Welcome to APTLLFTS!

Not actually our lab but hey it sorta looks like it I guess

Hello new applicants, and welcome to APTLLFTS! This meth electromagnetics testing laboratory is falling behind leading the field in the study of dimensional research, travel, and other such scientific breakthroughs! We have many employee benefits, such as easy access to the dealer on 53rd and Clark a lounge, a vending machine, and a couch if the repo men don't come! So, come on down and apply for a job! We are in desperate need of new test subjects recruits! Join now!

By signing this contract you are agreeing to responsibility to any accidents and damages that may be afflicted to your person while employed by us. Such damages include electrocution, overdose, disintegration, evaporation, melting, drowning, and fusing with any nearby furniture/living beings

OOC Info

This is a Roleplay that is created by @AdobeFlash and is intended to be satirical with no real rules outside of the ones attached to the website. All characters are welcomed from real life figures to catgirls to your neighbor to really bad OCs. The Roleplay itself has no real direction and will have ever-changing genres while using deeply created lore as its backbone.

Come join us in this humorous adventure of epic proportions!