⭐️ ~ I don't do one-liners. The shortest that I will roleplay is semi-para, simply because I find that one-liners don't capture anything I want to portray through a character in a roleplay.
⭐️ ~ Don't God-Mod me. If I want my character to react a certain way to a situation, then that is my decision. This is the easiest way to get on my nerves so... please just don't.
⭐️ ~ I don't enjoy purely erotica, and I like there to be a story behind the roleplay if there is. Just a personal preference.
⭐️ ~ Please try to be at least legible. I'm not a grammar nazi, but if I can't read you're writing, it might cause issues.
⭐️ ~ If we do end up with an erotic-themed roleplay, please inform me in an OOC chat before acting on any kinks.
⭐️ ~ I have been known to be a little slow with replies. I do try my best, but if this would annoy you, maybe don't contact me.
⭐️ ~ I tend to stick to casual RP, just because anything over multi-para is hard for me to replicate regularly.
⭐️ ~ I am, infact, male & pansexual. In RP, I'd be up for any sort of pairing (MxM, MxF, FxF, Genderless/Herms).
⭐️ ~ I prefer roleplaying in the private messages, but I don't mind starting a post either.
⭐️ ~ I like to discuss an opening for the roleplay before getting started, and I also like to have OOC contact still open for any queries.
⭐️ ~ A ⭐️ next to a roleplay below means I'm already in one with that description, though I can manage multiple of the same theme/character. Just ask me about this if need be.
(These are base ideas. I'm open to any suggestions at all so just contact me with any ideas you have)
~More to add as I make it~