Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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Member Seen 4 mos ago


Several bounty hunters join Darth Vader aboard the Star Destroyer Executor to discuss the terms of a particularly lucrative bounty...


- Post character sheets here
- Only post character sheets here -- all other posts go to the OOC[/list]

Suggested Roles

This is a listing of suggested roles, but it is not necessary to pick your character out from this list, this is just a helpful hint or to assist in the creative process. You can find a lot of information at Wookieepedia, and I highly recommend using this resource to find information and do some research. Please be aware when picking races off there that I reserve the right to downcheck anything I don't think will fit, but you can be reasonably sure that common races are acceptable -- Zabrak, Twi'lek, Duros, Wookiees, Sullustan, Mon Cal and other common races will pass the bar. I might inquire as to why you want to play a Hutt, but if you had some solid reasoning behind it, I'll consider it.

- Imperial Defector - an officer lured with the promise of wealth or because they genuinely have come to believe in the Rebel cause, this person has considerable insider knowledge of whatever part of the Empire he/she works for. This person may not be entirely trusted by the agents of the Sultana but they will be used for all they are worth.
- Slicers - Information is king, and the slicer is the king of information warfare, breaking into systems, acquiring intelligence, compromising enemy encryption and otherwise making wreaking havoc on automated systems.
- Smugglers - While the smuggler may not be as intimidating as a bounty hunter, the reality of these operations is that people have to get in and out of secure areas, and nothing can sneak a ship in like a smuggler. They are the best shuttle/light freighter pilots out there, and most of them have nerves of steel to be in this trade to begin with. For as much money as the Sultana is offering, more than a few of the crazier and cockier members of the breed may well get involved.
- Escaped Slave - Wookiee, Twi'lek or someone else, perhaps a laborer in Tengaru's new order, where Vivon Industries is trying to find a cheaper labor force. The character may have been rescued. This is up to you.
- Rebel Intelligence Officers - Alliance Intelligence was handed a fait accompli; the Tengaru operation was supposed to be in their hands, but they found themselves totally outmanuevered by Akende and her advisor, Shal Brey'ey, who is an intelligence legend. While they acknowledge the capabilities of the Sultana's operation, they feel it's going too fast and has way too many loose ends. On the other hand, some in Alliance intelligence favor the approach as unconventional but highly dangerous. An intelligence officer may be in the field, working with the hired-hand operatives or using the bounty hunters disintegrating stormtroopers as covers for a more subtle operation, such as recruiting native agents or acquiring equipment and funds to help further advance this war effort.
- Failed/Former Jedi - This character (there is only one) was perhaps trying to keep his/her head low as they have since Order 66, and the years have not been kind. But Tengaru blew up and now there's a real shooting war on and the Jedi may have to make choices...or perhaps choices will be made for them. After all, there is an Imperial Inquisitor sniffing around -- is the Inquisitor there for them? It's preferable that this character perhaps lost faith and stopped using the Force. Perhaps they switched off the lightsaber for good, and who could blame them? The Dark Times, the period between the fall of the Republic and the foundation of the Rebel Alliance, was a hard time for all Jedi, and it was easier to just disappear and never have been. But now, it's different. People are fighting.
- Other ideas entertained as submitted, including droids. Various races, including nonhumans, are preferred. [/list]

[b]Character Sheet

(This isn't meant insultingly, but please, no wall of text. Put spaces between paragraphs, try to format your character sheet for some sort of readability. I consider knowing how to space paragraphs part and parcel with Advanced RP. ;) Most of you won't have this issue.)

Planet of Origin/Birth:
Force Sensitive Y/N: (No Force training unless one is the failed/former Jedi. Also, I am holding Force-Sensitives to a much higher standard of scrutiny; I am limiting sensitives to three plus a GM character and one up for grabs ex/failed-Jedi/Padawan character.)



- Please list with most potent skills first.


- List here, item by item.



Relationships and Acquaintances: Perhaps some of the characters know one another, list those acquaintances here. Talk to each other in the OOC about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Kerrick "Clang" Shan
Species: Human
Age: 22
Planet of Origin/Birth: H'ratth
Force Sensitive Y/N: Yes


5’9 and trim, with dark hair, though dyed purple, that tends to be thick and unruly if not combed back; he doesn’t bother and leaves it at medium length. His eyes are dark and his facial features are relatively nondescript, though his nose is narrow and somewhat pointed and his forehead is rather high; pleasing as humans go, but not particularly striking at first glance. Shan’s attire for some time has been the orange and white of a Rebel Alliance flightsuit or the khaki of a Rebel Alliance uniform, but out of uniform, he prefers a pair of dark cargo pants, some spacer boots and a fairly loose coat.

• Force Precognition - it comes in torrents, rather than whispers.
• Other Force abilities come to the fore at times -- Shan brims with it.
• Piloting; Starfighters
• Piloting; Swoop Bikes
• Maintenance/Tech knowledge
• Decent with a blaster.
• Strong language skills, including an understanding of binary (which astromech droids speak).

• Alliance issue flight suit and flight helmet. Regular clothes -- he prefers a sleeveless shirt, vest, cargo pants and spacer boots, along with a tech belt to hold his tools.
• Blastech holdout blaster.
• Various tech tools, such as laser welders and spanners.
• A working PDA.
• R2Y5, his astromech counterpart in the X-Wing, who has a strong bond with the pilot. Shan has replaced a number of internal components in the droid and upgraded the processing hardware.

Born on H’ratth, a mostly desert and forest planet, he lived a rather unremarkable existence as the member of a family that ran a local salvage yard for speeders of various types, which allowed him plenty of time to tinker with machinery, particularly high speed machinery like swoop bikes. His parents were involved in anti-Empire activity with a local resistance cell, one of many that existed in a myriad of systems prior to the establishment of the Rebel Alliance, and were killed while conducting an operation to try and get a Jedi to safety.

The authorities on H’ratth sensed an opportunity and used these crimes and the threat of accusing Kerrick’s grandmother, to buy out the salvage yard business at a cheap rate, leaving Kerrick and his grandmother, Nomi, impoverished. During this time, he found himself hooking up with one of the local swoop gangs, the Nexu Riders, who were loosely involved in operations for one of the local crime lords, largely in theft and the fencing of stolen goods.

However, the Nexu Riders quickly got ahead of themselves, and Kerrick quickly decided to skip the system rather than have things go sour for his grandmother. Through a series of mishaps, he found himself on the planet of Sluis Van, one of the bigger shipyard planets in the entire galaxy , working first as a construction welder in zero-G and then as a rescue shuttle pilot, extracting wounded construction types from mishaps in the Yards. During this time, he managed to find himself hooking up with a group of people his age that were part of a nascent cell of Rebels working in the shipyards. When this small group of resistance members got into trouble, it was Shan who used his knowledge of the shipyards to acquire and escape with a hyperdrive capable shuttle, dodging patrols in a harrowing escape through an asteroid field where everyone was sure they were going to die, and yet miraculously, Kerrick managed to pull them through even though their pursuit were hitting the rocks and pulling back.

When they finally did hook up with the Alliance, Kerrick joined along with his comrades, but they lost touch when Kerrick was taken in for starfighter pilot training.

The Alliance’s intelligence people got him to come clean about the Nexu Riders and his record as a rescue shuttle pilot recommended him to officer flight training with the Alliance where he excelled, though not without the occasional mishap, such as when he landed a little too hard on a flight exercise and earned the callsign, “Clang.”

However, he was more than good enough for the Alliance and was assigned to Intruder Squadron, a unit operating in the Outer Rim near Hutt Space, interdicting Imperial supplies and assisting Sector Forces as much as it could. In a short time with the Intruders, Kerrick Shan obtained a reputation as the best pilot in the squadron, but spooky – contrary to X-wing doctrine, he operated with almost no shields to boost engine power and seemed to fly by an uncanny instinct – his squadron commander cracked down on people imitating the practice, but allowed Shan to do it. If asked why, she’d say, “Because Shan operates on a higher frequency than you do, stoopa.”

Intruder Squadron was assigned to the Tengaru operation as part of the sector's overall forces and Shan went with it.

Psychological Profile:
Kerrick isn't sure why he does some things a certain way, he just explains that they 'feel right.' The thing is, his feelings seem to be highly accurate. He is perfectly willing to swagger, crack wise and employ sarcasm as his mode of defense against the personalities of other people, though within his squadron, he is accorded considerable respect for his abilities -- even if his commander cracks down on the other pilots lest they get ideas that they can get away with the sort of things Shan does.

Relationships and Acquaintances:
Kerrick doesn't know it, but the Empire wants him, badly. They want to ask him a few questions about old family history (that he isn't aware of) and there is an Imperial Inquisitor trying to track him down -- some evidence leads to Tengaru, which of course means that the Inquisitor, for some reason, also gets wind of the former Jedi character as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Dral Kelborn
Species: Human
Age: 23
Profession: Bounty Hunter/Mercenary
Planet of Origin/Birth: Nar Shaddaa (born)/Manda'yaim (raised)
Force Sensitive: No

A leanly-muscled, fit man with fairly wide shoulders that taper down into a slender waist. He has somewhat swarthy skin, but blue eyes. His hair is dark, but he shaves his head and leaves only a goattee on his chin, tapered to a point beneath his lower lip. It gives him a fairly aggressive appearance, keeping with what one might expect out of Mandalorians.

- Surprisingly, artistic. His armor reflects that in a lot of ways, as he adds a lot of painted scrollwork to the edges.
- Proficient with a variety of personal weapons, from blasters to hand to hand equipment.
- Equipment maintenance
- Knowledge of explosives
- Jetpack operation; because Mando boys love it.
- Experienced Bounty Hunter

- Armor, tan, (colors -can- have significant symbolism in Mandalorian culture) with sensor suite, target assistance communications descrambler and enhanced environmental sealing and other typical HUD systems. Mounted weapons: Wrist-mounted vibroblade. Also includes a datapad and holo-unit on the opposite wrist.
- Blastech A280 with extensive modifications.
- DRPV-78 rocket pack, networked to his armor.
- LL-30 blaster pistol w/ quick release holster
- Black Market-manufactured Disruptor Pistol - highly illegal, devastating at close range
- Golan Arms M-1 Grenade Launcher - break-action, single shot, very simple technology
- Durasteel chain
- Cortiosis-weave fighting knife with a silk-rope grip
- Duraplast boot-dagger
- Utility/survival belt w/ bells and whistles multi-tool
- Field medical kit with painkillers, bandages, a tourniquet kit, surgical scissors and pliers and other sterile tools as needed -- the typical infantry emergency supply for battlefield casualty first aid.
- Mesh Tape
- Binder Cuffs
- Asai Emerald stud earrings, momento of his mother (Mandalorians tend to wear token belongings of beloved dead relatives as a ritual rememberance)

Dral is a fair example of a Mandalorian; he is cynical about the Empire, skeptical of the Rebel Alliance and thinks that family is the only thing that tends to matter. He's fairly closemouthed about his family, but that's a no-brainer; the Alliance is infiltrated with Imperial Intelligence agents, despite all the counterintelligence. Ever since Mandalore put out the word to resist the Empire, he's been committed to the fight -- they're on Manda'yaim, trying to put his people down. He might think of the Alliance as a bunch of fainthearted fools, but he knows that the Empire is trying to grind his people to dust.

Born of a Mandalorian father and the odd black sheep Rendiliian mother that decided to leave the paradise and become a bounty hunter (and join the Mando'ade herself - there's a strong adoption culture among Mandalorians) his parents were killed in a speeder accident on Nar Shaadaa when Kelborn was only six years old. He grew up as the adopted son of another pair of Mandalorians, a couple that couldn't have children. In Mando culture, adoption was common, often to the point of couples adopting orphans from other worlds who were not part of Mando culture.

As a result, he grew up in the traditional manner of Mandalorians, learning the family business of bounty hunting and skill at weapons on Manda'yaim, aka Mandalore. His aliit, or clan, was extremely diverse and multitalented, which led him to learn from a lot of highly experienced people in a variety of things. However, a strange sort of talent developed with him in playing in his aunt's garage scrapyard where he began to sculpt and paint and experiment with visual representations of different materials. Eventually, other Mando'ade started to look him up for a little embellishment on the armor or a vehicle, or for more pedestrian sorts of artwork.

For a good number of years, his mother's wealthy Rendiliian family, wondering what became of the black sheep daughter, sent out hired people to track her down. However, his clan were very good at erasing traces of their existence (some of the members were wanted by the Empire) and it took considerable luck to find a trail. At the age of 17, he was contacted by one of these agents and agreed to return to Rendili to give the bad news to his aged biological grandmother.

Kelborn's arrival into Tengaru isn't surprising; he has worked as a bounty hunter out of Nar Shaddaa and the sort of pay the Sultana is offering has drawn a number of money-hungry or thrill seeking mercenary types into the fray. Kelborn, by all appearances, is just one more of that ilk.


Neyla Dallin - A logistics officer originally from Rendili that is assigned to Mission Group KOWAKIAN. They maintain an encrypted commlink contact with each other.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Name: BB-4001A
Aliases:: BB, Scorpius (on-line slicer persona), Colyn Pendago
Species: LeisureMech BB series Human Replica Droid (HRD), masculine persona
Age: 15 years
Planet of Origin/Birth: Corporate Sector (constructed), Alderaan (first activated)
Force Sensitive Y/N: No.

A pre-teenaged human male who stands precisely 4'7" and possesses the sturdy build of a physically active child, with a body weight of 90 pounds. Its current synthskin covering is a dark flesh tone, beneath which is an artificial padding designed to mimic muscle or fat on an actual human body. His actual skeleton and interior plating is a lightweight metal alloy that is somewhat blue in color. Lubrication fluid between the skin and padding layers gives the appearance of bleeding whenever the synthskin layer is compromised, but a close inspection would reveal that the viscous liquid is more of a burgundy or red-plum color than the deep red associated with human blood. The synthetic fibers of his hair are mahogany brown and coarse in texture, typically flared out from his head in a style known as an 'afro'. His eyes are made from cloned organic matter intended for use in human organ replacement surgery, cybernetically augmented so to be able to connect and interface with his droid brain. The irises are brown in color.

* Slicer: Cryptographic data handling, encryption/decryption, memory recovery, and data manipulation.
* Maintenance/Tech Knowledge: Computer architecture, droid repair, general mechanical knowledge.
* Piloting: Corellian Engineering Corporation light craft.
* Droid Brain: Fluent in 3 million forms of communication, high reaction time, total recall.
* Droid Body: Sturdier and stronger than a human.

* Remote slicer (internal anatomy, includes commlink functionality)
*] Custom slicer chips, datacards, and various tech tools.
* Modified Versafunction88 datapad.
* Ion pistol.
* DC-15S blaster carbine.
* Salvaged G2-M9 maintenance droid ("Gee").
* The Wyvern (CEC YV-666 light freighter).

It is important to distinguish "BB" from "Colyn" when considering BB-4001A's personality. Colyn was a child android HRD designed to be nothing more, and nothing less, than a beloved addition to the Pendago family. As such, BB-4001A's personality was neigh indistinguishable from that of a child in a stable family environment; that is, happy, outgoing, and well-adjusted. With only fragmentary memories of his life as "Colyn", the droid that BB-4001A is now is none of those things. "BB" is cold, jaded, and disillusioned toward galactic society. He views the Galactic Empire as an autocratic dictatorship and sees the Alliance to Restore the Republic as an effort to install another elitist power structure which would liberate some and persecute others. He doesn't take a lot of contracts as "Scorpius," typically only applying himself to jobs which either interest him or are otherwise necessary to pay a debt.

Having been built as a custom order, it is first necessary to understand why someone would ask to construct a child android. Folken and Liadrin Pendago were a wealthy and affluent couple on Alderaan, with Folken having come from a fairly well-to-do merchant family and Liadrin being an heiress to a fortune amassed by her family's work in founding a medical corporation. The couple were looking forward to conceiving their first child when a sky swoop accident in 19 BBY left Liadrin paralyzed and unable to bear children. Retreating away from society in depression, Liadrin became a recluse and Folken felt as though his marriage may be irreparably damaged by the series of unfortunate events. Not surrendering his appeals to maintain Liadrin's spirits, Folken commissioned LeisureMech Enterprises to build a custom order class 3 android based on their BB-4000 series human replica droid. His specification was for a child android that could serve as a companion to his estranged wife.

Construction of the custom model, which was designated as BB-4001A, began in 17 BBY at the LeisureMech foundries in the Corporate Sector, with the finished HRD being brought on-line for the first time in the Pendago family home on Alderaan to the belief that it's name was Colyn Pendago. Colyn made an awkward entrance into the lives of the stuggling Pendago family, but came to be viewed as a valued and beloved family member. He stayed by Liadrin Pendago's side without complaint, saw to her every need, and provided her with an emotional support that filled a gap in the Pendago household. Sadly, that changed just 5 years later, in 12 BBY. The Pendago's were returning from a vacation on Coruscant when their starcruiser ran afoul of an Imperial blockade that was then engaged in a fight with a Rebel blockade runner. The Pendago's ship became entangled in the crossfire between the two and Colyn found himself thrown out into the vacuum of space shortly before the Pendago's ship was destroyed.

And so he drifted. Days, weeks, perhaps longer, his droid systems on the verge of failure, when he was salvaged by a Tynnan junker who was startled at the discovery of such a human-like droid. Fitted with a restraining bolt and his memory wiped, BB-4001A eventually made his way out to Nar Shadda, where he was sold to the Hutts as a curiosity for his child-like appearance. He was lost in a bet shortly after, at which time he became the property of a Kushiban bounty hunter named Max, who saw potential in the HRD and had him modified into a slicer droid. For the next seven years, BB-4001A worked as a slave for Max, slicing networks across the rim in pursuit of bounties. Max had grown arrogant however, and on job had crossed one of the Hutts in a deal. That private little war came back to haunt the Kushiban, and BB-4001A was able to escape when mercenaries arrived to collect Max's head.

It wasn't until that first bit of freedom that BB-4001A even realized it had a life that it knew nothing about, as the removal of his own restraining bolt triggered a fragmentary recall of what seemed like the memories of a different BB-4001A entirely. Slicing his own memory, BB has been able to partially reconstruct some of the data from his life as Colyn Pendago, but no more than one might recall of a dream. Going into work for himself in the slums of Nar Shadda, BB began work completing droid repair, at which time he was able to salvage an abused G2 repair droid as an assistant. Life on Nar Shadda is hard and BB eventually learned to be hard as well, acquiring and repairing a broken DC-15S carbine for what was often dubbed a 'Nar Shadda home security program.' Eventually, his past work with Max and possession by the Hutts came back to haunt him as well. Pressed into work as a slicer, BB began to build a name for himself on the Holo-Nets as "Scorpius." While the work was far riskier than droid maintenance, it also paid more lucratively. BB purchased a Corellian light freighter, which he dubbed the Wyvern, and left Nar Shadda.

With only droids aboard the Wyvern, the ship is considered something of a ghost. There is no autochef on board the ship and life support is kept at a functional minimum, so not to waste power where human comfort is not a factor. When not employed under contract, BB avoids inhabited systems, arriving intermittently at way stations only to refuel and depart, never in any one place for more time than it takes to link into the Nets and download or transmit data. Typically, Scorpius can be found on the Holo-Nets discussing the controversial Droid Equality Movement.

Recently, the Wyvern arrived in the Tengaru System, having offered a bid on some counter-intelligence work that offered what seemed an interesting glimpse into the battle between the Empire and the Rebellion. After all, while he cannot remember what happened on that starcruiser years ago, he cannot forget either.

Relationships and Acquaintances:
BB, as Scorpius, has previously done work for Daiya T'aemin, being the one who sliced into the home security networks of the individual known as Phelan.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Daiya T'aemin
Species: Human
Age: 14
Planet of Origin/Birth: Coruscant
Force Sensitive Y/N: Yes

Passing Daiya on the street, one would think she looked like a typical Human teenager. Her blonde hair normally falls past her shoulders where she often lets it fly loose. Her fair skin has a warm complexion, rosy against the golden color of her hair, and it freckles in the sunlight, leaving a swath of dots across her nose and upper cheeks. Her azure eyes are bright and intelligent, they see more than most assume. As a teenager, Daiya's dress can range from fashionable to utilitarian, but generally she assumes a practical attire of pants, a shirt and jacket of some sort. At times a messenger bag can be seen slung over her shoulder for extra carrying capacity.

*Force: Precognition
*Combat: Blaster Pistols
*Force: Force Sense
*Force: Telekinesis
*Art: Meager Drawing Skills

*CI Comlink
*434 Blaster Pistol
*ELG-3A "Diplomat's" Blaster Pistol

Daiya is a straightforward and reasonable girl. She's been described as someone who is easy to talk with, and intelligent for her age.

As many teenagers, she is at the age where independence is a priority, and Daiya tries to prove her independence, and test its limits against adults. Sarcasm and individuality are a part of this trait, and clearly the best example is the pink and blue highlights in her hair.

She is not overly deceptive or entirely honest, perceiving honesty as a valuable quality that she shares only with those she trusts the most. Otherwise, if she must lie to stay alive, get what she needs, or otherwise protect herself or others, she will.

Daiya interacts well with adults, often forming stronger friendships with adults than with peers her own age, as those relationships are generally more stable. Her interactions with adults seems to come naturally to her, or perhaps from experience of dependence on non-parental adult figures in her life for survival.

From years of supporting herself and doing what she needs to survive, Daiya has learned notions about survival in the streets, so to speak. She is able to adapt easily to her environment, and she tries to learn as fast as she can about the natural of her surroundings and how to cope.

Daiya has a natural Force ability of precognition, untrained but for her own efforts in honing and fine-tuning her skill. This ability has aided in her survival and adaptation, but it often delivers visions of unimportant things, and obscure references. Nor do all the visions come true.

Daiya has the tendency to jump into action, to act rashly. Some would say this comes with her age and immaturity, and dismiss it as mere young age. This has gotten Daiya into many troublesome situations, and even out of some stickier ones.

Daiya is terrified of someone discovering that she has powers beyond the norm. The reactions of her mother and Eiko have fueled these fears, as have, in a reduced capacity, the displeasure of Tawrrowaldr at his discovery of her powers.

Daiya wants to learn why she has seemingly supernatural powers, and what she can do with them. This purpose has driven her ever since she left her home.

Using a holojournal to capture drawings, Daiya often records persistent or seemingly important visions. However, Daiya is not the best artist, and she'll be the first to admit it, so often her drawings only make sense to her.

Daiya was born and grew up on Coruscant, once the glittering gem of the Republic, no less the Galaxy. Yet for one to expect that her life was lavish and provided for beyond any means would be sorely disappointed. For most of her life, Daiya never even saw the beautiful sunsets that Coruscant was known to have, or see that the sky was actually blue when not littered with vessels. In fact, the word sky was a sorely undefined part of her vocabulary until later years.

Daiya's grew up in the Middle City of Coruscant, a world of apartments, skywalks, and levels of buildings of which she saw neither the very top or very bottom. No older siblings tormented Daiya, but she was joined by two younger siblings within a few years of her birth.

Her early years were highlighted by an ease in schoolwork, which came to an abrupt halt during her eighth year. A succession of financial problems due to job loss forced the family to move, priorities to shift, and Daiya to begin experiencing a series of strange dreams. Her teachers grew concerned for her behavior, which was exhibited by answering a question before it was completed, or surprising a classmate with a tissue before they were about to sneeze. When she was confronted about it, however, Daiya simply evaded their questions and provided unhelpful answers.

Inwardly, however, she was just as confused as her parents and teachers were. These dreams unsettled Daiya, they seemed to provoke her to action. The littlest things like a person sneezing or an unanswered question started to grind down, compelling her to act on them. Until she did, those dreams would persist. It seemed stupid, but once Daiya tried to resolve the problems presented in the dreams, they went away. That was all she cared about anyway, making the dreams go away.

Frustrated with the endless stream of odd jobs and family stress, Daiya's father decided to head offworld in search of a better job. He promised to send money once he started making some, but the months passed, the letters stopped coming and no money appeared. To make ends meet, Daiya began a deliver job with a small, local businessman named Eiko. Daiya eventually learned that Eiko was a small crime boss, a source of the criminal underworld run beneath the polished noses of Coruscant's elite. Yet even as her mother learned of this, Maris told Daiya to keep working for Eiko, as the family could not afford to lose her source of income.

Daiya's dreams began to shift from more trivial predictions to more serious. The streets were dangerous, and firefights were common, especially among those who patrolled unarmed. Though her dreams seemed to come less frequently, they began to be more helpful, guiding her down a rarely-used path instead of her normal one to avoid a major confrontation one day, or reminding her of a group of children and how fun it was to play that allowed her to avoid suspicions by a neighboring gang. Eiko never liked that his messages arrived late, but he appreciated how easily Daiya seemed to remain unscathed. Over time, Eiko began to trust Daiya with more important deliveries.

There were times when normal methods for evasion simply didn't work. It was at those times when Daiya was grateful that Eiko soon learned to trust Daiya with a blaster. For a while, she was able to avoid fights, but it was inevitable that she would someday be faced with blaster fire. Not long after her tenth birthday, an unavoidable slip-up caused Daiya to come under fire. After that encounter, Daiya was far more on edge. The territory was thick with rival gangs and crime rings, yet Daiya survived by the gift of her dreams and her progressing skill with a blaster. It was just then that fate decided to tip the tables on her. Her dreams, which came during sleep, began to present themselves during the day, first in idle moments or daydreams, yet over the course of several months, they shifted from dreams to full blown visions which assaulted her any time they pleased.

Both her mother and Eiko started to notice this change. Daiya's mother began to ask many concerning questions, if Daiya was feeling alright and even took her to a doctor, who could say nothing more than that Daiya was a fit, if a bit underfed eleven year old girl. Eiko, however, was not pleased that his favorite messenger was caught in broad daylight, for lack of a better term, defenseless for several seconds while she grappled with whatever vision she was receiving. Or worse, that she would do so in his presence and waste his time with what he perceived as growing headaches. When Eiko could finally tolerate it no longer, he did something he had never done before. He pointed his own weapon at Daiya and demanded that she divulge what was happening to her. And so Daiya told him, as she told her mother later that night. Her reaction did not quite top Eiko's, but it was close to the full blown stammering and rage that Eiko exhibited. He could not understand why Daiya had kept this from him, and sought, subtly, to use this to his advantage. Daiya misunderstood Eiko, and misunderstood her mother's concern, fearing that both would try to harm her for knowing this information. Packing what she needed, Daiya left her only family and Eiko that night, to flee and fight for survival on her own.

Daiya's flight was not far in galactic terms, not even stepping off of Coruscant. She soon established herself as an independent courier, adopting a similar role as she had with Eiko. Her youth granted her the ability to hide in plain daylight, which was ideal for clients who needed to keep a low profile. In a few months, Daiya was eating well. But using children as messengers was an idea that a few other organizations used, and none of them appreciated a child becoming an entrepreneur for herself.

One such organization, headed by a man called Phelaan, was ruffled enough by her entrance into their market, that they hired someone to get rid of her. Daiya began to hear from her contacts that she was not safe. A few more eyes followed her into cantinas and on a given day, she could spot a few more people looking out of place on her route home. Having friends was useful, and sometimes downright helpful for escaping death. When one whispered into her ear, instead of the name of someone looking for a messenger, the suggestion to run, Daiya didn't hesitate.

Escaping back to her small but cozy apartment, her first task was not to pack for another planet. Instead, Daiya surfed the HoloNets, passing the endless postings for jobs and combing through the myriad of information, entertainment and miscellaneous filth polluting the Nets, looking for someone who could help her. After a few days of lying low on the Nets, Daiya wired a hefty sum into the account of an entity known only as Scorpius. It didn't take long to receive a reply back, the name of the person who wanted her dead.

Phelaan was a successful crime boss, and well-feared, but he boasted proudly about never taking work home; he was a family man. Daiya's information led her to his family's home, a well-secured mansion with a luxurious view of the planet's sun. It was easy to find accomplices from the lower levels who were willing to help Daiya watch the home and track the patterns of its inhabitants. Phelaan employed no living security, only droids and computers served to watch the home of his family, including a very young wife and a toddler son. Harboring no ill will against his family, Daiya waited until Phelaan would be home alone. She spent the last of her credits to pay the Scorpius hacker to reconfigure Phelaan's security systems to recognize her as a houseguest.

When Phelaan arrived home that night, he was ushered into his sitting room to meet with a guest. Little did he expect it would be Daiya waiting for him, a blaster sitting open on her knee. In the aftermath, Daiya fled straight to a cargo transit station in the Middle City and snuck onboard an ore freighter bound offworld.

From there, she hopped from planet to planet as a gunslinger mercenary, hiring out her services to whomever needed it. Eventually she heard of a crisis on Tengaru and caught a transport to the area to see if she could find worthy employment.

Relationships and Acquaintances:
Scorpius: Daiya has utilized the services of a hacker named Scorpius on occasion, but she is oblivious to his real name and identity.
Galactic Empire: Officially, there is an arrest warrant out on Daiya for the murder of Phelaan. Unofficially, as a minor and as the killer of a crime boss, an Imperial judge would more than likely give her a simple slap on the wrist for the crime.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by K-97


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Kenor Nalon
Species: Human Replica Droid (Assassin Droid)
Age: 4 months (He believes he is 25)
Planet of Origin/Birth: Coruscant
Force Sensitive Y/N: N
Appearance: Standing at an imposing 6’0’’, he’s a muscular male who tends to keep his black hair neatly combed with machine-like precision. Many Imperials remember the intense stare of Nalon’s sharp brown eyes as he lightly stroked his shiny goatee but perhaps the detail one remembers most about him is the crisp grey Imperial Officer’s uniform and mirror polished dress shoes. Things he still wears despite his situation in order to remind him of his past. The one notable difference however between his uniform and a normal Imperial Officer’s uniform is the fact he ripped off his Rank badge in order symbolise his defection.

[*]- Enhanced Physical Capabilities (Think Captain America not Superman)
[*]- Combat Training (Blaster Rifles, Martial Arts, Pistols and Vibroweapons)
[*]- Star Destroyer Officer Training (i.e. Knowledge concerning Larger Starships and Warships)
[*]- Imperial Officer Training (i.e. Interrogation, Leadership and Tactical Skills)
[*]- Able to understand Binary and speak High Galactic (i.e. The language of the Upper Class)

[*]- Imperial Officer’s Uniform and Casual Clothing
[*]- Vibro-Shiv
[*]- Imperial Repeating Pistol
[*]- Pocket Secetary
[*]- Commlink

Psychological Proflie: While it very easy to replicate the physicality of a human being, it is much harder to replicate the mind of a human being.
He possesses a certain inhuman coolness about him, relying far more on rationale than the average person. As such at times he is willing to do things for the greater good that most see as morally reprehensible. He is also careful with his words only giving his thoughts and opinions if asked considering it careless to give out too much information about one’s mind.

However one of his more human traits is his ambition and competitiveness, he loves to go down the harder path and be challenged by his tasks in order to prove himself to be superior. This ‘superiority’ complex along with his background as an Imperial Officer gave him a sense of arrogance often through sarcasm which along with his coolness made it hard to tolerate his company for too long.

Nevertheless if you can win his respect or shoot down his inflated ego, Kenor can be a loyal and devoted companion who is willing to go very far for you.

History: Kenor has two sets of memories, one from his short life as a Human Replica Droid and the other one from his template’s longer life. He can only access his template’s memories (and even they have been altered) as his droid memories have been suppressed (how will be explained later) so this history will be in two parts.

Template Memories: Born on Coruscant, his parents were lawyers within the Republic Supreme Court. As such he was raised amongst the upper class living a life of luxury and once the Republic fell; his parents and fellow upper-class men quickly swore allegiance to the Empire due to a Humancentric view they had agreed with for a long time.

Once his family had been established within the upper classes of the Imperial Centre, Kenor soon became a proponent of Imperial views and their Human High Culture and as many of his male classmates had done he joined the Imperial Military.

Through family ties, Kenor quickly graduated with ease and lesiure from the Imperial Cadet Training School and soon found himself stationed on a Star Destroyer, a fate typically reserved for those of upper class. The environment differed greatly compared to the Training Schools and a Star Destroyer was a place of constant competition and mental strategy with the fastest promotion rates but the worst service record and survival rates. Kenor knew that his family ties no longer mattered and he would have to adapt and survive, or be disgraced and even be killed.

It was a painful journey which hardened him and due to the nature of a Star Destroyer at times he was severely punished for his careless mistakes, for things out of his control and for the trickery of his fellow officers trying to get ahead of him, however after many years of trail and tribulation he found himself in command of a Ship.

However this wasn’t to be a prosperous career.

For a while, he simply had to patrol Imperial sectors which kept his Star Destroyer relatively safe but he felt unchallenged by his circumstances and requested a challenging task from Imperial High Command. They soon obliged and he was sent into a true battle but what Imperial High Command neglected to mention is that this would be a suicide mission.

Imperial High Command suspected a small fleet of ships travelling through the Outer Rim to contain high value individuals but doubted this fleet would be so undefended. So they decided to send in one Star Destroyer simply to see what would happen.

(At this point his memories get a bit hazy but here is what he believes happened)

Eager to prove himself, Kenor obeyed Imperial High Command who told him to expect back-up to help him capture these individuals. But when he arrived, he was alone and the fleet was far bigger and better well-equipped than Imperial High Command had suggested. Despite his best efforts to escape, it was a massacre and he barely had time to reach an escape pod before the Ship was breached and destroyed.

Now stranded in the Shocked by the blatant inhumanity of the Imperial High Command, he realised that all along they saw the Imperial Military as nothing more than puppets. Deciding he wanted to be treated with some respect, he defected hoping that for all intents and purposes the Imperials believed he was KIA and soon found himself on Nar Shardaa. He doesn’t remember much about Nar Shadaa but at some point he heard about the Sultana of Tengaru and decided to put his knowledge to use and earn himself some credits.

Droid Memories: He was created not long after Kenor’s death as Imperial ships were soon sent out to the wreckage of Kenor’s ship and recovered his body taking it to the Imperial Center. With the help of a Force-Sensitive skilled in Psychometry, they replicated the memories of Kenor Nalon within his droid clone so that it would be just like he was, and along with augmentations, better.

Upon activation, they told the Droid that he was not actually Kenor Nalon and his template had been KIA. They then told him that him that his mission was to find and kill the Sultana of Tengaru as they believed that an assassination attempt on her life had failed and that based on rumours amongst the Outer Rim she had begun to conspire to destroy the Empire’s hold over Tengaru.

After being deposited in Nar Shardaa and given a backstory involving faking his death, Kenor began to snoop around for rumours amongst the bars and eventually found a way into Sultana’s Army. At first, his back story and design meant they believed him and after giving them certain pieces of non-essential information concerning the Empire they considered him loyal. However the Empire didn’t account for the few Force-Sensitives amongst her army who could sense something wrong with him so before he could even plan on how to kill the Sultana he was covertly captured and they discovered he was a droid.

The Sultana decided that a droid this advanced, self-aware and with the skills of a Imperial Officer shouldn’t simply be destroyed, instead they decided to reprogram him. They couldn’t risk deleting memories as it would compromise the droid’s mind potentially driving him mad as well as the fact it would destroy the very talents that made him useful. So instead they repressed his memories from his time as a Droid and made him believe that his back story was what actually occurred meaning that he believes he was alive.

Once this was done they deposited him back amongst Sultana’s army explaining to the Force -Sensitives that it was an addiction to Death sticks which had caused this peculiarity. The Sultana knew it was of utmost importance that as few as possible knew he was indeed a droid in order to make maximum use of his appearance and so ensuring she kept a careful eye on his activities should something go wrong; she let him go about his duties assisting the cause.

Relationships and Acquaintances: TBC

N.B: Both the Sultana and the Imperials installed certain commands which can be activated upon hearing a certain phrase (e.g. a Kill Command, a Self-Destruct Command etc. Details can be decided later).

Also if attempting to use any sort of power on Kenor, keep in mind he is a Droid so certain powers will affect him which wouldn't affect a human, other powers will work differently and some powers won't affect him at all.

Finally, as with all Human Replica Droids, their design means that only high grade medical scanners would be able to discern a difference between his structure and that of a normal human.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sheffield


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Elroy Thalas
Species: Human
Age: 61
Planet of Origin/Birth: Talus
Force Sensitive Y/N: Yes



- Lightsaber Combat - Form VI (Niman)
- Has grown to be proficient with a blaster in order to adapt to his new way of life
- Known for his silver tongue, and ability to defuse near-any situation.
- Used to be proficient in the uses of the Force, having trained in Control, Sense and Alteration. He has not used the force for a considerable amount of time, however.[/list]


- An old, worn Lightsaber (Green) - Adapted during his time on Tengaru
- Ragged, common robes in order to remain incognito during his stays at various canteens
- Utility belt containing a Hush-98 Commlink and an A99 Aquata Breather. The rest of the equipment was lost or damaged during his travels


There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.

A silent, observing man, he is a shadow of his former self. Where he once spent his days traveling the known galaxy representing the Jedi Order, he now spends his days in a quiet corner of a cantina. His days are filled with quiet reflection, appearing almost inanimate amongst the chaos often found in cantinas. His purpose in the universe fell along with his order, his sense of duty perished along with his fellow Jedi. He feels as though his survival through the purge was simply a cruel trick, a joke. The force, in his eyes at least, abandoned his order in favor of the dark and thus he has resolved to no longer use the force. Thalas believes himself to be nothing short of a failure, discarding his robes and perhaps, despite his resolute claims the force abandoned him, he perhaps simply feels as though he is no longer worthy to be a Jedi.

He has grown to be cynical, and trusts nobody. Trust, he feels, led to the fall of the Jedi Order. Nobody had ever thought to place the Chancellor under scrutiny until it was too late, and he never intends to let such a mistake befall him. Whilst he previously followed the Jedi Code to the letter, a thirst for revenge has slowly grown inside him over the many years he has spent in exile, though he has thus far chosen not to act on his desire for revenge. Not only that, albeit since the purge, Thalas has failed to uphold his code of public service, another fact that slowly gnaws away at him as his defeatist attitude only continues to grow. If nothing else; he is ashamed of what befell his order and how none of the Jedi, the so-called protectors of civilization, had managed to recognize the enormity of the threat that many of them saw every week.

Despite this, Thalas remains a humble man with a great amount of knowledge, owed to his many studies as a Jedi Consular. When he speaks, he is soft-spoken with his words flowing naturally and smoothly. He never seems to raise his voice, nor does he let his anger consume him in fits of rage. His movements coincide with his speech, moving swiftly and elegantly.


"For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic."
-Obi-Wan Kenobi

Born on Talus, Elroy lived with his father after his mother died during childbirth. He was raised in one of the major cities in Talus, Nashal, with his father being a local customs officer for the city. Talus was no stranger to Jedi visitors, and after a short conversation between Elroy and a Jedi regarding several unusual 'talents' he had, the relatively easy task of taking a sample of his blood was carried out by the Jedi. His high midi-chlorian count was immediately detected, and after various discussions with his father and the Jedi Order, he was ultimately whisked away to the Jedi Temple at Coruscant.

His training began as a Jedi Initiate (Youngling) and he was separated into the Sunrunner Clan with roughly twelve other initiates. He and his fellow initiates were spared no time in adjusting to Jedi life, and were simply expected to do so throughout their training exercises. Thalas had always preferred the morning classes, as they consisted of force studies, meditation and the study of various cultures and historic texts. It was in such areas that he had shown an aptitude. That is not to say he was unskilled in the physical exercises, quite the opposite. The Jedi Order had placed more of a focus on physical physique and combat skills, more so than in the days of the Old Republic. The initiates were expected to know the layout of the temple by heart, something Thalas could still describe with ease even years after it's destruction. More than anything else, his time as a young initiate was more arduous and trivial, with this being a prelude to the true challenges that awaited the initiates. During this time, Thalas was taught the concept of force control, which was a perquisite to learning other areas of the force. Whilst most of the specifics of his time as an initiate is a faded memory, the lessons learned were perhaps the most important during the entirety of his time in the Jedi Order, as they ultimately shaped his pathway to becoming a Jedi Consular.

After learning the Jedi Code, Three Pillars and progressing through the six-levels of Lightsaber combat, Thalas took his Initiate Trials. He passed the three trials with relative ease, as a majority of the trials were based on tasks of remembrance, such as the orders history and the Jedi Code. The true challenge came at the annual apprentice tournament, the main opportunity for the newly-passed initiates to prove their worth, and garner the interest of a Jedi Master or Knight, whom would ultimately become their master. It was not an event Thalas had been particularly looking forward too, seeing as he had shown a much greater skill in a very different area of expertise. Ultimately being defeated in the fifth, of the eight rounds, he successfully gained the attention of a Jedi Consular, known by Thalas as Master Thwain. Much like himself, Thwain was a scholarly man and spent his time performing tasks given to him from the Council of Reconciliation.

There were no great tales of adventure from the pair, with his time as a Padawan being somewhat uneventful. Despite this, Thalas continued to flourish under the teachings of Thwain and whilst most may consider his activities boring, Thalas cared little for the grand exploits of the various Jedi Knights and Guardians, seeing value in the work of the Consulars and Librarians whom both kept the archives in good order, whilst also exploring the various and seemingly unending sectors of the Universe, uncovering it's many secrets and teachings. Most of all, however, Thalas viewed the preservation of the orders values, goals and history to be of the utmost importance, for without it the order would surely lose its way. Knowledge is power, as the saying goes. Aside from the study of ancient texts and the history of the order, Thalas also continued to be taught how to wield a lightsaber and hold his own in combat. He, like his master, preferred the route of nimble footwork and efficient movements rather than the forms which preferred a strong physique and devastating blows. Thalas was naturally drawn to the Niman form, albeit he also received training in both Shii Cho and Soresu.

After several years together, Thalas was recommended for his Jedi Trials. He ultimately passed the five trials that awaited him, and was subsequently appointed as a Jedi Knight of the order, although he quickly branched off and became a Jedi Consular under the Council of Reconciliation. Unlike his master, Thalas was far more fond of travel and thus was often sent on tasks of diplomacy, especially during the Clone Wars. His patience and wisdom, matched with his calming and soft tone had often had provided useful during negotiations. It is likely, that had the purge not have taken place, he would have ultimately been granted a place upon the Council of Reconciliation as he gradually earned more respect within the order, owed to his many successful diplomatic missions and gentle nature. However, shortly before the issue of order 66, Thalas traveled to the planet of Presbalin, located in the Gordian Reach sector of the Outer Rim. The planet had several, at the time, small human colonies. Yet the reason Thalas was drawn to the planet was due to the discovery of several unique, long-abandoned cities with a strange alien structure never before seen in the Universe. He could not pass up the chance to become the first to study the cities.

Thalas remained out of contact with the Council of Reconciliation, and Jedi Order in general for the duration of his study, yet he was however forced to cut his study short when one of his routine meditations filled him with a feeling he had never experienced before. One of emptiness and loss. Upon entering his Jedi Starfighter (Which had been slightly modified for long-range exploration) he received a coded transmission from Chancellor Palpatine, instructing all Jedi to return to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, stating that the war was now over and they were to await further instructions at the temple. This, coupled with his earlier distressing meditation, only continued to cause him to doubt the truth behind the chancellors words. Thalas naturally resolved to contact the temple itself, albeit all attempts were met with an eerie silence, never before heard. Rather than travel immediately back to Coruscant, Thalas decided to wait on the most populous colony of Presbalin which had access to intergalactic news and other means of communication. It wasn't long until the news of the reformed 'Galactic Empire' arrived at the colony, along with the revelations that the Jedi had betrayed the republic in a grab for power. Knowing that the Empire would soon learn of his expedition to Presablin, if he hadn't already been reported by the local colonists, he immediately abandoned both his robes and starfighter, taking a standard cargo transport to Tengaru in the Outer Rim. He knew that to continue the duties as a Jedi would only result in his death, and little would be achieved.

It took time for the scale of the purge to sink in, with every meditation only growing darker and darker as the evils within the newly-founded Galactic Empire continued to flourish under the guise of liberty. As a result, he abandoned both his meditation and the force, believing the force to have abandoned his order in favor of the dark. Since his arrival on Tengaru, he has spent his days in quiet reflection of the past, often finding a secluded table in one of the cantinas to settle in. Yet whilst he attempts to evade attention, his extreme isolation has only led to the spreading of rumors regarding him and Thalas knows it's only a matter of time before somebody comes looking...

Relationships and Acquaintances: No current associates or contacts
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