Name: Roxane Ana Losa (Rox for short)
Appearance: Long silky white hair, usually pinned back on the side. Gold eyes, thin nose, and thin lips. Body looks petite, but is actually muscular.
Apparent Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sin: N/A
Anime Trope: Kuudere
Abilties: Able to read other people’s minds, but can be blocked if the person is wearing any type of metal around their head. Because of this, they are able to persuade people

Name: Isaac Ayers
Nickname(s): Isaac (his friends can’t seem to find a good nickname for him)
Appearance: Shorter hair than picture above.
Age: (how old are you?) 16
School Year: 11th grade
School type: High schooler
Gender: Boy
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Currently single. Broke up about 3 months ago. He seems as if he’s not interested, and this is because he’s not.
- Practicing with his balisong trainer (too scared for an actual baling)
- taking a walk around around the park
- little children (too annoying, apparently)
- the sun (he may as well be a vampire)
Personality: (Tell me how you act around others)
- acts as a guy version of a kuudere (seems cold, is cold, but slowly opens up)
- tries to avoid conversation as much as possible (therefore has very little friends. Actually, he has none. He prefers it this way. More details below)
- if someone talks to him, he’ll most likely say one word to end the conversation right away. However, this doesn’t happen with teachers, as he is a major suck-up.
Bio: Isaac seems like a person who would play hard-to-get, but he is actually just a cold person. He only opens up to certain people that he considers extremely close friends, but once he opens up, he can be the nicest guy you’ll ever meet in this world. There is a reason to his coldness. Both his parents passed away in a car accident (damn this texters!) about two years ago. He is currently living with his older brother who has a job in business. It’s not a very high-paying job, but it’s enough for the brothers to eat and sleep. To help out, Isaac works as a cashier in a local supermarket.
Weapon: Nunchucks (his brother does not allow him to practice with this around the house, so Isaac improves his mobility with his baling trainer)
Skills: Isaac can tell right away if someone is lying or not, and he isn’t nice about it. This may be the reason why he has no friends.
Club: Currently not in any clubs (again, he likes to avoid conversation as much as possible, and this includes finding a club)
Other: Just a warning: do not talk to Isaac. He might as well rip your head off. (this may change if he somehow finds a partner throughout the rp)

Name: Mina Cain (Can be called Min)
Gender: Straight female
Age: 14
Background: Mina is very much like a kuudere (only occasionally shows her caring side), and because of this, she acts very cold to others. This is only because her father passed away when Mina was only 3 due to cancer, and her mother passed away three years later in a car accident.
Relations: Because Mina is a kuudere, she does not have any friends. She will reply with one-word phrases if someone talks to her, but as soon as she becomes friends with somebody, she’ll be like an open book.