Hello there :D

I’m rather bored and want to get a couple more rps going. I don’t have specific plots though and I tend to stay away from pairings and fandom. Soooo there are a few ‘worlds’ describe below and hopefully one of them interests you! :D However, before we get into the plots, here’s a bit about what you should know and what I’m looking for!

- Casual ~ To me this means you can post around 2 or so paragraphs on average. I post about 3 sometimes more or less depending on what is occurring in the roleplay.
- Characters ~ I know a lot of 1x1s are solely two characters but I prefer having multiple! A cast of characters is usually much more enjoyable than having strictly 2. If we must do 2 only, I prefer having the female role.
- Mature Stuff ~ I am 18+ but most of my roleplays don’t involve many 18+ themes. However, I am open to darker and grittier stories but please be 18+! Also, I do have characters that swear A LOT so please tell me ahead of time if they might bother you.
- Romance ~ It isn’t a must or the focus of the rp. I don’t require it but it is nice to have every now and then. I usually do MxF but I am open to MxM or FxF

The Worlds