"The innocent looks of her mother. The burning soul of her father"
-Members of the Senate-
Name, title etc: "Consul" "Dictator Perpetuo" Paira Pax Cairus
Age: 26
Hobbies: Writting poetry. Playing the lyre.
Likes: Music and poetry.
Dislikes: Noisy anf brute people
Bio: Paira is the daughter of Amalia Pax, a skilled politician with a sharp tongue and Erato Cairus, a one-man-army officer famous due to the great victories over the barbarians that invaded the rondorian islands. Since young Paira was taught about politics and warfare. She joined the army when she got 18 where she spent 2 years making a name for herself, then joined the Senate were she spent 4 years figthing for more rights for the lower classes. Two years ago she was voted as Consul, thanks to her Rindorio became economicaliy prosperous by tradibg with other kingdoms, secured it's borders. Last year she was begged to be Dictator Perpetuo by the 75% of rondorians.
More info?: Despite having all the power Paira still lives in the house she was rised with her parents. She is well seen among the soldiers for being in the first line of combat
Kingdom Sheet
Name: Republic of Rodorio
Brief description: Rondorio is located at the south-west coast of the Continent. Most of its territory are plains and hills with a few tall mountains at the north. Rondorio also counts with two islands Partia and Castia. The main indutries of Rondorio are agriculture and minery
Culture descrption?: Honor and education are the most important things in Rondorio, to asure the citizens can get the best education possible the goverment built schools in every village and city of the Kingdom. Music and literature are an important part in the lives of rondorians, many theathers and monuments can be found in Rondorio
Religion?: Religion has no place in Rondorio, they belive everything good that happens is made through sweat blood and tears, and that there is something to learn from everything bad that happens. Whenever a new religion tries to set foot on Rondorio they are overwhelmed by the extremely heavy taxes.
For Rondorians science is the answer to all questions.
Form of government: Republic, men and women form all social clases gather to form the Senate and discuss the actions the Republic should take in times of peace. The Senate is also in charge of choosing a Consul, a person in charge of the army and politics in times of war, the Consul is chosen every year