With the islands in chaos, split among dozens of clans, one ambitious deiymo dreams of ruling Japan...
In an age of constant war and death, they managed to finally stabilize their small clan, and, ambitious for greatness, began to grow their lands.
Requiring an alliance badly, as they were losing their war, they arranged a marriage with a nearby clan to create one. This is the story of the deiymo's attempts at creating a royal marriage between themselves and a noble of a nearby clan, to save theirs from destruction.
PM me if you're interested in the idea. Roles will be discussed there.
In an age of constant war and death, they managed to finally stabilize their small clan, and, ambitious for greatness, began to grow their lands.
Requiring an alliance badly, as they were losing their war, they arranged a marriage with a nearby clan to create one. This is the story of the deiymo's attempts at creating a royal marriage between themselves and a noble of a nearby clan, to save theirs from destruction.
PM me if you're interested in the idea. Roles will be discussed there.