled tight as a highly compressed spring, reluctantly eased to a more relaxed state, the reaction to the shocks subsiding slightly.



"Soldat. Answer me."

More silence.

A sharp blow struck him across the face, slowly, he drew his head back up from the backhand slap he'd sustained.

"Ready to comply."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spud
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Spud The Best Potato on the Guild

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

|Greer |M| 3.0|

Name: Greer Allister McGregor
Birthdate and Age: June 13th (18)
Physical Appearance: Skinny, perhaps a little too skinny. Greer is ... alternative to say the least. Certainly a goth, Greer only wears black and perhaps a combination of some other colour, but mostly, just black. He's ... feminine to say the least. Biologically male (and well aware of it), Greer gets on better with the girls, mainly because he can be just as bitchy as them, and he freaks out the guys ... When people ask about his gender-identity, he generally adopts the stance "I don't give a fuck about my gender, why? Does it bother you?".
Rarely seen without perfectly applied black lipstick and sharp-eyeliner-flicks, he's the Queen of Lookin'-Mean. Beneath the make-up though, he's actually quite handsome (in a guy way too!)
Greer is tall, but wears tall boots anyway because they look good. Without contacts, Greer has stormy grey eyes and wears thick black glasses, usually though he has clear contact lenses in since his glasses aren't stylish enough for his tastes.

Personality: Sassy, independent, scathing, dark. Greer is your stereotypical tormented goth but with a killer sense of humour. Rather than adopting the "oppressed victim" stance some goths take, Greer is well aware he's alternative and it freaks some people out, instead of complaining about it, he takes it in his stride. He tries to maintain a dark, distant aura, but underneath he's quite sensitive and caring, he might have to kill you if you tell anyone though. Arrogant, he's clever and knows it.
Biography: Younger of two siblings, Greer is a first generation American immigrant from Scotland. He's close to his older sister, and despite his rebellious look and crossdressing habits, his parents are very supportive and the family is quite close. He's never been particularly deprived. Growing up in a small conservative town, Greer has had some ... unfavourable run-ins and has had to be a little tough. Don't ask if he's ever been in a fist tight.

Dorm Room: 107
Powers: Telepathy (mind reading)
Elective Class: Art through the Ages and Expression
Activities:Tennis and Art
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spud
Avatar of Spud

Spud The Best Potato on the Guild

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



"I don't really care, I'm only pretending to be interested."
⦋Oº°‘¨ 19He/Him ¨‘°ºO⦌

⦕ A P P E A R A N C E

"No I'm not Jon-flippin-Snow would you piss off!"

Raven-coloured curly hair paired with soft pale skin, piercing grey-blue eyes and stubble. London is striking to look at, but his older sister is even prettier would you believe *eyeroll*. Naturally blessed, he's in pretty good shape despite being lazy as sin. He's slim, very skinny. About 5'9" he's not too tall, not too short.

He typically dresses with kind of a grunge/punk vibe. Ripped jeans, doc martens and a plaid shirt over a black tank top. When he's not in casual street-wear.

He has a star tattooed behind his ear (if you can find it behind all those lush curls) and used to have his ears, stomach and both nipples pierced. He doesn't wear those piercing anymore, except for the left nipple piercing and a recent tongue piercing. He has small scars from the other piercings where they've healed up.

He also has a small scar on his collarbone where he fell and broke his collar and the bone pierced through the skin. Other than that he's relatively unblemished.

⦕ P S Y C H O L O G Y

"Pfft, I'm not needy, I'm as independent as they come!"

M A I N G O A L ⫻ Get drunk, get high, generally avoid getting his shit together. Aside from that, his primary goal is to satisfy his overbearing father.

P H I L O S O P H Y ⫻ If you smile and say it with confidence, people will believe anything. People are stupid.

S E C R E T S ⫻ He's not out of the closet at home. Recently coming out to only his closest friends. He'd be devastated if his family discovered his orientation. He's secretly "dating" a girl to cover his sexuality and hasn't told her the truth.

D E S I R E S ⫻ Someone to be himself with. He's sick of all the lies and really needs to hear "it's okay to be gay" from someone and actually believe it.

S E X U A L I T Y ⫻ Gay

F E A R S ⫻ Being outed. Letting down his father. Confined spaces.

R E P U T A T I O N ⫻ His parents think he's a perfect Golden Boy, but those who know him know he's a reckless bad-boy.

P E T P E E V E S ⫻ Photographs (don't take his picture, he'll only agree if he thinks you're somethin' special), whistling (just ... don't).

Q U I R K S ⫻ For someone who claims to be utterly independent and have his life together, he's really not that way at all. He's quite clingy if he gets close to someone. He's incredibly cunning and despite his high intelligence, he can be utterly dense socially which is why he's yet to establish a real, genuine relationship with someone.

⦕ B A C K S T O R Y

"Dad said I could do whatever I want ... Pft whatever."

London is the youngest of two in the London family household. His older sister Cassandra is 23.
The family grew up in an affluent neighbourhood, his father involved in the stock trade. He was an autocrat and London's mother an obedient housewife. All in all, the family was tense due to the authoritarian father figure, but in no ways deprived. London got the best education money could buy.

The siblings were always measured against one another and London always trumped his sister. She greatly resented him. Naturally charismatic, clever and good popular with colleagues. When he was in high school he began to get interested in boys. One snog under the bleachers and his sister had finally won ... She told their mother who immediately insisted she never breathe a word of it again or else she'd be in serious trouble. Cassandra kept her word but took great delight in tormenting London in secret. London's relationship with his mother was very fraught after this and he began "dating" popular "acceptable" girls to try win her approval back with limited success. His father on the other hand couldn't be happier.

Father and son remained close and maintained an amicable relationship. His father, who originally wanted London to follow him into the stock trade, instead promised to fund him to study whatever his heart desired because he was "so proud". He took english literature, told his dad he'd become a renowned english lit lecturer or something with a good reputation and large pay cheque.

To the outside observer, London's had a cushy, privileged upbringing, and he himself is aware of it, but his closeted homosexuality is a dark cloud looming over him.

⦕ S K I L L S & T A L E N T S

"I'm telling you the truth this time. Really."

[Lying] ⫻ [He's been keeping up appearances for a while, he's adept when it comes to acting like everything is going swimmingly. If you think he's telling you the full truth and being utterly unreservedly honest ... we'll you're probably wrong.]
[Acting] ⫻ [Lets face it, if you're fake-dating a girl to convince your father you're straight, you need to be a half-decent actor]
[Manipulation] ⫻ [He's good at getting his own way. If he can blackmail you, he will, then again, he learned it from his manipulative sister so of course he got a few pointers]
[Quoting Shakespeare from memory] ⫻ [The most useful skill you will ever encounter]

⦕ O T H E R

"I don't need anyone. Since when have I ever needed any of you?!"

He's obviously lookin' for lurve if theres any takers, not that he'll make it easy on ya, he blows hot and cold because he's conflicted.

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