It's me, Ragtop! I'm here making a short, (very short) interest check just to express some of my ideas to see if I can pick up any partners. But first, of course, here are some rules:

That's all! Now for the ideas. They are vague, because I want each individual who contacts me to be ready to get fired up and brainstorm with me. It will be fun, I swear. Some of these ideas can be modified to, or already fit, a small group, so if you'd like to try that, I'd be game:

Strikethrough= Don't PM me about this one at the moment!

WARNING: Even the kindest-sounding, most harmless looking of these ideas might get darker than you anticipated when we started out. I apologize, but that's just my writing style and my preference for tragedies to rom-coms, and while I will discuss with you any limits beforehand, I don't want to have to change the way I write for anyone (but I feel I'm not actually that bad, I just need to make sure people know?).

On a happier note, please PM me! I look forward to hearing from you!
