Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago


Sorry my bad. Getting to it now. Had my interview today.

How did it go? Were they swooning?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Dervish I think It went decently!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ok guys, we're far enough into this game to have made many memorable moments. So in celebration of all our wonderful writing, we will be bringing to light the best of FoC. In the next seven days, we will nominate and vote for the following:

-Most emotional tear jerker
-Best action sequence
-Finest dialogue
-Most unexpected twist
-Funniest comedic moment
-Dankest meme

Winners will be featured in a 'Hall of Fame", on the front page.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Peik Peik

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ok guys, we're far enough into this game to have made many memorable moments. So in celebration of all our wonderful writing, we will be bringing to light the best of FoC. In the next seven days, we will nominate and vote for the following:

-Most emotional tear jerker
-Best action sequence
-Finest dialogue
-Most unexpected twist
-Funniest comedic moment
-Dankest meme

Winners will be featured in a 'Hall of Fame", on the front page.

Dankest meme OOC, or IC?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

I'm going to vote for things that don't involve my character in favour of being non-biased.

@gcold Should we post the votes here or PM?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ok guys, we're far enough into this game to have made many memorable moments. So in celebration of all our wonderful writing, we will be bringing to light the best of FoC. In the next seven days, we will nominate and vote for the following:

-Most emotional tear jerker
-Best action sequence
-Finest dialogue
-Most unexpected twist
-Funniest comedic moment
-Dankest meme

Winners will be featured in a 'Hall of Fame", on the front page.

For clarification, are we nominating and voting for other players to go in these categories? And are all players available for nominations, or is it restricted to those of us that have been here since the beginning?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 29 days ago

Already setting up my trophy case, dawg
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@gcold Should we post the votes here or PM?

Your choice; both are fine, and will be counted equally.

For clarification, are we nominating and voting for other players to go in these categories? And are all players available for nominations, or is it restricted to those of us that have been here since the beginning?

Everyone's eligible, even those no longer participating,
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

Alright, this took me about 2.5 hours of digging through the IC to find the individual posts and re-read them, and due to the vast volume of posts we've produced for this game, I'm almost certain there's a number of posts I would have also selected for my votes based on a number of factors.

Most of my votes were based off of how much they impacted me and stuck with me, and in some cases it might have simply been the pay off after build up from existing story arcs and/ or plot points. This is not to say they are the finest writing of all, or that other players and their characters may or may not have more profound scenes that weren't something I would have selected, I simply had to narrow it down to what resonated with me, even after all of these months. And at the end of the day, isn't that a big reason we all share this hobby, for the memories we make in this story together?

Without further rambling preface, here's my picks, their links, and why I selected them:

-Most emotional tear jerker: During the escape from Windhelm, Solveig is forced to sacrifice a woman to save herself and struggles with balancing the will to survive at all costs with her own morality: roleplayerguild.com/posts/3518331

This scene really stuck out to me because it was one of the most effective scenes I've seen in this game at capturing the absolute desperation and despair that have been articulated so far, and Solveig's experiences are genuinely harrowing and haunting. For as much as Do'Karth tries to assure Jorwen that she is a good person who will choose her own destiny, this really smacks of exactly what Jorwen was afraid of, and the toll it's taking on her. This more than anything really cemented that the characters in this story aren't necessarily heroic, and there's going to be some real dark moments even among the "good guys".

-Best action sequence: Sagax and Roze’s suicidal bombing mission to destroy the Kamal ship at Windhelm. roleplayerguild.com/posts/3376669

I absolutely, positively adore this scene and it was done in such a way that really captured the chaotic personalities of both Sagax and Roze, and the absolutely insane lengths they were willing to go through for this small victory. It was beautifully written, easy to put myself in the scene, and it was definitely the point that I fell in love with both of these characters.

(Honourable mention: Dax duels Farid in trial by combat: roleplayerguild.com/posts/3902986

I really want to give a shout out to this post because of both how well written it was, but just how visceral and brutal the whole affair was. gcold has done a fantastic job incorporating dropped characters as meaningful NPCs, and Farid's murder of Orakh still managed to be hard hitting even without player involvement, it still felt like something that would have shook the entire company. It was also Poohead's debut in the group dynamics with Dax with one hell of a striking introduction to the company at large that set the argonian in a position where many of the mercenaries were not sure if they could trust him or not. Just fantastic overall.)

-Finest dialogue:
Jorwen and Solveig finally make peace: roleplayerguild.com/posts/3940114

There have been a number of really amazing conversations in this game, as well as some of the best character development I've seen in a roleplay, but the reason I am nominating this scene is because a very constant bit of conflict that Jorwen has struggled with is his relationship with Solveig, and it has been that way since the very beginning of the game. All the fights they've had, all the fears and doubts, both of them finally, in this moment, had the courage to have such a small, simple gesture of love and affection towards each other that really spoke volumes more than a monologue ever could about how they both were flawed, but were willing to try to make up for all those lost years and hardships. I really just want to give a shout out to Shaft for making Jorwen, Solveig, and Halla a really believable and true to life family unit.

(As much as I’m super proud of where Sevine and Do’Karth first confided in each other, I’m not voting for anything I wrote on principle, but I’m giving it an honourable mention, damn it: roleplayerguild.com/posts/3502098)

I honestly was not expecting to have Do'Karth have revealed his past so soon into the game, but just the way this scene flowed, and how everything lined up with the chemistry between Sevine and Do'Karth, it just ended up being a bit of writing that I still feel very strongly to this day, and while it was never my intention from the outset, this definitely planted the scenes for a romantic subplot between this two characters that has been rather whirlwind, but hey! Stranger things have happened.

-Most unexpected twist: The loss of almost every single mage during the mission to rescue them: roleplayerguild.com/posts/3716470

What more can I say about this than how bitter of a loss it was? After so much prep, so much risk and loss, the very people the company tried to rescue die in a matter of minutes in such a stupid, tragic way that really was not expected. This wasn't like Windhelm, where we knew we were facing a losing battle that we'd have to cut our losses; this was a case where we succeeded and just had to head home only to have everything go to hell in an instant.

-Funniest comedic moment: Keegan’s heroic failure against the Spriggan: roleplayerguild.com/posts/3931547

This scene will always stick out to me as one of the most comedic scenes of the game, from Keegan's inner monologue, his heroic but utterly baffling manner of trying to attack the Spriggan, to getting his ass kicked in the worst possible way, it all pulled together to make a post that I legitimately laughed out loud reading.

-Dankest meme: Climb Kit, forever may it reign.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 29 days ago

@DervishClimb Kit, best character
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 1 day ago

Replied to the Kyne's Tear collab (with a question as well, @gcold).

EDIT: Though maybe I should ask @Dervish instead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

Replied to the Kyne's Tear collab (with a question as well, @gcold).

EDIT: Though maybe I should ask @Dervish instead.

I'll be on shortly!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Seen 6 hrs ago

I've been on the forum for nearly a year now (I actually joined in March on my Bday) and I have been in a fair bit of RP's on here. I'd just like to say this is probably the most well run RP I've been on, with the best posts. Plus it's easy to be friends with you guys, so w00t to FoC imo.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Replied to the Kyne's Tear collab (with a question as well, @gcold).

EDIT: Though maybe I should ask @Dervish instead.

Ask away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chrononaut
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Graviloquence, I pegged Bharzak with Keegan and Marcel. You can post about her witnessing Marcel's magic explosion and cleaning up fleeing Redguard and Bosmer. Alternative, you can have her follow Sevine and Rhasha out of the window, and in which case, their collab is on Titanpad. Staging your own encounter is an option too.

@Mortarion and @Chrononaut, you guys' all hush hush lately; what's happening?

Haven't been watching the rp for 2 months because, up until recently, the Dunmeri Cave Exploration Fiasco was in stasis.

I was in Peik and Leifs collab, but decided not to have Raelyn join in when they were attempting to have a legitimate emotional moment rather than a frantic and hot three way.

Edit: Also I think I have a solid game plan for Raelyn. Sending it to GCOLD and DERV (some things need to be clarified/nospoilers)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Chrononaut, replied.

Added more graphics to OOC front page, and also tweaked some writing there.

Edit: Start nominating! You guys don't need to have everything lined up like Dervish did; you can drop off whatever cool pieces you found here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@DervishClimb Kit, best character

Just look at this BAMF.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Best Action Sequence:
There were some awesome action sequences, but the one that sticks out to me the most was written recently; Marcel blowing up an attacker and just splattering blood everywhere. The melting of the Dunmer's brain was fun to read too - it was delightfully gruesome, and the description was well-written and graphic.

Most Emotional Tear-Jerker:
There were a few good moments for this one, but I'm going to go with Do'Karth and Niernen's reunion. It had been so long since she had been written for, and by the time the mission to Bthamz rolled around I had no recollection of any relationships she may have had - but the writing here was so believable and emotional I didn't even need to go back and re-read all the scenes with the pair in the past. Also, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her when Do'Karth let slip about Sevine. This relationship man, it's friendzoning people everywhere.

I will also give an honourable mention for Sevine's reaction to finding Roze and Sagax alive in Windhelm, after their fun little suicide mission. Sevine was sad, relieved, angry, worried, and happy - it caused a whirlwind of emotions, from Sagax wondering if he was going to be throttled to death by the Huntress, and Roze being just so shell-shocked at the fact that Sevine had been so worried about her. I really enjoyed writing this scene with Foxy and Frizzle, and I think in Roze it further instilled the fact that these people weren't just comrades anymore, but family.

Most unexpected twist:
Farid killing Orakh. Even after Farid busting the door down and threatened the Orc, I didn't think he was actually going to succeed in hurting or killing him. This was another brilliantly written bit of action, but for me, was totally unexpected. How naive of me to assume someone would come in to save the day, or that Farid would come to his senses.

Dankest Meme:
Keegan singing the Pokemon theme song when he's casting soul trap on a chaurus. Fuckin nerd.

Also, I think the names of the NPC Khajiit's deserve an honourable mention, as they got me laughing; R'ihanna the bard and S'riracha the hot sauce merchant. All we need now is a Khajiit dressed as a sweet pastry called "Nyan Khat."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Chrononaut, replied.

Added more graphics to OOC front page, and also tweaked some writing there.

Edit: Start nominating! You guys don't need to have everything lined up like Dervish did; you can drop off whatever cool pieces you found here.

I'm just a general overly excitable dinkus who likes things to look purdy and link the posts for others to enjoy. Nobody has to be me.

<Snipped quote by Leidenschaft>


Just look at this BAMF.

You mean DK could have worn a helmet while being an ice climber? I feel robbed.

Best Action Sequence:
There were some awesome action sequences, but the one that sticks out to me the most was written recently; Marcel blowing up an attacker and just splattering blood everywhere. The melting of the Dunmer's brain was fun to read too - it was delightfully gruesome, and the description was well-written and graphic.

Most Emotional Tear-Jerker:
There were a few good moments for this one, but I'm going to go with Do'Karth and Niernen's reunion. It had been so long since she had been written for, and by the time the mission to Bthamz rolled around I had no recollection of any relationships she may have had - but the writing here was so believable and emotional I didn't even need to go back and re-read all the scenes with the pair in the past. Also, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her when Do'Karth let slip about Sevine. This relationship man, it's friendzoning people everywhere.

I will also give an honourable mention for Sevine's reaction to finding Roze and Sagax alive in Windhelm, after their fun little suicide mission. Sevine was sad, relieved, angry, worried, and happy - it caused a whirlwind of emotions, from Sagax wondering if he was going to be throttled to death by the Huntress, and Roze being just so shell-shocked at the fact that Sevine had been so worried about her. I really enjoyed writing this scene with Foxy and Frizzle, and I think in Roze it further instilled the fact that these people weren't just comrades anymore, but family.

Most unexpected twist:
Farid killing Orakh. Even after Farid busting the door down and threatened the Orc, I didn't think he was actually going to succeed in hurting or killing him. This was another brilliantly written bit of action, but for me, was totally unexpected. How naive of me to assume someone would come in to save the day, or that Farid would come to his senses.

Dankest Meme:
Keegan singing the Pokemon theme song when he's casting soul trap on a chaurus. Fuckin nerd.

Also, I think the names of the NPC Khajiit's deserve an honourable mention, as they got me laughing; R'ihanna the bard and S'riracha the hot sauce merchant. All we need now is a Khajiit dressed as a sweet pastry called "Nyan Khat."

The khajiit names were also something I greatly enjoyed and got a giggle out of. I love the picks!
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