Countless eyes gazed up at the pale full moon and the dark expanse of sky that surrounded it. The white circle sat alone, hanging bright against a curtain of black. But that would not be the case for long. Tonight was the night. The night the world had been anticipating for the past 20 years had finally come. The stars were returning.
Children heard stories of the week long event from just about everyone who was old enough to remember it the last time it happened. Those who have yet to marvel at their fleeting beauty don't have the capacity to appreciate such an event, but they will soon. Soon, they would be back.
Cast List:
Sebastian Jung - Doctor Belasco
Adelaide Ruine - ToskaO
Katherine Pierce (Katerina Petrova) - dreamingflowers
Matthew Friel - Adjectives
Graham Bishop - Moon
Pazel Razi - JJ Doe
Emily Eve Burkes - upscalerat
Maximilienne Barrande - Teknopathetic
Rosenkreuz - JJ Doe
Family List:
Welcome to Emergence! This is a witchcraft/magic RP set in modern times. In this world, the stars are always invisible except during a one week event that takes place every 20 years to the hour. Historically, the first day of the Emergence (October 15) is a holiday and many have off from work and school. It is a day of celebration for some, and reverence for others. Parties are very common in the evening hours leading up to the moment the stars flicker into existence at midnight. Special masses are held, in most religions, during the day as well. But the Emergence has another, more mysterious meaning for some. Many stories exist of people gaining special powers, gifted to them by the stars. The requirements for attaining these powers varies from story to story. Some say it is based on ancient bloodlines, others that it is based on merit, and some even say it is purely random. Whatever the case, the act required to gain access to the ancient magic is the same in all. You must kill.
These stories are, surprisingly, fairly accurate. The Emergence allows members of certain families with magic in their blood to realize their full potential. The act of taking a life during the week long event activates the dormant magic inside the killer. Because of the specific requirements, the amount of witches anointed during the Emergence is relatively small.
Characters in this RP will mostly be college students who are (whether they are aware of it or not) members of ancient witch families. With the Emergence they will take their first steps towards becoming fully-fledged witches. As well as a few witch hunters who will be preparing themselves against the once again rising number of magic users.
Our story will follow several college aged witches as they are thrust into a world of ancient politics, forbidden power, and dark secrets as well as the hunters that seek to destroy them.
If you have any questions or ideas, let me know! I'm all ears!
How magic will work:
Each magic using character (I guess we'll use witch and warlock, unless someone has something else. I don't like the sound of warlock much, but that might just be me.) will have one innate ability that is stronger or more efficient than their other magic. Think of this like a super power. It requires no materials, chants, or preparation. It is based purely on willpower and skill. This can be just about anything from teleportation to pyrokinesis to invisibility.
Other than these abilities, they will also have access to various spells and rituals. These require much more work and prep than the innate abilities do. This is like old school witchcraft with chanting and symbols and all that stuff. This type of magic changes based on family, as all families have different customs and rituals.
How hunters will work:
Witch hunters come in two types. Those who are part of the Order of Hunters and those who are not. The Order is a group as old as magic itself (and as secret as well), though they've changed over the years. The modern Order is a financially sound group dedicated to eradicating magic, which they believe is an affront to God, from the planet. They use heavy duty weaponry, as well as historic weapons, to take down witches. Blessed swords and silver arrows are just as common as assault rifles and pistols. All hunters are trained shooters as well as sword fighters.
The Outcasts, as they have collectively been called, are hunters who are not part of the Order. Either through exile or personal choice, these hunters continue their mission without being held down by the rules and strict structure of the Order. They aren't as organized as the Order and are much fewer in number, but they do not need to follow a code and have been know to cohort with other witches to take down their targets.
Rules are fairly basic, same as always. No godmodding, be nice. You've all heard them before. As this is an advanced RP, good grammar (though everyone makes mistakes) and decent length posts are expected. Not every post needs to be a novel, as I realize it can be tough to squeeze out a sizable post sometimes, but they should at least be two decent paragraphs. No big deal, this is for fun so I want everyone to enjoy themselves.