The world itself would never be the same. A man with the power to bring not just Europe, but possibly all of the planet, to its knees. The German Reich would sweep across Europe bringing with it the death of millions. Adolf Hitler would destroy everything in his path, and those who did not follow him would fall. The only country left in Western Europe that was not with him from the beginning was the United Kingdom, and that was only because Hitler did not feel like a complete invasion of the island was worth it when the rest of Europe was ripe for the taking. This was, except for the Soviets. Instead of invading them he would strike a deal with Stalin, stating that the straights of the Bosphorus would separate their two great Nations. East and West Constantinople would become the barrier between Communism and Fascism. The fall of Turkey would be quick, and would be the final act of World War 2. Hitler would create many Puppet states instead of completely subjugating all of the conquered territory, and those nations that where his allies at the start of the war (Such as Finland, Nationalist Spain, and Italy) would remain mostly independent. In the east, the Japanese would not attack the United States, instead, they would continue their conquest of the rest of Asia, and as the United Kingdom would draw a peace with Germany, they would hand over India to the Japanese, and the "Indian Empire" was born, being a puppet of the Japanese. Australia and New Zealand would still be granted independence, and they would be allies with the United States. The United States would not get involved with the conflict, instead they decided to stay isolationist and prepare for the worst, which would not come. The United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, and Democratic Rebel groups would make up what would be left of the Allies, a group that would eventually evolve into "The Western Freedom Alliance"(WF For Short). The Soviets would create the "Moscow Pact", a group of Communist states that would attempt to spread their ideology in other countries around the world. In 1960, the Axis would split over differences, causing the Japanese Empire and the German Reich to form their own alliances. The Germans would form the "Alliance of Nationalist States" (ANS For Short) and those nations that where puppets of Japan would form "The Eastern Imperial States" (EIS for short), thus dividing the world into four groups vying for power. Nearly all of the planet would be engulfed in this Cold War, with the amount of Neutral countries being countable on both hands. While conflict has not broken out between the Great Alliances since the end of the war, it is obvious that now, on the first day of 2017, conflict is still as likely as it was when the war ended. No matter what happens, it seems that this powder keg of Earth is willing to explode, possibly setting the sun of the Great Human Race.
Welcome to The Great Alliances, an Alternate History NRP taking place on January 1st, 2017. Just to preface this, the scenario is not meant to be completely accurate. I understand that the chances of anything that I said happening is incredibly small, but I felt like since Alternate History NRPs seem to be so view in number I thought I'd throw my own idea in the hat. Anyway, regarding the specifics, this NRP is going to be character based, with Population and Military size being the only real stats in the NRP. I also decided to still allow the creation of Nations, not limiting you to a few choosable ones.
Nation Creation shall go like this, there are multiple Nations who exist from the start, and in the hider below is the list.
Those nations that exist from the start are all given rankings. Superpower would be the highest, Power would be second, Regional Power would be third, and Unranked would be the lowest. These ranks basically provide a hierarchy, with the Superpower being the leader of the group. The two Neutral countries are both powers, and all four of the groups are attempting to lead them to join theirs, hoping to tip the scales in the eventual war that will break out.
Back to Nation Creation, if you pick one of the already created nations, you can still change things about it. I shall provide a map below where you can put in the specific territory that nation owns, thus adding another creation to it. If you decide to create a nation, the process will be a bit larger, but you will have the opportunity to decide what faction you are in, along with what power status you are (No Creation of Superpowers shall be allowed, but anything else is allowed). You will also be allowed to create Rebel groups, which shall be based inside other nations and they will attempt to turn that nation into a certain different type of government. Rebel groups in power shall most likely be ranked below Unranked Nations, but they can be enough to change the way a conflict is going if they are strong enough.
Anyway, lets get on with the Map and the actual creation process.
(Regarding the Map, you do not have to use someone else's, just put in your territory and we'll know what areas not to claim, though if someone would be willing to put everyone's nations on the map that would be great)
Map 1 (More Precise, but will take longer to claim everything):

Map 2 (Less Precise, easier to paint everything):

Now then, time for the applications.
To end this extremely long post, I'd just like to say that if you have any ideas to add to this NRP (Such as Businesses) or have any questions, I am willing to answer.