Hi there everyone!
The name is Mesonyx, which kind of represents my inner age - I'm basically a fossil inside - but you can call me Meso or whatever else you can come up with. Be rude. Make me proud.
I'm a student living in the Netherlands in a small apartment with a cat and a boyfriend, the first being more useful than the second. (I love him)
I'm currently homebound due to a surgery, so I have more than enough time on my hands. A bit too much, actually, because I find myself staring at the ceiling more often than not.
Something about me - because obviously everyone is interested in my life and this isn't a waste of time and space. </3
- I steal my pick up lines from the internet
- Most people don't actually like me
- Social = Error
- I look like a tree hugger
- Cats are love, cats are life
- I'm human, I make mistakes.
- A lot of mistakes
Really, that was all. I'm not that interesting.
Talk to me if you'd like to talk to me, don't if you don't want to talk to me. The latter is more understandable, though.
Bye, bye xx
Talk to me if you'd like to talk to me, don't if you don't want to talk to me. The latter is more understandable, though.
Bye, bye xx