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Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Qro
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"The world of Remnant is a cruel place, and it's inhabitants are no different. Civilization is quick to point fingers at the Grimm, calling them monsters, demons, creatures of darkness. While they are by no means incorrect, they forget that the most terrible beings, the most wicked creations are the ones that walk among us. We lie and kill in the service of liars and killers, hiding behind whatever moral high-ground we can take. In many ways the Grimm are better than us - they do not kill out of greed, out of hatred, out of vengeance - they simply kill because they can do nothing else.

I have witnessed another heinous act that reinforces this belief, the murder of a mother and her children by an organization known as the "White Fang". While this is not a new group, their actions as of the past few months have taken a drastic turn for the worse. It once again shows that even the most virtuous creations of man, a group simply vying for equality, can be easily corrupted. That is something I am well aware of as I make this decision."


"The Huntsman academies serve their purpose well, but this new organization will face foes far more terrible than any Grimm could hope to be. As the Huntsman and Huntresses of the world combat the monsters beyond the walls of our Kingdoms, I will work to destroy the ones inside them.

My recruitment for this new organization is already underway. If the White Fang seeks to light the fires of war, I will train these children to be the harsh wind to extinguish their flame, the bitter cold to sap their zeal and the boot to snuff out their ashes."

Excerpts from the journal of Headmaster Ozpin of Beacon Academy.


Hello, everyone. In standard RWBY fashion, I'm looking for three other people to fill a team of four. I'm attempting to start up an RP that takes place a few years before the events of Season 1 and will focus on our characters attempting to put an end to the White Fang, criminal organizations such as the ones we see in the show and others before they can truly rise to power. If the RP lasts long enough and our characters are successfull enough, we may even put an end to the Fall of Beacon before it can truly begin. It will overall be a slightly dark RP, with violent death and a fair amount of combat. It won't be all doom and gloom however, there'll still be silly and fun bits and possibly even a bit of roleplay at the Academy itself during the downtime in-between missions if that is of interest to anyone.

If you're interested there is a character sheet here:

So, I'm trying this again. I briefly started the same RP almost a year ago, but like an asshole dropped off the face of the earth without warning. I won't try to defend myself or give an excuse, just try to do better this time.

If you interested/have questions, drop a comment below.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 2 mos ago

This looks pretty cool :D Interest has been shoooown!

I was just wondering when and if this occurs in the canon world?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Color me interested.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Count me in!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 26 days ago

I want to be in this!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I am interested.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The interest has been peaked inside me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Qro
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Sam12435@Starlance@Leslie Hall@canaryrose@Chaotic Chao@alexfangtalon

Honesty a lot more interest than I was expecting. However I'm only looking for three other people, so everyone that is interested please post your character sheets whenever possible and I will choose people based on those.

If there is anyone else interested, feel free to do the same.

And to answer your question Sam, this will be taking place about 2 years before season 1 of RWBY.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Qro@Qro I'll try to get one ready soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xyo


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name:Dario Diz Zohai
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human.
Facial Features Image/Description: Hollowed cheekbones, a nose that's been broken one too many times and a devilish grin that'll either make you fall in love or want to punch him in the face. He has a strange tattoo on the right side of his face: Rows of dots running up his face, as far forward as where his hair would be but no further back than his ear, if he had had a beard the lowest dot would sit just above where his beard hair would start.
Skin Color: Slightly tanned,
Eye Color & Image/Description: Two peculiar violet eyes,
Hair Color & Image/Description: Black hair shaved at the sides, the top is of medium length but isnt styled in any particular way (Too much effort for Dario)
Build: Shoulders are no broader than a woman's and his body isn't particularly large either, though every muscle has been trued,tested and toned from years of training
Height: 6"2
Weight: Very embarrassed about

Personality: Dario is the epitome of lighthearted, there is almost no situation in which he won't find a hidden joke to grin about. He can often be found setting up elaborate "Pranks" for his own amusement or spending time annoying others to make himself smile. He was once considered a genius but found that life as a genius wasn't much fun so instead decided to use his superior intellect to mock those who were dumber than him. Likes long walks on the beach and discussing philosophy.

Backstory: Dario chooses not to speakmuch of his past, not because of some deeper trauma but because he feels that those memories and emotions should be private and only to his knowledge. He had never intended to be a huntsman, he originally grew upwith the intention of training as a scholar of some sort, preferably writing books on philosophy, but he wasn't too fussy.

When his father passed away he left behind a weapon, passed down from generation to generation, Dario had loved his father dearly and his passing presented dario with a moral dilemna. He couldn't abandon his family heritage, it was his fathers dream that dario woukd become a hunter like him. But he didn't want to abandon his own dreams either.

In the end he trained as both, eventually enrolling in Beacon. He could still get the great taste of action while writing books during the quieter moments

Weapon: A trident which can split into three separate swords, two of which can be put together to make a bastard sword
Weapon Description: The weapon is made out of golden and white alloys, it has intricate carvings depicting the ocean a forest and a white stag. The handles for the swords abd trident are gold and the blades are always white

Semblance: Telekinesis
Semblance Description: Like all muscles, the brain needs to be trained and while Dario can easily manipulate his weapon in the air thats about the extent of how heavy how can lift so far

Combt Outfit Image/Description: When fighting Grimm back in his homeland Dario would always wear the artic wolfskin cloak his father gave him, underneath he would wear a simple comfortable tunic or if he was feeling particularly barbaric then he'd be bare chested
Casual Outfit Image/Description: Dario would normally wead thick furs and warm leathers back at home where if you didn't you would die. However in the warmer weather he'll wear anything from suits to robes to tunics.
Theme: (?)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Qro
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Xyo Looks good. If you weren't sure on what to put in "Theme", it's just a song or piece of music you could associate with your character. For example, Darth Vader's theme is the Imperial March (though songs with lyrics are perfectly acceptable too).

@Sam12435@Starlance@Leslie Hall@canaryrose@Chaotic Chao@alexfangtalon Are any of you still interested? I know there might be a few people busy with Thanksgiving stuff, but I would appreciate if you could give a quick word if you're wanting to participate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Name: Iris Auburn
Age: 18
Gender: female
Species: Human
Facial Features: Oval face with deep set eyes and thin lips, usually forming a horizontal line, accompanied by a piercing glare, forming an unimpressed expression. Tattooed on her left cheek is a front half of a horse, a symbol of her family used for many generations.
Skin Color: White (#D89370)
Eye Color: Green (#005500)
Hair Color: Black (#191919)
Build: Mesomorph
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 67 kg

Personality: Outside of the residents of her home village, Iris never got to interact with many people, leading to a rather awkward person when it comes to making friends. On the flip side, she has no regards towards the emotions of others, preferring to voice her opinion, even if not asked about it and not caring about the consequences.
Iris is generally easy-going, but once in a while, all the frustration, accumulated by dealing with everyday things, has to be vented. At those times, it's best to leave her alone for a few minutes.

Backstory: Iris grew up in a village just outside of Vale. Since early age, she idolized the village's defenders, seeing them as heroes protecting the village from the horrors of the outside world. She started training, aiming to join them one day. Until one day, a huntsman spent a few days at their village. He told unbelievable stories, and backed up his claims with a live demonstration during an attack. That day, she made the decision to become a huntress, devoting most of her time to that goal.

Weapon: Blackheart
Weapon Description: A simple-looking greatsword made of black metal, featuring a straight crossguard. The hilt is wrapped in black leather and is made to accommodate two hands. Removing the ball-shaped pommel allows access to a compartment intended to hold a dust capsule, granting the sword a little bit of versatility, depending on the dust type used.

Semblance: Elusion
Semblance Description: Iris can become intangible for a second, appearing blurred during this period. This only works with small objects, such as blades, allowing her to avoid an attack she wouldn't be able to block. During this second, she is unable to strike herself and to pass through herself. Things she's touching, such as her weapon or clothes, become intangible to others, but not to her. Because of this, she cannot pass through herself. Her semblance is a reflection of her tendency to find workarounds for a problem instead of facing it head on, however questionable these workarounds might be.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Name: Sakura Liu
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Facial Features Image/Description: Sakura has a gentle, pointed chin with slightly angled eyes and larger lips. Her usual look is gentle and calm looking, although when she's angry she can give you a glare that could rival that of a Grimm's.
Skin Color: Pale. Very pale.
Eye Color & Image/Description: Sakura has reddish-brownish eyes, nothing remarkable.
Hair Color & Image/Description: Sakura has silky brown hair. It reaches about to her waist so she can do almost anything with it. Her most favorite things to do are put a circlet in it while having it up into an elaborate braid or bun.
Build: Sakura is very light and delicate, having smaller hands and feet. Her movements are graceful and smooth, and she is extremely agile in battle. She can easily land long jumps and run easily.
Height: 5"6
Weight: 137 pounds

Personality: Despite how she may appear, Sakura can be adequately described as wild. She's always been a free spirit, loving to roam around instead of stay inside all day. Her favorite place is the outdoors, loving to get her hands dirty in the garden, fishing, whatever. However, she isn't much of a people person, preferring the stretches of nature to people themselves. But when she has to be around people that she doesn't know, she puts on a graceful facade along with lots of finery. when outside, she is in normal clothes that she can get dirt, but while inside and around people she often wears kimonos and jewelry to keep up that facade of gracefulness.

Backstory: Sakura is originally from one of the richer noble families of Minstrel, a family famous for their arts. All her life, Sakura had been pressured into painting, music, acting, anything that included the arts, that was proper for a lady of her status. But however she tried to get into one of the arts, she always found herself going back into the gardens to play or practice sword fighting. Eventually, she graduated from playing in the backyard on her lonesome to going outside and playing with the neighborhood boys. Eventually, her parents found out and punished her. They started watching her, making sure she didn't go outside. She was cooped up in their house all day, learning etiquette and other frivolous, unimportant things. But whenever she could, she would go outside into the gardens and played with her swords.

Eventually, when she was 14, she managed to convince her two very opposed parents to let her take sword lessons. Begrudgingly, they agreed, and she began to take sword lessons. She learned quickly, and by the time she was 18 she was ready to enroll in Minstrel's fighting school. However, she dreamed of escaping her parent's grasp and going to Beacon Academy. So, through much begging and guilting, she managed to convince them to let her move across the ocean to Beacon Academy.

Weapons: Hyacinth and Jasmine
Weapons Description: The two double katanas are very lovely, having flowers etched in on their gards. They can converge into one, neatly fitting into a scabbard across her back. They are very thin, light swords, though deadly in nature. She often equips them with dust to fight more effectively.

Semblance: Agility
Semblance Description: When Sakura wills it to, her aura can make her more nimble on her feet, faster, more stealthy. A very straightforward semblance.

Combat Outfit Image/Description:

Casual Outfit Image/Description:

Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3E2XK-NiQA&list=LLlPA-ZNALy_7vSMk1bNWvuw&index=67]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Qro
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@canaryrose@Starlance @Xyo Characters look solid. I'm going to give another day or two to let anyone else still interested post a character sheet, but if there are no other entries we'll get started by Monday at the latest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Sorry, I forgot to mention what's going on to you @Qro

I've actually decided to take a hiatus from RPing until the work year ends due to stress, so I won't be participating in this. Thank you anyway, though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Qro
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Leslie Hall Thanks for the heads up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@QroI'm still interested. Just been sick.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Qro
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Chaotic Chao Alright, well if you can get a character sheet up reasonably soon, I'll give it a look, otherwise I think I'm just going to have to start up the RP without you - it's not really fair to the others that are interested if I were to wait for potentially a few days for you.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Qro
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@canaryrose @Starlance @Xyo

Just checking to see if you 3 are still interested. If you are, I'll have the IC post up by the next few days.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 26 days ago

I sure am! @Qro
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