Blanchet Orphanage

Welcome to your new home. It's pretty and it's big, but it must not feel like home. Not that you've ever really known what a home feels like. You wer abandoned at a young age and are one of those children that unfortunatly made it to their teens. You'd always heard that kids didn't get adopted after a certain age, but surely that wouldn't happen to you. Too bad you did make it to that age. Now they're trying to make room in the group homes and some of the older kids are getting moved to a dorm to live. They're going to have teachers on staff, so the kids won't have to leave much like a boarding school. The kids aren't allowed to leave the school, which is strange, but it's been said that it's only because they don't want kids running off. Otherwise, the kids are left to do their own thing outside of class, form their own hierarchy and create their own friendships.
Everything seems fine for the first little while, but then some kids start noticing strange things. Like that some of the doors will lock at night and they seem to be going through a sort of test. It doesn't totally make sense, but the kids aren't sure they want to question what is happening. With no supervision in the dorms, who will come out on top? What relationships will form? What fights will break out? And what is going on with this school?
The rules:
1. No godmodding what-so-ever
2. Please write at least three sentences
3. Try to warn of absences, life happens - I get it and I probably won't be that upset if you disappear, it just sucks to try and get back to speed
4. No OOC fighting
5. You're allowed as many characters as you want
6. Characters must between ages 16-19 unless a teacher
7. What GM or CO-GM says, goes
8. Do not sass me or I will ask you to leave