The Outcast Base

It was the afternoon and 3 men were talking in a large tent, it was located outside the main walls but still within the defense perimiter, the 3 men happened to be cousins, and they also happened to be leaders of the Outcast Guild. They were nameless shadowy types, never seen in normal towns or transport ships, always hidden away, only speaking when they need to. They are the most infamous group in the Free Land, so they dont want more than a handful of people to have even heard their voices. In order of youngest to oldest, they are The Deputy, The Sheriff and The Marshall. They are all in deep discussion and debate about the new recruits to their guild, 7 pilots are have been waiting in the common room waiting to be seen by an official.
The Marshall says a series of words that are interpreted as a direct order to his two younger cousins, who reluctantly comply with his decision. They all nod to each other and get about their business, the Marshall returns to his barracks via a squad jeep and the Deputy and Sheriff head to the Common room. They both stood in the middle of the room that was fairly cosy with sofas and a coffee machine, the pilots were already talking but the entrance of the two men brought about a silence. The Sheriff who was dressed like a wild west bounty hunter with his hat very low over his face spoke first.
Dang it, this room is kinda studdy aint it? I'm the Sheriff, I'm one of the 3 founders of this tidy little operation we got runnin here. Now normally we'd have Guild Recruitment process ya, but me and the Cowboy got something else in mind for ya. He gon run you through a little exercise and I need a couple of yall ears. So I'm gonna ask Hawthorne, Alexi & Nate to join me in the War room real quick. I'll leave the rest of yall with the Deputy.
The Sheriff lead the 3 soldiers with him to the War room which was only a few doors down the hall, it was where all major operations were planned and it was almost unheard of to bring new recruits in. After showing them all a seat he took his place at the head of the table and cleared his throat. When he spoke his voice was deeper, and his accent seemed to dissapear.
Okay....before we go any further, I need to know.....why did you decide to join the outcast guild?
Back in the common room the Deputy who was dressed like a farmhand pulled up his belt braces with his thumbs and let them snap against his chest before taking a quick look around, the room.
Okay you guys, ya'll wanna have some fun? Head to the hangar where yall have parked and get inside your mechs, meet me by the flatland are near the back of the compound. Got a surpside for ya!
The young man flashed a cheeky smile and skipped off toward the hangar direction.