Lnc Cpl. Mitchell

Frank John Mitchell
'Motel' - During his first mission within his detachment, he mispronounced the phonetic term for 'H', which is Hotel, for Motel. The name stuck ever since.
Scottish - British Ethnicity
Global Defence Coalition - M.D.F.
British Army - 2nd Battalion 'Rifles' - 13th Mobilised Infantry [M.D.F. Detachment] - 3rd Section
Lance Corporal
MRW-31 [Mike Romeo Whiskey - Three One]
Infantry Role
Section Designated Marksman/Rifleman
Years of Service
6 Years of Service
Frankie has two attitudes towards his emplacement within the war. There's the serious side, where he is himself and goes deeply into his own opinions. This is where he is himself, completely. Things aren't taken lightly and a By-the-book soldier is let out of its cage, ensuring that everything is done to the right way in order to succeed in surviving any conflict situation whilst eliminating the threat if possible. Stern looks, tones and remarks are usually here, and criticism to sharpen fellow comrades is also common. The other side, however, comes from his introduction into the Section. Being humorous and easily the light of the dark situation, he's found ways to joke about the darkness of the situation, as long as its relevant and not too uncalled for. That personality is for the Section to blame.
Frank is quite the tall lad, being 6' 1" exactly, which allows him to not slither down under the radar of the social and connected life him and fellow soldiers share on the field and behind their own lines. He holds dark brown shadings within his short, ruffled hair that never finds itself styled. His skin isn't as pale as most Scots would find themselves with, as it comes with a shading that is between both British and Caribbean colouring. His eyes are of an emerald green, with a hint of brown on the outskirts of his pupils, and a fairly short stubble that is darker than his original hair colour.
When it comes to his attire from the scenario, there are two possible attires that are seen. There's the general MTP Desert Pattern BDU that was used during the Mission that involved the three-sided confrontation. This is the most common uniform, but a backup is at hand within the last remaining space in his gear. When identification purposes are difficult, he carries a second set of headgear, in the form of the general British Styled beret, to ensure that if the helmet is lost, he can still fight whilst being recognised as his own by his nationality. Alongside his gear, Frank holds the British Standard L129A1 Sharpshooter Rifle, used for Mid-Range to Long-Range engagements that can easily be used both as for marksmanship and generalised frontline combat. Alongside that, as a secondary weapon, he holds the famous Glock 17, the modern replacement for Browning's previous 9mm pistol. Each are held alongside general gear for longer operations through a on-top webbing vest and standard issue bergen.
Frank Mitchell was born into the Mitchell-Reela family on March 2nd. His mother was Pauline Mitchell, giving the Scottish inheritance, and his father was Lau Reela, a Caribbean raised man who gave the darkened tones to his skin. Born just outside of Edinburgh, he lived in a small cottage for eleven years before moving down to England just before his secondary education. The family had to move down south due to financial troubles and threats from a collective community, leading to the Police sheltering them by dragging them further away. Here, he continued the rest of his life alongside his loving mother, caring father and thoughtful older brother and sister.
His sister, Carrie, was the first to sport and interest in the Military lifestyle after enrolling into the local Air Training Corps [Cadet] force to feed her hunger for air knowledge and experience. At first, both Nigel, the brother, and Frankie both took little notice of her adventures, but after they looked towards the almost impeccable disciplined nature of the localised Army Cadet Force, as they were very shaped up, they began to find themselves signing up to gain their own interest. Frankie continued onwards and scored himself some decent GCSE grading, whilst his brother enrolled as soon as he turned sixteen. Carrie didn't enlist until she was 18, when she could enrol as an officer in the Royal Air Force. Frankie stayed behind to go to college and gather his own Music degree, before himself signing up to the British Army to join alongside his brother. By the time he was fully trained, he was surprised to find Nigel already a Lance Corporal, having an extremely successful career in three years.
Originally, the three fought missions separately all over the Messla region against terrorist threats and came out with a very successful victory tally. Carrie flew a number of missions as a Merlin Pilot, using transportation and troop deployment as a speciality, before moving onto Apache Gunship piloting. Nigel lead Section 2 of Frankie's Squad, whilst he remained in Section 3 as a serving Sharpshooter and Designated Marksman after distinguishing himself through training and combat experience. Upon Frank's first mission, an assault on a Terrorist Compound located on the outskirts of Messla, he pronounced the callsign of his superior wrong. Instead of saying Mike Hotel, he spouted Mike 'Motel' into military radios, which gave a massive embarrassment that will never be let off, hence the nickname he's occasionally called.
During the rising tensions of the world, the last official mission he did during Great Britain's involvement from the Global Defence Coalition, a branched off Military force for the World Treaty Organisation, whilst it was still within the W.T.O went mildly wrong, with six members of his section being wounded by shrapnel. After pulling three to cover, he provided covering fire to assist the medical team whilst they drove the wounded away from the firefight. The small heroism allowed him to secure the promotion to Lance Corporal, putting him as 2IC for his Section. Not long after that, the Global Defence Coalition split itself from the World Treaty Organisation after W.T.O attacks on their own military force began to grew, and the war began.
On the third week of the conflict, the 2nd Battalion 'Rifles' were serving alongside the 13th Mobilised Infantry, an M.D.F. regiment forged from German, Polish and Japanese forces, during Operation: Bronze Gate, where heavy suppression from Light and Heavy Machine gun emplacements found Frankie with a bullet scraping his leg, causing a minor, and the death of half of Section 2, Nigel included. Taking a two weeks of the scrape healing up, he found himself doing light patrol missions, before eventually getting back into conflict during the war's increase.
Recently, the 2nd Battalion 'Rifles' sent three squads to accompany a French Bomb-Disposal Unit Operation in halting a Third-Party terrorist plot against a high valued threat that could falter any military progression and put many innocents in danger. True, it was no nuclear warhead, as those were disposed years back, but it was indeed a high threat to anyone. Upon entering the tower, within fifteen minutes, he was shot at by an unknown opponent. A similar sized group of W.T.O. units had come in, and started firing towards the G.D.F. Units. After taking no shots, and keeping his fireteam within his section in cover, the bomb detonated...And the building fell down.
Military Involvement
The Assault on the Resistance Compound [Pre-World War]
Five Month Posting at Hereford Outer-Defence [Pre-MDF]
One Month in Cuba for simple patrols [Pre-War]
The French Embassy Assault [Pre-World War]
Operation: Morning Blaze [Pre-World War]
Operation: Firewood [Pre-World War]
The Defence of the German FOB [Pre-World War]
The Rescue of the American Civilians during a minor-shooting [Pre-World War]
Operation: Red Typhoon [Pre-World War]
Canadian Fire Exchange
The Battle of Nixon Square
Operation: Rustle Snake
Operation: Ash Plume
Character Theme