In other news, my mega-summary is now half-way through the IC, at least in terms of page count. The average content of each post is growing, though.
Post - Characters - Content - Might
Turn 1 p1 1 - Fate & Amul'Sharar, Vowzra - Old World is destroyed. New World is made, formless. Gods are summoned. Vowzra apppears. - No Might spent 2 - Logos - Through suffering, Logos brings forth the Laws from the Old World. - Logos: -4 Might for the Universe. 3 - Niciel - Niciel appears. - No Might spent 4 - Zephyrion - Zephyrion appears. - No Might spent 5 - Daegon - Daegon appears. - No Might spent 6 - Vakarlon - Vakarlon appears. - Vakarlon: -4 Might for the Universe. 7 - Vestec - Vestec is formed from the fusion of four weaker souls. - Vestec: -3 Might to Level up to 2, -1 Might for the Universe. 8 - Slough - Slough appears, and immediately dies and is reincarnated as an egg. - Slough: -3 Might to Level up to 2, -1 Might for the Universe. 9 - Teknall - Teknall appears. Teknall creates the Universal Blueprint. Logos's laws are transcribed. The elements adamantine, mithral and orichalcum are added. - Teknall: -4 Might for the Universe. 10 - Kyre - Kyre appears - No Might spent 11 - Julkofyr - Julkofyr appears - No Might spent 12 - Jvan - Jvan appears - No Might spent 13 - Reathos - Reathos and the Primordial Pool appears - No Might spent? 14 - Ilunabar - Ilunabar appears - No Might spent 15 - Astarte - Astarte appears - No Might spent 16 - Ull'Yang - Ull'Yang appears - No Might spent 17 - Toun - Toun appears. Conditions for life are fostered in the Blueprints. Slough's egg is retreived. Slough is implored to persevere. - Toun: -4 Might for the Universe. 18 - Teknall - Slough is challenged to make life wondrous. - No Might spent 19 - Vestec - Vestec imparts some corruption to Slough, imbuing her with Wilderness. Random things are drawn on the Blueprint, and some notes erased. - No Might spent 20 - Vulamera - Vulamera appears. Vulamera edits the Blueprint to be cohesive. - No Might spent p2 21 - Niciel - Niciel berates Vestec. Slough is imparted with sympathy - No Might spent 22 - Ull'Yang - Slough is offered vigilance. Ull'Yang feeds Slough his arm. - No Might spent 23 - Mammon - Mammon appears. Occult is added to the Blueprint. - No Might spent? 24 - Vakarlon - Slough is offered choice and enjoyment. Vakarlon adds his ways to the Blueprint. - No Might spent 25 - Vulamera - Vulamera seeks favour with Kyre and Ull'Yang - Vulamera: -1 Freepoint to organise the Blueprint 26 - Ilunabar - Ilunbar turns a scrap of the Blueprint into the Dreamweaver, and invents dreams. Slough is offered a song. - Ilunabar: -3 Might to Level up to 2, -1 Might for the Universe. 27 - nill 28 - Julkofyr - Slough is given ambiguity. Emptiness, and uncertainty at the fundamental level is added to the Blueprint. - No Might spent 29 - Teknall - Teknall berates Vestec. Ull'Yang is built a replacement arm. - No Might spent 30 - Zephyrion - The elementals gases are rewritten. The primal force of Change is imbued into the Blueprint. - Zephyrion: -3 Might to Level up to 2, -1 Might for the Universe 31 - Niciel - Purity is added to the Blueprint - Niciel: -3 Might to Level up to 2 32 - Astarte - Wild magic is added to the Blueprint - No Might spent 33 - Slough - Slough reinforces herself against further influences. The Blueprint is made perfectly palatable for life of all kinds - No Might spent 34 - Belruarc - Belruarc appears. Lawful magic is added to the Blueprint - No Might spent 35 - Jvan - The Other is written into the Gaps in the Blueprint - Jvan: -3 Might to Level up to 2, -1 Might for the Universe 36 - Logos - Logos arrives, and forces back Jvan, Vestec and Zephyrion from the Blueprint 37 - Teknall - Pressured by Logos, Teknall puts bounds on Vestec's meddling and ensures the Other is unable to exit the Gap unaided. - No Might spent 38 - Toun - Toun attacks Jvan. A crack in Toun's previously flawless face forms, giving him an eye. - No Might spent 39 - Vestec - Vestec mocks Logos. Chaos fire is shot at the Blueprint. Vestec reaches out to Corrupt the Blueprint. - No Might spent p3 40 - Teknall - Teknall shields the Blueprint from the chaos flames - No Might spent 41 - Niciel - Niciel blasts everyone away from the Blueprints using holy light - Niciel: -1 Might for shockwave 42 - Ull'Yang - Niciel's shockwave breaks Ull'Yang's new arm. Stellar evolution is rewritten. The Blueprint is unified. - Ull'Yang: -1 Might for the Universe 43 - Julkofyr - Julkofyr mocks Logos and Niciel. Orbs of Darkness are added to the Blueprint. - Julkofyr: -3 Might to Level up to 2, -1 Might for the Universe 44 - Jvan - Fragments of Toun's perfection are embedded into Jvan from Toun's attack. Jvan protects Slough's egg. - Jvan: -1 Freepoint to reinforce Slough's egg. 45 - Ilunabar - Ilunabar spectates, then goes to Jvan's aid. - No Might spent 46 - Kyre - Kyre stops Vestec from corrupting the Blueprint. The Blueprint is reinforced. Kyre protects Slough. - Kyre: -1 Might for the Universe 47 - Zephyrion - A fight between Zephyrion and Logos is narrowly averted. Zephyrion goes elsewhere. - No Might spent 48 - Vulamera - Sentient life is added to the Blueprint. Vulamera takes a physical form and encases the Blueprint. - Vulamera: -3 Might for the Universe. 49 - Mammon - Mammon talks - No Might spent 50 - Fate & Amul'Sharar - The Blueprint becomes the Codex of Creation. The Shattering Disunity occurs, creating the Universe. Scene changes to the planet Galbar. - All gods spend their remaining Might for the Universe and Level up to 2.
Turn 2 51 - Turn 2 52 - Ull'Yang - Ull'Yang becomes the Primordial Star. - No Might spent 53 - Vestec - Vulamera is invited to observe Vestec's mind at a later date. The Shattered Plains are created (sometimes called the Changing Plains). - Vestec: -4 Might to Level up to 3 54 - Vakarlon - Polar ice caps and caves within them are created. Vakarlon visits Vulamera regarding memories from a past Universe. - Vakarlon: -1 Might to create the ice caps, -4 Might to Level up to 3 55 - Jvan - Jvan embeds herself into Galbar as a flesh-mountain. The Fractal Sea is created, with simple life. - Jvan: -1 Might to create the Fractal Sea, -4 Might to Level up to 3, -1 Freepoint to create simple sea life. 56 - Slough - Slough makes planetfall. Slough hatches into a rotting deer. The Deepwood and all life within it is created. - Slough: -1 Might to create the Deepwood and its life, -4 Might to level up to 3, -1 Freepoint to create dirt 57 - Zephyrion - Galbar receives an oxygen-rich atmosphere. Zephyrion fails to destroy a distant rocky planet. Zephyrion collides with Galbar, sending materials into orbit and creating amplified seasons. - Zephyrion: -1 Freepoint to create seasons 58 - Niciel - The Valley of Peace is created, surrounded by the Nice Mountains. The Valley's aura suppresses violence - Niciel: -4 Might for a Holy Site (the Valley of Peace). 59 - Astarte - Astarte attempts to startle Slough into the Shattered Plains. - Astarte: -1 Freepoint to be stealthy p4 60 - Logos - Before the Shattering Disunity, Logos creates his blade Singularity, although is prevented from attacking Vestec. At Galbar, Logos promises Teknall, Toun, Kyre and Vulamera a boon. - Logos: -1 Freepoint to create Singularity 61 - Teknall - Before the Shattering Disunity, Teknall is struck by Niciel's shockwave. Teknall descends to Galbar. - No Might spent 62 - Zephyrion and Teknall - Zephyrion and Teknall build the Celestial Citadel. - Teknall: -5 Might for a Holy Site (the Celestial Citadel). Zephyrion: -5 Might for a Holy Site (the Celestial Citadel). 63 - Reathos - The First Wraith Stone is built in the caves under Galbar, to harvest the souls of all the dead. Reathos creates an Avatar and binds it to the Wraith Stone to guard it. - Reathos: -4 Might for a Holy Site (the First Wraith Stone), -1 Might for his first Avatar. 64 - Ilunabar - Ilunabar visits the Celestial Citadel - No Might spent 65 - Vulamera - The moon Unitas is created. The moon Unitas is split into eight smaller moons, Lex, Cogitare, Vigilate and Scitis (aka the Eyes of the Scribe), Auricolor, Perfectus, Periditus, Mirus. Lex is gifted to Logos. Cogitare, Vigilate and Scitis are claimed by Vulamera. Auricolor is gifted to Teknall. Periditus is gifted to Kyre. Perfectus is gifted to Toun. Mirus is gifted to Jvan. - Vulamera: -2 Might to create the moons. 66 - Vowzra - Before the Shattering Disunity, Vowzra is annoyed that Vulamera has taken the Codex, but allows her to keep it, to her self-destruction. Vowzra adds to the Codex secret things. On Galbar, ants are created. The first ant is taken by Vowzra. - Vowzra: -4 Might to Level up to 3, -1 Freepoint to make ants? 67 - Julkofyr - The Darkened Spires are created on Galbar. Julkofyr evolves insects to live in the Darkened Spires. Julkofyr creates his Plane of Darkness. A shrine is made within the Plane of Darkness, including statues of all the gods. - Julkofyr: Unspecified. Apparently -4 Might and -1 Freepoint 68 - Slough - Several new species appear in the Deepwood. Slough teleports away from Astarte. Astarte is attacked by a wild nectar blush. The statue of Slough in Julkofyr's shrine crumbles. - No Might spent 69 - Toun - Toun feels sad because he failed to make the Codex perfect. Toun settles down in the Valley of Peace. - No Might spent 70 - Teknall - Teknall forges an adamantine maul from metal on Auricolor. Teknall creates the mineral-rich Ironheart Ranges - Teknall: -2 Freepoint to create the Ironheart Ranges. 71 - Vakarlon - Vakarlon complains of terrible, painful, fiery memories to Vulamera. - No Might spent 72 - Ull'Yang - Ull'Yang is a star a long way from Galbar. Ull'Yang creates his Avatar, who goes to hibernate in the Deepwood. - No Might spent? (Should have spent 1) 73 - Jvan - Jvan is immobile. Jvan creates many eyes which fly around Galbar so she can see. One lands in the Celestial Citadel and another in the Valley of Peace. Strange deep-sea life is created around Jvan. Jvan communicates with Slough and Vulamera via fleshy messanger angels. - No Might spent 74 - Toun - Two billion white giants are created and distributed across Galbar to protect it form non-Slough or Tounic life. - Toun: -1 Might to create the white giants, -4 Might to Level up to 3. 75 - Belruarc - Belruarc simply watches Galbar from orbit. - No Might spent 76 - Zephyrion - Zephyrion invites Ilunabar and Jvan to direct him in carving out something in Galbar. - Zephyrion: -1 Freepoint to carve things in Galbar. 77 - Ilunabar - Magical crystals are used to give Ilunabar a report on the gods' creations and a geological survey of Galbar. Ilunabar suggests that Zephyrion build giant musical instruments. - Ilunabar: -2 Freepoints to survey Galbar. 78 - Niciel - The Orb of Escry and the Orb of Holy are created. Wisps are created. - Niciel: -1 Might to create the Orbs. 79 - Astarte - Astarte blows up the attacking nectar blush. Astarte isolates some vials of Liquid Light, her magical energy, and sends them to Zephyrion, Vestec and Teknall. - Astarte: -4 Might to Level up to 3. p5 80 - Vowzra, Logos - Logos flies far away, and meets Vowzra. Logos and Vowzra chat. Subtle narrated reference to Vowzra's Codex contribution being to the Gap. - No Might spent 81 - Slough - A flower grows near Ull'Yang's Avatar. At Jvan's request, Slough departs the Deepwood and treks to the Fractal Sea. A scrubland with life in it is created (including Brush Beasts), bordering a desert. - No Might spent 82 - Vestec - Vestec punches Lex towards Galbar. Vestec kicks Perfectus towards Lex. Lex is destroyed, Perfectus is sent towards Galbar. The two rings of Galbar are created. - Vestec: -1 Might to punch a moon. 83 - Jvan - Jvan decides Vulamera must be forced to change. The Jvanic Eye in the Valley of Peace is crushed by a White Giant. Jvan adds bodies of water to the designs for Zephyrion. - No Might spent 84 - Vowzra - Perfectus is swallowed by a Gap portal, saving Galbar. - Vowzra: -1 Might to make a Gap portal
Turn 3 85 - Turn 3 86 - Teknall - Many trees cover all of Galbar, a blessing for future civilisations. - Teknall: -4 Might to Level up to 3, -2 Might to populate Galbar with trees. 87 - Zephyrion - Ilunabar is granted a home in the Celestial Citadel. The Sparkling Sea is created, with the Firewind Desert, the Mahd, and the foundations for a jungle. - Zephyrion: -4 Might to Level up to 3. 88 - Niciel - Holy Trees are created within and around the Nice Mountains. - Niciel: -4 Might to Level up to 3, -1 Might to create Holy Trees. 89 - Kyre - Kyre observes. - No Might spent 90 - Vestec - Ashlings are created. 13 Wisps are corrupted. - Vestec: -1 Might to create Ashlings 91 - Ull'Yang - Ull'Yang enters his fourth stellar cycle. Mount Borhmanven is discovered. - Ull'Yang: -3 Might to induce 3 supernovae. 92 - Mammon - The submaterium is discovered, the plane of occult magic and links. The well labyrinth is created. Mammon makes a personal plane within the submaterium. - Mammon: -1 Might to create the well labyrinth, -9 Might to Level up to 4. 93 - Slough - Slough is pursued by an Ashling. Slough recalls a proud soul, forming Custodian Esau, who defeats the Ashling. The scrubland made earlier becomes the Gilt Savannah. - Slough: -1 Might to recall a proud soul, -1 Might to make the Gilt Savannah. 94 - Logos - Logos finds distant Arcon. Logos makes a moon and a minature sun to orbit Arcon. The Citadel is created. Logos slowly begins terraforming Arcon. - Logos: -1 Freepoint to make a sun, -1 Freepoint to make a moon, -10 Might to create a Holy Site (The Citadel). 95 - Ilunabar - The game of checkers is created. Raka, The Realm of Dreams, was created. Ilunabar finds a thorn plant made by Slough, and causes it to bloom into roses. A white rose is taken, and made into Meimu, the Diva of Flowers. - Ilunabar: -1 Might to create Raka, -1 Might to create an Avatar (Meimu), -1 Freepoint to make roses bloom. 96 - Teknall - Teknall kills some Ashlings, with a new throwing hammer. Teknall visits Ull'Yang's Avatar atop Mount Borhmanven. - No Might spent 97 - Niciel - The Chaos Wisps are purified back into Holy Wisps. The Orb of Holy innoculates the Wisps against future corruption. A Wisp finds Slough. A Wisp finds the Celestial Citadel. - No Might spent 98 - Zephyrion - Zephyrion manipulates the rules of the Universe to create Flickers. Air elementals appear. Vizier Ventus is created, the first djinni lord. - Zephyrion: -1 Might to create Flickers, -1 Might to create Vizier Ventus (a hero?). 99 - Toun - Toun has a Jvanic nightmare. The hain are created. He deems the hain imperfect. Five tribes' worth are mentally subjugated. The remaining hain are teleported across Galbar. Toun settles his slave hain in some empty land. - Toun: -1 Might to subjugate some hain, -2 Freepoints to teleport hain. p6 100 - Reathos - Heraktati are created, apex predators targets the old and sick. Reathos talks with Ilunabar. - Reathos: -1 Freepoint to create Heraktati 101 - Jvan - It is discovered that Vowzra, in the Codex, had hybridised the Gap with the Hells of Time, adding malicious intent to the originally ambivalent Other. Jvan declares herself as gatekeeper of the Gap. Fiberlings are created. The Optic Fiberlings are created, through which Jvan can see and speak. Mauve travels to Teknall and Ull'Yang's Avatar on Mount Borhmanven, Jvan asking them to look at the Hain. Violet goes to the Firewind Desert and observes White Giants. Navy goes to the Deepwood. Cyan slays an Ashling and infected hain tribe by the Shimmering Sea. Lime sacrifices itself to gain entry into Mammon's submaterium, where Jvan sends a nonsensical message to Mammon. Maize follows Slough. Amber travels through the Changing Plains then the Valley of Peace, and observes hain. Scarlet observes Heraktati in the Gilt Savannah. - Jvan: -1 Might to create the Fiberlings. 102 - Ilunabar - Ilunabar and Miemu chat with Reathos. Ilunabar takes her leave as Reathos' presence gives her nightmares. - No Might spent. 103 - Mammon - A hain called Cherry-Eater has his life saved by Mammon in exchange for sacrificing his whole clan. Cherry-Eater is made Mammon's Hero. Mammon answer's Jvan's message. - Mammon: -4 Freepoints to make a Hero (in debt by 1 Freepoint) 104 - Slough - The Drenched Flowerbed is created. A vast soul is recalled in the depths of the Fractal Sea. Slough heads to the Firewind Desert. - Slough: -1 Might to create the Drenched Flowerbed, -1 Might to recall a vast soul. 105 - Vakarlon, Vulamera - By request, Vulamera inspects Vakarlon's mind and memories. It is discovered that, in a past world, Vakarlon became a god by consuming Serandor, the dark and fiery God of Destruction, who still roams in Vakarlon's mind. Vulamera is told by vision to seek pure knowledge above all else. They both faint. - Vulamera: -1 Might to unlock memories. Vakarlon: No Might spent. 106 - Reathos - The Eenal Tree is created. 2% of crows are cursed to become the Lesser Eyes of Reathos, which can see True Names, and who will witness almost every death. - Reathos: -4 Might to Level up to 3, -1 Might to curse crows with the Lesser Eyes of Reathos, -1 Freepoint to make the Eenal Tree. 107 - Vowzra - Ants now exist all across Galbar. Mammoth Ants exist in the Deepwood. A giant turtle shell appears in the Deepwood. The One By Immortals Altered, the first ant whisked away by Vowra to spend its time in the Gap, emerges. - Vowzra: -1 Might to create the Shell, -1 Might to create a Hero (The One By Immortals Altered (aka TOBIA)) 108 - Jvan - The hain have developed trypophobia and chaetophobia to counter the Fiberlings. Scarlet finds the vast soul made by Slough in hibernation. Heartworm, Jvan's Avatar, is created. Heartworm fuses a Djinn, a crow bearing the Lesser Eye of Reathos, and Gap energy, to form a screeching, immobile creature in the Ironheart Ranges. The First Sculptor is made from a hain, beginning the Cult of Jvan. - Jvan: -1 Might to create an Avatar (Heartworm), -1 Might to start the Cult of Jvan. 109 - Zephyrion, Ventus, Slough - Ventus is sent to Slough to convince her to bring life to the Firewind Desert. After gaining Slough's and Esau's trust, the Firewind Resort is created. - Slough: -1 Might to make the Firewind Resort. 110 - Ull'Yang, Teknall - Teknall meets Ull'Yang's Avatar, Yang'Ze, on Mount Borhmanven. Teknall helps Yang'Ze forge a magical quarterstaff for Yang'Ze. Teknall receives Jvan's message, and decides to attend to the hain soon. Teknall travels to Ull'Yang's true location. Ull'Yang creates a red dwarf in Teknall's formless personal plane. The star inadequate payment, Ull'Yang still owes Teknall a favour. - Teknall: -1 Freepoint to forge the staff. Ull'Yang: -1 Might to empower the staff. 111 - Ilunabar - Inside Raka, Arpeggio is created, which sorts all the dreams into seven categories of ascending order. Dreams are temporarily halted during construction. - Ilunabar: -8 Might to create a Holy Site (Arpeggio) 112 - Teknall - The Urtelem are created, rock creatures which attack violent lifeforms like the Ashlings. - Teknall: -1 Might to create Urtelem
Turn 4 113 - Turn 4 114 - Vowzra - Vowzra is angered by Jvan's creations. Natural creatures, especially hain and ants, are instilled with an aversion from and aggression towards Jvan's creatures, especially Sculptors and Fiberlings. TOBIA sets out to destroy Jvan's creatures. Vowzra creates a personal plane, wtih a floating island, where time flows 1000 Galbarian years internally for every one day on Galbar. In this plane, The Divine Annalist, Hexahedron Historicus Creato (aka The Cube) is created. - Vowzra: -1 Freepoint to instill dislike for all things Jvanic, -1 Might to create a personal plane, -9 Might to create a Holy Site (The Cube). 115 - Logos, Elysium - 20,000 Realta are created to guard Arcon. Elysium, a Realta of flesh and bone, is made, and claimed as Logos' daughter. Together, Elysium and Logos guide the evolution of life on Arcon. Humans are created. Humans are gifted with fire and form communities. It is realised that Logos has long-term plans for humanity in the Immortal Game. - Logos: -5 Might to Level up to 3, -2 Might to guide evolution of all life on Arcon, -1 Might to create the Realta, -1 Might to create a Hero (Elysium), -1 Might to create Humans, -1 Freepoint to give Humans fire, -1 Freepoint to give Humans community. 116 - Niciel - Niciel soothes the hain which remain in the Valley of Peace, who form a tribe. Angels are create. - Niciel: -1 Might to create Angels, -3 Might to claim a Portfolio (Holy). 117 - Slough - Slough rises up and moves on. A proud soul is accidentally recalled from the Deepwood, influenced by the essences of the Gods who had visited the Deepwood, manifesting from the colourful patch of roses. The proud soul manifests as a man, Allure. He slaughters three stripe-faced aphids for being ugly and moves on. - Slough: -5 Might to Level up, -1 Might to create a Hero (Allure). 118 - Jvan - Maize follows Slough. Jvan offers Ventus a reward if he leads Slough downstream, contrary to Zephyrion's orders to head upstream. Navy is attacked by TOBIA, and on fleeing passes by Allure. Cyan, who had been protecting a hain village for centuries, is driven out by the hain. Heartworm had been secretly observing, and also leaves. - No Might spent 119 - NPC hain - A story of Slough, her guardian Esau and some hain hunters is told by hain. The story has little point, as Slough acts like a mysterious wild animal. - No Might spent p7 120 - Allure - Allure sees a leopard and likes it. Allure destroys Navy. Allure severs the legs of TOBIA, then leaves. - No Khookies spent 121 - Teknall - Teknall incarnates as a mortal hain, Stone Chipper. Stone Chipper wanders between hain villages, teaching them the fundamentals of crafting, including stone and flint working, rawhide making, carpentry, rope-making, as well as archery and Urtelem taming. Gerrik becomes the apprentice of Stone Chipper. - Teknall: -5 Might to Level up to 4. 122 - Vestec, Vulamera - Vulamera accepts Vestec's offer to visit his mind. They go to Vulamera's empty personal plane. In Vestec's mind, Vulamera finds Corruption, Discord, Emotion and Violence, the four gods which constitute Vestec. Meanwhile, the Rovaik are created. Violence breaks his chains and attacks Vulamera. Vulamera is injured and escapes Vestec's mind, both of them landing in the Firewind Desert. Vestec balances the chaos in Vulamera's wound, creating the Empire race. Vulamera is pregnant, and attempts to abort the child. - Vestec: -1 Might to create the Rovaick, -3 Might to claim a Portfolio (Violence), -0.5 Might to create the Empire race. Vulamera: -4 Might to Level up to 3, -1 Might to create Sanctum of Memories, -0.5 Might to create the Empire race. 123 - Ilunabar - Ilunabar detects human dreams. Meimu uses the Ring of Blooming to create flowers; opium Poppies for Niciel, Hogweed for Toun, flying Lily Pads for Zephyrion, Sunflowers for Ull'Yang, Snowbelle for Vakarlon, flytraps for Reathos, Thornapple for Mammon, green Forget-Me-Not for Belruarc, Guarana for Vulamera, weedy roses for Vestec, glow-in-the-dark Morning Glory, Thistle for Kyre, Earthsoul for Teknall, Cherry Tree for Vowzra, and later Fuchsia for Logos on Arcon. The Ring of Blooming is destroyed. The Aurora is created, linked to dreams. Notte is created. Ilunabar experiments with Beyond Colours. Via the portal Mirrory Link, humans are smuggled from Arcon to Galbar. The first things the humans see on Galbar is Meimu and Notte squabbling. Notte plants an illustration of Elysium in the path of Allure. Notte talks to Jvan about humans. - Ilunabar: -4 Might to Level up to 3, -1 Might to create flowers via the Ring of Blooming, -1 Might to create the Aurora, -2 Might to create a second Avatar (Notte), -1 Might to create a portal (Mirrory) 124 - Ull'Yang - Yang'Ze is sent to the Deepwood and hibernates there, with a quarter of Ull'Yang's consciousness. Ull'Yang creates a body for his tyrue form. A comet is sent past Galbar. The plane of Cygnea, currently empty, is created. - Ull'Yang: -9 Might to Level up twice to 4, -1 Freepoint to create the comet, -1 Might to create a demiplane (Cygnea). 125 - Astarte - Deepwood wildlife has an aversion to Astartean essence. The Rock is created in the Deepwood, a powerful source of Astartean magic affecting life within 100 metres. Astarte seeks out Zephyrion for tests subjects for the Rock. - Astarte: -4 Might to create a Holy Site (the Rock) 126 - Niciel - Angels settle the Valley of Peace, and discover their powers. Loth (blue hair male) and Falas (yellow hair female) are made Heroes, the Guardians of the Angels, by Niciel. Niciel goes to the Firewind Desert. - Niciel: -2 Might to create two Heroes (Loth and Falas) 127 - Vulamera, Vestec, Zephyrion, Lifprasil, Niciel - Vulamera's child, Lifprasil, glimpses the Codex of Creation and is born safely. Vulamera gives Lifprasil her blessing and approval. Zephyrion is infuriated that Vulamera has tainted his desert, and they struggle. Vulamera forces her memories into Zephyrion, so that he understands, but is still angry. Niciel arrives and diffuses the situation. Lifprasil accepts Zephyrion's offer to live with him as a student. Vestec gifts Lifprasil a sword whip. Niciel gifts Lifprasil with a suit of armour. Vulamera gives the sword and armour mild sentience. Vulamera gifts Lifprasil with the Crown of Fealty. The Empire race is named the Lifprasilians and Insidie. Everyone leaves the Firewind Desert. - Vulamera: -1 Might to force memories into Zephyrion, -0.5 Might to imbue the armour with sentience, -1 Might to create the Crown of Fealty. Vestec: -0.5 Might and -2 Freepoints to create the sword. Niciel: -3 Freepoints to create the armour. 128 - Allure, Ilunabar - Allure slaughters and levels a village of hain, after learning of Slough's existence. Allure finds the painting of Elysium, but falls in love with Notte instead. Notte has mixed feelings, and they part ways. Meimu observes this. Allure heads towards the Firewind Desert. - No Might spent 129 - Reathos - Reathos discovers the dead souls of humans on Arcon, and finds Elysium and Logos in their oldest memories. Using an adapted White Giant siphon, the Pronobii are created in the southern tundra, as Reathos' countermeasure against sentient life, containing Lesser Eyes of Reathos. Reathos guides the Pronobii's development by possessing Nimueh, who accidentally becomes a Hero. Cryomancy, weapon and defence crafting, community and fight culture are given to the Pronobii, and they are told of their purpose. - Reathos: -1 Might to reverse engineer the White Giant siphons, -1 Might to create the Pronobii, -1 Might to grant the Pronobii Lesser Eyes of Reathos, -1 Might to create a Hero (Nimueh), -1 Might to teach the Pronobii cryomancy, -1 Freepoint to teach the Pronobii weapon making, -1 Freepoint to teach the Pronobii defence making, -1 Freepoint to teach the Pronobii community, -1 Freepoint to teach the Pronobii the fight culture. 130 - Zephyrion, Ventus, Slough - Ventus refuses Jvan's request. Slough attempts to leave the Firewind Desert. Ventus pushes Slough to stay, and the Mahd River Valley is created. Slough is followed by a friendly Crocody Doggle. At the source of the Mahd, Slough accidentally creates the Venomweald Writhe from a stillborn vast soul, which in turn creates the toxic Venomweald Jungle. Slough is comatose. Ventus whisks the party away to the mouth of the Mahd by the Fractal Sea. - Slough: -1 Might to create the Mahd River Valley, -3 Freepoints to stillbirth a vast soul (the Venomweald Writhe) (Slough is now in negative Might). Ventus: -5 Khookies to Level up twice to 3. 131 - Vestec - Vestec steals and corrupts members of various races, including Angels, Pronobii, Djinni, hain, Sculptors, Urtelem, Rovaick and Insidie, which forms his hordes of Chaos, based in the Changing Plains. Some villages are consumed by gladiatorial combat as part of Vestec's selection process. Tular the hain and Bez the Rovaick are named. Grot is created. - Vestec: -5 Might to Level up to 4, -1 Might to create a Hero (Grot) 132 - Mammon, Cherry Eater - The fleet-footed mangler which had hunted Cherry Eater earlier is captured by Mammon. The Goathead Magi are formed, a corruption of Jvan's Sculptors, who are adept in the Occult and have a twisted drive for experimentation. Cherry Eater finds a village slaughtered and experimented on by one Goathead Magus. Cherry Eater drinks some potion and follows the Magus. - Mammon: -1 Might to create the Goathead Magi. 133 - Jvan - The First Sculptor finds Urtelem, and Jvan likes them. Jvan is wary of Allure. Jvan grants Notte the Textile Garden, and chats. Violet is scarred by continuous battles with ashlings in the Shattered Plains, resisting Jvan's directions to investigate the Firewind. Violet is struck by a stray lightning bolt from Zephyrion, severing its connection with Jvan but leaving it alive. The Needle Fae are created, to protect Sculptors. A hain village south of the Sparkling Sea (identified as the village where Cyan used to live) is blown up to spread Needle Fae and the Beautification of the Flesh. The hain are instilled with the Beautification of the Flesh, an adolescent body-art ritual which reduced the effects of their aversion to Jvanic beings. Amber's instincts are dulled by the time spent in the Valley of Peace. Amber seaks out Teknall. - Jvan: -1 Might to create the Needle Fae, -1 Freepoint to create the Textile Grove 134 - Ilunabar - Lifprasil is given an encyclopedia of Galbar. The beyond-colour of Vowzest is introduced, the colour of the Present. Notte chats with Jvan. - Ilunabar: -1 Freepoint to create the encyclopedia. 135 - NPC humans - Slough is the focus of shamanistic rituals by humans. - No Might spent 135 - NPC Furls - Over a long time, Furls evolve into other beings. Kompsoid (Furlid Elegans) are noted to be surviving and thriving, out west of the Deepwood. 136 - Teknall - Gerrik observes the food web of the Gilt Savannah - No Might spent 137 - Ventus, Allure, Slough - Allure finds Slough and seeks to destroy her. Ventus defends Slough. Allure and Ventus battle, Ventus being wounded and Allure being blown to a small island in the Fractal Sea. Allure performs brain surgery on himself. - Allure: -11 Khookies to Level up 3 times to Level 4 138 - Toun - Toun creates the Cornerstone east of the Ironheart Ranges and west of the Deepwood, his new base of operations. Land surrounding the Cornerstone is converted violently into the Metatic Ocean (aka the White Ocean). The slave hain are granted kaolokinesis (porcelain shaping powers), and establish homes within the Cornerstone. The Cornerstone will also impart kaolokinesis upon any mortals who stay there, and subjugate them to Toun, and also sustain their bodies. - Toun: -8 Might to create a Holy Site (the Cornerstone), -2 Might to grant the slave hain and future inhabitants of the Cornerstone kaolokinesis. p8 139 - NPC elementals - The story of Char, a fire elemental who reigned king of the Venomweald for over 1000 years. Set in the distant future. The story contains moral lessons for young shamans. Firelord Char, Stonelord Cliff who became Slag, Duke Aquarius, Skylord Atmus and Stonelord Slate are introduced. Char destroys himself, Aquarius, Atmus , Slate and a large part of the Venomweald in a fiery explosion. Slag survives. - No Might spent 140 - TOBIA - TOBIA is left wounded by Allure's attack. TOBIA makes it to Astarte's Rock, touches it, is healed, and absorbs some strange energies. TOBIA goes on a journey through the Gilt Savannah, the Great Steppe (North of the Savannah, Changing Plains and Desert), the Firewind Desert, the Venomweald, the Valley of Peace, the icy forests of the north, the oceans, then finally to Jvan. On the way, TOBIA studies Ashlings and elementals, frees and befriends the wind djinni Basheer from the Jvanic wailing-crow-instrument, is admired by the hain in the Valley of Peace and discovers she can swim. TOBIA bites Jvan. - TOBIA: -2 Khookies to Level up to 2. 141 - Vestec - Using the bottle of Liquid Light from Astarte, Vestec unlocks magic in all sentient life on Galbar. Vestec steals some humans for his Horde of Chaos. Vestec chats with Atsarte. - No Might spent 142 - Jvan - Jvan suggests to Notte that she should sneak into Arcon occassionally. Jvan ensnares TOBIA, does deep mathematics to locate Arcon, then banishes TOBIA to Arcon along with a Jvanic Eye. The Eye is destroyed by Realta moments after arrival, but TOBIA makes it safely to the ground. Meanwhile on Galbar, Heartworm arrives at the aftermath of the battle between Ventus and Allure. Jvan has to forcibly take control of Heartworm to restrain it. Esau is healed of its wounds, although has a few extra eyes now. - Jvan: -5 Might to Level up to 4, -1 Might to mathematically locate Arcon, -1 Freepoint to send TOBIA and a Jvanic Eye to Arcon. 143 - Kyre - The Hilt, a giant rock sword made from Perditus rock and thrust into the land between the south-west White Ocean and the Ironheart Ranges, is created. Kyre confronts Vestec regarding his hordes, and says hello to Astarte. - Kyre: -10 Might to create a Holy Site (the Hilt), -4 Might to Level up to 3. 144 - Teknall - Stone Chipper enacts a miracle to drive off a Fiberling, and explains it by claiming to be a prophet of Teknall. Villages with nearby bioluminescent life (eg. Duster Oozes) begin to use bioluminescent lamps. - No Might spent. 145 - Teknall - Stone Chipper and Gerrik do some star gazing. It is deduced that the world is spherical. Gerrik infers a naive model of the cosmos. They see Ull'Yang's comet. - No Might spent 146 - Zephyrion, Ventus, Lifprasil, Allure - Lifprasil subdues 2000 Lifprasilians, who later become High Lifprasilians, and Zephyrion takes them all to the Celestial Citadel. Ventus tells of his fight with Allure, and Lifprasil flies off to find Allure. Lifprasil psychically goads Allure into accepting his challenge to duel. Lifprasil and Allure fight. Lifprasil wins on account of being better equiped. Allure surrenders, and joins Lifprasil. - No Might spent 147 - Niciel, Falas, Loth - Niciel grants Loth a flying White Giant, and a blessing which will heal him completely when struck by a single fatal blow. Loth announces to Falas that he is leaving the Valley of Peace to explore the world. Falas is tasked with becoming the leader of the Angels. Loth and Falas share long-range communication crystals. Loth departs. - Niciel: -1 Might to bless Loth, -1 Might to grant Loth the items. 148 - Ull'Yang - Cygnea is formed in Ull'Yang's personal plane, with four continents on a watery plane. Ull'Yang uses a string of Slough's essence, accidentally collect before creation, to seed Cygnea with life. A star is created which shines like a spotlight, creating day and night. Ull'Yang coils up to sleep in a small central island. - No Might used. 149 - Vowzra, Belruarc, Belvast - Set shortly after the fall of Perfectus, ~4000 years before the banishment of TOBIA. Vowzra meets Belruarc in orbit. They become physically and mentally united, and plummet to the north pole, semi-comatose, and awake to find themselves in weakened humanoid forms. They make a home in a cave with friendly bears. Belruarc gives birth to Belvast. Belvast discovers his portal powers and his Eye of the Portcullis, and befriends the bears. Belvast grows up, Vowzra returns to godhood, Belruarc is immortal but still human with lessened powers. Belvast departs, heading to the Valley of Peace, promising to return some day. Vowzra feels guilt and fear looking into Belruarc's eyes, for they are familiar. The bears are blessed with accellerated evolution. - No Might spent 150 - Teknall - Gerrik is able to teach hain independently. Teknall listens in on the hain legends. Teknall resolves to become the god of the hain. - No Might spent 151 - Ilunabar - Notte accepts Jvan's advice. Some hain history occurs, orchestrated by Ilunabar to slow the spread of Teknall's boring truths. The Fiberslayer clan, the village where Cyan used to live, is the focus, on the west coast of the Fractal sea, with the nearby villages of Hillisle, Birbeye and Longgrass. Norterau Fiberslayer, Perlsrik (son of Birbeye), Brukbrik and Longgrass are introduced. It is noted that music, dancing and storytelling are known to the hain. The claims of the Chippers, hain inspired by Stone Chipper, regarding the cosmos and Stone Chipper's encounter with a Fiberling, as well as them all receiving bad omens in dreams, drives the people of Fiberslayer, Birbeye and Longgrass to attack Chippers, many who took refuge in Hillisle. - No Might spent 152 - Ilunabar, Vowzra - Set shortly after Belvast's birth. Vowzra visits Ilunabar in Raka. Raka is modified such that dreams may occassionally bear predictions of the future. Together, Vowzra and Ilunabar make a lute, from which a demigod, the Bard, is born. Vowzra takes the Bard to his personal plane. - No Might spent. 153 - Elysium - In an encounter with a human while hunting, Elysium grants archery to humanity. - Elysium: -2 Khookies to give archer, -2 Khookies to Level up to 2
Turn 5 154 - Turn 5 155 - Teknall, Jvan - Teknall discovers the Chippers, and secretly instructs them via dream to flee their persecution. Teknall and Amber meet. Teknall interrogates Jvan about the virus, and learns of the Beatuification of the Flesh. Jvan asks Teknall to teach the Urtelem sign-language, to improve Urtelem language and allow Urtelem-Sculptor communication. Teknall meets Heartworm, and together they upgrade Urtelem to speak in body language and have improved measuring and balancing abilities. Heartworm departs to perform the upgrade on all other Urtelem. - Teknall: -1 Freepoint to give Urtelem body language. Jvan: -1 Might to give Urtelem enhanced measurement and balance. 156 - Reathos - Through the First Incarnation of the Great Prophet Nimueh, Reathos further develops the Pronobii in preparation for the Great Purge, with fighting styles, advanced melee weapons and defenses, honour, basic dwellings, written language, monuments, religion and temple building. On discovering that Vestec had stolen some Pronobii, Reathos blesses the remaining Pronobii to be resistant to the influence of other gods. Pronobii can see, speak and read the True Glyphs of the True Names, and consider it a holy language. - Reathos: -1 Might to bless the Pronobii with resistance to divine influence, -9 Freepoints to give the Pronobii fighting styles, advanced melee weapons, advanced melee defenses, honour, dwellings, written language, monuments, religion, and temple building. 157 - Ilunabar - Ilunabar masters colours. She turns the second planet in the solar system burgundy. The following beyond colours are defined: Vowzest (colour of present, forgotten when not looked at), Vowzatto (reflects long past light), Vowzil (shows future potential to change with literally burning colours), Sirenian (colour of fascination, c.f. sirens), Tiblumsh (makes it appear more distant), Dashrid (makes it appear closer), Ogirri (causes all else to be forgotten while seen), Lecarol (colour found on the other side of mirrors), Clochelic (colour of wonder, induces curiosity), and Jakketerang (colour of the hunt, source is always visible once seen, regardless of barriers). An experiment with Jakketerang on some High Lifprasillians ends in a murder and a few suicides. Mortals are taught to call one planet 'Ilunabar's' and the fourth planet 'Zephyrion's'. Ilunabar grants mortals their own language, capable of evolution. Sculptors are exempt. - Ilunabar: -3 Might to claim a Portfolio (Colours), -1 Freepoint to make languages. 158 - Teknall - The village of Emberhille has been maintaining and using naturally caused fire. Gerrik is taught discretion by Stone Chipper. Gerrik invents the bow drill and uses it to invent fire. - Teknall: -1 Freepoint to teach the hain fire. p9 159 - Vowzra, The Bard - Chronos is filled with life and stuff, notably Aeth the Greater Crow and Chao the Lesser Crow, the Crimson Cherry Tree, the Sparkling Pool, the Sertzamen-Vremae (the Crystals), and the Chronos Silk-Spider. True Names are mentioned. In the North of Galbar, the towering Solitary Mount, the forest-tree Old Bark-Skin, and the jungle-tree Garabil are created. Treeminds, descendents of bears, live in Old Bark-Skin. The Whirlpool of Space and Time, leading to Chronos, and the Guardian of the Gate are created atop the Solitary Mount. - Vowzra: -1 Might to create the Crows, -1 Might to create the Cherry Tree, -1 Might to create the Sparkling Pool, -6 Might to create the crystals, -1 Might to create the Silk-Spiders, -1 Might to create the Solitary Mount, -1 Might to create a portal (the Whirlpool of Space and Time) and its guardian, -1 Might to create the forest and jungle, -1 Might to create the Treeminds. The Bard: -7 Might to Level up twice to Level 3. 160 - NPC Rovaick - The Rovaick's expansion is hindered by White Giants. Sularn, an Azibo, calls on Teknall, Vulamera and Toun to help the Rovaick. Gruik the goblin is introduced. - No Might spent 161 - Teknall - The Eenal Bow and Guardian Shield are created, and gifted to Gerrik. Stone Chipper reveals to Gerrik that he is the god Teknall. Gerrik is canonized as a Hero, and given the title Far-Teacher. Teknall leaves Gerrik, who is tasked with continuing the work of teaching the hain. - Teknall: -1 Might to create the Eenal Bow, -1 Might to create the Guardian Shield, -3 Might to adopt a Portfolio (Carpentry), -1 Might to make a Hero (Gerrik Far-Teacher). 162 - TOBIA, Logos, Vowzra - TOBIA learns she can fly. TOBIA is chased by Realta then caught by Logos, a cave being destroyed in the process. Vowzra arrives, appeals for TOBIA, and pleads for Logos' aid against Jvan. TOBIA is let free on Arcon. The Waters of Nyneve are created in the cave, 'all the yesterdays that could have been, and the tomorrows that could be', for Elysium. Logos warns Vowzra of the danger of fighting Jvan. Logos implies he will seek recompense for the stolen humans. - No Might spent? 163 - NPC Eskandars - Humans on Arcon. Eskandar born by Caesarean birth. Wedded to Zekra. Forced out of tribe. Receives a bow from Elysium, and proclaims himself Blessed of the Moon-Mother. Teaches archery. Settles down with numerous wives (in order: Zekra, Seri, Tse, Beru, Cala, Anja, Kae) and children (Mentioned are Bato, Elia, Meli, Sarin, Hezric, Gar, Zeri, Sheb, Caz, Palo, Orif, Derk, Reyk, Jarl, Wezar, Tora, Rana). Bato is firstborn son of Eskandar, becomes a man. The remnants of Eskandar's old tribe, driven out by TOBIA's landing and the destruction of their holy cave, infringe on Eskandar territory and are enslaved. Eskandar assures them their curse is gone as long as they obey him. Use of fire to burn and regenerate the land, systems of counting age, and camoflague are mentioned. - No Might spent 164 - Astarte, Kyre, Vestec - In spite of Kyre's pleas otherwise, Vestec releases four Hordes of Chaos from the Shattered Plains into the world. Grot carrying Rovaick and Urtelem would head to the Valley of Peace. Hain and Fallen Angels would slaughter their way to Cornerstone. Pronobii and Ashlings would hunt down the uncorrupted Pronobii. Strom Djinni would hunt down other Djinni. Astarte suggests a combat tournament instead, but Vestec wants to send his armies out first. At Astarte's request, the Order of Lakshmi is created. Kyre alerts the other gods. Vestec warns the gods not to simply smite his Hordes. Kyre investigates a Pronobii, learns of the Great Purge, and decides to permit the Pronobii to be attacked. Astarte asks Kyre to teach her combat sometime, and Kyre accepts her request for some point in the future. Kyre heads to the Celestial Citadel. - Vestec: -1 Might to create an Order (the Order of Laksmhi) 165 - NPC hain - A hain, Kortek, is undergoes his second hatching. The story is told from the perspective of his younger sister Boki. Sago, Retuk and Teknak are introduced. The second hatching is portrayed as a rite to adulthood and path to conquering fears. It is initially quite upsetting. The unsettling views are typically hidden within a separate tent. - No Might spent 166 - Zephyrion, Ventus, Lifprasil, Astarte - In the Citadel, Zephyrion teaches Lifprasil the 'correct' opinions of the other gods, which Lifprasil generally doesn't conform to, then combat training, then geography. Astarte visits, and Zephyrion, Lifprasil, Ventus, and Lakshmi (Lifprasil's favourite servant) go on a field trip. They pass the Horde of Chaos (before the march), and Zephyrion grabs a sample of the horde. They find Astarte's Rock and experiment on it. Most mortals blow up on contact. Lakshmi survives, gets a rock hand, and becomes a Hero. Ventus is pushed into the Rock, is empowered with Astartean Magic, and flies off. Everyone except Astarte and Zephyrion leave. Zephyrion mutates some Urtelem near the Venomweald into ogres. The first ogre touches the Rock, is empowered into a Hero, then destroys the Rock, killing some ogres, empowering others, and leaving the rest alone. Astartes receives one (rather hungry) ogre as compensation. In an altercation, Astarte burns off the orge's ear, it cries, and Zephyrion is angry at his 'flawed' creations and dumps them near the Venomweald. - Zephyrion: -1 Might to create ogres. Astarte: No Might spent, Holy Site (the Rock) destroyed. Astarte's Rock: -1 Might to make a Hero (Lakshmi), -1 Might to make a Hero (the first Ogre), -1 Might to Level up Ventus four times to Level 7, -1 Might to empower some ogres. 167 - Astarte, Lifprasil, Lakshmi - Astarte eats some flowers, and feeds them to Lakshmi. Astarte likes flowers, but they aren't that tasty. Lakshmi gifts Astarte a flower necklace. - No Might spent 168 - Reathos, Nimueh - The first settlement of the Pronobii is Reas'Thul, and contains the Arena-Temple of Nimueh. Reathos investigates humanity. Nimueh passes on, then reincarnates, and becomes the champion of the Pronobii. Nimueh leads an army against the first wave of the Chaos horde. - No Might spent 169 - Ilunabar - Piena, Diva of Aesthetic, is created to organise the other Divas. One night, the Aurora extended across all Galbar and people dream vividly. This is the Phantasmagoria. Jvan's garden is converted into Julia Island. A pass in the southern Ironhearts between the Shimmering Sea and the Metatic Ocean becomes The Pass and Shalanoir Forest. Marionettes are created. Komposoid Furls, in the Pass, are blessed by Piena to become Quara Korala. The sentient species of Galbar, especially humans (who tenaciously rebuilt after Toun catastrophically made the Metatic Ocean), are gifted many cultural and soceital components from Ilunabar, including eloquence. Following the Phantasmagoria: Susa the Huntress (a human) breaks her leg and is forced to settle down and teach trapping, leather making and other explorer things; the village of Fibeslay has a new leader who was once a bard and a cultural renaissance, greater tolerance, drama, art, painting and music; Old man Vascogne is a trader and survivor of the flood, and inspires his granddaughter Marel Vascogne to become a trader too; the hain Grinder discovers how to make bread, and uses the knowledge to bring an entire village under his control; Manog discovers wine, and Marel Vascogne begins trading it. - Ilunabar: -4 Might to create a third Avatar (Piena), -5 Might to Level up to 4, -1 Might to create Julia Island, -1 Might to create Shalanoir, -1 Might to create Marionettes, -1 Might to bless the Quara Korala, -7 Freepoints to teach Trade, Flour/Breadmaking, Pottery, Leather Drying/Tanning, Trapping, Herbalism and Eloquence, No points expended to teach Poisoning, Fruit Lore, Sewing, Binding & Weaving, Wood Carving, Winemaking, Bead making, and Petroglyphs/painting. Ilunabar is in negative Might. 170 - Falas, Niciel, Loth - Falas visits the outside world, makes friends with a hain caled Grandfather Alexen and receives some wisdom. Falas establishes good relations with the other Angels and promotes visiting the outside world. Niciel accepts Falas as leader of the Angels. Falas is blessed and becomes a Seraph, and is given a blessed suit of armour, lance and buckler. Falas trains the Angels. Loth warns Falas of the approaching Grot, and Falas prepares for war. - Niciel: -1 Might to Level up Falas 4 times to Level 5, -1 Might and -2 Freepoints to create the armour, lance and buckler. 171 - Jvan - Mauve falls into a cave in the Ironhearts and finds the Rovaick for Jvan. The Jvanic Eye in the Celestial Citadel observes the High Lifprasilians. Violet is tagging along with the hain and angel Horde. Violet had been imbued with part of an Insidie soul back in the Firewind Desert, and is developing sentience and is quite angsty. - No Might spent 172 - Lifprasil, Ilunabar - Lifprasil claims land near the Pass as his own. Lifprasil finds Ilunabar, Meimu, Piena and Notte in the Celestial Citadel. Lifprasil tells Notte that Allure is in the Celestial Citadel. Lifprasil tries wine. Ilunabar tries to teach Lifprasil important life lessons. Lifprasil is persuaded to go on a world-exploring adventure. The three Divas are tasked with planning Lifprasil's city. - No Might spent 173 - Ull'Yang - A young female wolf, Whisper, struggles to survive and feed her pack on the central island in Cygnea. Ull'Yang awakes to find Cygnea a paradise, and that his dragon-body had fused with the island and become stone. Ull'Yang finds Whisper, sees promise in her, and persuades her to follow him, promising to protect her pack. Whisper is transformed into Luna, the Twilight Queen. - Ull'Yang: -1 Might to make a Hero (Luna), -0.5 Might to infuse the central island with power. 174 - Vestec, Julkofyr - In the Darkened Spires, Vestec finds Julkofyr and, using a modified Orb of Darkness leading to Vestec's personal plane, the Realm of Madness, Vestec traps Julkofyr. A hain sculptor, Sharmen, witnesses this, and is instructed by Vestec to make a sculpture of this event. Vestec decorrupts five Fallen Angels, rewrites their memories to make it appear that they had been instructed by Niciel to attack Cornerstone, then lets them attack Cornerstone. Vestec goes to visit Kyre and sends apparitions to talk with Niciel and Toun. - No Might spent 175 - Elysium, Logos - Logos presents the Waters of Nyneve to Elysium. Elysium accidentally bathes in it and receives a disturbing vision of a Logos which could have been. Logos had used the pool to perceive the many possible outcomes of Vestec's war, and asks for Elysium's aid. Logos creates the first Acalya flower in preparation for war. - Logos: -1 Might to Level up Elysium 7 times to 8, -9 Might to Level up to 4, -1 Might to create the Acalya flower. 176 - NPC elementals - The elementals in a region near the Fractal Sea convene to discuss the spread of Jvanic corruption. Basheer gives his testimony. Stormlord Tempus, Firelord Cinder and Waterlord Hydraxis agree to battle the Jvanic threat, while Stonelord Gneiss does not consider Jvan dangerous enough to take action. Sculptors can find some refuge in caves and mountains. Sculptors, especially those who used to be elementals, are hunted. Murmur, an elemental of thunder hunting the Sculptors, is introduced. - No Might spent 177 - Jvan - Jvan (via Heartworm) is touring the world to modify the Urtelem and teach them sign language. Urtelem communicate with Sculptors, and learn that the changes they underwent was caused by 'Spiral-Palms'. Jvan finds the Venomweald Writhe, is impressed by its power, but Heartworm barely escapes with its life. Heartworm is pelted by rocks from an ogre, and Jvan vengefully dissects the ogres, with the witnesses coming to call the god Juk Fonk. Jvan blesses the Rovaick to be capable of birthing semi-viable crossbreeds, directly impregnates some Rovaick of either gender, dismisses a challenge from an Azibo hermit, and is called Yah Vuh. Urtelem learn crude mineral 'cooking'. The hain associate wierd things in the world with Jaan. An Angel, Hefin, is transmuted by Jvan, and spreads body jewellery about the other Angels, calling Jvan Yivvin. Jvan enjoys the Phantasmagoria, but is maddened by Grot's destruction of a village with its potential for technology. Sculptors (~10) and Urtelem (a few hundred) in the region are mobilised to defend the Valley of Peace. Among them is a human Sculptor named Dancer, and a human girl named Tira joins them, learning their language. The humans west of the Valley of Peace call jvan Y'Vahn. Jvan finds Sharmen, watches her complete her fourth statue of Julkofyr, then grants her solace in death. - Jvan: -1 Freepoint to teach Urtelem crude mineral processing. 178 - Toun, Vestec - The five angels are killed easily by Toun's slave hain. Vestec arrives and tells Toun that Niciel sent those Angels to attack. Toun is suspicious. Toun has his slave hain prepare Cornerstone for the Horde of Chaos. Toun reads one of the angel's minds, and comes to believe Vestec's report about Niciel. Furious, Toun stomps the ground, causing an earthquake. Due to distance, only a small tidal surge occurs around the White Ocean. - No Might spent p10 179 - Niciel, Vestec - Vestec attempts to persuade Niciel that some of her angels went to warn Cornerstone about the incoming horde, and were attacked by the slave hain. Vestec also speaks of his Hordes. Niciel is suspicious, and goes to Cornerstone herself - No Might spent 180 - Teknall, Zephyrion, Ventus, Ilunabar, Allure, Lifprasil - Set before Phantasmagoria and the Hordes of Chaos, in the Celestial Citadel. Teknall has a chat with Zephyrion then Ilunabar, catching up. Teknall and Ilunabar discuss the benefits of the Divas. Allure renovates his rooms and makes statues of women including Notte. Lifprasil and Allure talk about the nature of beauty. The High Lifprasilians have hanging gardens in the Celestial Citadel. Lifprasil and Teknall talk a bit about Lifprasil's global ambitions. Then Kyre's message arrives, and Teknall goes off to prepare. 181 - Lifprasil, Belvast - Lifprasil creates three Fractal Artefacts: an ocarina, the Fractal Utensil (shown as a quill), and a cube (shown containing parchment). The ocarina is left for Zephyrion. Lifprasil becomes Vesamera, and leaves the Celestial Citadel to explore the world and learn. Meanwhile, Belvast has travelled the world for millenia. Belvast creates the Mobius Board. Vesamera and Belvast meet in the Deepwood, and play a game on the Mobius Board, betting friendship and fish. Belvast wins and Vesamera gives him a fish, and reveals that s/he is Lifpraisl and a demigod. Belvast joins Vesamera on her adventures. - Lifprasil: -3 Might to create three Fractal Artefacts. Belvast: -7 Might to Level up twice to Level 3, -1 Might to create the Mobius Board. 182 - Gerrik Far-Teacher, Teknall - Gerrik experiences Phantasmagoria, and receives visions of Susa the Huntress, Fibeslay, Grinder, and Vascogne's wine, and where to find them. Teknall warns Gerrik of the incoming Horde of hain and angels, and blesses Gerrik. Gerrik has 10 days to prepare the village, and Teknall will gather Urtelem to help. - Teknall: -1 Might to Level up Far-Teacher 4 times to Level 5. 183 - Vestec, Kyre - Vestec approaches Kyre with a deal to slow down his armies to give Kyre time for the sentients to prepare. Kyre refuses. Vestec's Avatar, Violence, is created and sent to join the hain and fallen angel hordes. Vestec curses a quarter of souls to be sent to his Realm of Madness rather than Reathos' Wraith Stone when they die. Vestec curses 1% of those who die to become a Cursed, undead. - Vestec: -1 Might to create an Avatar (Violence), -2 Might to curse those who die. 184 - NPC elementals - A human village witnesses a battle between two air elementals, the storm threatening to destroy their village. A sleeping earth elemental, Tremor, awakens, scares the djinn off and goes back to sleep. The human village express gratitude by planting flowers on Tremor's sleeping earth-covered back. - No Might spent 185 - Teknall, Zephyrion, Ventus, Vestec - Teknall prepares Urtelem to guard some villages from the hain and angel horde. Teknall leaves Grot to others. Teknall sends 200 Urtelem to fight the Pronobii and Ashling horde (this weakens them enough to make them not slaughter the west coast of the Fractal Sea, but they still make it to the South Pole with enough numbers to fight the Pronobii there). Teknall seeks the help of Zephyrion to deal with the Storm Djinn, who sends Ventus to create an Order to act as his personal lynch mob. Teknall convinces Ventus to fight the fallen angels in the upcoming battle. Vestec's Avatar joins the hain/angel horde, and Vestec strikes a binding deal with Teknall to slow down the horde for 30 days in exchange for a favour, twisting Teknall's words so he didn't get the deal he wanted. Vestec insists that a favour from Kyre is required to remove the Avatar. Teknall goes to Kyre. - Vestec: -1 Might to bless/curse to make the deal binding. 186 - Toun, Niciel - Niciel visits Toun in Cornerstone. Toun is still mad. Niciel asks for an apology. Toun shows Niciel the tampered angel minds. Niciel figures out that they had been fooled by Vestec, but leaves with the corpses without telling Toun. Toun is still mad at Niciel - No Might spent 187 - Jvan, NPC elementals - Stonelord Gneiss visits Jvan and attempts to negotiate peace. Negotiations break down, and Jvan swallows Gneiss. Jvan creates Diaphane, the first Change-Eater, a race designed to fight the elementals, and feeds Gneiss' Flicker to her. Diaphane lives for a while, eating smaller elementals, eventually becoming gravid asexually. Murmur, Bringer of Thunder, who was helping Stormlords set up an annual typhoon, hears of Diaphane, and goes to fight her. Murmur survives relatively unharmed, but Diaphane is mortally wounded, and scatters her eggs into space. - Jvan: -1 Might to create Diaphane. 188 - Toun - Toun sees the hain/angel horde and Violence. Toun uses the calligraphic language he used in the Codex to create two Avatars, Majus and Minus, and sends them to fight Violence - Toun: -5 Might to Level up to 4, -1 Might to create an Avatar (Majus), -2 Might to create a second Avatar (Minus), -3 Might to adopt a Portfolio (Calligraphy) 189 - Astarte - Astarte has a dream/vision in the middle of the Phantasmagoria. Astarte names her ogre Big. Big is portrayed here as gentle and caring. - No Might spent 190 - nill 191 - Vulamera, Vakarlon, Keriss - Seeing the forces of Chaos on Galbar, Vulamera and Vakarlon agree to create a Demigod. Vulamera enters Vakarlon's mind, a labyrinth of conflicted thoughts. Vakarlon's Chance plus Serandor's Destruction makes Suffering. Serandor as a lion is found trapped by statues of Vakarlon's lost loved ones. Vulamera enters Serandor's mind, a plane of destruction and ruin. They talk. Vulamera finds Vakarlon trying to spy on Serandor (symbolised by a snowbelle), and banishes Vakarlon from Serandor's mind. Vulamera then goes to Vakarlon's essence, protects his mind from Serandor. They create the demigoddess Keriss. They tell Keriss her role in life, Vulamera gives her the Crown of Pain to channel Vulamera's powers, then Keriss is teleported down to the Venomweald. - Vulamera: -1 Might to create the Crown of Pain 192 - NPC Violet - Violet is in the hain/angel horde when Violence arrives and when Vestec slows it to a stop for 30 days. The horde is slowed by a creeping collective psychosis, and camps down in a peat bog. A pack of Urtelem attacks, Violence killing most of them, but one being separated and, not without causing injury, is eventually taken down by Violet and some angels. Violet is accepted by the angels as one of their own. - No Might spent 193 - Toun - Caused by Phantasmagoria, Toun dances with a faceless female illusion and the rest of Cornerstone dances with him. It was strange for Toun - No Might spent 194 - Niciel, Falas - Niciel creates more Wisps. Niciel tells the Angels of the pantheon. Niciel turns four Angels into Archangels. Falas is granted the power to create Archangels and Seraphs. The Angels killed by Toun's minions are given a proper funeral. During Phantasmagoria, Niciel, the Wisps and the Angels all dance. Life Wips are created, which can fuse with trees to form Ents. Angels gain the power to control Wisps. - Niciel: -2 Might to create four Archangels and bless Falas, -1 Might to create Life Wisps, -1 Might to give Angels Wisp-controlling powers, -5 Might to Level up to 4 195 - Nimueh, Reathos - Nimueh loses the battle of Reas'Thul against the Horde of Chaos, and her retreat is covered by the elders, who eventually fall. The battle of Nime'Agul is also a defeat. Arcadia, an Unwanted, uses Casting to kill flying Ashlings. Reathos reveals to Nimueh that she is a Hero, then says the Pronobii need to survive for 6 winter-nights. Reathos feels the flow of souls disturbed. Reathos raises a global army of mindless undead and marches them to the south pole. - Reathos: -1 Might to raise an undead army, -5 Might to Level up to 4. 196 - Jvan - Jvan attempts to extend herself into the Gap, but finds that, due to Vowzra, the Other is more powerful than expected, and she falls deeply ill, until one of the shards of Toun within her is knocked free and becomes active, allowing her to force the Other into perfect geometric order. A Holy Site, Ovaedis, is created, and sent into orbit as part of Galbar's rings. - Jvan: -1 Might to subdue the Other, -10 Might to create a Holy Site (Ovaedis), -1 Might to send Ovaedis into orbit.
Turn 6 197 - Turn 6 198 - Slough - Slough lies unburied and unmarked in the Forsaken Cragland, where the delta of the Mahd used to be. Her resting place is the Deadwood Sepulcher, which attracts aimless wanderers and grants them undeath at the price of a suppressed soul. Slough's 'death' causes the Aimless Time, a season of undeath, to befall the world, although it ends without a trace and only the gods are capable of remembering it. Numerous tombs with special souls are in the Cragland: a proud soul of a chaos-drenched lord, a proud soul of a crystalline dragon, a brave soul of a skybound sympathizer, a brave soul of a malevolent maiden, a brave soul of a charismatic warhound, a vast soul of the knowledgeable youth, a vast soul of the starlight scientist - Slough: -10 Might to create a Holy Site (Deadwood Sepulcher), -2 Freepoints and -5 Might to recall the souls. p11
I apologise that it isn't exactly light reading. (I wonder if the finished produce will fit under the character limit?)
So I just found this wonderful thing... and it made me think.
We're still so very much in the Dawn Age of the world. What we do will become Legend and Story... what is our legacy as Gods going to be?
Creative Challenge for the group: in lieu of Majora's mask, the Daedric Artifacts, the ring of Suaron, that sort of jazz, what sort object would your God pour their power into, either as blessing or curse, and what powers would it bestow?
Keriss would probably make a shield with a single, large eye that would make any who look at it; be crippled with pain, some terrible memory would haunt them, and/or have a hallucination of something that would just make them suffer.
Holy shit, I forgot about the crown that Keriss has to channel Vulamera's powers. Probably useless now that Vulemera is one with the codex
Considering that the Crown of Pain channels Vulamera's powers, its power is probably greatly lessened now, although it probably still holds some residual power.
So I just found this wonderful thing... and it made me think.
We're still so very much in the Dawn Age of the world. What we do will become Legend and Story... what is our legacy as Gods going to be?
Creative Challenge for the group: in lieu of Majora's mask, the Daedric Artifacts, the ring of Suaron, that sort of jazz, what sort object would your God pour their power into, either as blessing or curse, and what powers would it bestow?
That's a tricky one. Especially for Teknall, who could make practically anything, but would only do so if he had a reason, which makes it hard to speculate. If you want me to come up with something, though, Teknall's artefact of power might be a godly foundry in which a mortal smith might be able to create objects of divine power.
We already have a few such artefacts of great power floating around, though. Zephyrion poured 10 Might into a magic staff which grants divine command over the Firewind Desert. Vestec carved up the body of Reathos into a set of fancy and unique artefacts.
Considering that the Crown of Pain channels Vulamera's powers, its power is probably greatly lessened now, although it probably still holds some residual power.
Huh, sort of how that thing Tauga gave Keriss reacted with her to make an apparition of Vakarlon appear for a brief moment?
Ah, your summary reminded me about how that lynch mob that Ventus created still needs some fleshing out and was originally meant to fight storm djinn. Actually, because I'm in the mood, I'll try to write a shortish post about that. Right now. In one session!
Belvast invented board games. And, Belvast would probably make a pendant that lets someone connect a single door to anywhere else they want it to go once a day. D&D style.
We're still so very much in the Dawn Age of the world. What we do will become Legend and Story... what is our legacy as Gods going to be?
Creative Challenge for the group: in lieu of Majora's mask, the Daedric Artifacts, the ring of Suaron, that sort of jazz, what sort object would your God pour their power into, either as blessing or curse, and what powers would it bestow?
While I think the legacy question has popped up a few times already, and is actively being explored by several stories anyway, I'll take a spare moment to meddle with that other question.
It's unlikely that Jvan would create an artefact to pass on power if it was at all possible to add that same power to the individual's body itself. Even if a transfer needed to occur, she'd design it into a symbiote, or parasite. Despite this, she- or, more accurately, Chiral Phi- has actually done this.
Time for a little exposition on halos!
A halo is a structure made of durable semiorganic Fae metal. Like a virus, it is not alive, and is inert on its own. However, it activates when integrated with a Sculptor's telepathic signals, and draws energy required to levitate and function from their blood sugar. Some actually fuse with the Sculptor to make the transfer easier. Old Walker has one such halo in their neck.
What a halo actually is is a one-way teleportation device. The hollows and gaps in the structure frame a spacial rift that yearns to be filled- Surrounding air is constantly teleporting into the halo and escaping through the hollows. The portal 'suction', however, can be focused by the Sculptor, and naturally homes in on nearby regions of high energy- That is, warm, rapidly moving, or magically charged fluids.
This means that the non-solid, powerful body of a Djinni, Realta, change-eater, or lich(?) within range can be drained away from them and into the hollow halo by a Sculptor; said fluid rapidly and continuously escapes the device to be chilled and depressurised by faeries. Solids are typically too low-energy to be accurately focused on, and would clog the halo's vents, so it's an inaccurate single-use weapon at best against solid creatures. Otherwise, the siphoning process is not instant, but it is fast and quite painful. Souls cannot pass through the rift.
So from a narrative perspective, it fills the offensive niche faeries occupy defensively- if one does want to fight a Sculptor, they need to do it by hand, with a corporeal body, like a man.
Why does Phi have a stake in protecting mortals? We'll find out soon enough.
Ah, Zephyrion. I have missed him a bit. When will we hear of the happenings on his new planet?
I made good progress on a collab surrounding that and the creation of OldmanWong's demigod, but now the guy seems to have disappeared >.>
I'll have to rewrite the thing and either slash the demigod from it or just leave that in and control the character myself. In either case, I haven't really touched that post in weeks because I've been struggling with it and because it will come chronologically after the super-collab I've got with Kho anyways.
I'll quote George R. R. Martin and say: "At this point, who the hell knows."
So I just found this wonderful thing... and it made me think.
We're still so very much in the Dawn Age of the world. What we do will become Legend and Story... what is our legacy as Gods going to be?
Creative Challenge for the group: in lieu of Majora's mask, the Daedric Artifacts, the ring of Suaron, that sort of jazz, what sort object would your God pour their power into, either as blessing or curse, and what powers would it bestow?
I mean, Ilunabar took Jewelry port so it's clear what her artifacts are. Powers vary, but are mostly related to illusion and becoming savvy-fashionable.