Hello there! Thanks for clicking on my thread, I seriously appreciate it.
Before I get started with the finer details of the idea(s) I have in mind, I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself. I always find that doing so seems to give people a rough idea of our compatibility as roleplayers. Plus, come on. We all like to talk about ourselves a little bit-- Even if we don't like to admit it all that often.
SPOILER ALERT: This is probably going to be a long post. Sorry in advance.
Still with me? Ok. Cool. I'll put down the pulp fiction kit.
Hello there! Thanks for clicking on my thread, I seriously appreciate it.
Before I get started with the finer details of the idea(s) I have in mind, I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself. I always find that doing so seems to give people a rough idea of our compatibility as roleplayers. Plus, come on. We all like to talk about ourselves a little bit-- Even if we don't like to admit it all that often.
SPOILER ALERT: This is probably going to be a long post. Sorry in advance.
-I'm 21
-I’m Male
-I'm a university student in the Northeastern United States (Eastern Standard Time, GMT -5)
-I study marketing. Because reasons.
-I have a 1 and 1/2 year old daughter. She's pretty fucking cool for a toddler, too.
-I love video games, and anything that involves them. Especially RPGs, fighting games, strategy games, and things with a really heavy and detailed story. (This will be really confusing later on)
-I love anime. Particularly Naruto, Bleach, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, and a little bit of Gundam for flavor. However, these are not the only anime I’m into. If you have a particular favorite, just ask if I've watched-- I probably have.
- dungeons and dragons is my bread and butter.
- I am legally blind. Yes, the kind of blind which involves me not being able to see the computer screen, or my TV. You may be asking, "But wait... How do you play video games? How are you even using this computer? Are you real??" The answer is... Pretty unamusing, honestly. Except for the gaming. So please be patient and I’ll get to that in a second.
I lost my vision around 8 years ago to a mitochondrial condition known as Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON). It's a ridiculously rare and ridiculously complex condition that, in its simplest terms, caused me to lose vision in both of my eyes over a period of around 6-7 months. This all occurred during my last year of middle school, so throughout high school, in addition to doing all of the normal high school stuff, I learned how to navigate using a cane, read Braille, and a few other neat tricks that help me survive. For example, I'm using this computer right now with the assistance of a program known as JAWS 16.0. JAWS stands for Job Access With Speech, but I prefer to think that it's not an acronym, and that a digital shark is guiding me through the internet.
Oookay, so that answers that question. But you still probably wonder how I play video games. (Or you don't care...) Either way, I'll explain that really quick so I don't have to later on. With some games it's more complicated than this, but with most games I simply learn the pattern of the menus, learn where all of the selectable characters are located, memorize their combos/controls/special moves.... I think you get where I’m going with this. I literally memorize EVERY ASPECT OF THE GAME and do my best to play it from memory. Results vary, but for the most part I do pretty well. Especially with fighting games. (And I mea nlike.. Actually playing them, not just hitting buttons like a spaz.) I can play other games too, but my process is entirely dependent upon the game that I’m playing, and the structure of the game in question. It's not like I can play battlefield or call of duty. I'm not that lucky.
But I think I’ve talked enough about this. Let's get to the good stuff now.
-I’m Male
-I'm a university student in the Northeastern United States (Eastern Standard Time, GMT -5)
-I study marketing. Because reasons.
-I have a 1 and 1/2 year old daughter. She's pretty fucking cool for a toddler, too.
-I love video games, and anything that involves them. Especially RPGs, fighting games, strategy games, and things with a really heavy and detailed story. (This will be really confusing later on)
-I love anime. Particularly Naruto, Bleach, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, and a little bit of Gundam for flavor. However, these are not the only anime I’m into. If you have a particular favorite, just ask if I've watched-- I probably have.
- dungeons and dragons is my bread and butter.
- I am legally blind. Yes, the kind of blind which involves me not being able to see the computer screen, or my TV. You may be asking, "But wait... How do you play video games? How are you even using this computer? Are you real??" The answer is... Pretty unamusing, honestly. Except for the gaming. So please be patient and I’ll get to that in a second.
I lost my vision around 8 years ago to a mitochondrial condition known as Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON). It's a ridiculously rare and ridiculously complex condition that, in its simplest terms, caused me to lose vision in both of my eyes over a period of around 6-7 months. This all occurred during my last year of middle school, so throughout high school, in addition to doing all of the normal high school stuff, I learned how to navigate using a cane, read Braille, and a few other neat tricks that help me survive. For example, I'm using this computer right now with the assistance of a program known as JAWS 16.0. JAWS stands for Job Access With Speech, but I prefer to think that it's not an acronym, and that a digital shark is guiding me through the internet.
Oookay, so that answers that question. But you still probably wonder how I play video games. (Or you don't care...) Either way, I'll explain that really quick so I don't have to later on. With some games it's more complicated than this, but with most games I simply learn the pattern of the menus, learn where all of the selectable characters are located, memorize their combos/controls/special moves.... I think you get where I’m going with this. I literally memorize EVERY ASPECT OF THE GAME and do my best to play it from memory. Results vary, but for the most part I do pretty well. Especially with fighting games. (And I mea nlike.. Actually playing them, not just hitting buttons like a spaz.) I can play other games too, but my process is entirely dependent upon the game that I’m playing, and the structure of the game in question. It's not like I can play battlefield or call of duty. I'm not that lucky.
But I think I’ve talked enough about this. Let's get to the good stuff now.
-If you're not 18, I’m not going to be all that comfortable roleplaying with you. Sorry. That's probably the one rule I’m not willing to negotiate.
-All guild rules apply. Because we all want to be cool, like the Fonz
-I enjoy dark themes. intense violence, blood, gore, drug use, the works. I'm also cool with other mature themes, like sex. I'm pretty much limitless in this regard.
- I am blind; therefore pictures are pretty useless to me. If you're going to describe your character's appearance with a picture, you're in the wrong place. That kind of stuff doesn't fly with me for obvious reasons. Just do your best to type out an appearance section in your character sheet. Preferably a paragraph or two.
-I write at an advanced level. I expect you to do so as well. I will request a sample of your writing if I feel so inclined, and you hold the same privilege. If you think I’m bullshitting you, you're fully within your right to ask me for a sample.
-I will RP via thread or PM, whichever is your preference. Though if things between our characters are getting hot and heavy, we'll go to PM for obvious reasons. Unless you prefer to fade to black, of course.
-9 times out of 10, I use character sheets. Every time I haven't, something goes wrong in the roleplay. Either I don't feel like I’m dealing with an interesting enough character, or character personalities become hard to keep track of between RPs.. Something just always goes wrong. Unless you feel extremely confident that you can portray your character properly without the use of a CS, expect to be filling one out. I tend not to go too in depth with these, but a few paragraphs worth of appearance, personality and history never hurt anybody. Plus.. I kind of like having the reference.
-Please tell me if you're losing interest. I will do my best to do the same.
-I really like overpowered heroes and villains, regardless of context or setting.
-If you have an idea that you would like to suggest to me, feel free to do so. I really enjoy a lot of genres, from medieval fantasy to modern supernatural to sci-fi political dramas. I'm not going to ignore you; I'll definitely hear you out. The ideas that are listed in this thread simply are what are going through my head at this time in particular.
-I like OOC discussions. Even if it's just little stuff, I like them. So please, if you're not going to talk to me, don't apply.
-In addition to the last point, I enjoy building a setting, creating well developed characters, and pushing my writing abilities to their limits. I am capable of playing as either gender of character, and I am capable of playing multiple characters with varying degrees of importance to the narrative. My ideal partner is somebody who is also capable of doing these things, and enjoys pushing their creative boundaries and stepping out of their comfort zone.
-If you're going to create a character sheet, talk about how interested you are in this idea for two weeks, make one post, and then disappear, I have absolutely no interest in roleplaying with you, so don't apply. I know I’ve done this a few times myself, and regardless of how good or not good my reasoning behind it was, it was just a dick move. Nobody likes having their time wasted. I'm not going to waste yours, please don't waste mine.
-I expect at least one post every 3-5 days. I'd be really happy if you could post daily, because I often can do so. But I understand that everyone's situation's different, so I understand if you're not capable of doing that. However, once every three days is my limit. In the past I used a one post per week limit, but the RP moves so slow that it's like pulling teeth. So... Yeah. If you can post once every three days, you'll make me a happy Dylan.
-If you’re interested in any of the plots of pairings below, PM me. If you post in the thread, I might miss it. PM is the optimal method of communication for me.
-I reserve the right to update these rules as I see fit.
-All guild rules apply. Because we all want to be cool, like the Fonz
-I enjoy dark themes. intense violence, blood, gore, drug use, the works. I'm also cool with other mature themes, like sex. I'm pretty much limitless in this regard.
- I am blind; therefore pictures are pretty useless to me. If you're going to describe your character's appearance with a picture, you're in the wrong place. That kind of stuff doesn't fly with me for obvious reasons. Just do your best to type out an appearance section in your character sheet. Preferably a paragraph or two.
-I write at an advanced level. I expect you to do so as well. I will request a sample of your writing if I feel so inclined, and you hold the same privilege. If you think I’m bullshitting you, you're fully within your right to ask me for a sample.
-I will RP via thread or PM, whichever is your preference. Though if things between our characters are getting hot and heavy, we'll go to PM for obvious reasons. Unless you prefer to fade to black, of course.
-9 times out of 10, I use character sheets. Every time I haven't, something goes wrong in the roleplay. Either I don't feel like I’m dealing with an interesting enough character, or character personalities become hard to keep track of between RPs.. Something just always goes wrong. Unless you feel extremely confident that you can portray your character properly without the use of a CS, expect to be filling one out. I tend not to go too in depth with these, but a few paragraphs worth of appearance, personality and history never hurt anybody. Plus.. I kind of like having the reference.
-Please tell me if you're losing interest. I will do my best to do the same.
-I really like overpowered heroes and villains, regardless of context or setting.
-If you have an idea that you would like to suggest to me, feel free to do so. I really enjoy a lot of genres, from medieval fantasy to modern supernatural to sci-fi political dramas. I'm not going to ignore you; I'll definitely hear you out. The ideas that are listed in this thread simply are what are going through my head at this time in particular.
-I like OOC discussions. Even if it's just little stuff, I like them. So please, if you're not going to talk to me, don't apply.
-In addition to the last point, I enjoy building a setting, creating well developed characters, and pushing my writing abilities to their limits. I am capable of playing as either gender of character, and I am capable of playing multiple characters with varying degrees of importance to the narrative. My ideal partner is somebody who is also capable of doing these things, and enjoys pushing their creative boundaries and stepping out of their comfort zone.
-If you're going to create a character sheet, talk about how interested you are in this idea for two weeks, make one post, and then disappear, I have absolutely no interest in roleplaying with you, so don't apply. I know I’ve done this a few times myself, and regardless of how good or not good my reasoning behind it was, it was just a dick move. Nobody likes having their time wasted. I'm not going to waste yours, please don't waste mine.
-I expect at least one post every 3-5 days. I'd be really happy if you could post daily, because I often can do so. But I understand that everyone's situation's different, so I understand if you're not capable of doing that. However, once every three days is my limit. In the past I used a one post per week limit, but the RP moves so slow that it's like pulling teeth. So... Yeah. If you can post once every three days, you'll make me a happy Dylan.
-If you’re interested in any of the plots of pairings below, PM me. If you post in the thread, I might miss it. PM is the optimal method of communication for me.
-I reserve the right to update these rules as I see fit.
Still with me? Ok. Cool. I'll put down the pulp fiction kit.
"Among all of mankind's creations throughout history, the metropolis is the sentient mind's greatest success. At its basest, it is the conglomeration of all of a species' foremost endeavors; A city feeds. A city shelters. A city protects. Above all else, a city graces its denizens with the gift of opportunity-- That opportunity being the ability to pursue greatness. Not only for oneself, but for one's family and peers."
"In a way, a metropolis is a reflection of the sentience which exists within its boundaries. A city consumes. A city grows. A city expands its influence. And inevitably, much like the sentient minds which carved the metropolis into existence, a city shrinks. A city ages. A city dies."
"However, Mist's Bounty is no ordinary metropolis. Much like our forefathers who erected its mighty walls, this city carries in it the blazing embers of mankind's determination. When the flames of prosperity are extinguished, the hopes of the sentient transform those embers into a churning fire-- One which burns with more heat than the likes of the hells themselves. No force which exists upon our world is capable of extinguishing that sort of tumultuous inferno. You would do well to remember that in your coming days as king."
-The words of King Ardik Fernaval, spoken to his eldest son, Prince Ventice
Troubled times have fallen upon the northern city-state known as Mist's Bounty. Our story begins with the sprawling metropolis finding itself locked between the armies of its quarreling neighbors, Saraphinia and Valtorem. From the earliest days of the political disagreement, Mist's Bounty has acted as nothing more than a neutral state. As a result, both Saraphinia and Valtorem have refrained from taking any sort of action against the metropolis-- most likely in an attempt to prevent the potential alienation of what would be a crucial ally in the conflict to come. The economically powerful city-state is located within the jagged and dangerous Snowspear Mountains, which act as the central border between the quarreling powerhouses whom dominate human politics. King Ardik Fernaval, crowned monarch of Mist's Bounty was faced with a polarizing reality for his kingdom. He could choose to side with the Feudalistic, Nationalist inclined Saraphinia, or the Imperialistic, militaristic, and power-hungry Valtorem. Regardless of his selection, his decision would invite one of the two largest military forces in society to lay siege upon his humble city's walls. Though a troubling development to be sure, King Ardik of Mist's Bounty would soon find that the whispers of war on the horizon were the least of his city's concerns.
In the months preceding the news of the conflict, crime within Mist's Bounty steadily began to escalate; Not only in volume, but in intensity. Though the guard is numerous and well-trained, the city's problems with violence, bribery, and thievery continue to compound themselves as time marches onward. Rumors of organized crime syndicates drifted silently through the city's streets and taverns as the militia scrambled to control the escalating conflict, but all efforts seemed to inevitably fall apart at the seams as violent crimes became increasingly prevalent. When news of the coming conflict between Saraphinia and Valtorem reached the walls of Mist's Bounty, it seemed as though all hell had broken loose. The citizenry became terrified for their futures. Merchants in the upper class increased prices sharply in anticipation of the coming warfare, and the supply of goods became scarce as a result of rationing policies put in place by King Ardik and his administration. Though the wealthy elite find it easy to survive in such conditions, the common man is placed at a distinct disadvantage to his more privileged brothers. In the context of Mist's Bounty and its current predicament, the rich continue to build their wealthy empires, and the poor continue to bleed themselves dry in an attempt to make ends meet. However, the embers of determination yet remain within the hearts of the common populous. Some citizens in particular have made the choice to take the city's fate into their own hands, and attempt to influence it's events for themselves. Some have naught but the most righteous intent. Others plan only to line their pockets with coin as the walls collapse and burn.
How exactly will the tale of Mist's Bounty unfold? Only time will tell.
"In a way, a metropolis is a reflection of the sentience which exists within its boundaries. A city consumes. A city grows. A city expands its influence. And inevitably, much like the sentient minds which carved the metropolis into existence, a city shrinks. A city ages. A city dies."
"However, Mist's Bounty is no ordinary metropolis. Much like our forefathers who erected its mighty walls, this city carries in it the blazing embers of mankind's determination. When the flames of prosperity are extinguished, the hopes of the sentient transform those embers into a churning fire-- One which burns with more heat than the likes of the hells themselves. No force which exists upon our world is capable of extinguishing that sort of tumultuous inferno. You would do well to remember that in your coming days as king."
-The words of King Ardik Fernaval, spoken to his eldest son, Prince Ventice
Troubled times have fallen upon the northern city-state known as Mist's Bounty. Our story begins with the sprawling metropolis finding itself locked between the armies of its quarreling neighbors, Saraphinia and Valtorem. From the earliest days of the political disagreement, Mist's Bounty has acted as nothing more than a neutral state. As a result, both Saraphinia and Valtorem have refrained from taking any sort of action against the metropolis-- most likely in an attempt to prevent the potential alienation of what would be a crucial ally in the conflict to come. The economically powerful city-state is located within the jagged and dangerous Snowspear Mountains, which act as the central border between the quarreling powerhouses whom dominate human politics. King Ardik Fernaval, crowned monarch of Mist's Bounty was faced with a polarizing reality for his kingdom. He could choose to side with the Feudalistic, Nationalist inclined Saraphinia, or the Imperialistic, militaristic, and power-hungry Valtorem. Regardless of his selection, his decision would invite one of the two largest military forces in society to lay siege upon his humble city's walls. Though a troubling development to be sure, King Ardik of Mist's Bounty would soon find that the whispers of war on the horizon were the least of his city's concerns.
In the months preceding the news of the conflict, crime within Mist's Bounty steadily began to escalate; Not only in volume, but in intensity. Though the guard is numerous and well-trained, the city's problems with violence, bribery, and thievery continue to compound themselves as time marches onward. Rumors of organized crime syndicates drifted silently through the city's streets and taverns as the militia scrambled to control the escalating conflict, but all efforts seemed to inevitably fall apart at the seams as violent crimes became increasingly prevalent. When news of the coming conflict between Saraphinia and Valtorem reached the walls of Mist's Bounty, it seemed as though all hell had broken loose. The citizenry became terrified for their futures. Merchants in the upper class increased prices sharply in anticipation of the coming warfare, and the supply of goods became scarce as a result of rationing policies put in place by King Ardik and his administration. Though the wealthy elite find it easy to survive in such conditions, the common man is placed at a distinct disadvantage to his more privileged brothers. In the context of Mist's Bounty and its current predicament, the rich continue to build their wealthy empires, and the poor continue to bleed themselves dry in an attempt to make ends meet. However, the embers of determination yet remain within the hearts of the common populous. Some citizens in particular have made the choice to take the city's fate into their own hands, and attempt to influence it's events for themselves. Some have naught but the most righteous intent. Others plan only to line their pockets with coin as the walls collapse and burn.
How exactly will the tale of Mist's Bounty unfold? Only time will tell.
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the city where I imagine most of my ideas taking place. Of course, its name, location, and the names of its neighbors are completely tentative. They're just what I came up with for the time being.]
Nestled within a valley betwixt the high, windy peaks of the Snowspear mountains lay the humble city-state of Mist's Bounty. Named for the thick blankets of misty fog that envelop the metropolis for the majority of the year, the city functions more like a sovereign nation than a mere city. It's a populous and prosperous place with no shortage of natural resources, and its main exports are stone, coal, precious metals, iron, and luxury products. Much of the city-state's food is produced locally using a combination of greenhouses, the careful breeding of livestock, and the use of plentiful and rich soil gathered from a vast network of subterranean hot springs. Most of the common folk are miners, farmers, artisans and craftsman, whilst the wealthier portion of society often makes its living off of trade, magical services such as enchanting, and financial services, like banking.
Its governmental body is overseen by a monarch and their royal family, though it operates in several layers. The lowest level is that of the local council, which tends to the affairs of specific subsections of the city. Above the local council is the Congregation, which consists of elected representatives from each subsection of the city meeting to discuss matters which concern Mist's Bounty and its surrounding land as a whole. Lastly, above the Congregation is the Senate, where democratically elected political servants discuss matters of policy with the ruling monarch, and assist him or her in dealing with matters which concern lands outside of Mist's Bounty's jurisdiction.
All in all, Mist's Bounty is the picturesque embodiment of human accomplishment. Its massive walls and titanic towers create an impressive spectacle for invading armies to behold, but it's mineral-rich hot springs and beautiful greenhouses do well to embrace the metropolis in an aura of tranquil power. Ever expanding and developing, one can only imagine how much further the fortress city's borders will lengthen in the ages to come.
Nestled within a valley betwixt the high, windy peaks of the Snowspear mountains lay the humble city-state of Mist's Bounty. Named for the thick blankets of misty fog that envelop the metropolis for the majority of the year, the city functions more like a sovereign nation than a mere city. It's a populous and prosperous place with no shortage of natural resources, and its main exports are stone, coal, precious metals, iron, and luxury products. Much of the city-state's food is produced locally using a combination of greenhouses, the careful breeding of livestock, and the use of plentiful and rich soil gathered from a vast network of subterranean hot springs. Most of the common folk are miners, farmers, artisans and craftsman, whilst the wealthier portion of society often makes its living off of trade, magical services such as enchanting, and financial services, like banking.
Its governmental body is overseen by a monarch and their royal family, though it operates in several layers. The lowest level is that of the local council, which tends to the affairs of specific subsections of the city. Above the local council is the Congregation, which consists of elected representatives from each subsection of the city meeting to discuss matters which concern Mist's Bounty and its surrounding land as a whole. Lastly, above the Congregation is the Senate, where democratically elected political servants discuss matters of policy with the ruling monarch, and assist him or her in dealing with matters which concern lands outside of Mist's Bounty's jurisdiction.
All in all, Mist's Bounty is the picturesque embodiment of human accomplishment. Its massive walls and titanic towers create an impressive spectacle for invading armies to behold, but it's mineral-rich hot springs and beautiful greenhouses do well to embrace the metropolis in an aura of tranquil power. Ever expanding and developing, one can only imagine how much further the fortress city's borders will lengthen in the ages to come.
NOTE: I am capable of playing as either role in any of these pairings. Pick your favorite. In addition, the majority of the following plots are centered in the city of Mist's Bounty, unless otherwise indicated. Details on its neighbor nations of Saraphinia and Valtorem have been left intentionally vague as to facilitate character building and other things of that nature. All of these roles can be filled by either male or female characters, and romance is possible in any of these pairings if you're interested in that type of character dynamic.
TL;DR: War is on the horizon, and as a result, the upper class is doing their best to profit off of the poor's suffering. The king seems as though he's pretty much ignorant to it, and a mysterious thief colloquially known as the Black Cat has supposedly been breaking into homes and businesses within the wealthier districts of Mist's Bounty, robbing them blind, and giving all of their riches to the poor. The robberies soon become enough of an issue that the city's upper class begins to put pressure on their elected representatives to place the suspect into custody, and the senate's response is to mobilize the city militia, dump more funding into the city guard, and do their best to capture the Black Cat before anyone else is harmed. After a 1,000 gold bounty is placed upon the thief's head, rich merchants and other business owners started the trend of hiring private contractors to deal with the Black Cat themselves.
Your character would be one such contractor. Either a bounty hunter who's attempting to take the thief in alive, an assassin who is trying to bring the Cat's corpse to the King, or anything in between. Whether they are from Mist's Bounty or not is of little concern to me, but I will say that the rest of this world is completely open for creation. If you have the perfect idea for a character, and a nation that they come from, feel free to go into detail-- I love world building. Though I prefer to play as the Black Cat myself, I'm just as interested in the prospect of seeing how somebody else would craft a thief's back-story. Are they somebody who's attempting to help the poor? Are they somebody who's trying to become extremely rich? Or are they something else entirely?
TL;DR: The basic rundown of this idea is simple. Two assassins have been hired by opposing countries to kill influencial figures within Mist’s Bounty. Wealthy merchants, high-ranking politicians, officers in the militia, even members of the royal family and King Ardik himself are targets on the killers’ respective lists. However, the assassins are forced into confrontation with one another throughout the length of their contracts. Each individual assassination becomes a competition between the killers, and I want the RP to focus more on the relationship between the assassins that develops alongside their confrontations with one another rather than the assassinations themselves. I feel as though that there’s a lot of room for this idea to grow, and I’m really interested in pursuing this pairing in particular.
TL;DR: This is a pretty basic idea that i've developed alongside the world of Trinity. I'd like this roleplay to follow a duo of monster slayers, travelling from place to place, slaying miscellanious creatures for villagers in an attempt to make ends meet. This idea was inspired partially by The Witcher series, so one can likely expect to see a variety of monsters from a miriad of universes being included for us to slay. Minotaurs, centaurs, wyverns, dragons, ankhegs, vampires, werewolves, lizardfolk, trolls, ogres, even just plain old human bandits if there's no other work to be found. I think you get the idea. I'm totally willing to play with any type of character for this situation, so if you're interested, I'd love to work out the finer details of the plot as we create our characters. That way we have a more decisive goal to head toward instead of simply slaying things left and right.
Pairing: Thief X Assassin/ Bounty Hunter
Genre(s): Drama, Suspense, Mystery, Action
As the sun continues its endless rise and fall, the plight of the common man expands in its intensity. Families work themselves raw and bloody, and wealthy merchants continue to profit off of their suffering. Where miners could once feed their families for days with a full--week's hard work, they struggle to make ends meet for even half of that in the wake of price increases. King Ardik and the parliament have imposed a new set of taxes in order to prepare the city's militia for open conflict with Saraphinia and Valtorem, and once prosperous mines and sawmills now find themselves dismissing dozens of workers in the wake of similar tax hikes. . The poor are faced with the likes of famine, pestilence and disease, and haven't the coin to so much as feed their families, let alone that of their struggling neighbors.
It goes without saying that the common man's life is a hard and solemn one. No matter how hard one worked, they found themselves slowly sinking into the pools of debt and despair as they watched their children starve. As the pestilence and suffering reached a crescendo of churning rage, whispers of revolution began to drift throughout the city's taverns and market stalls. These rumors were met with unexpected relief in the form of glimmering silver coins-- Not from the ruling family, but from an anonymous benefactor whom had delivered the bags of life-saving silver in the silence of the evening. Night after night, families whom had previously lost hope for survival woke to find their shimmering gift splayed across their kitchen tables, accompanied only by the hastily scrawled image of a black cat upon a cheap strip of parchment. Before the news of their mysterious savior began to circulate, the captain of the city guard presented himself before King Ardik, the senate, and his fellow guardsmen, and announced that a string of robberies had taken place within the Market, Temple, and Upper districts of Mist's Bounty. . Soon after the proclamation had been made, rumors of the mysterious Black Cat's gifts of silver coins rapidly spread amongst the city's populous. Unfortunately for the lower class, it didn't take long for the guard to point their fingers in the direction of the Black Cat, and before a week had passed, wanted posters proclaiming the entity's status as a fugitive had been posted on every street corner in Mist's Bounty. Even worse, the poor were now faced with a quandary. Were they to accept the nefarious gifts which could save their livelihoods? Or were they to attempt to capture the fugitive with their own hands in an attempt to grasp its lucrative bounty of 1,000 gold?
As the chilly days came and went, rumored sightings of the Black Cat leaping amongst rooftops and dashing through alleyways ran rampant throughout Mist's Bounty. The city guard increased its number of patrols, the wealthy began to hire elite mercenaries to protect their estates, and the heads of noble merchant families whom had been victims of the 'Abyssal Feline' boldly and publically declared their intent to mount the thief's head upon a pike. In spite of the entity's negative publicity, gifts in the form of gold and silver slipped themselves inside of the poorer denizen's homes; Usually alongside the now familiar artistic depiction of a grinning black cat. The elusive feline managed to avoid capture at every opportunity, and the elite members of Mist's Bounty's class of merchants began to put political pressure upon the legislature to apprehend the supposedly dangerous criminal. Now, even the likes of Mist's Bounty's militia are becoming involved in the manhunt, and noble households have begun to contract bounty hunters and assassins from outside of the city-state in order to deal with their new problem efficiently and decisively. One such bounty hunter would soon have an extremely close encounter with this deceptive thief, and it will fall upon their shoulders to deal with him as they see fit.
Genre(s): Drama, Suspense, Mystery, Action
As the sun continues its endless rise and fall, the plight of the common man expands in its intensity. Families work themselves raw and bloody, and wealthy merchants continue to profit off of their suffering. Where miners could once feed their families for days with a full--week's hard work, they struggle to make ends meet for even half of that in the wake of price increases. King Ardik and the parliament have imposed a new set of taxes in order to prepare the city's militia for open conflict with Saraphinia and Valtorem, and once prosperous mines and sawmills now find themselves dismissing dozens of workers in the wake of similar tax hikes. . The poor are faced with the likes of famine, pestilence and disease, and haven't the coin to so much as feed their families, let alone that of their struggling neighbors.
It goes without saying that the common man's life is a hard and solemn one. No matter how hard one worked, they found themselves slowly sinking into the pools of debt and despair as they watched their children starve. As the pestilence and suffering reached a crescendo of churning rage, whispers of revolution began to drift throughout the city's taverns and market stalls. These rumors were met with unexpected relief in the form of glimmering silver coins-- Not from the ruling family, but from an anonymous benefactor whom had delivered the bags of life-saving silver in the silence of the evening. Night after night, families whom had previously lost hope for survival woke to find their shimmering gift splayed across their kitchen tables, accompanied only by the hastily scrawled image of a black cat upon a cheap strip of parchment. Before the news of their mysterious savior began to circulate, the captain of the city guard presented himself before King Ardik, the senate, and his fellow guardsmen, and announced that a string of robberies had taken place within the Market, Temple, and Upper districts of Mist's Bounty. . Soon after the proclamation had been made, rumors of the mysterious Black Cat's gifts of silver coins rapidly spread amongst the city's populous. Unfortunately for the lower class, it didn't take long for the guard to point their fingers in the direction of the Black Cat, and before a week had passed, wanted posters proclaiming the entity's status as a fugitive had been posted on every street corner in Mist's Bounty. Even worse, the poor were now faced with a quandary. Were they to accept the nefarious gifts which could save their livelihoods? Or were they to attempt to capture the fugitive with their own hands in an attempt to grasp its lucrative bounty of 1,000 gold?
As the chilly days came and went, rumored sightings of the Black Cat leaping amongst rooftops and dashing through alleyways ran rampant throughout Mist's Bounty. The city guard increased its number of patrols, the wealthy began to hire elite mercenaries to protect their estates, and the heads of noble merchant families whom had been victims of the 'Abyssal Feline' boldly and publically declared their intent to mount the thief's head upon a pike. In spite of the entity's negative publicity, gifts in the form of gold and silver slipped themselves inside of the poorer denizen's homes; Usually alongside the now familiar artistic depiction of a grinning black cat. The elusive feline managed to avoid capture at every opportunity, and the elite members of Mist's Bounty's class of merchants began to put political pressure upon the legislature to apprehend the supposedly dangerous criminal. Now, even the likes of Mist's Bounty's militia are becoming involved in the manhunt, and noble households have begun to contract bounty hunters and assassins from outside of the city-state in order to deal with their new problem efficiently and decisively. One such bounty hunter would soon have an extremely close encounter with this deceptive thief, and it will fall upon their shoulders to deal with him as they see fit.
TL;DR: War is on the horizon, and as a result, the upper class is doing their best to profit off of the poor's suffering. The king seems as though he's pretty much ignorant to it, and a mysterious thief colloquially known as the Black Cat has supposedly been breaking into homes and businesses within the wealthier districts of Mist's Bounty, robbing them blind, and giving all of their riches to the poor. The robberies soon become enough of an issue that the city's upper class begins to put pressure on their elected representatives to place the suspect into custody, and the senate's response is to mobilize the city militia, dump more funding into the city guard, and do their best to capture the Black Cat before anyone else is harmed. After a 1,000 gold bounty is placed upon the thief's head, rich merchants and other business owners started the trend of hiring private contractors to deal with the Black Cat themselves.
Your character would be one such contractor. Either a bounty hunter who's attempting to take the thief in alive, an assassin who is trying to bring the Cat's corpse to the King, or anything in between. Whether they are from Mist's Bounty or not is of little concern to me, but I will say that the rest of this world is completely open for creation. If you have the perfect idea for a character, and a nation that they come from, feel free to go into detail-- I love world building. Though I prefer to play as the Black Cat myself, I'm just as interested in the prospect of seeing how somebody else would craft a thief's back-story. Are they somebody who's attempting to help the poor? Are they somebody who's trying to become extremely rich? Or are they something else entirely?
Pairing: Assassin x Assassin
Genre(s): Action, Suspense, Thriller
War is on the horizon for the denizens of Mist’s Bounty. Tensions between Saraphinia and Valtorem have reached a boiling point. As these two military juggernaughts begin to mobilize their armies and prepare for battle, it is inevitable that the citizens of King Ardik’s neutral state will suffer in the ensuing conflict. The Snowspear mountains are tall, jagged, and near-impassable, and Mist’s Bounty is located directly within the heart of the treacherous mountain range. The only safe path through the Snowspears is along the well-travelled ridges and roads which the hardy people of the city-state carved into the mountains over hundreds of years. The city’s geographic location is it’s greatest blessing, as well as it’s greatest curse. It allows the merchants, artisans, and woodsmen whom call the Snowspears home to create a prosperous life for themselves by trading with Saraphinia and Valtorem respectively. It is thanks to the citizens of Mist’s Bounty that caravans are even capable of travelling through the Snowspears at all; If not for the roads which the people’s ancestors had built, communication and trade between the two nations would be near-impossible. However, these conditions only exist when Saraphinia, Valtorem, and Mist’s Bounty maintain civil relations with one another. With the ever-present reality of the encroaching war placing pressure upon the nations’ ruling class, the elite have been forced to take extreme measures to ensure their people’s survival.
It has become clear to Mist’s Bounty’s neighbors that King Ardik, his administration, and his citizenry have no intention of declaring allegiance to either Saraphinia or Valtorem. Several of the city-state’s local leaders have become outspoken supporters of placing economic sanctions upon their war-hungry neighbors, and as a result, both Saraphinia and Valtorem’s governments have decided to take matters into their own hands. Blinded by their hatred of the enemy, and their lust for bloodshed, the leaders of the quarreling nations have silently decided to remove King Ardik and his supporters from the equation altogether. Unbeknownst to their enemy, both Saraphinia and Valtorem have arranged multiple assassinations—but not against their rivals. The targets they have in mind are that of Mist Bounty’s most influencial traders, craftsmen, miners, healers, and politicians. Both nations wish to replace their vocal opposition with politicians whom will be more cooperative with their own respective war strategies. Obviously enough, if word were to spread of the existence of assassins stalking through the streets of Mist’s Bounty, panic would spread throughout the citizenry like a virus. Only the best could make their employer’s dream a reality.
Hitmen were hired, and targets were designated. Two of the most skilled assassins to ever exist upon the face of the planet had been hired by opposing countries to assassinate some of the most influencial figures in Mist’s Bounty. Business was business, and the job paid well. Unfortunately for this duo of killers, they would soon find their list of targets to be remarkably similar—identical, even. It would soon become rapidly apparent to them both that this contract would be the most difficult venture they had ever undertaken.
Genre(s): Action, Suspense, Thriller
War is on the horizon for the denizens of Mist’s Bounty. Tensions between Saraphinia and Valtorem have reached a boiling point. As these two military juggernaughts begin to mobilize their armies and prepare for battle, it is inevitable that the citizens of King Ardik’s neutral state will suffer in the ensuing conflict. The Snowspear mountains are tall, jagged, and near-impassable, and Mist’s Bounty is located directly within the heart of the treacherous mountain range. The only safe path through the Snowspears is along the well-travelled ridges and roads which the hardy people of the city-state carved into the mountains over hundreds of years. The city’s geographic location is it’s greatest blessing, as well as it’s greatest curse. It allows the merchants, artisans, and woodsmen whom call the Snowspears home to create a prosperous life for themselves by trading with Saraphinia and Valtorem respectively. It is thanks to the citizens of Mist’s Bounty that caravans are even capable of travelling through the Snowspears at all; If not for the roads which the people’s ancestors had built, communication and trade between the two nations would be near-impossible. However, these conditions only exist when Saraphinia, Valtorem, and Mist’s Bounty maintain civil relations with one another. With the ever-present reality of the encroaching war placing pressure upon the nations’ ruling class, the elite have been forced to take extreme measures to ensure their people’s survival.
It has become clear to Mist’s Bounty’s neighbors that King Ardik, his administration, and his citizenry have no intention of declaring allegiance to either Saraphinia or Valtorem. Several of the city-state’s local leaders have become outspoken supporters of placing economic sanctions upon their war-hungry neighbors, and as a result, both Saraphinia and Valtorem’s governments have decided to take matters into their own hands. Blinded by their hatred of the enemy, and their lust for bloodshed, the leaders of the quarreling nations have silently decided to remove King Ardik and his supporters from the equation altogether. Unbeknownst to their enemy, both Saraphinia and Valtorem have arranged multiple assassinations—but not against their rivals. The targets they have in mind are that of Mist Bounty’s most influencial traders, craftsmen, miners, healers, and politicians. Both nations wish to replace their vocal opposition with politicians whom will be more cooperative with their own respective war strategies. Obviously enough, if word were to spread of the existence of assassins stalking through the streets of Mist’s Bounty, panic would spread throughout the citizenry like a virus. Only the best could make their employer’s dream a reality.
Hitmen were hired, and targets were designated. Two of the most skilled assassins to ever exist upon the face of the planet had been hired by opposing countries to assassinate some of the most influencial figures in Mist’s Bounty. Business was business, and the job paid well. Unfortunately for this duo of killers, they would soon find their list of targets to be remarkably similar—identical, even. It would soon become rapidly apparent to them both that this contract would be the most difficult venture they had ever undertaken.
TL;DR: The basic rundown of this idea is simple. Two assassins have been hired by opposing countries to kill influencial figures within Mist’s Bounty. Wealthy merchants, high-ranking politicians, officers in the militia, even members of the royal family and King Ardik himself are targets on the killers’ respective lists. However, the assassins are forced into confrontation with one another throughout the length of their contracts. Each individual assassination becomes a competition between the killers, and I want the RP to focus more on the relationship between the assassins that develops alongside their confrontations with one another rather than the assassinations themselves. I feel as though that there’s a lot of room for this idea to grow, and I’m really interested in pursuing this pairing in particular.
NOTE: This is a plot that is not exclusively centered in Mist's Bounty. However, we can use the city as a starting point for the adventure if you're so inclined.
Pairing: Monster Hunter x Wizard/Sorceress/Monster Hunter
Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Military, and Romance (if applicable)
The world of Trinity, like most, is a world filled with all manner of oppurtunity. Vast, untamed fields, undiscovered ruins of ancient and powerful civillizations, and a plethora of gold, silver, and platinum to stack along the way. This oppurtunity is quick to blind the feeble with visions of greed and grandeur, but it is wise to remind oneself that with great oppurtunity comes even greater danger. Many folk, whether elven, dwarven, gnome, human, orc, or any species in between, have attempted to capitalize upon the world's plentiful oppurtunities with varying results. The powerful slay the dangerous creatures which obstruct the path of advancement, but the treacherous beasts which exist upon the face of Trinity far outnumber the humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, and orcs whom wish to establish themselves upon the world's frontier. As a result, there exists a miriad of work for the strong-bodied men and women whom wish to benefit their fellow sentient minds. The all-important work which I refer to is that of the monster hunter.
Where there are sentient minds, there are dangerous creatures which impede their progress. Goblins stalk the woodlands, ambushing travelling caravans and plundering their valuable wares. Ankhegs create vast tunnel systems under the feet of desert villages, collapsing and destroying them from the foundation up. Ogres cut a wide swoth of carnage through mountain villages, feasting on the corpses of fallen foes and taking settlements for themselves. Lizardfolk mercilessly attack any trespassers upon their swampy territory. Even the likes of ancient dragons soar through the skies, subjugating entire civillizations for no greater reason than their own amusement. These are only a few of the more common dangers which the weak are faced with on a day-to-day basis. If not for the invaluable efforts of the talented monster hunters which roam through the lands, the expansion of intelligent life's influence would come to a swift and decisive halt.
Pairing: Monster Hunter x Wizard/Sorceress/Monster Hunter
Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Military, and Romance (if applicable)
The world of Trinity, like most, is a world filled with all manner of oppurtunity. Vast, untamed fields, undiscovered ruins of ancient and powerful civillizations, and a plethora of gold, silver, and platinum to stack along the way. This oppurtunity is quick to blind the feeble with visions of greed and grandeur, but it is wise to remind oneself that with great oppurtunity comes even greater danger. Many folk, whether elven, dwarven, gnome, human, orc, or any species in between, have attempted to capitalize upon the world's plentiful oppurtunities with varying results. The powerful slay the dangerous creatures which obstruct the path of advancement, but the treacherous beasts which exist upon the face of Trinity far outnumber the humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, and orcs whom wish to establish themselves upon the world's frontier. As a result, there exists a miriad of work for the strong-bodied men and women whom wish to benefit their fellow sentient minds. The all-important work which I refer to is that of the monster hunter.
Where there are sentient minds, there are dangerous creatures which impede their progress. Goblins stalk the woodlands, ambushing travelling caravans and plundering their valuable wares. Ankhegs create vast tunnel systems under the feet of desert villages, collapsing and destroying them from the foundation up. Ogres cut a wide swoth of carnage through mountain villages, feasting on the corpses of fallen foes and taking settlements for themselves. Lizardfolk mercilessly attack any trespassers upon their swampy territory. Even the likes of ancient dragons soar through the skies, subjugating entire civillizations for no greater reason than their own amusement. These are only a few of the more common dangers which the weak are faced with on a day-to-day basis. If not for the invaluable efforts of the talented monster hunters which roam through the lands, the expansion of intelligent life's influence would come to a swift and decisive halt.
TL;DR: This is a pretty basic idea that i've developed alongside the world of Trinity. I'd like this roleplay to follow a duo of monster slayers, travelling from place to place, slaying miscellanious creatures for villagers in an attempt to make ends meet. This idea was inspired partially by The Witcher series, so one can likely expect to see a variety of monsters from a miriad of universes being included for us to slay. Minotaurs, centaurs, wyverns, dragons, ankhegs, vampires, werewolves, lizardfolk, trolls, ogres, even just plain old human bandits if there's no other work to be found. I think you get the idea. I'm totally willing to play with any type of character for this situation, so if you're interested, I'd love to work out the finer details of the plot as we create our characters. That way we have a more decisive goal to head toward instead of simply slaying things left and right.
Pairing: Warrior Guide x Unorthodox Royalty (sorceress princess, thief-prince, etc.)
Genre(s): Drama, Politics, Action, Adventure, Supernatural, Intrigue
NOTE: This idea does not take place exclusively within Mist's Bounty, but it takes place in the same universe.
Where there was once a great era of prosperity and peace among the denizens of Trinity, a great tension has begun to blossom and envelop the peaceful world in it's vice-like grasp. the two great military powers, Saraphinia and Valtorem are on the brink of open warfare, the silent desert nation of Wyfall has forbidden the passage of outsiders through their treacherous domain, and the peaceful empire of Evimeria has recently been overtaken by a spree of piracy and fierce competition which has threatened their intellectual and economic supremacy. As a result of this, the monarch of Evimeria, King Richard of the Burning Blade has been troubled by nightmares in recent weeks; images of demonic entities cutting down the innocent, and the nations of Trinity burning before humanity's helpless gaze. Consumed by the feeling that these dreams were a prediction of the future to come, King Richard sent an emmisary to the other leaders of the great human nations calling for a summit to negotiate the problems at hand.
None but Wyfall responded.
Prince Darrius Silverstar of Wyfall sent his champion as an emmisary to Evimeria, having been completely convinced that a letter would accomplish nothing but the waste valuable time. His champion was instructed only to maintain constant contact with Wyfall, and to do whatever King Richard required of him. But there was a catch; he was not to reveal his identity as Wyfall's champion, lest Richard arrange his capture in order to coax Wyfall's leadership out of their hiding place. With this fact in mind, he made haste to Evimeria’s capital city of Tribute with high hopes that his participation could make a difference in the conflict to come. Upon his admittance to the city, he would come to find that fate held a unique plan in mind for him and his future companion.
He spent his first evening in Tribute at a fairly unreputable tavern. It was well known for brawls, watered-down alcohol, and loose women ready to find their next conquest, but the champion was not in search of women or wine at this hour. He lusted after the savory flesh of information. He began to ask questions he should not have. Questions of Evimeria’s troubles with piracy, and questions of whether or not they felt threatened by their rival economic power, Moonfall. One irritated response led to another, and before the champion had realized, he had become mixed up in a brawl beyond what most would consider friendly or safe. A flurry of fists, an exchange of steel, and several broken tankards later, he was carried in chains to the palace by Evimeria's elite police force to undergo interrogation. He refused to answer so much as a single question, and before much time had passed, he was standing before the Burning Blade himself.
For the monarch, it was easy to identify the man as Wyfallin. From the superior craftsmanship of his weaponry, the design of his clothing, the careful cadence of his speech patterns, all of it was obvious and distinguishable to a king, and it was clear that the man was skilled. He swiftly came to the realization that a formal interrogation would not give him any strategic advantage, and made a gut decision which had the capability to morph the legal landscape of Trinity as a whole. He made the educated inference that no Wyfallin would willingly leave the desert on a simple journey of pleasure and relaxation, especially after consideration of the troubling times at hand. They were a secretive, serious, and deeply loyal group of people who would rather hide in the sand than face any sort of social interaction with outsiders. Richard's heart told him that this Wyfallin was important; too important to allow the man to slip out of his grasp. Richard took the man out of his bindings and escorted him to his personal chambers in order to maintain an atmosphere of privacy, and presented the champion with an offer he could not refuse.
Escort his daughter as a diplomatic emmisary to Wyfall, or be executed by Richard of the Burning Blade before a crowd of his loyal subjects. With this threat hanging over his head, the champion could do nothing but accept. Will the princess and champion be able to bring peace to the feuding empires? Or will they thrust Trinity into an unending war and force Richard's nightmares to become reality?
Genre(s): Drama, Politics, Action, Adventure, Supernatural, Intrigue
NOTE: This idea does not take place exclusively within Mist's Bounty, but it takes place in the same universe.
Where there was once a great era of prosperity and peace among the denizens of Trinity, a great tension has begun to blossom and envelop the peaceful world in it's vice-like grasp. the two great military powers, Saraphinia and Valtorem are on the brink of open warfare, the silent desert nation of Wyfall has forbidden the passage of outsiders through their treacherous domain, and the peaceful empire of Evimeria has recently been overtaken by a spree of piracy and fierce competition which has threatened their intellectual and economic supremacy. As a result of this, the monarch of Evimeria, King Richard of the Burning Blade has been troubled by nightmares in recent weeks; images of demonic entities cutting down the innocent, and the nations of Trinity burning before humanity's helpless gaze. Consumed by the feeling that these dreams were a prediction of the future to come, King Richard sent an emmisary to the other leaders of the great human nations calling for a summit to negotiate the problems at hand.
None but Wyfall responded.
Prince Darrius Silverstar of Wyfall sent his champion as an emmisary to Evimeria, having been completely convinced that a letter would accomplish nothing but the waste valuable time. His champion was instructed only to maintain constant contact with Wyfall, and to do whatever King Richard required of him. But there was a catch; he was not to reveal his identity as Wyfall's champion, lest Richard arrange his capture in order to coax Wyfall's leadership out of their hiding place. With this fact in mind, he made haste to Evimeria’s capital city of Tribute with high hopes that his participation could make a difference in the conflict to come. Upon his admittance to the city, he would come to find that fate held a unique plan in mind for him and his future companion.
He spent his first evening in Tribute at a fairly unreputable tavern. It was well known for brawls, watered-down alcohol, and loose women ready to find their next conquest, but the champion was not in search of women or wine at this hour. He lusted after the savory flesh of information. He began to ask questions he should not have. Questions of Evimeria’s troubles with piracy, and questions of whether or not they felt threatened by their rival economic power, Moonfall. One irritated response led to another, and before the champion had realized, he had become mixed up in a brawl beyond what most would consider friendly or safe. A flurry of fists, an exchange of steel, and several broken tankards later, he was carried in chains to the palace by Evimeria's elite police force to undergo interrogation. He refused to answer so much as a single question, and before much time had passed, he was standing before the Burning Blade himself.
For the monarch, it was easy to identify the man as Wyfallin. From the superior craftsmanship of his weaponry, the design of his clothing, the careful cadence of his speech patterns, all of it was obvious and distinguishable to a king, and it was clear that the man was skilled. He swiftly came to the realization that a formal interrogation would not give him any strategic advantage, and made a gut decision which had the capability to morph the legal landscape of Trinity as a whole. He made the educated inference that no Wyfallin would willingly leave the desert on a simple journey of pleasure and relaxation, especially after consideration of the troubling times at hand. They were a secretive, serious, and deeply loyal group of people who would rather hide in the sand than face any sort of social interaction with outsiders. Richard's heart told him that this Wyfallin was important; too important to allow the man to slip out of his grasp. Richard took the man out of his bindings and escorted him to his personal chambers in order to maintain an atmosphere of privacy, and presented the champion with an offer he could not refuse.
Escort his daughter as a diplomatic emmisary to Wyfall, or be executed by Richard of the Burning Blade before a crowd of his loyal subjects. With this threat hanging over his head, the champion could do nothing but accept. Will the princess and champion be able to bring peace to the feuding empires? Or will they thrust Trinity into an unending war and force Richard's nightmares to become reality?
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