Hawthorne Balthazar
The Northern Frontier
164 lbs.
Hawthorne was only five years old when the Orio war began, and great bulks of the Frontier’s population began to march off to do battle with the Hylo Empire, personal motives varying but a larger guiding force apparent to all. Their people, the lifeblood of their homeland, had come under attack, and retribution was in order. Hawthorne’s mother, Corinna Balthazar, was one such soldier intent on clashing with the Therux and Hylo, while Hawthorne’s father, Orson Balthazar, ran Balthazar Constructions, a company that manufactured and supplied a large number of mechanized units to the government. It was reported that Balthazar mecha had the best performance rates in the army.
The son of this fierce warrior and shrewd businessman, Hawthorne inherited traits from both, as well as their bitter hatred towards the Hylo and Therux. When he turned fifteen, he joined the military himself as a mecha pilot. Having practiced in simulations in the years before, Hawthorne wasn’t going in truly green, but in real combat he was entirely untested.
Placed under his mother’s command, Hawthorne’s first real training session was to be frontline combat. Such was the state of the Frontier. He quickly distinguished himself as a skilled and level-headed, albeit impulsive pilot that seemed to have experience beyond his years.
So the years passed, and things continued as always. Soldiers killed and died, civilians bred and starved, and all Hawthorne had known was war. By this time, Hawthorne had been promoted to Sergeant, serving under his mother, the Staff Sergeant. The date was August 3rd, 2231, two days after Hawthorne’s birthday and the day that, as it seemed to Hawthorne, everything became unraveled. The Northern Frontier’s forces were preparing to fight a defensive battle against the Hylo-Therux alliance in the midst of an aggressive march that would mark the farthest north any significantly sized force would ever reach. The bloodbath that ensued left the snow below painted with blood and wreckage, with the Northern Frontier just barely standing victorious. There was nothing to celebrate, however. The losses were great, and among them was Corinna Balthazar.
In recognition of his skill and valor upon the battlefield, it was Hawthorne who was chosen to become the new Staff Sergeant.
The ceremony was a hollow one.
During the last year of the Orio war, Hawthorne slowly became more and more unhinged, growing reckless and displaying numerous signs of depression. Each passing day was grueling. While he enjoyed a good fight, Hawthorne wanted nothing more than for the war to end, and the men serving under him agreed wholeheartedly whenever his opinions were voiced.
At long last, the three nations called for some sort of ceasefire, each ravaged by the war and a shadow of what they once were. Hawthorne too, was no longer his old self. Gone was the disciplined and level-headed soldier that could be counted on to do anything for his country. From that boy rose a man with his own agenda, all previous loyalties and vendettas seemingly cast aside, wild and reeking of danger.
For a person like him, the Outcast Guild seemed the perfect place to seek employment, and for the last two years he’s been working with them, pursuing his own hedonistic goals and filling his pockets.
Tactical Preference & Skills:
Hawthorne likes to come at his enemy with full force, beating them down before they’re able to lift a finger. If that doesn’t work, or doesn’t seem likely to work at all, he’ll take up a defensive position while trying to assess how best to neutralize his foe(s).
“I bet if we both stabbed each other at the same time you’d die first.”

Spartan MKII+ Custom Unit, “Leonidas”
Body & Type:
Humanoid Bipedal
Equipment & Armaments:
Hand Slot 1:
The right hand can retract and give way to a powerful drill with serrated edges, capable of shredding flesh and metal alike.
Hand Slot 2:
On the left side, Hawthorne has equipped the mech with a heavy duty shield, circular and the same color as it’s wielder, capable of withstanding most attacks.
Sub Weapon Slot:
Built into the underside of the right arm is what’s essentially a larger sub-machine gun, good against unarmored and lightly defended opponents, and targeting weak points on mecha, but not much else.
Shoulder/Back Spot:
Just behind the left shoulder is a retractable panel that can open up to allow a medium powered laser turret to surface. The right shoulder panel can launch fireworks.
Gadget Slot:
If a hasty escape, or a tactical advantage is needed, two small grills on the front of the mech can release large quantities of incredibly dense smoke, poisonous or non-poisonous depending on the mood he's in.
Additionally, if worst comes to worst, the Leonidas' spiked knuckles can act as an effective last resort against opponents.
Stats Scale:
Light/Heavy Body:
The Leonidas’ primary strengths are its powerful melee attacks and sturdy armor, though it is not entirely outclassed against quicker opponents. (8)
Accuracy & Tracking/Firepower:
With the Leonidas’ heavy frame and melee based attack style, Hawthorne saw it prudent to give his mech another way to combat lighter units. (3)
Air Mobility/Thrusters:
The powerful propulsion systems integrated towards the rear of the mech give it a good balance of speed and mobility, with a slight edge towards faster movement. (6)
Hawthorne has experience both working alone and as a part of a larger organized force, though the Leonidas’ specs make it unideal for stealth or infiltration based operations. (5)
Flavour Text:
The Leonidas was a gift from Hawthorne’s father to celebrate his promotion to Sergeant. Already a custom build, the mech was customized even further by Hawthorne throughout his years piloting it.