Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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@Antarctic Termite I see no mutual exclusion between those two statements. Snorple is the key. Snorple holds the answer to everything.

We have to protect Snorple.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Also me: Dabbles has a pet aardvark. her name is snorple

>tfw your creator thinks you are not a productive effort.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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@BBeast Are the 'laws of Logic' (if that's even a thing) affected by the Orbs? Do the laws of Logic apply in the Gap? If they don't apply, at what point during an object's journey through the layers of an Orb do the laws of Logic stop applying to it?

Also, how would time function in the Gap? I assume that it does exist in some form and so the Orb does not strip objects of 'time' before they enter the Gap. Would it function as it usually does? I can't remember that if, when Vowzra froze time and opened the Gap portal, the creature emerged before or after time started again. I guess it would implicitly mean that time had frozen in the Gap also if it did not emerge before time was unfrozen.

No one wrote any laws of Logic into the Codex. Therefore, they aren't a thing as far as the Orbs and other things are concerned. In the Orbs things would only become 'illogical' insomuch as the premises on which we base our logical view of the world deteriorate.

As for the function of time in the Gap, I have no idea. There must be some kind of time, as we have a passage of events. But as Vowzra was a big contributor to the Gap, you'd probably be better qualified to answer that.

Also worth noting that, outside the Orbs, physics functions as normal. Once an object passes through the Orb and emerges into the Gap, it will resume functioning according to the local physics, provided the temporary loss of function did not cause irreparable damage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Imperial Reform Bill

The Help Me Be Lazy Bill

Submitted by: His Kholiness

On: The Last Day of the First Year

WHEREAS this first year of ours approaches its completion
and WHEREAS it is the purpose of Divinus to become a completely player-run Roleplay

THE Imperial Reform Bill is put forth:

I'm going to share the stat file with you all, and each player will be responsible for ensuring their stats are up to date and correct. The turn update will be posted by a randomly chosen [read: trustworthy >.>] player whenever said player feels it is appropriate. Are y'all good with that?

Signed: Kho
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Vizier Cyclone would offer one most humble amendment.

I'm going to share the stat file with you all, and each player will be responsible for ensuring their stats are up to date and correct. The turn update will be posted by a randomly chosen (read: someone other than Cyclone) player whenever said player feels it is appropriate. Are y'all good with that?
The Revised Bill
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Cyclone Amendment approved. Unanimously. -.- damnuntrustworthylazyminionscan'tdoathingyouaskthemtoevensubmitadamninnocentbillfourdaysagolikeisaid
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Imperial Reform Bill

The Help Me Be Lazy Bill

Submitted by: His Kholiness

On: The Last Day of the First Year

WHEREAS this first year of our approaches its completion
and WHEREAS it is the purpose of Divinus to become a completely player-run Roleplay

THE Imperial Reform Bill is put forth:

I'm going to share the stat file with you all, and each player will be responsible for ensuring their stats are up to date and correct. The turn update will be posted by a randomly chosen [read: trustworthy >.>] player whenever said player feels it is appropriate. Are y'all good with that?

Signed: Kho


Players handling the stats is great, since we are a stable community and all the players here are greate people who would never try to bamboozle others.

The second however, that one is a bit tense isn't it? Due to the different play styles the perception of time is quite different. I'm sure the time in which I, whose character has been out of might for 4 months, would call a turn and the time someone who is at risk of losing might to Fate's Might Pot due to going overboard would call a turn are very different.

Not that I think that a static turn time would be any better, I just think the decision is one that must be thought with a lot of care.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Recall that a certain untrustworthy and notoriously lazy minion asked for a link to the spreadsheet before setting up the public stats, and that said link was not delivered ;p
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Cyclone TT-TT
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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All this talk about the Other, and I'm here thinking that I might have actually met some before...

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slime
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Slime (Former) School Idol

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I'm being lazy again... Not only did I waste the free time I had to make my post, I'm also getting distracted by Fate/Extella. I'll try to get back into shape and read the IC this weekend after I'm back from work.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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@Kho@Double Capybara

Managing the stats sheet ourselves should be fine. I already do my might accounting myself anyway. The issue Capy raised is a good one, though: finding a relatively fair way to decide on Turn changes.

I think a randomly selected player would be fine on average. At the start of each turn, we could select one player (randomly using the Dice functionality, which would be a transparent method) to be in charge of the changeover to the next Turn. It would be expected that this chosen player would discuss the timing of the Turn change with the group, but ultimately that player would be responsible for posting the Turn change. Should there be an issue, such as said player being unable to change Turns due to absence, or major disagreement, then responsibility can fall on either another randomly selected player or on one of the GM team.

If we cannot trust randomly selected players with this power, then I propose an alternative, albeit more complicated, system. We have a poll of some sort, open for the whole turn. When a player is ready for a Turn change, they indicate so on the poll. Once a particular quota of players (say, 50%) have indicated a desire to change to the next Turn via said poll, then the Turn change will occur. The Turn change itself and the managing of the poll could still be delegated to a random player, but the decision won't be theirs.

P.S. With the former method, while the player may still have biases, since the player is randomly selected it should balance out over time to something resembling the will of the group as a whole.

On another note, here's something to think about concerning how screwy our rate of technological development has been.

Consider just the hain, living in most of Galbar, ignoring the established cities and so forth.
Gerrik invented fire (technically, the first reliable method for creating fire), as far as most hain are concerned.
At the present time IC, Gerrik isn't especially old yet (he is old, but he has not yet exceeded a natural lifespan).
Therefore, the times before fire are still in living memory. Many hain probably still eat uncooked food because that is what their parents and grandparents did.
Yet we have the beginnings of nations.
Granted, Phantasmagoria caused a fairly major global paradigm shift, but still.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

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Don't forget the fact that Vestec shared the knowledge of other races with the rest of the world.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 3 days ago

@BBeast If there are tools available that we can see to facilitate your system, I would be interested to see it work. We have the dice here on RPGuild, it's the long-term polls that I don't have any idea about. Just so long as the RNG doesn't select the same person consecutively, it sounds good.

As for technology, why do you think the Greek gods were so pissy at Promethius? This is what happens.

I was under the impression that we would be in the bronze age for another several turns. The invention of steel this early was a tad jarring, though if it's magical, rare, and misunderstood, I guess I can accept it for now.

I don't know. As long as there's a gap between innovation and ubiquity, I'd be mostly comfortable. I think it's just that nations move slower than mortal lifespans, which puts temporal consistency at odds between the various elements of this RP. We have a lot of things going on.

As for nations, remember that we have -- at best -- city states with a few protectorate communities under them. At widest, we have tribal nomadic horde cultures. Actual nationhood isn't really a thing yet (not until Yorum or some other unifying arc gets completed). I think what we have now is a fair natural progression from the spread of agriculture (which, admittedly, I thought there was a longer period of time that passed to give that, though Vowzra dying can hand-wave that :P).

The funny thing is that the scale of Galbar appears to be relatively small compared to Earth in terms of territory if, for instance, Vetros controls the entire firewind desert. Local maps are few and far between. It's probably easiest to take it as interpretation rather than accurate measurements.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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Don't forget the fact that Vestec shared the knowledge of other races with the rest of the world.

I haven't forgotten that. I'll work in some recognition of that into some of my upcoming Gerrik posts. On the one hand, it's somewhat stealing Gerrik's job. On the other hand, Gerrik's job was going too slowly.


I do not know any proper tools which could allow such a poll to take place. In a pinch, we could use a Google Sheet or something, and trust people to only edit their own details.

With tech, even away from the cities, progression has been fairly fast. Consider Mesathallasa. We have big villages (such as Fibeslay, or the trade empire of Vascogne). Some have even embarked on major construction projects. And they haven't even got agriculture, and unless they learnt fire from some other source they've only had fire for less than a century. I find it best not to think too much about it, though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Galbar appears to be relatively small compared to Earth in terms of territory if, for instance, Vetros controls the entire firewind desert. Local maps are few and far between. It's probably easiest to take it as interpretation then accurate measurements.

IIRC Galbar is supposed to be slightly smaller than Earth (or was that the Galbar from the prior Divinus?) and yet have a density such that gravity remains equal to that of Earth.

Vetros and Alefpria have so much divine involvement that they can't really be held up as examples. Whilst Vetros (as of when I write this, though it will change soon) still uses stone weaponry and doesn't have any extensive metalworking, the city controls many villages up and down the Mahd river and is somewhat developed. It's been in such a state for several hundred years, as canonized in one of the Yara posts that lists some of the past Priest-Kings.

That being said, the majority of the Firewind is just empty space thanks to it being mostly desolate and also because Zephyrion and the djinn intentionally drove away everyone else. Nomads like Y'Qar's band are the only ones that stray far from the Mahd. It's not like Vetros is the Persian Empire with huge swathes of land and dozens of different cultures under its control.

And since Vetros was artificially advanced by Ventus and so on, it can reasonably exist as such and not make the timeline with Gerrik seem invalid. Maybe Gerrik just invented fire for he Hain whereas it was already widespread in Vetros and Alefpria. In any case, this is why I dislike pinning a certain invention to a specific individual or exact date. It leads to somewhat inexplicable situations like the one BBeast just mentioned with Gerrik still being alive and relatively young. (Although I think an easy solution to the paradox is to just say that Gerrik is ancient by Hain standards because Teknall slowed his natural aging)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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I do not know any proper tools which could allow such a poll to take place. In a pinch, we could use a Google Sheet or something, and trust people to only edit their own details.

We could also create a thread dedicated to the matter: whenever a player wants to move on, they post something along the lines of:

Turn 9 - Ready to move on

And that would be that.

I personally like this poll idea. Probably better than the way I've been doing it (which is: 'hmm, I feel this is a good time to move on.')
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

I think some of the inconsistencies regarding technological advancement have been partly due to my lack of vigilance and/or leniency when it comes to advancement. I think the most I ever did to manage advancements was just tell you guys to watch yourselves.

And I destroyed Sin City that one time.

I seem to remember Gerrick being around before TOBIA went on her 4,000 year hike...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

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And I destroyed Sin City that one time.

"Well, I mean, who hasn't," said Tauga as she side-eyed the Bard over her drink, as emotionlessly bitter as ever. "Fuck you all."
2x Laugh Laugh
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