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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

20,000 years ago Galra was a threat to the universe. The Lions of Voltron were created as the ultimate weapon in the fight against Galra. The fight against Galra was an alliance led by the Royal family of Arrus. When Arrus faced unprecedented natural disaster on the scale like no other it caused the entire population to flee. The royal family who lived in the Castle of Lions was cut off from all means of escape. They did everything they could to provide cover fire for the fleeing ships from the debris sent flying into the air. They knew by doing this that they were sacrificing their lives. Allura was terrified but she did her job, she watched as many of her family was killed by debris. Her father & a Galra defector drug her away to the stasis chambers, there were only two functional ones left, her father was hiding the fact he had already been mortally wounded pretended to get one in himself. When Allura was safe he got out and tasked the Castle of Lions automated systems to begin repairs and sending all but the Blue Lion to secret locations around the known universe. The Blue Lion was trapped in the Castle of Lions.

During the next 20,000 years Galra rebuilt and expanded. Controlling over half of the known universe. Earth was not a part of the known universe. Earth is not the original home of the human race, Arrus is. The humans of Arrus spread out across the universe some went to planets in the known universe and others ventured into the unknown. Over time most of them forgot about Arrus, but the legend of Voltron and the mighty Paladins lived on as a story.

Imbube the latest target of Galra's ever expanding empire was fighting back and had been from day one they are currently losing. One of their youngest generals stole a prototype stealth ship to find the Legendary Voltron, by this point in time Voltron is more myth than fact. Thembelani sacrificed his honor, career, family, everything he cared for to save his people from certain doom, because if his people were going to lose they were going to take down as many of the Galra as possible by destroying their planet.

On a jungle planet unidentified by the humans of Earth, Daniel Hardcastle was on that planet studying it. He was hoping for something interesting. He should be carefule what he asks for because a small Galra force was coming his way along with his only hope of survival General Thembelani. If they were lucky they would find the Green Lion.

On Alternia a group of "explorers" found the door to the Yellow Lion. What dangers lurk beyond protecting it?

The Red Lion on his way to his secret location noticed one ship was damaged so he followed it to make sure they all reached somewhere safely. They reached a planet that would become known as Earth. He hid himself on the planet.

The Black Lion's location normally would have been inside the Castle of Lions but protocol demanded that Black Lion be sent deep into space where no one could get at it, since the Blue Lion was trapped in the castle. Floating between a blue giant and two black holes. This location can only be found when all the other lions are reunited.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

The holographic display by this point was starting to metaphorically burn a hole into the retinas of Daniel’s eyes. As he keyed in more input on planet’s economic stability and notable difficulties with colonization. Sighing as he stopped for a moment to scratch the side of his head. This has been the last two weeks, at least in terms of this planet’s gravitational pull, of Daniel’s life. Exploring the planet, studying life forms on the planet, and finding particular points of interest for later studies of larger groups. The Galaxy Garrison, despite Daniel’s tireless work to give them more than enough data about the planet. They’ve sent him back the official notice he needed to spend another two weeks of Earth time to get more data on particular life forms.

“GAH!” Finally Daniel screamed, grasping the sides of his head with both hands. His left eye twitching slightly. “Why am I still here?! Why do I still need to get them data what is everything I gave them not good enough?! WHY AM I TALKING TO MYSELF?!” Daniel cursed up to the roof of the large tent he has been living in ever since arriving in a small one man craft. Standing up Daniel flailed his arms around a little before stopping. Trying to regain his sanity as he lifted up his goggles. Rubbing his eyes with both of his hands as he put them back on. They were his prescriptions after all.

It was ironic that Daniel was slowly going insane over the very reason he joined the Galaxy Garrison in the first place. Sure, Daniel would much rather be on this new planet than back in that little English town. Probably working at a hydro-petrol station like his brother. Still, even given this planet’s really beautiful jungle like climate. There was only so much of it someone can see until they would like to move on.

Suddenly though the sound of grass getting rustled outside caught Daniel’s attention, he had some more casual clothes on. Not being able to even bother wearing his Galaxy Garrison uniform anymore. Daniel paused, listening closely trying to make heads or tails of it. The planet didn’t have very many creatures that would even be considered the size of an average household pet dog. Even then, those that were, they were all herbivore. Whatever was outside though didn’t sound like it fit any creature he’d seen on the planet yet. Worse, Daniel swore he could hear someone talking. The planet didn’t have any notable advance life forms on it....

Suddenly the closed covering of his tent was opened. With a trio of purple haired human like creatures all coming in. Brandishing weapons that Daniel didn’t recognize, but because they looked like rifles, he wasn’t going to assume anything good. Quicking holding his hands up with a scared yip of fear, Daniel immediately began sweating bullets.

Suddenly though one of the creatures started talking. Very aggressively, jabbing the end of the rifle like device at Daniels’ chest. Making him give a small “Oww...” whine. “Uh listen... you speak? You speak this language? Language I am speaking now?” Daniel asked cautiously, pointing at his own mouth. The creatures all looked at him funny. So Daniel now felt scared, frightened, and mildly embarrassed.

The creatures started to speak to one another, occasionally glancing back at Daniel who was too scared to move. Even if he did, Daniel didn’t have much on him to defend himself with. Only things that can shock and defend against animals. Which only make Daniel’s new ‘friends’ really crossed by Daniel’s assumption.

The creatures chuckled among one another, finally one brought his rifle back up to Daniel, who could only squeak in fear. “Uh...” Daniel had no idea what to do, and was scared to the point of feeling like he was going to faint at any moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

General Thembelani was using ancient legends about the battles of Voltron, hoping to pinpoint a home for it. He was not having much luck. He was running low on resources when he found a jungle planet, he scanned it. It was ripe with wildlife, he could hunt for food. Then the alarms went off advanced technology was discovered, some unknown some very familiar. Thembelani's lust for the blood of his enemies overrode his desire to hunt. In a way though he would be hunting.

Thembelani's ship landed near the Galra ship. He grabbed an implosion grenade and from within side his ship he tossed it under his prey's ship. That would prevent them from escaping. He exited and began to track down the Galra. Quick and quiet, his specialty he caught up with the purple bastards. There was only three of them. Small scouting mission. He pulled both of his swords out and leapt at them impaling two of them in the head. The third who was poking the weird, scared, creature had his neck bitten into and ripped out.

"Jikelele Thembelani we Imbubian Royal Protectorate. Wena ephephile manje. Buyela emhlabeni zenu, nibabusise awukaze ubone enye Galra godu." He holds both of his swords in his left hand and extends his bloody right hand out to help the poor creature up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jason stood at the entrance to a wide cave system just outside his home town. His family often came to this area for camping trips and such but Jason had never seen this place before and came here on his own to check it out. As he walked through the cave he noticed that some of the walls looked as though they were burned and scarred like something had crashed.
Cool maybe I'll find a meteorite or something. he thought to himself as he wandered deeper into the cave only to stumble across a vast open cavern that seemed to be riddled with more caves and tunnels.
"Oh man Looks like I'm gonna be here a while." he said aloud as he reached into his pack and grabbed his climbing gear. As he climbed down to the nearest cave entrance, glad he had brought his gear, he noted an image carved into the stone. It looked like a lion but Jason wasn't sure.
Come on Jace I highly doubt there's some lion deity hiding down here. he thought as he continued his decent.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Looking for rare or at least unusual machinery he could repair and sell Alcori traveled the junkyard/desert planet his species currently called home. Simply because it made a good landmark his camp was set up close to some weird and huge metal door he had found. When he found there was no way he could open it due to it's size he lost interest in the door pretty fast.

Unfortunately Alcori didn't have much luck, the only machinery nearby that seemed to be valuable enough to sell was either too damaged or too advanced for him to repair. As a result he was planning on heading to a new spot the next night. As he sat down for his measly dinner, consisting of hardtack and a small amount of water, he spotted a spaceship approaching him.

At firs Alcori thought it was another deposit of unwanted "junk", until he noticed the ship didn't look like the usual garbage ships. Curious he hid himself among the nearby rubble, but neglected to break up his camp leaving a clear sign to the visitors that there was someone had been there and would most likely return.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Daniel was about to let out a high pitched whining spiel about why his life should be spared. His legs crossed to try and prevent himself from urinating all over the ground. Before Daniel could get very far into his squealing however. A lion like figure came in like a furry bullet. Leaving the three aliens looking pretty... well dead-like.

Then it looked at him and started talking, and although to normal ears it sounded calm and almost bold. Daniel heard something more akin too...


Eye twitching ever so gently Daniel shook just a little in place from absolute fear, the front of his jeans suddenly looking a bit wet.

“I... I think I just wet myself...” Daniel squeaked.

Suddenly ducking under Thembalani Daniel sprinted out of the large camping tent in a mad dash. Screaming the whole time in a tone one usually associates with little girls with a gross insect on their body. Going a straight line through the terrain, Daniel didn’t know where the hell he was going, and frankly wasn’t even thinking anymore. Still, Daniel was getting there, where ever 'there’ is exactly.

In his panicked haste, Daniel felt a loose part of ground give way from his foot’s planting on it. The bit of loose ground with leaves opened up causing Daniel to flail as he suddenly fell into a dark hole. Having gone from nearly getting killed by aliens with guns, to nearly getting killed by a single lion alien, to now getting killed from some random bottomless pit. All in all Daniel felt his life flash before his eyes for the fifteen times in that 5 minute span.

Slamming unceremoniously onto a hard ground. Daniel felt all the air fly out of his body as he could only finally let out a meek “Dangit....” Finally Daniel started to get back to his feet, glancing up at the opened hole above and realizing he might want to get a move on. Hopefully he might still be able to lose that thing.

Only when Daniel turned around, having his goggles turn into night vision. Daniel began to really look around his newfound location. All over the walls, sprawled out like a mad man’s drawings. Were crude pictures, all of the same thing. A lion, standing tall over what looked like people. Quietly Daniel walked over, placing a hand on one of the drawings. Confused, was that lion person friendly? Some kind of God to whoever lives on this planet?

Seeing a tunnel Daniel’s curiosity got the better of him. Seemingly having already forgotten what happened just moments ago. Daniel quietly, and cautiously plunged into the darkness. His goggles showing the way as he kept seeing drawings, plus what looked like writings in a foreign tongue. Something about all this left so many questions in Daniel’s mind. He wished he had his recorder with him badly. Everyone at the Galaxy Garrison might not even believe him about any of this!

Suddenly though Daniel felt his foot stub itself on something on the ground. With a yelp of pain Daniel hopped on one foot while consoling the other. Glancing down, where he expected a rock, only to find something much more fascinating. It was some kind of black, thick arm band looking thing. Quietly Daniel let himself go back to two feet as he leaned over. Carefully picking up the device to examine it. “What is this?” Daniel asked aloud. While he would’ve quickly dismissed it as something simple. Upon closer examination, Daniel could tell just by glancing closer at the thing there was something to this.

Cautiously, Daniel began to slide it gently up to his left wrist. Feeling it snugly fit, he couldn’t help but realize how light the thing was. What was it though?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thembelani could smell the urine from the boy. He was disgusted by this pathetic creature, but he couldn't leave it behind on this planet when it clearly didn't have the competence defend itself. Before chasing after the boy he decided to take a snack, he grabbed one of the Galra and chopped off its arm. He removed the armor and snacked on the arm as he ran. He chased after the boy's urine scent.

He followed the smell to a sinkhole. He figured the thing was probably dead. Hoping that the creature might taste better than the Galra he jumped into the hole. He pulled out a cube and turned it on illuminating the cave. "Hey tiny creature thing that urinated on itself. Are you alive?" He took a final bite of the arm and threw the bones away. He then noticed the drawings. "Old writtings, kind of looks like Ancient Imbubian. Drawings of a lion. By the Preistess Goddess of Imbube!" He stopped looking for the urine soaked creature thing and started looking for one of the Lions of Voltron.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Jason descended farther into the cave he began seeing cave drawings in the form of a lion.
"What is this." he said aloud as he continued down before the cavern closed and only a single path existed at the bottom remained. Jason Wandered through and as soon as he was through the narrow passage the room that laid before him was astonishing. The floor changed from rock to metal and as soon as he looked up he saw a massive door with a lions picture on it painted in red.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

From his hiding spot Alcori watched as five armored aliens exited the spaceship and quickly spotted his camp near the door. At first he thought they were simply interested in learning more about him from his belongings, but he changed his mind when they drew weapons. Plektita he cursed quietly enough not to be heard.

Since he had no intention in fighting Alcori hoped he could wait them out as they would eventually have to leave. That plan went up in smoke, when he spotted them attaching explosives to the door and setting them from a safe distance. With the door now open most of the alien went inside leaving two behind to stand guard.

Despite having no idea what was inside Alcori figured it had to be important for anyone to go through all that trouble to get in. For some reason he also felt like he shouldn't let anyone resorting to drawing weapons and using explosives that easily get their hands on it. He had no idea what he could do though, seeing as he was unarmed.

As he tried to figure out what to do he decided to wait until it was dark and then try to sneak up to the guards and in the meantime he could try to cobble some kind of weapon together from the junk he was hiding in.
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