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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Paraminer
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Paraminer The writing technician

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hello! This is my first roleplay on this website! I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and this is mostly driven by my fear of poor quality, so I may have gotten a bit carried away.

The title of this rp is "The Heart of the Kiln", a name that has its origins in the nature of a main setting that will be featured for most likely the majority of the plot as it unfolds. The Kiln is an artificial planetoid, but it would be more accurately described as a giant energy tap. Indeed, that is the superstructure's main purpose, to tap into the emissions of the powerful star that it orbits.

The robot in the above drawing is the main character, and he is the only one at this moment, although there will without a doubt be others at a later point.

During the course of this roleplay, it would be best to not introduce too many plot elements into the story, seeing as an excess in this department would make everyone's jobs much more difficult. So... if you feel that you might do any of this by placing in a plethora of flat characters, you might want to reconsider what you're doing!

Keep in mind that this IS going to work better in a small group. If you plan on applying to this, also plan on keeping continuity between posts! Good works of Science Fiction do this well, and bad ones-- well, they seem to defeat the purpose of SciFi entirely.


Below is the exposition that should make a great number of things about the setting in which this takes place clear:

The cue that signalled the beginning of OSsein unit no. 700’s shift shattered the silence of the room as a falling boulder might disturb the uniform surface of a lake. The pulsating shriek was a penetrating sound, one not easily discounted by the mind. Indeed, in a human -- or any biological creature with a perception of sound for that matter--, it would have been the source of excruciating pain. Here, however, there were no humans to call for the deafening of the acute pitch, the racket which would have rendered the average Earth occupying creature unconscious. Indeed, the majority of biological matter had disappeared from Artificial Planetoid 66703’s corridors long ago, and this was probably to the benefit of the station. An excess of organic matter would be to the detriment of the station’s prime function -- energy collection, so it was not designed as a habitable environment, and thus, all its components essentially operated in a vacuum. Occasionally, a pocket of Nitrogen might crop up due to a leak in the coolant pipe, and a few surviving cells would get into the minor systems, impairing their functionality, but such occurrences were quickly met with attention by one of 300 OSsein units operational at any given time. This was, in fact, one of the primary functions of the intelligent devices which roamed the framework of steel pipes and computer cores, as it became clear to the engineers of the power plant in the early design phases of the project that malfunctions would be bound to happen, and it would be only a matter of time before these impairments became irreversible. It would be unthinkable to station humans on such a tightly designed leviathan-- there was no room for error (something people were quite capable of), so, the OSsein units were designed! It was perhaps fitting that their names were derived from a Latin word meaning “bony”, because as the unit’s now illuminated pod lowered onto the ring-like catwalk that hugged the girth of the hibernation chamber, unit 700 seemed to hobble around like a model skeleton, moving stiffly with a slight wobble that resembled the movement of wind chimes. As 700 approached the single shining panel that covered a large portion of the wall, he spoke into a device on a nearby station. “Hellllo, computer! May I have a status report on the main main reactor array? I’m quite tired, and I did not have pleasant dreams, so, if you would be extra cooperative I would be much obliged!” the robot chirruped in a masculine tone, reminiscent of a playful adolescent’s plea. With a pleasant and rather archaic chime, an aperture on the nearby terminal opened, and an arm with a data port attached itself to the socket on 700’s chestplate. “Not feeling talkative today, eh?” the automaton inquired curtly, as his eyes (two apertures emitting shafts of light) shifted their attention toward the display on his arm. Ah, that was the reason for MAIN’s unusual silence! --700 contemplated-- She’d hardly be able to speak if her vocal subroutines were malfunctioning! This had happened before, and it was easily fixable, but today the task was impossible. There were too many other important tasks to complete, and certainly the issue would mended shortly by another unit. “Well, this is quite a nice change! I’m free of your incessant chatter for once!” The terminal let out a sour note, and the data port withdrew to its place, and the surrounding aperture sealed the hole. 700 stepped cautiously into a nearby pipe, and he was swiftly sent away to the main access gate.


If you're worried about the conflict that sets the main plot in motion, I will introduce that at the appropriate time.

I hope that you're interested in what I have here! I also hope to see you when the RP starts! :-)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Paraminer
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Paraminer The writing technician

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Paraminer Kek. I can see why people might not be interested in this, but I hazard to give it a chance.

Partly cause I feel sub-par compared to your writing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Paraminer
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Paraminer The writing technician

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@6slyboy6 Why would you feel sub par?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Paraminer Honestly? Cause your writing is epic, thats why. It belongs to advanced :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Paraminer
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Paraminer The writing technician

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@6slyboy6 I don't see it as being very good, and according to several others on the forum, it's usually experienced roleplayers/writers that belong in the 'advanced' category. Seeing as I'm in the Eighth grade, I don't feel like I even come CLOSE to approaching that standard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Paraminerkek, whatever you say. I've been here long enough to see what is like.

Anyways ye up for somethin or not?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NPC
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

It is good. But people like to have edgy characters hat have emotion. They like to hold a plethora of them. Your plot is good, but it stifles creativity of not allowing lots of characters and limiting who they can be. I am i interested though

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