Eşref Nafiz Bey
Male | 38 | 178 cm | 94 kg
Istanbul, Ottoman Empire, 1880 | Albanian/Circassian
Of average height and a physique more stout than slight, Nafiz isn't exactly a breathtaking sight, nor is he conspicuous. The man's head has a somewhat round, wide shape, with his full cheeks, prominent nose, rather large brown eyes and voluminous mustache making up most of the dominant features one can notice in first glance. His head rests upon a thick, short neck, with a shallow, but long dimple splitting his chin in two. He has a large mouth and meaty lips, although this is somewhat hard to notice underneath the cover of his mustache. His hair, having started to grey, is often well taken care of and parted to the side.
For his age, Nafiz is quite well-built, with broad shoulders and thick limbs, and walks with the stride of a strong man, having never gotten rid of the military discipline and Albanian machismo that had been instilled in him at a young age.
Seemingly a simple man with a staunch poker face and an inquisitive, almost criticizing glint in his eyes, those knowing Nafiz easily consider him too volatile, and too zealous in his actions, to be a proper agent, let alone a respected member of society. This consideration wouldn't be incorrect. Nafiz has quite a temper (that, according to him, comes from his Albanian blood), which, in dislikeable situations, he lets to brew silently until it boils, at which point he acts out, often radically and physically, thanks to a natural sense of entitlement and dominance. Nafiz, while not stupid, sees the world in simpler, perhaps more animalistic ways, with a slight disregard for courtesy and non-physical punishment. He has, and wishes to continue to, get out of complicated situations by simply getting rid of all parties involved except himself.
While his radical, often life-endangering actions were (barely) tolerated in the Ottoman Empire, he has found life to be more complicated in Europe, having trouble adapting to life abroad, the lack of entitlement and the subtler operation methods required for his new theater of work. Henceforth, he is somewhat on edge, although this tension has led him to strive for a better record, trying his best to contain his fervor and adapt to the different environment of international spying.
Reportedly born in Salacak, Istanbul, to Atiye Hanım and Naci Bey, Nafiz had a rather simple childhood. His father, Naci Bey, was a government clerk-turned struggling tobacco trader hailing from Albania, and his mother came from a family of Circassian descent, a family that was once proud of its roots in the Harem, now devolved into nothing but a bunch of housewives with a flair for extravagance and nostalgia. Unlike Nafiz, his father Naci was a much more rational man, looking at the world from behind the lenses of law. It can be said that his son simply took a liking to more fundamental laws.
A dominant character in his childhood, Nafiz quickly became one of the bigger characters in his early education, often getting into scuffles, which, while outwardly chastized by his parents, either through shouting or a proper beating when absolutely necessary, were secretly celebrated for being signs of a true-blooded Albanian. However, his parents, no matter how proud, were still concerned about their son's well being in society, and decided to send him to military school, where they believed he could put his aggressive demeanor to good use.
Barely managing to pass the exam for enrollment in the Ottoman Military Academy, Nafiz quickly made an infamous impression with his radical, pro-constitutional ideas (inspired, but not educated, by the imam of the mosque near their house, Ismail Molla), and his insubordinative behavior. Almost expelled from the Academy, Nafiz nonetheless managed to graduate and become a non-commissioned officer, serving firstly in the Balkans as part of peacekeeping forces, going after bandits, rebels and criminals and making quite a record for, until the outbreak of the Italo-Turkish War.
Nafiz is recorded to have served alongside important figures such as Mustafa Kemal Pasha and Enver Pasha (whom Nafiz had served as orderly for) during the Italo-Turkish War, referred to as 'a fellow of sanguine temperament, almost fearless yet paranoid, an excellent fighter and a smart small-scale tactician, but a horrible strategist'. A leader of various promising, but in the end repulsed assaults, Nafiz was set for dishonorable discharge for his summary execution of an officer a rank higher than him, but thanks to his relations with Enver Pasha and the Union and Progress Committee, was instead 'reassigned' back to the Balkans.
Upon the onset of the Balkan War, Nafiz was promoted to sub-lieutenant, and served favorably against Bulgarian forces, with a promising understanding of guerilla warfare, reigning free in the chaos as the leader of five hundred volunteers. Responsible for an amount of atrocities during the war, but also proving to be an effective skirmisher with a good grasp on psychological warfare, Nafiz was sent to Switzerland for physical therapy by the Army after getting wounded by artillery - even though his wounds were not severe enough to keep him from service. Nafiz theorized that his superiors had conspired against him, which was in fact true. His behavior had united both his superiors supporting the Union and Progress Committee and those against it - he was too aggressive to be kept around.
After the 1913 Ottoman Coup, Nafiz was recruited to the Ottoman Special Organization, and took part in various operations led by the Organization as an effective, but brutish enforcer. With the onset of World War One, however, Nafiz once again ended on the fronts, serving in the Dardanelles, Sinai and Caucasus fronts. Somehow surviving getting buried alive by artillery fire in the Dardanelles, and also surprisingly storming into enemy lines over and over in Sinai, Nafiz was begrudgingly promoted to Lieutenant for his unexpected effectiveness.
Serving as the commander of a small guerilla contingent, Nafiz played a part in the forced deportation efforts that would later turn into the Armenian Genocide, going after Armenian partisans. Later, he was ordered to focus more on the advancing Russian army instead, nearly losing a foot to frostbite in the cold environment of the Caucasus and Northeast Anatolia. Nafiz became bolder and bolder as the war went on, and with the lack of supplies, his maneuvers turned out more and more rabid, constantly attacking Russian supply convoys in a self-labeled war of attrition.
Upon a disastrous advance against the Russians which wiped most of his soldiers, Nafiz was honorably discharged from the Army and sent to Istanbul, something which he never forgave. In Istanbul, Nafiz was chosen by the Ottoman Special Organization for his 'unmatched skill in seeking out enemies of the state' to 'help their weary allies in the War get rid of internal enemies' (in truth, a ploy to keep him away and have Europeans worry about him). Hastily prepared for the mission, and sent to Europe to help the Central Powers, Nafiz, as expected, turned out to be trouble. But sometimes even trouble has its uses.
-Native Ottoman
-Fluent French
-Fluent German
-Slight English
-Combat Experience
-Skirmish Tactics
-Easily angered
-Holds grudges
-Tendency to react physically
-Fear of flight
Combat Style:
For Nafiz, almost every fight is a fight for survival, and thus, every fight is to be taken seriously. Having fought against the British, ANZACs, Hindus, Italians, Arabs, Russians, Armenians, and various other ethnicities, Nafiz is no stranger to combat, whether it be a brawl, or a shootout. While not a sharpshooter, he is experienced with most weaponry and handles them with familiarity and relative accuracy, and, always the macho, often opts for more stopping power. Nafiz knows he is strong, and likes to get up close and personal and finish the job before they have a chance to react.
Opinions of Group Members:
-200 Austro-Hungarian Crowns
-100 British Pounds
-Straight Razor
Weapon and Ammo:
Gasser M1880 Montenegrin Revolver w/ 20 11.25x36R rounds
Sawed-off Martini Henry w/ 20 11.45x55R rounds
-Double breasted topcoat
-Sleeveless sweater
-Suit jackets
-White shirts
-Red shirt
-Suit pants
-Leather shoes
-Cavalry boots
Jewelry, Valuables and Personal Belongings:
-Handmade brass pocket watch
Books and Documents:
-Austrian Passport
-Fake British Passport
-English-French Dictionary
Packs and Bags:
-Two holsters
-A pack of chewing tobacco