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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nekoholic
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Upon realizing that a raider had leapt onto Jace, Basil hurried forward and whipped out his combat knife from his left boot, piercing it into the man's throat. Blood spurted onto the ground and he slumped forward, quickly suffocating as his windpipe overflowed with his own blood rather than air.
Leith snuck a glance at the sight of Basil mercilessly eliminating the threat, eyes widening slightly. Damn, I underestimated that one, apparently.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NinjaButterfly
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Jace fell backwards as the full weight of the raider fell on top of him. After regaining a little of his strength from his spent arms, he shoved him to the side and stood up. When he looked at himself up and down, he winced slightly and shook his head.
"You could have at least kicked him away from me. This blood will never come off."
"At least the iron smells better than your ass," Kaye muttered.
He glared at her. "We're in the humidity of the Deeper South. No one smells good here."
"If you say so..."
"Just shut up and let's go in. Keep your guns out and be prepared. He was probably only a guard. This place is probably crawling with people." He turned to look at Basil, frowning slightly. "Are you sure you want to go through with this? I'm with you whatever you decide."
"So beautiful... The love birds are playing their song," Kaye muttered softly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nekoholic
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Basil wiped blood onto his pant leg, preferring it there than on his hands. Without looking at Jace, he merely nodded and headed towards the control panel of the entrance. "I'll get the door open. Looks like they were at least smart enough to close it behind them."
Leith walked closer to Kaye and said quieter to her, "In and out, Kaye. No fooling around in here. The raiders will be the least of our worries when it comes to a Vault."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NinjaButterfly
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Jace held his gun up to the vault door as Basil tinkered with the panel.
"Would you relax, Leith. Everything will be okay, I promise. And we'll be that much more richer." Kaye smiled at him, but it quickly fell when she saw how uncomfortable he looked. "Are you alright? Do you want to wait out here and guard others from coming in?"
Once Basil opened the door, Jace quickly swept inside, looking both ways. Luckily, there was no one there. "Clear..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nekoholic
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Leith quickly shook his head. "No, I'm not allowing you to go in there alone, especially when I can't trust those two not to abandon you." He sighed, and followed after Basil and Jace once they were inside. "Just stay with me, okay? I know that you've never listened to me before, but just this once, will you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NinjaButterfly
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Kaye could sense how serious Leith was being right now and nodded her head. "I wish you would just wait this one out. You have taught me well...I can handle myself, Leith."
Jace ignored the two behind them, not caring if they followed or not. After rounding the second hallway, they came across the cafeteria. "There's two people in here, Basil. You take the one on the left. I'll take the right."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nekoholic
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"I'll never stop worrying, Kaye," Leith murmured.
Basil nodded, taking aim, but just as they were about to begin their countdown, one of the lockers suddenly slammed open. From within, a girl clad in what appeared to be a pair of cut jeans and a camouflaged vest, raised a laser pistol and shot the man that he'd been aiming at. Almost immediately, he was reduced to nothing but a pile of ash and, just as the other whipped around toward the source of the sound, he received the same fate.
The girl raised her hands up, as if her gun was a white flag, and shouted, "Oh my God, I've been in that locker for, like, a million years and I thought that I'd never see the light of day again. But then you two show up and give me the perfect opportunity to, like, have a last resort in case I misaimed. To use you both as human shields or, rather, a decoy! But I'm so glad that it worked out wonderfully for the both of us in the end!" She grinned at them both. "Oh, excuse me for being so rude. My name is Kate. Nice to meet you two."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NinjaButterfly
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Jace wasn't startled by many things, but a girl jumping out of the locker was the last thing he expected. After nearly jumping out of his skin, he aimed his gun at the girl, glaring.
"Give me one reason not to shoot you where you stand."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nekoholic
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"Um, because I'm not shooting you?" Kate quipped.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NinjaButterfly
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"Because there are guns aimed right at you. How do we know you're not going to shoot us the moment we turn our backs?" Jace walked closer to her, gun still trained at her head. "To be honest with you, I'm tired of taking unecessary risks."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nekoholic
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"I can make it worth your while. I have candy!" she quickly said, reaching hastily into the back pocket of her shorts to yank out an opened pack of gum drops. "Um, they got a little squished when I sat on them. And when I stepped on them when they fell out of my pocket once. And they're only a couple hundred years old. But who cares? It's candy, man. Only thing better than drugs and bloodshed." She extended out the two remaining pieces. "So, truce? Come on. A girl doesn't just give out her last pack of candy if she's not being honest with you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NinjaButterfly
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"Actually, that is exactly what I would do if I was put in this situation. You will give it to me to put me in a sense of comfort only to wait until our back is turned to kill me and take it back."
Kaye rolled her eyes. "Are you crazy? You would probably eat it before she even had that opportunity. Is she going to pry it from your dead, rigor mortis jaws?"
"Rigorous morty? What the hell is that?"
"Wow, you really are dumb."
Jace growled in frustration. "Leave me alone!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nekoholic
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"I like this girl already," Kate laughed.
"If she was a raider, then she wouldn't have shot them," Leith said, leaning against one of the long tables. There were crushed tin cans littered everywhere, as well as plastic trays and empty boxes of sweet cakes and instant foods. "But what are you doing here by yourself, anyways?"
"Well, you see, I'm just a scavenger," Kate explained. She took a seat in a nearby folding chair, laser pistol hanging limply from her long, bony fingers. "I wander all about, gathering old parts, electronics, Chems, you know, whatever sells and is worth lugging around. But then I sprained my ankle, and I couldn't just keep going like that, which was when I happened upon here. I figured it'd be a smart move to rest, but I could also look around here. As long as I'm careful, it should be relatively safe. And it was. As long as you stay on the top two levels of this vault here, you're perfectly safe and I even got the electricity running again for the lights and what-such. But I don't know, I guess that somehow attracted the attention of these raiders. Didn't think it would, since it's underground, so it's hard for noise to get through all these layers of rock, and there aren't windows for them to see the lights. But I had to hide. They found my stuff, though. Ate the rest of my candy. Was quite the loss, still in mourning." She heaved an exaggerated sigh. "Anyways, I just want to get out of here, but that's hard to do when I kinda need supplies. I can't just go out there with nothing at all. You can get yourself killed that way."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NinjaButterfly
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Jace stared at her cautiously before finally lowering his gun. He listened to her story before rubbing his face in more frustration. "Great, another person wanting to tag-a-long. We already have one crazy woman on the team; two is just too much."
"I heard that!"
"You were supposed to." Jace then turned to look at Kaye. "You have supplies, right? Give her some so she'll be on her merry little way."
"You do realize half of our supplies is junk people do not need, right?" Kaye rolled her eyes. "That is why we are here to scavenge in the first place. We need the money. And if this chick here has already taken our supplies...well, I just reckon' you're going to be stuck with us longer until we get our pay."
"What? Hell no!" Jace glared at her. "That wasn't part of the deal!" He turned to Basil for help.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nekoholic
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"Gimme, gimme, gimme," Kate said, waggling her fingers eagerly, "And I shall be on my way-ee."
"Um...I'm just here for science," Basil murmured, lowering his head, "I don't know how to...handle this sort of thing."
"I do have to admit I'm with Kaye on this one," Leith said. He narrowed his eyes at Jace, "If you think that you can just take our gear and give it to someone else for free, you've got another thing coming. You'll pay us back with compounded interest."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NinjaButterfly
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Jace ignored the new girl before turning to glare at Leith. "What? Why do I always have to pay for the supplies?"
"Because you owe use for saving your stupid ass," Kaye said, crossing her arms over her chest. "We aren't here to save everyone we come across. We're in this only for ourselves, ya feel me?"
"No, I really don't, but you're about to feel me..." He clenched his hands into fists.
"Ooh, you're going to have your way with me?" Kaye winked suggestively and smirked.
"What?" It took Jace a moment to realize what she'd said but when he put two-and-two together, his face turned the plight of a tomato. "That is not what I meant!" He turned away from them and stared at the floor as he waited for him to cool off... God, they were so childish! If he didn't kill them first, then they definitely would because they were going to drive him crazy and to an early grave...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nekoholic
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"Listen, we're not here to bicker about something as trivial as junk, especially when it's compared to the prospect of what we could find here," Basil snapped, glaring between everyone in the room, excluding the two corpses. He focused on Jace first. "Okay, you can't give away belongings that are not yours. That's theft and we're not thieves." He then looked at Kaye and Leith. "I thought that you two fully intended to be on your own once you arrived here. You've got your plans and we've got ours. We brought you here, so our end of the bargain has been fulfilled. What you do from here on out is up to you and not our fault or our problem." Lastly, he lingered on the new girl, who smiled at him once she received his attention. "As for you, if your ankle is truly injured, then you wouldn't have been able to have jumped out of the locker without losing your sense of balance and aim. Endorphins would have long-since lost effect if you have been here before the raiders arrived and you even have the time to apparently bring back power to the entire vault, and you were not in combat before in order to have the time or stimuli to generate enough adrenaline to not focus on the pain. So which part of your story is the lie?"
Kate blinked in surprise, then huffed and folded her arms over her chest. "Well, well, well. Looks like I picked on the wrong one this time." She sighed dramatically, kicking one leg back-and-forth in the air as she contemplated on her next move. "True, I am not injured. I came here with more purpose than to simply lie low. However, I did restore power. That is why the bottom levels of the vault are now unsafe. Oh, the rest of the raiders are dead; these gimps up here were just waiting for orders that would never come. I could have taken them out, but then I saw you four coming and thought, 'Well, I don't want to get caught in the crossfire, so I'll hide and try to convince them that I'm not a raider.' As for the true danger of this vault, however..." She trailed off, smirking. "I can help, but it'll cost you. As does everything else in life."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NinjaButterfly
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"Well, I never!" Kaye huffed and put her hands on her hips. "If that is the way you feel about it, then we will leave. We don't need you, anyways." She turned to leave and bumped directly into Leith. "Let's get out of here and do what we came here to do."
Jace was momentarily struck silent at Basil's outburst. He knew he was correct on all parts, but didn't want to admit it to him. Not even his own father could make him feel so guilty and shameful than a berating from Basil could induce. Once he'd calmed down and grew a rational mind once more, he turned to look at the girl.
"We do not have any caps to pay you. If he had, then we wouldn't be here scavenging ourselves." That little tidbit may have been a little lie, but it wasn't that far off. "As you can already see, we owed a debt to these two," he pointed to Leith and Kaye, "so what makes you think we have anything to pay you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nekoholic
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kate laughed, shaking her head. Once she'd calmed down, wiping an imaginary tear from her eye with her index finger, she said, "Do you really expect me to believe that you're mere scavengers? No one risks their lives to come into a vault for just spare parts and mangled pieces of electronics. No, you come here for so much more." She looked pointedly at Basil; he was obviously the smarter of the two. "You come here for a G.E.C.K."
Leith looked down at Kaye, steadying her after she bumped into him. "Wait a minute, Kaye." This woman wasn't to be trusted; she had the eyes of a hawk, a carrion eater who was prepared to pick at their remains the moment that they had their backs turned. If she knew how to operate even the most minute segments of the vault, there was no telling what she could do to them. Vaults could be hiding anything within their walls.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NinjaButterfly
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Jace's blood ran cold when she directly stated their sole purpose. He couldn't help the involuntary twitch of his trigger finger on his gun. For some reason he just didn't trust this girl. It may have had something to do with he wit and skill, but something just seemed off about her.
"Well..." he repositioned his rifle to balance on his shoulder as he shuffled foot to foot. "According to what you say, then you aren't only here to scavenge, either. And if you didn't come here to nurse your 'sprain,' then you must be here looking for something important as well. Maybe you're searching for the G.E.C.K.?" Even without hearing her answer, he could feel his finger itching to pull the trigger. If they had competition with this mission, then he didn't want to take any chances with adversaries.
Kaye looked up at Leith for a moment, about to protest when she remembered what he'd said before they entered this place. Biting back her comments, she listened to him and turned to stare back at the girl, waiting for her response to Jace's observation. He may be an idiot at times, but he wasn't completely illogical.
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