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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well, it took longer than expected for Clara to wake him. Her fingertip continued to grace in between his brow and the bridge of his nose until she smiled when Ryanair scrunched his nose in return, finally registering the sensation. The small smile remained as he greeted her and she moved to sit on the edge of the bed once he pushed himself up and out all at once. "Morning." She responded quietly and her head tilted as she watched him move around almost in a daze. Clara couldn't quite stand the mornings or to get out of bed, so she pitied him while it was clear that he was at least a little reluctant to wake up fully.

"Yes; Your hair needs to be wet so I can cut it." She shrugged, and with that he was off and into the bathroom. Clara had finally yawned, Ryanair's yawns having been quite contagious before she fell back and stared up at the ceiling in the meantime. Everyone was probably already up and moving – she could smell coffee and breakfast on the air and her stomach rumbled in the slightest.

Once Ryanair had soon made his way out of the bathroom, Clara had glanced over to him and forced herself to sit up. Once she stood she stretched with her arms over her head, moving to fins a small chair in one of the corners of his room. She picked it up and placed it in the middle of the room, pointing for him to sit before she disappeared into his bathroom, only to come out with a towel. She went back over to the side of the bed to collect her scissors and when she approached Ryanair again, she draped the towel over his shoulders – dropping a second onto the floor to collect any hair that might fall.

She'd already pulled gently at a strand of hair and she scrunched her nose. "When was the last time you had someone cut your hair?"

None the less, with a shake of her head Clara soon dove in. A snip here, a snip there – it took a little bit of time, and quite a bit of hair – for her to finally be pleased with the outcome. It wasn't too short – long enough that it could be styled whichever way he wanted to. She ran a hand through it to mess it up a bit more before she felt satisfied.

"There you go." Clara smiled and pulled the towel from his shoulders, making sure to brush away any extra hair from his neck and shoulders before she collected the other towel. "All finished. Hopefully you like it." She tilted her head at the thought, but soon moved away from him to discard the towels in his bathroom.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“Awhile. The last time Kieran tried and it came out…” His nose wrinkled at the memory and a frown tugged at his lips. It wasn't that bad really but he'd rather his sire stay clear of his hair, his lips twitched up as he relaxed into the rhythmic feel if scissors slicing his hair. When Clara’s fingers gently soothed through his hair a while later, the blonde blinked his open.

How long had he? His eyes focused on the clock above the window and Ryanair snorted softly, standing once the towel was removed. He moved to the small mirror that was placed beside his dresser, her lips spreading into a grin at what he a saw. She'd done a wonderful job, his hair was short but not too short. Pale fingers ran through it in a gesture similar to what Clara had done, giddiness felt him and he turned to the open bathroom.

“Thanks Clara!” He offered with a happy grin still on his features, he moved closer and found the female with the towels in hand. The blonde hesitated for a second before moving forward and hugging the female from behind. He pulls away and moves to his bed, his smile faded as he slowly fixed his tangled sheets. He'd forgotten that the ceremony was today, well he assumed it was since he hasn't spoken to anyway about it. Werewolves were pack oriented beings, and if he remembered correctly both females would rather be alone to grieve. A huff escaped his lips as he flopped down on his half-made bed, he knew no one would allow that though and that's where he lost his confidence.

Would they attend?

Would Kieran mind if they spared instead?

His brows furrowed in thought, he rose once more and moved to his dresser. Tugging out a simple black t-shirt and green silk pants -usually for sleep- he stretched his arms above his head, the next moves he'd make weren't planned and it bothered him.

“Wanna spare? I think the ceremony is today and I don't know if we're attending.” He offered to Clara as he moved to stand by the window.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara hadn’t expected him to be as pleased as he was, but then again, she hadn’t taken into consideration that it had been quite a while since he’d had his hair cut. She hummed quietly to herself as she straightened up in the bathroom. She heard his words and had went to turn around, but his arms around her had her surprised. She blinked and stiffened slightly again, still not used to such affection, but after a moment Clara had relaxed. When Ryanair had released her, she turned with a small smile and a tilt of her head. “Glad you like it that much.”

Once he’d left the bathroom, Clara followed behind him. It was still early in the day, and if she remembered correctly, there was supposed to be a ceremony for those that had been killed the night before. Clara frowned at the thought -- it was something she hardly wanted to take part in. She was never one to deal with loss very well, furthermore, to have to deal with it around a group of people.

She idly grabbed the chair that Ryanair had been using before she lifted it once more to put it back in its place. Again, she stretched her arms over her head for a moment before she heard his question. “Spar?” She asked, thinking about the possibility. She could use a good spar -- it was a way to get her frustration out effectively, that was for sure. She just had to keep in mind who she would be up against, and would have to hold herself back in the slightest.

“If that’s what you’d like... given that they wouldn’t miss us.” She commented. Her arms crossed upon her chest for a moment. “And - maybe after a bit of breakfast first.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“Fair enough.” Ryanair chuckles out as he sits up, his body relaxed as he rises to his feet. The smell of food and coffee had his stomach growling faintly, moving to his door he opens it and steps out into the hall. He pauses when he catches sight of Lye’s familiar as he moves down the hall, the blonde smiles and waves to the white tiger. “Hey Vox.” He calls softly and grins when the tiger snorts and moved towards him, the tiger paused and raised its large head to focus on Ryanair. The blonde was glad he'd placed the crystal necklace pm his neck the night before, Vox snorted softly and moved forward to nudge his head against the vampire's chest.

It seemed the tiger had been assessing if he'd had the crystal on. Fair enough and as he patted the silky head, he leaned forward and whispered softly into the velvet ear. “Clara as it on to, your rounds are done now. Let's eat okay?” He'd only made a guess, he was surprised when Vox chuffed softly and licked his fingers as if in agreement. It seemed Vox had made it his goal to make sure everyone had the crystal on, Ryanair smiled softly and released the tiger to head downstairs.

Today seemed somewhat relaxed and for that he wa grateful for. He glanced back into his room and waited for Clara to join him, the food could wait a bit for them to get there.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara had finished straightening her mess up as Ryanair already headed out the door. She’d heard a bit of conversation in the hall, and waited a few moments before she decided she wouldn’t be interrupting anything. It was true, she had seen the crystal left in her room the night before and had made her assumptions - they all should have had the crystal on each of them to prevent any further complications. So, she had found one of her old necklaces and she used the chain to work it around the crystal. It stayed concealed beneath her shirt, but she made sure to follow orders and keep it on her person.

Clara soon headed out of the room next to Ryanair before they made their way down the hall and back downstairs. The smell of food was tempting, but then again, the temptation to spar was right there along side it. Perhaps she could teach Ryanair a thing to two.

She was the first to step into the kitchen and grab a plate for herself before she handed one to Ryanair. Filling up her plate, she seemed quite pleased with herself before she headed into the dining room. Christian had still been there, sipping a cup of coffee before he glanced at Clara over the rim of his cup. A brow raised, noticing how she seemed a bit - different than usual. Hell, she seemed more content than he’d seen her in a long while.

“You seemed to have woken up on the right side of the bed for once.” He commented, placing his cup down. Clara only rolled her eyes at him as she sat down at the table next to him. “Piss off.” She murmured. “I’m just in a better mood today, is all.” Christian had given her a look at her language, but he chose not to press it. Better not ruin the mood and stay quiet about it -- whatever it was that seemed to have perked her up could continue if he had anything to say about it - especially given the circumstances surrounding all of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Ryanair accepted the plate with a smile and a nod. As Clara left to head into the living room, the blonde set his plate down and retrieved a cup of coffee before sitting down. Kieran was watching him with an arched brow, no one else seemed to care at the moment. Then again some of them took a bit to fully wake up, Esther for example was half-asleep against Isabella.

“What?” The blonde asks as he sits down and begins to eat, he notices that has he does he doesn't see the two werewolves sleeping anymore. His face must have reflected his confusion because Kieran hummed and shook his head.

“They were gone when we got down here. Maybe they moved upstairs during the night or-” His words fade away as the very people they were talking about move into the room. Evian looks nervous and all but glued to Ynez’s side, the Alpha looks exhausted and pale. They remain still for a few moments before moving further inside, Ynez offers them a small smile.

“Can Clara and I spar?” Ryanair asks softly after both grab a plate and join them at the table. Kieran blinks and seems to think about it, he offers a nod just as he hand lands in his now short hair.

“Sure, just don't overdo it. Either of you, once we're done I'll join you. I won't participate-” He begins when Wolff shoots him a glare, Ryanair hides a smirk behind his mug. -”Other than advice, I might even pass out to be honest.” Ryanair offered a nod and rose from his seat, pausing when Evian glances up at him. She offers a smile and the blonde hears Ynez snort softly, he smiles and moves to place his dishes in the sink.

He moved to the living room entryway and pauses there. He sees Christian and feels nervousness run down his spine. He hadn't spoken to the other and felt he needed to at least say hello, taking a deep breath he straightens himself and offers a small nervous smile. “Morning, sir.” He states with a small wave of his hand, he wasn't good at meeting new people. Especially those he felt intimidated by, he was nice and stubborn though easily skittish.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara was quiet as she continued to eat, only glancing up at Kieran and Ryanair as they had taken a seat at the table. Christian seemed to study all of them carefully. Ever since he’d threatened Kieran, he wasn’t terribly sure what had come of it. The entire mansion had been a mess with the looming threat of the shadow mage hanging over all of them and Clara had kept her distance. Yet, it was curious enough to see her arrive that morning not alone like she usually was, but with Ryanair - and she seemed different some how. Still, Christian wasn’t sure if he could trust it as she was seeming to. He sipped his coffee slowly as his thoughts continued to tumble.

When she’d heard Ryanair ask Kieran for permission to spar, she almost rolled her eyes. Hell, she didn’t need permission to do anything, let alone spar with Ryanair, and as Kieran warned them she’d given a quick look while she bit into a pancake. Take it easy - was that a warning on her part not to injure Ryanair too badly, or was it a simple reminder that it wasn’t a great idea to get injured when things were the way they were?

“Well, then I guess that solves it.” Clara commented, and she finished her plate and rose to clean it off in the kitchen.

Christian looked up once more over his cup of coffee when Ryanair had approached and he rose a brow, part in curiosity. He wasn’t entirely sure how to interact with the young male, given who he was and who he was sired by. Yet, Clara seemed to warm up enough, it would do him no good to give the younger the cold shoulder. “Good morning,” Christian responded kindly, pushing his thoughts aside. “I hear you are to spar with Clara? Take care - sometimes she tends to get out of hand.” He warned, but he smiled as well. Without a doubt the male should have known what he was getting into.

Clara soon headed back into the living room and eyed the two speaking before she cleared her throat. “...Shall we then?” She was already turned to head out the door when she’d shot a look to Christian. He better play nice if she was...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Ryanair took the out he was given with a small smile and a nod. “Hopefully she won't hurt me too bad.” He offered before half-bowing and turning to follow Clara, the house was silent but it felt different. Lighter almost if he had to put a word to the feeling. He found a problem though when the reached the room, his eyes focusing on the glass door that would lead to the heated training grounds.

“Inside our outside?” He asked as he neared the door and tilted his head. It seemed that during the night a snowstorm had passed over the grounds, a good six inches were piled on the highwalls. He didn't remain for long though as he opened the door and stepped outside, reaching up to grab a handful of snow.

His pale hands began to move around the snow, his brows furrowing in concentration. He set down the snow-bunny on the mound he'd taken the snow from, his lips twitching into a smile. He turned for face Clara and waited for her response, the blonde moved forward and closed the door behind him.

Either was fine by him, the cold didn't bother their kind that much.

Those around the table were silent for awhile before Isabela rose to her feet. The action caused Esther to half topple over before Wolff managed to catch her. The noble rose to her feet and patted down the front of her shirt, Wolff rose with both their plates in hand.

"Shall we?" The eldest of the group asked after a moment, Kieran rose and Evian and Ynez followed.

"Yes..." The Beta offered after she too set her dishes in the sink. Ynez sighed softly and once her plates were set down in the sinl she turned on her heel and made a beeline for the foyer. Her bare feet padded softly against the floor, everyone remained silent as they followed.

Kieran remained behind and deliberated asking Christian if he'd like to attend. Truth be told he'd guessed that Ryanair would suggest to spar, he just hadn't expected Clara to be his partner. The male smiled faintly before turning to face the other male, his hand lifts to gesture to the group exiting the front door.

"Would you like to join? You don't have to if you'd rather not, I understand sone people don't do well with these ceremonies. I'm glad Ryanair I'll have company." He left it at that and folded his end over his chest, he'd wait for the answer before joining the others.

He would have asked to skip too but his wounds were healing and he didn't much want to stay still and in bed all day. Plus...he was the cause of this so he owed the fallen wolves an apology if nothing else.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Christian watched Ryanair turn away from him, and he nodded in return, his brow twitching when Clara wanted him to head off. It was quite curious -- and he could have laughed at Ryanair’s words. He’d be lucky if Clara didn’t hurt him too much, although, maybe she would hold back this time around considering how she was suddenly acting.

He soon finished his coffee and he was up to wash the cup before putting it away. He’d headed back to the living room with a stretch of his arms over his head before he ran a hand through his hair. Everyone was gathering for the ceremony that was to take place, and part of him felt a bit out of place in the group. He’d almost questioned if he should attend, but he did suppose that they’d all been around each other enough in that mansion over the past few weeks... It probably would be rude of him not to attend.

He was pulled from his thoughts as soon as he heard Kieran, and he had to keep himself in check for a moment. Regardless of how things might have been progressing, Christian still couldn’t bring himself to trust the male. He’d held quite the grudge over what he’d done to Clara and perhaps she could somehow move on, Christian wasn’t so sure he could ever forgive him.

“I suppose so --” Christian began, his words short at first, although, he realized he did need to keep his manners in check. “Not sure it would give the right impression if I did not attend.” He commented, and his brow twitched once more at Kieran’s comment. It would be a perfect world if his two fledglings could get along, wouldn’t it? His hands shoved deep into his pockets suddenly before he looked towards the door. “I take it Clara has started to warm up to him...” Surprising to say the least, he still wasn’t sure what had caused the change.

Meanwhile, Clara eyed Ryanair as he stepped outside and into the snow. She hardly enjoyed the stuff - once you were in it you were inevitably going to be soaked by the time you came back in. Even so, it would make things more of a challenge. Having to shove their way through the snow would add a bit of extra weight onto each of them.

She watched him carefully, her arms crossed about her chest before she had finally decided to step outside, her pant legs already starting to dampen, but the chill of the air hardly affected her. While he’d been playing around, she leaned down and scooped up a little bit of snow, balling it up tight in her hands before she launched it his way.

“Your move.” She taunted with a small smirk and she rolled her shoulders in anticipation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

The blonde vampire had expected a punch, or a kick even. What he hadn't expected was a snowball to hit him square between the eyes, he remained frozen for a moment before raising a hand to his face. “A snowball fight?” He questioned even as his other hand reached down and grabbed snow. Apparently the female before him had a bit of a streak to her, with his snowball made he hurled it at her before diving away.

Let's have some fun then. He thought as he reached for another ball and launched it at Clara.

Kieran says nothing to the other male, instead he turns to the open doors and follows after the others. His steps slowed however as he rounded the mansion, an expanse of land covered in white met his gaze. Blue-gray eyes scanned the land before him until he found the group, he followed them as they went East. The wind was chilled but none of them seemed to care, Lye shook her head and glanced back. Kieran was following them and she absently scanned for the crystal she gave him, Vox huffed at her side and nudged her hand with his nose.

Kieran reaches the others and steps up beside Esther, Isabella quiet on the other side of the female blonde. The vampires and mage slow future when a large pyre made of sticks met their gaze. The lumps that were in front of the pyre a sign of what they were here for, a funeral was to be held. Ynez and Evian break away from them as they draw closer, their forms easily shifting to that of wolves. Lye separates next and with raised arms she removes the ice she had encased the fallen wolves in, the others stopping just before the large unlit structure. It was simple and made of the wood from the forest trees, what made it different were the ropes with blue flowers that wrapped around it. Wolfsbane flowers normally harmed werewolves but in a ceremony as this the plant has the opposite effect.

The others watched as both female wolves moved forward and grabbed two large sticks from beside the pyre. Esther moved them and with a lighter in her hand, lit the end of the wood and stepped back. Lye raised her arms and with it a gust of frigid air blew around them, the fallen wolves slowly rising into the air. They were placed gently into the flat center of the structure, bodies covered in black cloth. The Mage stepped back then, her arms at her side and familiar trailing behind.

It was their turn now. Lye had coated the ropes and flowers in a mist that would protect them. Both wolves moved forward and after a moment, the reared back on their hind paws and threw the sticks. The moment they touched the closest branch, fire erupted and the pyre was lit. It was then that both began to howl, the vampires and Mage bowing their heads in silent prayer.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She hadn’t known what had prompted her to do it - perhaps it was just the dying need to lighten the heaviness all around them. Clara was tired; tired of her own anger, frustration, and pain. Tired of the violence that continued to hang around them. Tired of constantly mulling over her choice to leave or stay. She just needed a moment to forget it all and to just relax.And no matter how much she hated it while she was mortal, she would do anything to go back to such silly pouting over who she was to marry - things were simpler back then. Now, they were met with the looming worry of when Kieran might slip back to whatever darkness was consuming him, coupled with the heavy mourning that was on the air that day.

Clara had been glad that Ryanair had suggested to stay away from the funeral- She would have been of no help, and she knew she would have been terribly out of place. The fact that she continued to keep a wall up between them and her wouldn’t have helped either… It was already strange enough, even to her, that she was choosing to let Ryanair past it, even in the slightest. Still, she would have to see how long it would last.

The only person that she ever let in had been Christian, and he practically had to force his way in. Even so, he hardly knew of her inner thoughts and worries; the inner feel of worthlessness that had been caused by her abandonment that day. Hell, he would never know her secrets, and she doubted anyone would unless they beat it out of her.

Ryanair had been quick to launch a snowball back at her and she couldn’t help but grin as she dodged it. Part of her had been anticipating an actual fight, but she couldn’t help start the new battle as soon as she’d seen the snow around her. It had been so long since she could have a moment of carelessness -- and it’d be a cold day in hell if she allowed anyone to take this quick moment from her.

She crouched down and grabbed at more snow, packing it while she ran to look for a place of refuge so she could build up her pile. Once more, another ball had been launched his way before she had hid behind a tree, quickly trying to put together as many snowballs as she could before she grabbed a couple to throw his way again. “Don’t think you’re going to win this one!”

Christian had eyed Kieran carefully as they followed the wolves, still skeptical of him not only as a person, but with everything that had happened as of late. He doubted he ever could warm up to the man, solely due to the fact that he’d known what he’d done to Clara so carelessly, and knowing that she still suffered from that day. He had hardly seen a change between them other than the suddenly curious relationship she was building with Ryanair. He still wasn’t sure what had sparked it, and he still wasn’t sure that it was going to last.

Silently, his thoughts continued to race as he followed along, still feeling slightly out of place, but knowing he should have paid his respects regardless. These wolves had all been there to protect them, and to not show up would have been rude-- he was already disappointed that Clara hadn’t been there.

When the time came, he bowed his head out of respect, the frown still on his lips as he listened to the ceremony unfold before them. Hopefully they could avoid holding another one of these in the future -- Hopefully there wouldn’t be another incident under their own noses.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

It was like when he was a kid. He dodged the snowball and ducked behind a tree, his hands already working with another snowball. In truth he was glad they weren't sparing, he didn't much like fighting in the first place. With three in hand he scanned the trees around them, glad they were planted all those years back. His lips pulled into a grin and after a moment, he moved from his spot and threw all of them with pinpoint accuracy.

“I'm not losing this!” He shouted as he ducked behind another tree, his back pressed to its trunk as he begins making another batch of snowballs. He felt lighter and glad they'd kept away from the funeral, he would pay his respects but later after this bit of fun.

Kieran raised his head when the wolves fell silent, his eyes blinked slowly when he found two hands wrapped around his arms. Esther and Isabella both still had their heads down, everyone else doing the same when he glances around. A pulse races down his spine then, a strange feeling that had the male wincing. It felt like a trail of fire.

“You alright?” Came a soft voice from his left, the male blinks and focuses on Esther. Her eyes are focused on him, he shrugs and sighs softly. It wasn't anything to worry about, right? He offered the other a smile and shifted his gaze to Wolff. The healer was facing them and with a huff, he offers his arm to Lye. The Mage arches a brow but accepts and all five turn and begin to walk, it was best to leave both wolves alone for now.

“Fine, no need to worry.” He soothes as they be in to walk, his head turning to face forward.

It wasn't anything to worry about yet.

Not yet.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Even though she was concealed behind her tree, it was inevitable that he would find her. There were only so many trees around them. She gave a startled sound as soon as the first snowball hit her, and she was quick to pick up as many snowballs as she could that she’d just thrown together before running for the cover of another tree. She’d dodged the rest of his snowballs while throwing some back at him while she ran.

Clara felt exhilarated - almost carefree in that split moment. There was absolutely nothing to worry about or dwell upon, other than keeping Ryanair from hitting her with more snow. Already her clothes were getting soaked, but she hardly cared as she quickly pressed herself behind a tree to gather a few more snow balls. Once more she peeked out from behind her tree and launched them his way before running off to the cover of another tree.

Quickly, and silently she crept from tree to tree while he continued collecting more snowballs, and after a short moment she lurched forward to tackle him from his cover. And just as quick, she had dumped a mound of snow on his head. “Told you, you weren’t going to win.” Clara smirked atop him, looking quite victorious and happy with herself.

Soon, the ceremony had come to an end and most had turned to begin making their way back to the house. Christian had given a small sigh and shoved his hands deep within his pocket as he turned to follow the others. However, hearing Esther had him raising a brow. He’d not noticed any difference in Kieran, however, he remained skeptical of the sudden concern from the female. If they were in for another attack, he wanted to make sure they were ready this time…
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“I just felt a shiver run down my spine is all, maybe I'm not ready enough to be moving around?” It was more a question then a statement, he didn't know what had happened. Wolff moved to stand beside him and after a moment he turned and headed back into the house. Keiran glanced at Isabela and Esther for a moment before follow after the healer, it was better to agree then fight him. Another shiver raced down his spine but he ignored it as he reached the other male, the crystal around his neck beginning to glow faintly.

“Shirt off.” Wolff barks as they enter the medical room, Keiran slows to do just that as he nears a bed. A cool hand is placed on his bare shoulder and the vampire always the other to manhandle him, he suddenly feels nauseous. Cool fingers probe his back and silence surrounds them for a moment before a click of a tongue fills the air. “Their open and freely bleeding again. There are...marks surrounding the wounds...shit.” Keiran is about to ask what's wrong when his stomach lurches and he's bunching over his knees. He hears something scraping the ground before his attention is solely focused emptying his stomach, his whole body burning as he does so.

“...king and what about those marks…” Are what fills his ears when he can finally breath. He doesn't move and keeps his eyes closed as another set of cool hands settle on his back. It feels strangely warm and the vampire can't find it in himself to care, he feels weak and heavy.

“They went there when I checked before breakfast, they look almost like veins.” Wolff’s voice is rougher still, a sign of his worry. The long fingers that gently probe his back has a shiver wracking his body.

“They are. The poles were silver and I'm assuming he's been poisoned from it. These marks follow his veins and only seem to be spreading. The only option I see is doing a transfusion or seeing how he does…” Keiran doesn't hear much after that, his mind going blissfully blank as heat fills his entire body.

Ryanair grins and allows Clara to think she won. “Not quite, wanna try again?” He says just as his left leg kicks out and slams into the trunk of the tree he'd been hiding behind. It rumbles and the blonde reaches for a mound of snow and slams it into the female's face before slipping out from under her just as the mound of snow from the tree lands on her.

He moves away and behind a tree, his hand working on another batch of snow. He pauses for a moment to check on the bond and feels nothing except nothingness. The blonde focuses on the task at hand, his victory over his older sibling.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Christian had been cautious, hesitation showing as he kept a bit of distance between the group and himself. They were soon inside and any doubt that anything was truly wrong with Kieran had been dashed across the floor as soon as the male had removed his shirt. Christian lingered in the doorway, his brow furrowed as he mulled over the idea of leaving them be, or going off to find Clara and the other – where they had run off to was beyond him. Surely at least Ryanair would notice a sudden change – Christian had his doubts that Clara had strengthened any sort of bond between her and her sire – he wouldn't put it past her to be entirely ignorant of Kieran's pain.

He listened to each of them, his hands still shoved deep in his pockets while he lingered in the doorway. If his blood had been poisoned, then it seemed as if a transfusion was the only way to go – it was just a matter of finding blood compatible enough so that his body wouldn't reject it. The frown on his lips, he cleared his throat quietly. "Perhaps we should collect Ryanair –" He began, not exactly offering up Clara just yet. "If he does, in fact, need a transfusion at this point."

Clara had felt triumphant at least for that moment, until his words had sunken in a bit slower than they should have. As soon as he had made contact with the tree, she craned her neck to look up, realizing just what was happening. She would have quickly jumped away, had it not been for the sudden onslaught of snow that had been shoved in her face, and she gave a surprised and startled sound as soon as it hit her – the sudden heaviness of snow that suddenly fell upon her was the nail on her coffin.

She had nearly sprouted up out of the pile with a cough, shoving some of her now-soaked curls out of her face. Clara narrowed her gaze at the trees surrounding them, pulling her body from the pile of snow before she hid behind her own again. Well, damn. Perhaps she did underestimate the younger male – at least when it came to a snowball fight. When it came to an actual fight – she had her doubts. The last time she had tested him, she knew full well he could stand to learn a thing or two.

"That was just a lucky move!" Clara called out, quickly balling up more snowballs before he would begin his attack again. This was war, that was for certain… A pile of snowballs in her arms, she'd taken off towards where he'd been hiding, pitching each one right after another in passing before she dove and took her own cover again. Hell – she hadn't allowed herself to have any semblance of fun like this in centuries… It felt almost exhilarating…

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Neither seemed to hear Christian, Lye focused as she was on checking to make sure the Mage hadn't made a move. The thing with transfusions was that for vampires it was harder to find a match then for humans. Even with sire’s and fledglings it was still hard, with an exhale with Mage rose and clicked her tongue. Vox appeared at her side and with a quick glance at a now unconscious Kerian, her mind made.

“Find both Ryanair and Clara, bring them here.” her familiar nudged her hand before vanishing in a cloud of mist. Wolff moved then, his hands gently moving Keiran until was on his stomach. The black contrast of his veins had the healer turning to grab the needed instruments for the transfusion. When he returned he noticed how pale the other looked, how labored his breathing seemed.

“It's moving too quickly but why-” His words faded as Lye moved around him and tipped Keiran’s head back. He remained silent as he pulled a breathing tube over and slipped it carefully down the others windpipe, the healer's body was tense as he worked. Once it was secured he reached for a breathing mask and hooked it to a machine that was rarely used. Lye snapped her fingers and a gust of air filled the room and moved under the blanket, it slowly rose and with it Wolff understood. “I'm going to stitch these closed, watch him.” And with that he pulled the blanket away and reached for the others back. A cloth in his other hand was pressed to one bleeding wound while the other held a needle, he slowly began to stitch while I ping away blood.

Ryanair ducked and moved away while throwing his own snowballs. He felt light and happy and for a moment he dared think it was a dream. He came to a halt when a gust of wind blew around them both. Vox was standing in between them, his body tense and ears flat to his skull. Dread filled the male and his pile of snowballs fell from his arms.

A sharp pain filling his chest has his knees nearly buckling.

Something was wrong. Pain he hadn't felt began to spread across his body, his chest constricting almost violently. “What's happened to-” His words left him as Vox warped the snow around them and both appeared in the medical room. The scene that met his eyes had a whimper escaping his throat. Keiran was still and a tube and mask abducted his face, Lye and Wolff working around the other. He couldn't find the words he wanted to shout, the mattress was covered in blood and it was then that something clicked.

His injuries weren't healing and the mask and tube meant that he wasn't breathing on his own.

What's going on?! He screamed in his head as Wolff continued to stitch the wounds closed.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara should have known it would have come to an end; she should have known that a simple moment of being carefree just simply wasn't allowed. She couldn't remember a moment after that one night so many centuries back that she'd actually felt alive. Her attention had only been focused on Ryanair, refusing to think of the ceremony that everyone else had decided to attend; refusing to drift even for a moment to all of the negativity that surrounded not only her, but the entire household. She would not think of the looming darkness that was shrouded over them, poised for another blow when they weren't ready for it – or even the anger that she continued to feel over her entire situation – regardless of apologies and perhaps possibly healing wounds.

She had been ready to launch another round towards Ryanair, but the sudden appearance of Vox had given her pause. She'd seen the look on Ryanair's face, she'd felt the sudden blanket of dread wrap around her without fully understanding what it was about. Something felt – off, and she couldn't place her finger on it. However, Ryanair's reaction was all she really needed to confirm her thoughts. His bond with Kieran had been far stronger than hers – probably than hers would ever be.

Something was wrong…

It was a split second later that they were no longer surrounded by snow; no longer blissfully unaware of everything else around them – thrust into the bright light of the room. The smell of copper had been thick on the air and for a quick moment, Clara had been disoriented, her gaze flicking around the room only to pause on Christian who had still lingered in the doorway before her attention had suddenly turned to the problem at hand.

Something within her stomach had twisted at the sight of it – seeing both Lye and Wolff trying to stitch up the wounds that she'd pulled those silver rods from days before. She thought they had healed - thought everything was fine… Hell, he was up that morning… They had an entire conversation the night before!

Clara was trying to grasp the reality of what was happening around her and she swallowed the small lump in her throat, suddenly feeling a sense of urgency that hadn't been there before. "…What the hell happened?" But even as she spoke, her voice didn't even sound as if it had come from her. Her body was rigid and she hadn't dared to move, her gaze still upon the man that she'd been so certain she hated and had sworn up and down that she wanted dead– now suddenly she was almost desperate to save him yet again.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“A delayed reaction from the rods. We don't know how but his body healed the wounds as normal but then started rejecting the assistance. Instead lashing out and reopening the wounds as well as spearing the toxin from the silver. Our only chance now is to do a blood transfusion, his lungs have already shut down and the only thing circulated oxygen to his brain in the mask and tube. I've got this Lye, get them set up before-” Wolff’s words faltered as a spasm altered him to something wrong, it was a second before the other began to gag.

“Wolff!” Lye’s shout drew him away from his work and as Keiran was lowered he saw the problem. A black goo was traveling up the tube and with quick movements, he leaned over the other and carefully removed the tube. The moment it was out the other began to choke, the goo seeming to to cling to his airway. He rotated the other until he was on his side and then jabbed at his lungs, his entire being stilling at what he found.

“Get them ready now Lye. We don't have time, this is a step closer to him dying. Soon both will begin to feel the last trauma or experience that happened before the Change began.” His words were barked, his attention on the thick substance that filled the others lungs. Using Lye’s mist he rotated Keiran until he was under the bucket he'd used earlier, slipping on a pair of gloves the Healer slipped his fingers into the others mouth and hit his gag reflex. He didn't so much as stir, the goo instead slipping from his parted lips as Keiran slipped once more into unconsciousness. When he checked again and found most of it gone, he flushed the tube before slipping it down the others throat. Pressing his palm to the bare chest he found the others heart barely beating, he removed it a moment later and turned to find Lye guiding both Lye and Clara over.

“But why is his body rejecting the healing process?” The blonde asked as he sat on the bed, his entire body stiff and rigid. Lye didn't answer but the set of her lips was answer enough, neither of them knew and it was scaring them. He didn't feel the needle or the hands that laid him down, his vision was fading around the edges and he didn't want to see it.

Not his past. Not what he remembered just before ‘dying’.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara didn't know what to do; what to think—her body was stiff as she stood there, the sound of her own pounding heart suddenly in her ears. It was as if, now that everything was presented before her, the thought of him dying was far from as wonderful as she thought it would be. It felt as if someone had a grip on her lungs and for that moment she couldn't breathe even if she tried. She couldn't feel anything, even as she was moved and sat back down near Ryanair. Everyone's words had sounded as if they were far away, and all she could focus on was how lifeless he already looked as they shifted and prodded at him.

Shit. The sudden need to run, to get as far away from any of this as she could was so terribly strong. She wanted to pull at the needle that had suddenly been in her arm – she wanted to be out of that room, out of that mansion, and out of each of their lives. She never asked for any of this – he was the one that did this to her, and now, now he was the one who had caused her such panic. Every bit of anxiety throughout the years; the worthlessness, the sense that she really was something so easily tossed aside had all come flooding forward in her panic and all she wanted to do was hide from it… She needed a drink, she needed to run – she needed to be far away where she couldn't feel it anymore.

Clara had done her best throughout the years to try to forget – but no matter how much she drank or indulged in others, the nightmares always found her. He was always there, one way or another, no matter how those bits and pieces, the facts and truths began to dull with time. She didn't want to remember.

She didn't want to remember how she'd left that night; how she'd run away from home in hopes of starting a new life, somewhere – hell, anywhere where the rules of society did not apply to her. She didn't want to remember how he'd been there- promises drifting on the salty air of the night, carried away by the wind of the ocean. She didn't want to remember how he made her feel like she really did matter… She didn't want to remember his touch; the fire within her and the yearning for something new…

And she didn't want to remember how he had taken it all away just as quickly… The horrible pain of everything within her twisting and clenching; the feel of everything being ripped away and the blinding heat and pain that followed…

She was still when they laid her there, ignorant to the needle that easily drew her own blood from her. She'd only kept her eyes shut tight, willing away the tears that she hardly noticed. She never wanted any of this…

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“You have the option to leave if you want to.” Ryanair murmured softly as he kept his eyes closed, he didn't like the way Clara had all but clamped shut. It was true the sight was terrifying and it would stay with him for nights to come, it was just...hard to focus right then. The memories of loud voices and bodies grinding against his own -the smell of alcohol and cigar filling his nose- it was so clear in his mind. The blonde grit his teeth and continued speaking to Clara, though this time in his mind. ”I have no one else, everyone I knew are long dead and even then I wasn't loved by my parents. I owe him my life so I can't just say screw it and run, but if you want to he nor I would blame you. He did something horrible and even though we've begun to heal, I don't want you to stay if it makes you feel panic and unease.”

He meant it to. His hand reached out and grabbed Clara’s, his grip loose and barely holding any pressure to it. He was feeling dizzy now and when a cool cloth was placed on his forehead be relaxed with an exhale. Wolff glanced between his patient and the two bags that the needles were hooked to, his jaw tense. This was tricky and if he timed it poorly they'd lose a friend and two people he bitten, he didn't much like those odds. Lye placed a cloth over Clara’s eyes and moved back to stand beside Wolff, her focused on the machine as the doctor removed a sample of blood from Keiran.

“Let's see.” He all but whispers, the droplet of Kieran's blood is placed on a small circular tray. Wolff moved to take a sample of Ryanair’s blood, then grabbing another tray he does the same and takes a sample of Clara’s. Placing a droplet in both samples he steps back and crosses his arms, the beeping of the machine the only thing filling the silence.

It was a waiting game now.

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