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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. β™‘

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'm in GMT/UTC - 4h Standard Time, and my post availability depends greatly on my college work load of the week. What I do know for a fact is that I won't be able to post daily.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@A Tattooed Girl of course you did. She would probably avoid him if that weren't the case.

Oh. I forgot to mention that while Marco doesn't talk as much as Maria he has no filter. Most of the time he simply says what is on his mind without thinking much of it until after it has already come out of his mouth. In this respect him and Maria are very different. As Maria is super calculated in how she speaks to people and always reads the situation before opening her mouth. Hehe. Marco is a lot like me...oops.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@A Tattooed Girl of course you did. She would probably avoid him if that weren't the case.

Oh. I forgot to mention that while Marco doesn't talk as much as Maria he has no filter. Most of the time he simply says what is on his mind without thinking much of it until after it has already come out of his mouth. In this respect him and Maria are very different. As Maria is super calculated in how she speaks to people and always reads the situation before opening her mouth. Hehe. Marco is a lot like me...oops.

Awh, don't be so hard on Marco. It's not his fault he's locked in a conversation with a touchy little loser...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HalfOfLancelot
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HalfOfLancelot What's worse: being heartbroke or roachbit?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm EST! My Mondays and Thursdays are busy, but I usually am free during the afternoon and evenings. (I usually post really late at night, for some reason, lol)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 29 days ago

I'm GMT. On weekends I'm usually available all day, but on weekdays I can only post usually between 4:00pm and 9:00pm GMT
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesnic
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Vesnic πšƒπš‘πšŽ πšπš’πšπš‘πšπšπšžπš• π™·πšŽπš’πš›

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

On my lunch and don't have enough time to post, but thank you all who have posted your TZ's and availability for me. I will post them in the Seating Chart section of the CHAR tab... EDIT: when I get home! (:
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hey guys, who wants to see more of my crappy RP fanartwork?
I did this on Paint. That's why it looks like shit.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

I am central time and my availability varies depending on what job I work when. I am at work now. So I will post a little late reply if I can.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesnic
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Vesnic πšƒπš‘πšŽ πšπš’πšπš‘πšπšπšžπš• π™·πšŽπš’πš›

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hey guys..I just woke up. Been sick all night long :/ some kind of stomach flu..I should feel bette by mid-morning. I'll post when I wake up next, and not sick. I'm really sorry guys. I'll see you in the morning</3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It's okay.

I had resolved to try and remember that RPers are real people who probably have jobs and shit like I can't until next year.

But that said, should we keep the RP on hold until the timeskip or sally forth?
If we choose to sally forth, @Apoalo @KaijuBaragon @LostDestiny which one of you is going to go first? Technically if we're doing a proper post order, it'd be Kaiju's turn 'cause it's been the longest since he's gone, but I'd be just as glad to hear from Destiny or Apoalo.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@Oliver If we are going to post some more I am waiting for the other two, or at least Apoalo. so I have more than one person for my characters to reply to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@LostDestiny Sounds like a plan.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SmileyJaws
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hola ladies, gentlemen and others - this still open by any chance? Been Looking for a straight forward slice of life. [:
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It's open. Or at least it was the last time someone asked.
Why don't you go ahead and write a CS? I'm pretty sure we're still taking characters.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@SmileyJaws Ollo. I do believe we are still taking character. Feel free to write one up as you wait for the GM or co-GM to reply.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SmileyJaws
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Thanks, I'll wait for official confirmation before making a commitment!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 9 days ago

Go ahead and put in a CS @SmileyJaws

Was going to wait for Kaju but I'll have a post up by tonight.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SmileyJaws
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Apoalo Cool, I'll write something up now, give me an hour or two. Want me to ping Kaiju on the Discord for you while I'm at it?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SmileyJaws
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

@A Tattooed Girl @Apoalo

Andreas Mikolai Danilov

"If you give someone like me a new toy, the first thing I'll do is take it apart to figure out how it works." Andreas

Can I help you?

||NAME ||
Andreas Danilov

|| GENDER ||
Male | He/Him

]|| AGE ||
Sixteen years young

|| GRADE ||


It's kinda complicated

Andreas is average at height for an adult standing at 5'11, he's estimated to reach 6'1 like his dad before he stops growing. Brown hair and blue eyes with an athletic build, no real identifying marks or features other than the tattoo of Huginn and Muninn on his right forearm, a wrap that represents the two sides of Odin through Raven's; Thought and Desire.

What's in it for me?

Adaptable - Independent - Loyal - Unstable

Tends to repress feelings which often not felt as strongly as other individuals, a defense mechanism brandished by the 'toughen up' attitude accompanying emotional hardship. Professionals in the past have referred to Andreas as 'troubled'. Psychological evaluations put him on the spectrum of personality disorders - concluding at the diagnosis of him being a 'secret schizoid.'
His personality is hidden behind an outward engaging appearance, following Klein's classification of 'secret schizoids', who present themselves as socially available, interested, engaged and involved in interacting yet remain emotionally withdrawn and sequestered within the safety of the internal world. Andreas is considered a reserved introvert.

|| QUIRKS ||
β€’ Daydreamer – especially when he’s meant to be paying attention, Andreas is almost constantly in a walking trance, at least at school.

β€’ Wonders off – Andreas tends to wonder off morer specifically at inappropriate times often leaving his acquaintances dumb-founded.

β€’ Doesn’t do small talk – Conforming to societal expectations can be exhausting…

Computers - Andreas is good with them too, he knows his way around a script or two and uses this to his benefit, not afraid to exploit a backdoor.

Bridge - A game becoming less popular among younger people, especially in the modern day and age. Andreas enjoys the hidden element of information in the rule structure. It forces him to think critically and rationally instead of analytically.

Sports - Andreas has an athletic build, he didn't get it from sitting indoors all day hacking, he runs and plays soccer to keep fit. For a while he had interest in parkour but didn't want to sacrifice too much computer time.

There's plenty more things Andreas dislikes than he does like. He's into his computers, sci-fi and bit of sport. He likes those he gets along with. Anything else it's safe to assume he dislikes although he's not one to be vocal with his opinion. Often seen as quiet.

Anything and everything?

Kaatje Danilov - Mother - Cleaner at hospital.
Cristof Danilov - Father - Unemployed.

House is nothing above average, standard 3-bed, 1 bath and en-suite. The master room, his parents room has the en-suite. House is typical townhouse, entrance, hallway, living room, kitchen, utility room and then upstairs, the three bedrooms and a bathroom.

Andreas currently does not drive, although is saving up for a first car.

It all started with a small immigrant family. My name is Andreas Danilov, my mum and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Danilov. We left Latvia in search of a new life when I was six years old, we couldn't afford to live in a city so we wound up in small town, Texas. Like most starry eyed and hopeful immigrants my parents found themselves a house they couldn't afford, which in turn lead to things getting worse. Parents started arguing a lot but more but it didn't take long for a Russian friend of the family to get my mum a job as a cleaner at a local hospital. The hours were hell and the pay was shit, but - it paid the bills, barely.
My dad wasn't ever good, it wasn't that he didn't try to get work; people just didn't trust him. He lived on welfare. Anything my mum ever earned went towards paying off the mortgage, my dad's money tended to go on a drink.
I never really had friends to socialize with growing up, always a bit of an outsider at school and when it came to making friends. Probably a byproduct of being an eastern European immigrant in small town America. I had the family computer and if I'm honest - we got along pretty well. I'm talking internet, forums, video games, chat rooms with random strangers, all sorts of sites, easy access information and infinite possibilities. All of this got my mind set on wanting to go to college, I wanted to follow in the footsteps of great pioneers like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, maybe one day change the world.
Unfortunately, I wound up learning pretty early on that this would cost an awful lot of money. That I'd need to save up if I wanted to make my dream possibly, myself. My very first dollars, two-hundred and thirty one dollars to be exact, I earned these as a clicker. My job was to build up traffic to sites, changing my ip address and visiting the same site over and over, sure boring! But easy money. It wasn't a lot but all big things had small beginnings. When I turned 16, I wanted to learn more about how the world worked, especially the world of money. Online was full of ideas, it seemed anybody with a pair of lips had an idea about the banking system, financial crisis or the vulnerability of the system and a need for change - most of it scams.
My parents arguing had gotten worse by this time, it had been escalating for years but seemed to be at a constant climax the last while. He'd fallen so deep into the bottle that paranoia had settled in about my mum seeing someone else, feeling disgruntled by his own short comings he began to project them onto her, ruining a good woman. She'd maintain the position that HE ruined us by bringing us here, he on the other hand would retort that we came to America because we had no CHOICE. It was hard to pick a side so I did my best not too, often leaving the house when I was about to be brought into an argument, spending a few hours out and about before coming back, quietly and going to bed or just continuing to 'work' making my 20$ on the 1000 clicks. It was at 16 that I first discovered about the darker side of the web, going deeper a news report on a group claiming to be 'hacktivists' having attacked numerous governmental sites for a laugh.

Die Trying - MICHL

Are we wrong? Are we right?
We jump first and then decide
It's hard to explain it
Heavy hearts weigh us down

And the waters getting deep
Do we swim or do we sink?
Cus there's still a long long way to go

We're in over our heads
We're holding our breath
Will we ever get to the other side
Before there's nothing left

|| OTHER ||
Andreas dabbles with the black market, mainly just selling goods acquired through identity fraud and other means. Where else would he find the money for college?

Hope this is suitable. I didn't include relationship sheets yet as I'll see when Andreas interacts with people if he's accepted.


[h1][color=????]FULL NAME OF CHARACTER GOES HERE[/color][/h1]
[hr ]
[IMG]Realistic images only, image or gifs[/IMG]
[hr ]
"A quote from your character or other meaningful words here."
[hr ]

[h3]Title of your choice[/h3][/center]
[color=????]|| NAME ||[/color]
[indent]Insert your name and nicknames if wanted[/indent]
[color=????]|| GENDER ||[/color]
[indent]Self explanatory.[/indent]
[color=????]|| AGE ||[/color]
[indent]We are sophomores in highschool between 15-16. [/indent]
[color=????]|| GRADE ||[/color]
[color=????]|| SEXUALITY ||[/color]
[indent]Self explanatory. Everyone is welcome here.[/indent]
[color=????]|| RELATIONSHIP STATUS ||[/color]
[indent]Self explanatory[/indent]
[color=????]|| MORE IN-DEPTH APPEARANCE ||[/color]
[indent]A small paragraph about how you look, dress, scars, etc here.[/indent]
[hr ]

[center][h3]Anotha' one![/h3][/center]
[color=????]|| PERSONALITY TRAITS ||[/color]
[indent]A basic list of traits.[/indent]
[color=????]|| PERSONALITY ||[/color]
[indent]A more in depth idea of who you are as a person.[/indent]
[color=????]|| QUIRKS ||[/color]
[indent]* List a few [/indent]
[color=????]|| HOBBIES ||[/color]
[indent]* List a few[/indent]
[color=????]|| LIKES & DISLIKES ||[/color]
[indent]+ List a few likes
- And a few dislikes[/indent]
[hr ]

[center][h3]Just one more title[/h3][/center]
[color=????]|| FAMILY MEMBERS ||[/color]
[indent]Who they are to you - their names - jobs/what are they doing[/indent]
[color=????]|| HOUSE DESCRIPTION ||[/color]
[indent]Describe your home and what type of household you have[/indent]
[color=????]|| CAR DESCRIPTION ||[/color]
[indent]Most will not have a car at this point, maybe next year.[/indent]
[hr ]

[center][h3]Okay I lied, very last title here[/h3][/center]
[color=????]|| BIOGRAPHY ||[/color]
[indent]A paragraph or more about what your life is like and what you want to accomplish this new year. This will be changing as the roleplay moves on. We will be adding to it.[/indent]
[color=????]|| THEME SONG ||[/color]
[indent][youtube][/youtube] Your theme song - Artist
[sub]Add some of the lyrics[/sub][/indent]
[color=????]|| OTHER ||[/color]
[indent]Anything else you wanna say.[/indent]
[hr ]

[ code] [ /code] so you don't have to have all those full stops and stuff that people need to take out haha [:

PS. Except for dividers apparently ;p
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This school is really white for a student body with so many recent immigrants. XD
But that said, everyone's characters are really cool and original.
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