Name: You may call me Mr. Adams.
Gender: Male. And single. *laughs*
Age: Thirty-Two

Region of Origin: I hail from Johto.
City of Origin: Cianwood.
Subject: Battle Theory and Strategy, which will be the homeroom for most of you new arrivals and some others.
History: I suppose I can disclose a little bit. Cianwood is fairly isolated, but has a strong battling community. The gym of course specialized in fighting types, and they always fascinated me from a young age. They seemed like the strongest of Pokemon, though that could have just been hero worship of our gym at the time. Though fighting types were my first love, I branched out and saw the true power of all the types. When I was younger I completed the Johto League challenge, through a combination of tactics and determination. It bothered me however, that every gym stuck to one type and one only, when I later heard the Elite Four were no different, I decided to abandon this "competitive" Pokemon battling scene. I trained on my own for a while, and learned all I could of the art of battling, in time, I was offered a job here, in Orre. I was not very interested at first, until I learned that the true goal, was to create a League where type specialization did not run rampant. Thus, I signed up and became a teacher here.
Personality: I respect Pokemon battlers who want to push the envelope of strategy, I hand out homework and am not an easy teacher. Everything else, you'll just have to find out.
Battle Theme:
Etc: Has a large number of Pokemon from nearly all types, only his main two will be included
Pokemon (Teachers may use any NON one of a kind Pokemon)
Species: Lucario
Nickname: Ryugou

Personality: Ryugou was Mr. Adams first pokemon, they have been side by side for almost two decades now and trust each other completely. He is capable of telepathy but rarely speaks to others.
Notable Moves: Aura Sphere, Flash Cannon, Sky Uppercut, High Jump Kick, Psychic, Dark Pulse.
Species: Gardevoir
Nickname: Hikari

Personality: Another of his earliest Pokemon, similar to Ryugou, but less battle hungry. Also capable of telepathy and uses it more commonly.
Notable Moves: Reflect, Mirror Coat, Light Screen, Psychic, Calm Mind, Shock Wave.