Creation, Species
Name: Rovaick
Lifespan: Varies from species to species (Will explain in individual sub-species)
General Race traits-Can eat anything. If it exists, the Rovaick can eat it.
-Strong Jaws and teeth, tough digestive track. The Rovaick can bite through and eat the strongest of materials. Their jaws are incredibly strong, as are their teeth. So long as it’s attacking the inside of their digestive tract, it’s difficult to damage it (Basically, if they’re eating glass it won’t hurt them but if you shove glass into their throat it still hurts. Probably kills them too.)
-Can see in pure darkness. Born in the dark, they can see in it.
-Can’t lose their way. Rovaick can unerringly retrace their steps, should they ever get lost.
General Culture: They all obey a council made of equal parts Trolls, Tedar, and Azibo, for fear that any one ruler would force the other species to worship their God. The Goblins are content to let the other species handle the ruling business.
Lifespan: 20-50 years.
How common are they:
Fucking everywhere Absurdly common. If you’re near a Rovaick settlement, you’re gonna see them.
Most Revered God: Teknall.
Culture: Goblins follow whomever is the biggest and the baddest amongst them.
Species traits-Promiscuous. To make up for their simple mindedness and their relatively short lives, Goblins breed incredibly fast.
-Master Miners and Smiths. They can mine like no other(indeed, they enjoy it) and can make the very best of whatever it happens to be. Mithril, Steel, Bronze, so on so forth.
-Not too bright. They’re a very simple race. This leads to a lot of mine flooding and being eaten by local wildlife.
Lifespan: 60-100 years.
How common are they: Common. They primarily reside in Rovaick settlements, and make up most of their populations.
Most Revered Gods: Vulamera.
Culture: Trolls generally decide social status by who is the better merchant. The more money you have, the more important you are and the more likely you’re to be their leader.
Species Traits-Natural merchants. For whatever reason, trolls are naturally charismatic and naturally have a head for mercantilism.
Lifespan: 100-160 years.
How common are they: Uncommon. They’re primarily wandering with their herds, or locked in their workshops.
Most Revered God: Toun. Illunabar.
Culture: Tedar typically live by themselves or in small groups. The leader of said groups is decided through surprisingly peaceful deliberations.
Species Traits-Strong. Tedar are one of the strongest humanoid races out there.
-Shepherds. For some odd reason, Tedar have a way with animals, able to calm and tame them with ease.
-Craftsmen. Where Goblins are good at making things, Tedar are the ones who come up with the designs and the aesthetics making everything look good.
Lifespan: 200-250 years.
How common are they: Rare. If you see one, and it’s not on the battlefield, you’re probably not where you should be.
Most Revered Gods: Beluarc, Astarte, Mammon.
Culture: Who is the strongest mage? That’s their leader and then it goes down from there.
Species traits-Mages. They are the only Rovaick who can use magic. There are several different mage types, that can be told from what armor the Azibo is wearing. If they’re wearing bone armor, they can summon spirits and turn them into eldritch monstrosities to slay their enemies. If they’re wearing stone armor, they can manipulate the elements, especially earth. If they’re wearing dark metal armor, they’re increasing their physical speed and power and a slight bit of other magic to attack with and manipulate their armor. If their armor is patchwork of all previously stated armors, they’ve managed to master all of them.
They’ve also developed a black magic that any Azibo can use called “Igregora”. Quite simply, they manipulate the subject’s body and energies, giving them incredible strength, speed, toughness, and generally just make them better at killing things. Unfortunately, it also often turns the subjects into rage monsters that hate everything and only want to kill. Fortunately, they can use it briefly in the battlefield for less of a buff but also less insanity. Dark Blessings, basically.
Lifespan: Varies. Some die immediately from the Igregora, others live centuries, and still others live mere seconds.
How Common are they: Ultra Rare. If you see them, you’re being attacked by the Rovaick and should probably run.
Most Revered God: None. They hate everything and that includes the Gods. The only ones they obey are the Azibo, and that’s from fear alone. And even then the Azibo struggle to control them in large groups.
Culture: Beat the hell out of each other until one gives in and acknowledges the other is stronger.
Species Traits-Bred for War. The Ogru are Tedar with a birth defect that leaves them with missing limbs, usually hands. The Azibo take these children and use Igregora to it’s full powers upon them, allowing them to attach steel or stone limbs and make them terrifyingly strong, fast, and resistant to damage. They also force the inbred fear and obedience of the Azibo into them, so the Ogru obey
-Hate filled. Ogru hate everything. Be it child or warrior, animal or warbeast, if they can they will destroy it.
There are two different kinds of Rovaick.
The ones that Vestec left alone to their own devices in Teknall's mountains, they developed on their own. They have the society mentioned above, and are generally agreeable to all races that don't attack them.
Then there are the ones that Vestec took with him. They are called the Forsaken (by the other Rovaick) and the Chosen (by themselves). They were influenced (but not corrupted) by Vestec. THey're far more vicious and war orientated than their counter parts. Their council is more of war leaders than council leaders.