Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by StarGirl


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I have this idea for a roleplay. The working title is Escape From Skrull Prison. This is based in the Guardians of the Galaxy universe both MCU and comic verses. I have a line up of characters I even made an image for :D

Here is the list of characters I had in mind for the RP. I also want to give people the chance to make their own characters, and if they want to be a certain character from Marvel then sure thing :D

Peter Quill/Star Lord I had intial vision for Star Lord :D He's been hired by Princess Veritina from planet Voldi (she was an alien chick who was about to get it on with Iron Man in the comics) to take care of some domestic disturbance. Funny thing about the Voldi's the females find facial hair on a man offensive to their culture. So let's say when she rejects him Skrulls are attacking the Planet Voldi and Peter Quill ends up saving her and they end up captured.

Princess Veritina She's willing to negotiate with the skrulls and wants her planet to be free from their terror. I might portray as her character along with an OC of mine.

Cosmo My vision for him is that he was captured by these reptilian creatures called Badoon and experimented on him. (He showed up in Guardians of the Galaxy when the Guardians met with the Collector.) So what the Badoons did to him enables Cosmo to speak. Or I could play it as he could talk all along. Cosmo is protecting a girl (a Geena Drake type character) an OC character I made inspired by that named Rachel. Rachel and Cosmo both end up escaping but when I get to Rachel's bio I'll explain how Cosmo and her end up captured.

Claus Carmody (He was in the Legendary Star Lord comics) I had an vision for him that he could be an unexpected villain. In the comics he was kind of a weasel who betrayed Star Lord I'd like to give him a little more edge and it's up to the rper where to go with that. Carmody's move is that he could behind all of what's happening.

Rachel (Inspired by Geena Drake) She's a young adult in her early twenties she's from Earth. Initially she was captured by Badoons and escaped with Cosmo. Rachel is clueless as to why she's there or has been taken from her home. However she and Cosmo were both supposed to be delivered to the Skrulls as another thing I have going is that the Badoons are like the Bounty Hunters for the Skrulls. So Skrulls have tracked her to Planet Voldi and that is why they lay waste to and attack the planet. Rachel was the character I'm taking on to interact with the other characters.

Kallark (Gladiator) His comic origin is that he's from the Sh'iar my play is that the Skrulls have destroyed his home and he's tracking the Skrulls to gain vengeance on them. Of course it's also up to the rper where to go with that.

This is my overall idea so far for it. Thanks for reading and if interested feel free to respond or hit me up! Thanks :D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I could be interested. Do I have to play one of those four? Other than Star-Lord none of them really interest me, due to lack of knowledge about them (I do know a super tiny bit about Gladiator from the 90s X-Men series).
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