Lorelai Devereux

Lor, Mlinzi (Swahili for 'protector'), Lailai, Pop Tart (long story)

Deflector, or Guardian.



At almost six feet, Lorelai is no stranger to 'tall girl' jokes. Her long, lean legs and short upper body meant finding clothes for her in rural Africa was always a challenge, especially pants. The ones that were long enough were forever falling down, bagging out with material around her midriff. Her torso is mostly hip, not soft and curving but widely set and prominently boney, and what waist she has is small, nipping sharply inwards right below her ribs. Long, slightly gangly arms were often crossed over her chest in a defensive posture. She has a square face and a strong jaw that does not match the elegance of her other facial features, a dainty nose nestled between two vivid cerulean eyes, often glassy with heavy memories, and her lips, full and blush with her youth, are rarely seen smiling. The honey-colored roots of her long, tousled tresses were always a bit darker than the rest of her hair, fine and golden as cornsilk and as blindingly bright as the sun in the daylight.
On the humid, sticky shores of a poor fishing village, no one cared about your appearance and things like makeup and perfume were luxury items no one could afford, and so Lorelai's exposure to fashion basics has been minimal. Not that there were many fashionable options for her strange body-type anyway. Most (if not all) her clothes are hand-me-downs or second-hand, heavily worn but clean and airy. A master at wrapping and wearing a sarong, she's usually barefoot, hair neatly parted down the middle, fresh-faced and makeup free.
She has a soft, buttery voice, gentle in word and musical in tone. But growing up in Nigeria, her accent grew into a strange mixture of American Southern drawl and Nigerian rhythm, with pronunciations falling on either side of the scale.

Some subscribe to the belief that a person's mutation is often a reflection of the individual, a sort of ironically-twisted version of their most prominent personality traits. Others say the opposite, that it's simply all cold, hard science, and that the manifestations of whatever power the individual develops is just a random sequence of genes evolving, the personality having no effect on it at all. Which do you believe?
Shielding: This manifests in two separate ways. Lorelai has the ability to create, manipulate and position or 'project' a seemingly impenetrable physical energy shield. It appears solid but clear and flexible, slightly yielding to pressure, a diluted blue-green color that shifts hues in a kind of wave effect across the shield, and she can 'bend' it with hand gestures to various shapes and sizes, covering or fully enclosing an area of up to seven square feet tall and wide. It does not absorb attacks, instead deflecting or 'bouncing' them back at random, and only seems to stop the physical. Her shields have no effect on psychic and mental powers. Once shaped and 'thrown' into place, they stand on their own until she takes them down. It seems her limits show during creation and are based on the size, not the strength of the shield since she does not need to support them for them to stay put, and making anything larger than her current record drains her of energy quickly. The only thing that can pass through these is air, filtered by the shield itself. Water and other substances do not penetrate. But the shield only deflects on one side. Things can pass through the other side.
Lorelai also has a permanent 'personal' shield she cannot control. It wraps like a second skin around every inch of her body, constantly active, invisible, and the only difference from her standing shields is the fact that most elements like water can pass through. In fact, anything but blunt force trauma can affect her. She could drown or die of poisoning or electrocution easily, but she cannot be cut or stabbed or shot or harmed in that way. She suspects this manifestation was trigger at her Awakening, and that with practice she should be able to lower it.
Invisibility: Only recently has Lorelai begun experimenting with this new element of her mutation. If she focuses, she has been able to 'bend' the light around her shields, achieving a sort of invisibility effect, but has been unable to maintain it for very long.

| Withdrawn | Perceptive | Reliable | Pragmatic | Peacemaker | Competent | Broken |

Born in the 'bible belt' of the Americas to Gina and Jeremiah Devereux, two young, devout Christian missionaries from South Carolina, Lorelai never knew her home town. Just ten months after her birth, the Devereux family packed their essentials and moved to Africa with a handful of others from their church on a large-scale mission to bring the word of God to those in need of hope and salvation. They settled on the shores of a small, isolated, impoverished fishing town just outside of Lagos, Nigeria, where they set up shop with their bibles and their sunny, Southern disposition. Gina's medical background and Jeremiah's carpenter skills were offered freely, and they worked hard to make a home for themselves and win the village over, but despite their willingness to help, it took the small community years to trust them enough for any kind of relationships to be formed.
For this was not the first time outsiders had come to them, offered them help, and then betrayed them.
Five years past. It became apparent that the foreigners were not going anywhere, and so one by one, the locals began to open their hearts and their homes. Jeremiah was the first to be trusted, kind and genuine and cheerful in his evangelizing. Gina was last, rather aloof and clinical in her approach. They watched the little golden-haired baby grow into a child, quickly bonding with villagers young and old. The ever-present dangers in Nigera had left many, many children without parents or families, and even young as she was, whether from natural desire or biblical duty, Lorelai would look out for them, bringing them food and clothes, protecting the youngest from the older kids. She helped her father build a large community home for them and was often found there even after the orphans had gone to bed, fixing mosquito nets and swatting away yam beetles or making sure the youngest didn't wander into the ocean at night. The children came to depend on her and the adults came to love her for her caring of their community. At the birth of her little sister, Claire, everyone gathered on the beach for a celebration, singing praises as the sun set, roasting fish over the bonfire. They'd truly become part of the locals.
Fourteen years passed. The sisters grew up alongside the others, mud between their toes, saltwater in their hair, hearts beating in unison with the strong, wild, powerful rhythm of the African people. Where Lorelai evolved into a smart, capable, no-nonsense mother hen, Claire was carefree and untamed, known for her spontaneous, fun-loving nature. Where Lorelai studied and respected (sometimes even feared) the world around her, Claire played obliviously in it. Where Lorelai began to question the words in the revered book her family clung so tightly to, where she started to understand the darker aspects of the way her adopted country worked and lose the faith she'd trusted in since childhood, Claire never wavered, never asked questions or missed church or doubted her mission. Yet the two were inseparable, as different as the sun and the moon, but the center of each other's universes. Lorelai kept Claire safe, and Claire kept Lorelai laughing. Life on the Nigerian coast was hard, but it was home.
Lor was nineteen when it happened. Claire was only fourteen.
(see Mutation Awakening)
After the events of her Awakening left her entire village dead, including her father and her sister, a grieving Gina and Lorelai moved back to the States in their old apartment in South Carolina, hoping to escape the horrors they'd witnessed. Lor hid her powers from her mother, knowing the God-fearing woman would not accept her for what she was. But with her emotions out of control and her world burning around her, Lor knew she couldn't stay hidden for long.
It took some sleuthing on her part, but the young mutant found information on a safe haven for people like her. The Ashford Manor. A new school, of sorts, run by beings with abilities just like hers, and they were looking for new students.
Lorelai packed up the few things she had, and under the guise of attending a normal 'sleep-away' school under scholarship, she left her mother with her extended family and made her way to Ashford Manor, desperate and in pain.
What she'd find there, WHO she'd find there…would change her life forever.

They came at twilight, forced onto the beaches by the storms. Thirteen of them, faces obscured by scarves, guns in hand, eyes cold. Pirates were not a rare thing on the coast of Nigeria, but their quest for oil cargo usually never led them to the shores of poor fishing communities. It's why the village was completely unprepared for their assault. Many were dead before people understood what was happening. Men, women, children, all were cut down as they tore through the houses, looking for anything of value, having been robbed of their chance to secure the cargo they truly wanted.
Lorelai took Claire and as many children as she could gather and barricaded the door to the community house. Gunfire shattered the air over and over as rain beat relentlessly on the roof above them, screams ripped through the wind, rising in duet with the wailing gales as the storm whipped through open doors, thunder shook the wood planks under their feet as the pirates pounded the front door until it broke from its hinges. They dragged the terrified children outside, separated the Devereux sisters from the others (fair-haired white females fetched decent prices), tossed the village kids in the wet sand and raised their guns.
Perhaps they didn't expect the spindly blonde white girl to fight back. But Lorelai had twisted her way out of her captor's grip and grabbed a handgun from his hip holster before they could stop her.
She took aim at the nearest murderer. And she pulled the trigger without a second thought, the cries of her petrified sister and the children who counted on Lorelai sharp in her ears. He fell to the sand, dead.
Lightning illuminated with crisp, unforgiving clarity the grizzly scene around them, and in the few shocked moments before the captain leveled his pistol at Lorelai, she felt something shift in her core, a cool sensation rushing over her body. Dropping her pistol, she spun, preparing for death even as she clawed relentlessly at the man holding Claire. The shot rang out. She winced, moving to shield her sister out of habit. There was a strange sound as the bullet meant for Lorelai ricocheted off her body…
…and tore through Claire.
The next few minutes saw Lorelai's spirit shatter.
They tried again, even as she knelt on the bloody sand cradling her sister's body, but the bullets bounced from her skin in every direction, spraying both friend and foe like shrapnel. She threw an arm out at some point, screaming for them to stop, and her first standing shield appeared. But all it did was add to the chaos, as she was in shock and couldn't figure out how to control it. When the pirates had lost all but four, they turned tail in fear, grabbing a few of the older boys and girls and disappearing into the storm, leaving Lorelai in the center of a circle of dead bodies, pirate and villager.
It was a full twelve hours before her mother left the safety of the jungle and found her, exactly where she'd fallen, clutching Claire like her life depended on it. Jeremiah lay face down in the sand near the community house, dead.
Lorelai never told anyone what had truly happened.