Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bloonewb
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bloonewb Primordial and also soupy

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HOLY SHIT! HOLYSHITHOLYSHITHOLYSHIT! Did the headmistress just go full psycho and cap two students!? What sort of school is this!? Why did the family even decide to move here!? Kyoto was nice! Minato felt as if he had been shot alongside the other two. His fingers and toes had gone numb, and when the principal dismissed the others, he got up robotically and left with the others. Is this what soldiers feel like in their first trench experience? And she seemed a kindly lady this morning, too. Okay, head clearing up. What's the first class? Math? Okay, that's doable. He shuffled off to math, his head swimming in adrenaline.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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@Nikki Moonlight

After hearing her answer "Really now? Are you into guns or simply strangle and Cutting/stabbing weapons?" He asked while she was leaving. "I guess your aroma...is part of your arsonal as well..." he said not really expecting her to respond but wanted to mention "perhaps...we can hopefully team up on a mission....wouldn't mind sharing the blood and glory...well at least the blood..." sliding his hands into his pockets.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@King Tai

Aya turned to him and said, "Perhaps." She walked off to get to the car that would go to the airport for her mission.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Watching Aya leave, Ringo gave a simple "hm..." before walking towards the dormz. He could help but wonder what all his class mate were capable of? Pulling out his butter fly knife, he was, with one hand, flipping it, spinning it, while it opened and closed, not even bothering to look down at it. He had the urge to do something pervy but then again...it may be too early for that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@King Tai@flightless_Soul

Aya had gotten changed out of her uniform and into an off-shoulder top that covered most of her chest except for showing some cleavage, a short skirt that would allow for easy movement, and dainty little flats. Out of her uniform, she looked like a completely different person as she walked to the car and was driven to the airport. She kept that flat affect on her face she always did, then changed her expression to one of a regular Japanese girl as she got to the airport. She would get her weapons once she arrived in Los Angeles so she would pass the luggage test. She sat in a seat next to a man who said he was there as her escort.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flightless_Soul
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Flightless_Soul The Lusty Argonian

Member Seen 7 mos ago


"The Proving Ground"

@bloonewb@King Tai@CriticalHit

The next day was such a bitter contrast to the beginning of the school year. A bright and cheerful morning filled with the vibrant colors of spring, the sweet scents of warm sunshine and cherry blossoms, now replaced this morning by a dark and gloomy sky of billowing grey clouds and the distant rumble of thunder.

The rain seemed like it was never going to stop as she ambled quietly through the cemetery, the only sound her high heels sloshing through a puddle or two, clutched between her delicate fingers a bouquet of Scarlet Carson roses she had recently purchased from a quaint florist in the city.

Hibana, her black dress already soaked as she had not brought an umbrella, knelt beside one grave in particular and laid the roses upon it.

"You'll catch a cold out here, Miss."

Her eyes were closed, hands clasped together in prayer, yet she felt the man's presence upon her before even hearing his hoarse whisper.

Azuma stood beside her, unfurling a black umbrella to shield his mistress from the rain. Hibana opened her eyes with a brief sigh, inquiring, ~"Shouldn't you be briefing Noir on today's missions?"~

"Yes, but..." Azuma replied. "I fancied a stroll about the cemetery. I've been often told people like us shouldn't visit these places."

~"Because we will all end up having a grave of our own one day, with no name inscribed upon it and no tears to shed over it."~ Hibana added with a mournful sigh. ~"My father was a foolish old man...but he was right. Karma eventually gets you. It just took the bitch twenty long years to find me."~

She stood up, her knees wobbling slightly, then turned to face Azuma. ~"But I don't believe you are here to prattle about the past, Azuma-San. What is it?"~ She asked sternly.

Azuma returned, "We have a problem. One of our arms dealers hasn't been faithful lately. He's been selling weapons to a Somalian terrorist organization, making more money on the side but discrediting Requiem. He was recently arrested by Interpol and is being held at their main headquarters in Paris. Do you want me to send someone to take care of him, Natsume-Sama?"

Hibana, deep down she was angered by this foul news. How dare that Kraut bastard discredit Requiem, discredit her! Her blood boiled beneath her skin, teeth grit behind a face of unwavering emotion, but...she had an idea. Yes, a boy she remembered among the class. He was the only one who flinched during the execution, the only one who openly displayed some form of emotion. It was in that moment....Hibana singled him out.

With a visible smirk, she ordered, ~"Send Minato-san to kill him."~

"Minato-san?" Azuma gasped, his eyebrow cocked. "We were considering cancelling him after his brief display of weakness yesterday. Surely you mean to send one of our professionals, Natsume-Sama! The boy hasn't even undergone the proper training like the others!"

Natsume rebutted, ~"Then this will be the perfect time to prove his worth. Besides, Aya-chan is in Los Angeles doing some wet work for me, and the others I have plans for already. If Minato fails his mission, you will have express orders to eliminate him. If he succeeds, then we will induct him back into the program, but I will expect good results from his training."~

"And what of your plans for Aya-chan?"

Hibana sighed lighting a cigarette, ~"She doesn't even know yet..."~

@Nikki Moonlight

"Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking. We will be landing at Los Angeles International Airport in a few minutes. Please fasten your safety belts and prepare for landing. Thank you for flying Japan Airways and have a wonderful day."

As the plane began its descent onto the runway, a vanilla file sat in the lap of a man in a grey, crumpled suit and a matching fedora. The young Japanese beauty sitting beside him he was tasked with by Hibana to oversee her mission, the cold, brutal murder of a Mafia boss's wife and kids.

"Your targets are the family of Enrico Maracoli, his wife Eva, age 45, and their three children, Marina, age 9, Michael, age 13, and Dominic, age 4. Miss Natsume has instructed that all four of them are murdered in the most obscene manner possible but not to leave any evidence. I hope you're okay with killing a child, Miss Aya. Even in my days in the GRU, we never turned our guns on innocent children....but...it is what Miss Natsume wants. I just wonder how somebody could live with theirself after that."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Aya's lips twitched a little in amusement. "Believe me, if I had cared about that I wouldn't have taken on this mission. Natsume-sama has placed absolute faith in me. I will not fail her just because of a weakness like emotion at killing a child." She fastened her safety belt and looked at the man. "Besides, I cannot turn back now. Any assassin worth their salt doesn't go back on a contract."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flightless_Soul
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Flightless_Soul The Lusty Argonian

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Nikki Moonlight

The Russian man shrugged giving a look that basically said suit yourself. She talked tough no doubt, but could Aya really pull it off? After all, this mission would prove once and for all if Aya...was worthy.

Was his boss mad thinking this...child could undertake such a responsibility? Sure, the Shi family has been a part of Requiem for years, Aya's father being their top hitman, but Aya had much to learn. Natsume may have taken over Requiem in a day, but it took the brutal woman years of sacrifice, years of bloodshed to make it the most feared criminal syndicate in the underworld.

Could Aya do the same?

@King Tai@bloonewb@DriveEMOut@CriticalHit

While Aya was in LA, there were other important matters to attend to.

Hibana and Azuma made their way back to the school and to her office. The rain seemed to have grown heavier and heavier with every mile driven, and by the time her crimson luxury car pulled into the drive, it was a full blown downpour.

Thankfully Azuma was there with umbrella in hand, not seeming to mind the rain ruining his nice black suit.

After Hibana strolled into her office, she took her seat behind her desk and poured herself a small glass of vodka on the rocks. ~"Send word to the others to report to my office. It's time to brief them on their contracts."~ She ordered.

"Yes, Natsume-Sama." Azuma bowed curtly, taking out his phone and texting an all points bulletin to the boys.

All Class Noir students report to Natsume-Sama's office at once. Those who are not present will be executed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

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Dai appeared at the office door almost immediately, and stepped inside. "Hello, Hibana and Azuma." He sat down and waited for the rest to arrive. "Lovely day out, isn't it? A thoroughly enjoy a good bit of rain to greet me." Despite the strange sentence, his face was still emotionless.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Soon the plane landed and Aya unfastened her safety belt, getting off with the Russian man. She looked around, changing her expression to one of mild interest. Aya, despite not seeming like it, was a master of pretense. She might have no idea exactly why Natsume-sama had chosen her for this mission but he knew it was for something big. Aya got her luggage along with the Russian man and the pair made their way to the hotel she was to be staying at.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago


After getting the announcement, Ringo headed towards the office for briefing on whatever mission he's going to go on. Would he team with someone? Is this mission going to be near suicidal? he was going to find out as he walked into the office and noticed one of his class mates and looked back at the head mistress waiting for his orders.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flightless_Soul
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Flightless_Soul The Lusty Argonian

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Nikki Moonlight

The cover of a father taking his adopted Japanese daughter to visit her mother was sufficient enough to avoid any suspicion, but the five star accommodations generously provided by Boss Natsume, well...those were more or less the perks of being an assassin for Requiem. It wasn't all just swimming pools and gourmet food though. They were here on business and that business...was killing.

Don't get too comfortable, malyshka. We still have a job to do." The Russian sternly spoke tossing a navy blue travel bag on the bed, making an audible clatter. "This bag contains everything you will need. Your weapons, dossiers on your targets, and floor plans of the Maracoli Mansion, including guard routines and surveillance camera positions. Study them carefully and plan your assault tonight. Tomorrow, your mission will start. Don Maracoli will be attending business in his native Sicily. His children will return from school at 3:45 Pacific Standard Time. We suggest infiltrating the mansion at night. Guard detail tends to be fairly lax around the late hours, so it should be easy to slip in unnoticed. Once the job is done, we'll rendezvous at the cafe in the city and catch a helicopter out of the country."

He paused for a moment, his eyes scanning the girl up and down. "Are you sure you are capable of this, Miss Aya? I only ask because of the strong importance Boss Natsume has placed on this mission. She also wanted me to tell you that if you fail...she will personally come to US of A to kill you. If you ask me, I think she would definitely do it. Boss Natsume isn't one to blow smoke up asses, da?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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Aya looked back at the Russian man, her eyes back to that icy look. "Don't worry, she won't have to execute me. I will succeed. It was these kinds of missions my father has been preparing me for all my life." Her tone was confident. These kinds of missions were teh reason she had never made friends as a child. She couldn't develop emotion. And what emotion she did develop had to be suppressed. She took the files and began studying them carefully, her stone cold blue eyes raking the pages slowly and carefully, making sure not to miss a single detail.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Flightless_Soul
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Flightless_Soul The Lusty Argonian

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@King Tai@bloonewb@DriveEMOut@CriticalHit

Azuma rose an eyebrow at how informal the boy Dai had addressed him and Hibana. Though no outward display of emotion, the man could sense an arrogant attitude about him, a cockiness that could either aid him or be his downfall. He gave a stern glare to the boy while Hibana remained indifferent to it. She would deal with his arrogance in her own special way.

As soon as the others arrived, she cleared her throat and addressed them in her most professional demeanor, ~"Gentlemen. As you may know, Requiem's influence has expanded to nearly every corner of the globe. We control the drugs, weapons, and other illicit trades. Hundreds of criminal organizations, from Mafia Families to your...common street gangs, swear fealty to our banner, knowing well we can bring them prosperity or wrath. However...there are those who would spit in our faces and carry a sword when we carry an olive branch. I want you four to deal with these ingrates."~

At this, Azuma set upon the desk pictures of four individual men, each of whom were either former associates of Requiem or enemies. Either way, Hibana had them marked for death.

~"The first is Don Lucio Greone, a Mafia boss operating in Dallas, Texas. Greone's men killed ours and seized a marajuana shipment at the Dallas train yards. We were hoping to make a lucrative deal with a Mexican drug cartel, but thanks to this pompous asshole, our clients are not happy. One of you will eliminate Greone and retrieve the stolen drug shipment."~

Onto the next contract.

~"The next hit is Vasiliy Dalkovich. Dalkovich is one of our Ukrainian associates in the prostitution business. Our brothels and strip clubs are stocked with women willing to work for us, but as of recent, Dalkovich has been involved in a human trafficking ring. This ring has been supplying businesses under his jurisdiction with underage girls. The man knows I frown greatly upon pedophilia, and will have no such sullying my organization. I want him dead along with any of his associates in the human trafficking ring."~

The third.

~"Your third target is Marcus Galloway, Big Mark as he is called by his Chicago street gang, the East Coast Killas. The Killas have controlled the Wards District of Chicago since the 1980s, when Big Mark founded the gang. They run the drugs and illegal weapons distribution in the city, and they are a powerful ally of the Chicago Irish Mob, one of our business rivals on the East Coast. By killing Galloway, his gang will be crippled from the inside, eliminating them and weakening our competitors."

And the final...

~"The last contract we have chosen especially for Minato-san. Since he is a fresh face to our organization, we would like to put his skills to the test. Henrich von Schtauffenhauer is...or rather was...a respected arms dealer we had business with in the past, but as of recent, we have discovered he hasn't been a faithful spouse in our holy matrimony. Invoices from his recent shipments indicate he has been selling weapons on the side to some of our enemies, even to a Somalian terrorist group who was responsible for an attack on an American embassy. Thirty people were killed, placing the blame directly on Henrich. Interpol has him locked up for questioning at their headquarters in Paris. He will be moved to interrogation this Thursday, then extradited to his native Germany to face trial. Before that happens, I want him silenced. He will expose Requiem and discredit the organization if he testifies. It is better to cut out the sparrow's tongue before he sings. These are your contracts, gentlemen. Any questions?"~
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

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Dai gave a chilling grin. "Which one do I get to kill?" He laughed, a cold laugh. "This is going to be fun, either way. I hope you all enjoy your contracts as much as I will with mine." He thought of his old rifle. "And where can I get some new weapons?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bloonewb
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bloonewb Primordial and also soupy

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Huh. That's weird. Minato listened on, slightly dazed. Was he supposed to go to France and kill this guy? He shuffled around in his seat, trying not to imitate the guys from yesterday who had their heads forcibly removed. Just his luck, everyone else would have a good chuckle over the disfiguring hole in his head.

"Umm," he started. "What am I supposed to do about my homework? Could I have that sent to me by e-mail, or a Google Doc, or something?"
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

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Katsuro sat in silence, listening intently to Natsume's explanation. He sighed as Natsume mentioned those who would "spit in the face of Requiem", such hubris was insufferable. These men were clearly idiotic, they believed that they could oppose Requiem? It was idiotic to even defy Requiem, to openly oppose them was both arrogant and suicidal! Clearly these four men had a death wish, and as the weapons of Requiem it would fall to Class Noir to grant these wishes. As Natsume finished, Katsuro spoke up " I do not recall any mention about who shall receive each of the first three contracts, I presume that we will be allowed to choose our targets?" he asked in a cool monotone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago


After getting the debriefing of the unlucky ass-clowns who basically played grab-ass with death itself, Ringo smirked as one of his class mates who seemed to sound like a greenhorn, asked a question. Ringo was actually curious if he would actually pull off the job that was specifically made for him.

After the others asked about who they could choose, Ringo went on ahead and spoke up since one of them tickled his fancy. "I'm just gonna volunteer to take out Big Mark...for some reason....I just have the urge to get down and dirty street style." he said which, really the reason of wanting to go was because of his infatuation with gangsta rap and the whole American gang life. He wanted an up close and personal experience before taking the main man's head off. His curiosity could get him killed but why not have a little fun on the road to assassination. "Hope you two don't mind....but I'm claiming the East Coast Killas' boss." he said with a smirk.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flightless_Soul
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Flightless_Soul The Lusty Argonian

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hibana smirked sipping of her vodka. Her little soldiers, her angels of death, all so eager to spill blood for her, for Requiem. As one by one they asked their questions, she answered them.


~"The training grounds below the school in the Cistern has a fully stocked armory thanks to our arms suppliers. You'll find a veritable bouquet of death and discord at your fingertips, Dai-san, every weapon ranging from basic nine milimeters to fifty caliber anti-material rifles. Azuma-San will escorts you to the Cistern to gear up before your mission. "~


~"Precisely, Katsuro-san."~ She answered with a curt nod. ~"I am giving each of you free reign over the contracts you choose today, bar the one we chose for Minato-san. Kill them however you wish, but leave no evidence behind, nor witnesses."~

@King Tai

~"So I would assume."~ Hibana mused swirling about the ice in her glass rather nonchalant. ~"Your fascination with African American gang culture is...borderline obsession...to say the least, Ringo-san. This could prove to be a double edge sword frankly. While your knowledge of the gang lifestyle is extensive and could possibly aid you in assimilating yourself into their ranks, I warn you not to get too comfortable in your undercover position. You are an assassin of Requiem and that is all."~ A stern glare she gave Ringo to emphasize that. It's not as though she assumed the boy would betray her, but she had to keep them in line and remind her attack dogs who held the leash.


Though her expression remained blank and stoic, Hibana...was dying of laughter on the inside when it had come to Minato's question. She took a sip of her drink and set it aside, trying her damndest not to let any of that laughter out. ~"Minato-san...such an...interesting question you pose. Your grades will be taken care of whether you have completed your school work or not. I am the Headmistress of Seiko Academy after all. What matters more to me than just trivial academic success is your success as a student of Class Noir. Your only curriculum here...is to bring death to our enemies. That being said, Minato-san, you will still have to endure the harsh training regiment all of our recruits have undergone after you kill Schtauffenhauer. Azuma-San will oversee your training and deliver daily reports to me. Impress me, Minato-san, and you will be promoted. Fail me...and you will be expelled, if you get my meaning."~

Once all were answered, she stood from her chair. ~"Now then, if there are no further questions, I must contact Aya-chan. Choose your contracts wisely. I expect all of these men to be dead by the end of the month. You're dismissed."~

As Azuma escorted them out of her office, Hibana whipped out her phone, calling Los Angeles.

@Nikki Moonlight

The Russian man was sitting at a desk in the hotel room, stripping and cleaning his Desert Eagle .44 Magnum while Aya was presumably studying the layout as instructed. The girl....she was a prodigy, scored higher than any of the boys in her class in every category, marksmanship, close quarters combat, stealth, she was primed to be the deadliest hitwoman in the world, perhaps...even deadlier than Hibana.

...it was clear why the boss chose her...

"Da. Is that you, Boss?" The man answered his phone upon it ringing. His ringtone the Tetris theme no doubt.

"Hmm? Da, she is here. I have her studying floor plan of mansion now. Da, she is ready. You wish to speak to her? Okay, I give her phone."

He handed over his cell to the girl.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dai looked at his classmates. "I'll take the mafia boss." He honestly wanted to try some American McDonald's, and the mafia boss didn't sound like a challenge. Just put a hole in his head and you're done.
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