Hello! I am the biggest Mass Effect fan you will ever meet. That being said I have a particular craving for a Mass Effect romance RP! I will be playing Commander Shepard (either male or female, I don't care which). I will also play other NPCs as needed and double as other Normandy crew as needed, this is not required of you unless you want to. I will do MxF and FxF romance pairings only. You can play as any member of the Normandy Crew or even an OC if you like. Now onto the plot....

After the fall of the reapers, the Citadel is inaccessible, and Commander Shepard is presumed dead. Commander Shepard left behind a boyfriend/girlfriend. The surviving Normandy crew is determined to find the Commander, no matter what, even if it means disregarding direct orders from Alliance Command or other species hierarchy. They suspect they will be retrieving the Commander's body for burial but instead find him/her alive. Did the romance survive? Or did Shepard's boyfriend/girlfriend find comfort in the arms of another?
We can plot together, nothing is set in stone. PM me or mention me so that I know to look for your reply.

After the fall of the reapers, the Citadel is inaccessible, and Commander Shepard is presumed dead. Commander Shepard left behind a boyfriend/girlfriend. The surviving Normandy crew is determined to find the Commander, no matter what, even if it means disregarding direct orders from Alliance Command or other species hierarchy. They suspect they will be retrieving the Commander's body for burial but instead find him/her alive. Did the romance survive? Or did Shepard's boyfriend/girlfriend find comfort in the arms of another?
We can plot together, nothing is set in stone. PM me or mention me so that I know to look for your reply.