Name: Sebastien Kemp
Gender: male
Age: 21
Power: Muscle memory/photographic memory. (Ex:: Can read a book and remember it word-for-word. Also can read muscle tensions in the body to detect how an enemy is going to attack, etc.)
Appearance: 6'2 w/ average muscle build. Shaggy, straight, medium length black hair. Green eyes that seem brighter than average for a human being. Usually wears a five o'clock shadow. Dresses sloppily most of the time and wears a pair of black horn-rimmed glasses.
Personality: Sebastien usually acts like he's in a fowl mood and more often than not, he is. He rarely takes time to enjoy life because it is difficult for him to do so lately, after joining the Department of External Affairs. Always suffers from chronic migraines, as it is triggered by any sudden surge of information; to counteract this he eats aspirin like candy and taught himself ways to ignore the things around him that triggers his photographic memory.
Biography: At a young age, Sebastien loved to learn and was deemed a dork early on in his life, but that didn't matter to him. He always felt he was an old soul at heart and never gave in to the childish emotions of name-calling and such. Friends weren't even much of a priority to him because he was always focused on improving himself for the future, when his life would truly begin. His circle of friends were a small community that were so tight, he rarely allowed room for newcomers.
His high school life was a rather lonely one since he was so keenly focused on being at his best to get in a good college. His childhood friend, Parker Morton (Nekoholic's character), was always planted firmly by his side and though he didn't understand his intellectual ambitions, he always supported his decisions nonetheless. They were practically polar opposites and to this day he still couldn't understand how their friendship existed, but he wasn't complaining considering he was really the only friend that he had.
Once college came around, they parted ways as their career paths led them in different directions but they were still best friends even at a long distance. Sebastien got accepted into Princeton University and was going for his PhD to become a lawyer, but half way through getting his degree Parker informed him that he was joining External Affairs. He was shell-shocked at the news because he had never voiced his desires to enlist before. At first Sebastien was pissed at him because he knew how dangerous the program was and wanted to protect him, so put his PhD on hold and enlisted with him. For a man of knowledge, this was the stupidest thing he'd ever done. Once he was in, though...that was it. So began his new life as a DEA agent.