Brynhildr • 16 • Female
Appearance: A tall and imposing girl, Brynhildr can often be seen floating down hallways in long, traditional black witching clothes. Her dress style is archaic, and she carries herself with the grace befitting of her familie's standing. Her black hair is often swept up in an elegant updo, and she often sports eyeshadow, eyeliner and plum lipstick - depending on which teachers she has that day, as some are more strict on the dress code then others.
Personality: Aloof but friendly in a polite, uppercrust sort of way, Brynhildr wears her prestige and decorum like a mask and coat of armour. She practices hard and is one of the best in her classes (particularly magical history, hexes and curses) , fully aware of the expectations upon her to excel into greatness. But the pressure on her is a heavy load, and should someone pierce her thin veneer of companionship, they will find a defensive snake beneath. She can be cruel, and harsh, and quick to criticise. She is fiercely competitive but suffers from crippling anxiety to succeed.
Beneath it all is just a girl who believes if she succeeds, people might love her. Perhaps that was why she so easily fell under the spell of the love potion.
Biography: Brynhildr grew up in a notorious witching family, a long line that stretched back as far as anyone can recall. As such she grew up in a rich, traditional houshold - but was often denied the love and comfort a child covets, being sent off to boarding school and trained by tutors and nannies for the most part. As it is she secretly craves approval, but that is neither here or there.
(Will add relationship stuff when I see the other sheets :D)
Maybe even if you just put some basic stuff and your relationships on here.