Ah, the open sky! Where ships soar and dragons swoop, where mighty battles are fought, where great adventures are had, and where those with enough grit, spit and determination could make a name for themselves, and the Cameribra flow, or just the flow, is where they go to do it. A largely unmapped and unexplored area of sky beasts, floating reefs, cannibal islands and, of course, Pirates, it is also where the greatest treasures are to be found. Upon the great floating islands, entire civilisations might have developed in isolation, as much a mystery to you as you are to them. There could be islands filled with gold and jewels but, by the same coin, there are those that contain nothing but death. Your fate is in your own hands, so strap on your ray gun, pull down your flying goggles, and prepare for adventure!
Hello! If you haven't guessed, this is a classic steampunk rp set in a world of airships and floating islands. A bit stereotypical, I know, but that's why I want to do it, just for the sake of another, classic adventurous romp across unexplored lands, with action, danger, cannibals, and perhaps even the chance of romance along the way. What's not to like? Since we're heading into an unexplored area, the world is defined by what you want to happen, if you want to world build, we can go and discover it and build it in game. (I think that's pretty cool)
In terms of commitment, I'd like to see at least one post a week, hopefully more. I won't completely lose it because you miss a post, but if you're absent for a while without good reason, you may find that you're character has been hijacked while you were away. Or they're dead. That could happen too.
As far as the mechanics of the world, I won't go into too much detail, as its only an interest check, but we're going for classic Victorian steampunk. That means people like gentlemen explorers, crazy fighter pilots, hair brained scientists and laser gun slingers, as well as giant airships with mounted cannons, squadrons of planes, and every crazy device you can think of. You'll start of small, but you're ship will grow as you continue to make new additions.
So, you interested?