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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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@Kho It's packaged into a homemade executable where I'm pretty sure my command prompt spat out at least 20 archive errors at me. It runs fine, but it's not necessarily the definition of "Standard software" that your AV is looking for. Re: The advantage, it's a pet project I'm doing for fun.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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@Cyclone Could she...pretend it's all from Zeph?

And that, kids, is how to tell a lie and get away with it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Cyclone I'll send you the post for approval before posting it, just to ensure that I got the aspects of Vetros society I portrayed right.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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I would like to propose a new concept for the hero system: Sidecking... Ok, in a correct term: To train a single individual instead of an entire society.

So, while planning out some posts I have noticed the way I was dealing with situations where a hero needed some back up to complete a task was usually just to use the khookies to teach an ideology or create an order.

Example: Patty the magical baker needs to deliver a lot of cake before the weekend, so she creates the Society of Patisseriemancy to get enough bakers to do it.

But you know, maybe I didn't want to change the entire society just to get a helper, maybe I just wanted a robin to my batman without turning the entire town into a bunch of cosplayers.

Furthermore, I just felt uncomfortable, as in, getting too much of out too little khookies. For example, Susa's shamans (a plot from the far far future), despite being a holy order born from a holy order, still felt a bit like abuse if I don't spend some more khookies to justify how good some individuals are at the thing (while still being far, far from heroes).

And honestly, I was planning on using Khookies like that anyway, since well, if someone can teach a town they sure can teach 3 people how to do a thing with excellence. But I think it's always better to talk these things out, even more if it could lead to a more formal take on the issue. :>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Double Capybara Don't think this is controversial at all. Exceptional individuals don't need to be heroes - look at Eskandar, not a single khookie or piece of Might was spent on him, and he built a tribal nation from scratch, trained warriors and taught them many things etc. was an exceptional orator, warrior, leader and innovator. No Might, no Khookies.

Bjorn is another example - he can speak the language of the Pack-Minds. He's not even an 'exceptional individual'. Susa was for a long time not a hero and did some terrific things. If figures like Eskandar, Susa and Bjorn can do what they did without Might and Khookies, I have no issues with exceptional figures who are bolstered with Khookies being even more exceptional xP
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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@Kho Yeah, I understand someone doesn't need a boost to be exceptional, Phantasmagoria had a lot of that (back then) and Salassar is that too, but I felt that when magic and trade skill comes into play things become more of a gray area that I wanted to clear out.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Double Capybara Don't be afraid to innovate ICly, the game mechanics are meant to be flexible and these grey areas are meant to be explored. Otherwise this would be a stat-based RP (and, no offence to anyone who likes rigid stat-systems, I just don't).

For instance, within Vowzra's Victors there are figures who are much more powerful than others. A figure like Mora is far more skilled and knowledgeable than most other Victors, figures like Zina and Sali also. None of them are heroes, but they are older and have backstories which justify the difference. An Order doesn't mean that everyone within it is of the same skill level or competence, or has the same thoughts or sees everything as the others do, even within an Order there are differences. Obviously, this is quite a niche area and not everyone would want to go into as much detail into the intricacies and workings of Orders and Heroes, and those who are the closest friends/allies of certain Heroes, but it's all there to be explored for whoever is interested (coughLikeMecough).

Edit: but as I understand it, what you're stabbing at is a 'Sidekick' mechanism which would reflect the 'Order' mechanism but only in one indivudual, right? So that one individual would be exceptionally exceptional.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Which leads us to the next question, @WrongEndoftheRainbow: what is the advantage of your program over a more accessible online wikia page?

The grilling must go on.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Edit: but as I understand it, what you're stabbing at is a 'Sidekick' mechanism which would reflect the 'Order' mechanism but only in one indivudual, right? So that one individual would be exceptionally exceptional.

Pretty much. Two characters to be specific, each one having a signature skill/spell that felt like it needed some khookies to justify it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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<Snipped quote by Kho>

Pretty much. Two characters to be specific, each one having a signature skill/spell that felt like it needed some khookies to justify it.

I've no issues with you doing that if you feel more comfortable with it, and anyone else is welcome to use this system also. For the moment though, I think keeping this area between normal creations and heroes flexible is for the best (we don't want to get into a position where the amount of Khookies expended into a 'Sidekick' becomes a basis for their 'power' as has somewhat become the case with Might at points)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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bathroom thought: rp is 3 or 4 months from its first yearly anniversary.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@WrongEndoftheRainbow Shet, it's nearly February. *Leaves the Guild forever and starts getting worried about exams*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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@Scarifar Want to collab a storyline of my hero fleeing the Realta in a big journey across Galbar and coming across the Valley of Peace in the process?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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<Snipped quote by BBeast>

The grilling must go on.


Just to be clear, I don't intend to be mean. I'm just doing some critical thinking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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@Scarifar Want to collab a storyline of my hero fleeing the Realta in a big journey across Galbar and coming across the Valley of Peace in the process?

Sure, send me a Titanpad or whatever whenever.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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<Snipped quote by Kho>

Just to be clear, I don't intend to be mean. I'm just doing some critical thinking.

Of course, I completely understand and see that, and I absolutely support your approach. If we can indeed just make a wikia page or something that is online and more accessible, it would be far better for Rainbow to expend his time and effort doing that instead - since he's doing it anyway and we might as well ensure maximum utility (within reason) for all players.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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@Scarifar Sent.

@Kho I've got a good idea for a lore wiki, if you guys can do github stuff.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Kho I've got a good idea for a lore wiki, if you guys can do github stuff.

Gigiwhawhah? I no speaky compunglish
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

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@Scarifar Sent.

@Kho I've got a good idea for a lore wiki, if you guys can do github stuff.

Could we just use one of the free wiki hosting sites? I feel like this program biz may be a little too complex.


I'll even draw us a logo. Make Divinus fancy again.
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