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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Just one year ago, Commander Shepard did what many said was impossible.

He beat the Reapers.

Using the ancient Prothean superweapon, the Crucible, and with the help of confederation of alien races, Shepard destroyed the race of synthetic organic machines. The cost was high though, and no one managed to emerge unscathed from the conflict. Still, the war was over. The hard part was over.

Or so they thought. While a fragile peace holds for the moment, the new balance of power between races has yet to settle, and without a common foe to unite them many are now waiting for an excuse to turn against each other once more, to gain recompense for past slights, or to seize a more influential position. The galaxy holds it’s breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Unbeknownst to them all enemies both new and familiar begin to stir, eager to take advantage of the chaos of the post-war period to turn the situation to their advantage.

The Council realizes drastic measures are called for if the peace is to be maintained, and so a crew of Spectres and their allies are called in to intervene.

They won the war. Now it’s time to win the peace.

Mass Effect: Underworld will be a RP run by myself and @MrDidact. A continuation of the original Mass Effect’s story – though one with a slightly revised ending and canon – players will create characters who are recruited by Spectre agents to maintain the new, tenuous peace that has fallen over the galaxy in the wake of the Reaper’s assault. It’ll be no easy task though, as those who threaten the races of the Milky Way do so from the shadows, and to pull them into the light our heroes must step into the darkness themselves.

The journey will take us across the galaxy, visiting all the familiar locales that you’ve come to love over the course of Mass Effect series. From the war-scarred earth, to the depths of the Terminus systems, from the grimy slums of Omega, to the corrupt world of Illium, and even some places that have only been hinted at so far, the mission will have us treading to the very boundaries of known space.

I'd like to leave character creation as open as reasonably possible. You want to create a biotic Salarian assassin? Go for it. A Krogan engineer with a sunny disposition and a fear of heights? Have at it. My only request is that your character makes sense within the general confines of the ME universe, and that there is an actual reason for them to be a part of this Spectre led task force.

While the RP won’t be a sandbox style, my GM-ing style and preference does allow for a scope of player independence. While I don't mind having to hold the hands of a group of passive Peters, and that I do have an overarching story line in mind, I would like to see any potential players volunteer up their own ideas for side and sub-plots. This is going to be your world as well as mine, so take the reins people!

So, who’s interested? Who has questions?


Is this RP set in the Mass Effect universe? - Yes, though it is based after the events of the Reaper war, using a canon devised by myself and Mr Didact.

Do I need an in-depth knowledge of the ME universe to join? - No. There's plenty nerds here who can help you with any gaps in your knowledge.

Can I make OC's? - Yes.

Can I use a canon character? – No, though they can feature in your OC’s backstory.

How many characters can I make? - One to begin with. Once you have established your primary character you may apply for a second, though acceptance will be dependent on whether I think you can handle more.

Is there a posting order in play? - No, though leave a couple of posts in between each of your own.

Do you have an offsite chat feature? - Yes. If you're accepted I'll forward you the details.



[indent]Your character's given name. Any nicknames or Alias’s also go here.[/indent]

[indent]Your character’s race.[/indent]

[indent]Your character’s class.[/indent]

[indent]Your character’s age[/indent]

[indent]Your character’s gender[/indent]

[indent]A short written description of your character’s appearance. You may also use a picture, though will still require such things as height, rough weight, and visible markings or tattoos, to be written down.[/indent]

[indent]Your character’s personal history. Aim for a minimum of three paragraphs here, touching on all key points of your character’s past. [/indent]

[b][u]Psyche Profile:[/u][/b]
[indent]What makes your character tick? What makes them happy? What makes them angry? Why do they do the things they do? [/indent]

[indent]What is your character good at. Are they an exceptional helmsman, a renowned geneticist, or a devil on the frontlines? We’ll be looking for a good mix here, so give it some thought. [/indent]

[indent]What special abilities and skills does your character possess. [/indent]

[b][u]Equipment and Resources:[/u][/b]
[indent]What gear does your character bring to the table.[/indent]

[b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b]
[indent]A short sample post so I can get a handle of your writing style. This could be one of your characters early missions, a showing of them enjoying some downtime, or a short of some of their exploits during the Reaper war.[/indent]

[indent]Any miscellaneous notes you may wish to add.
Examples are character’s sexuality, any notable achievements, relationships with other characters or supporting casts.[/indent]


[hider=(Insert your character's name here) Relationship Sheet]
[center][h2][color=9966CC]Insert your character's name[/color][/h2][/center]
[center][b][i][color=9966CC]Character quote, if desired[/color][/i][/b][/center]
[center]| [color=yellow]☀[/color] Friends | [color=FF00FF]✌[/color] Neutral | [color=brown]☕[/color] Who? | [color=gray]☠[/color] Not fond of | [color=00FA9A]⚜[/color] Acquaintances | [color=00BFFF]✸[/color] Best friends | [color=pink]❤[/color] Love interest | [color=red]❧[/color] Dating |[/center]

[center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Insert other character’s (I.E The character your character is thinking about) name here|| [/h3][/color]
[color=FF00FF](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=FF00FF] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color]
Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center]
[center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Insert other character’s (I.E The character your character is thinking about) name here|| [/h3][/color]
[color=FF00FF](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=FF00FF] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color]
Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center]
[center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Insert other character’s (I.E The character your character is thinking about) name here|| [/h3][/color]
[color=FF00FF](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=FF00FF] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color]
Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center]
[center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Insert other character’s (I.E The character your character is thinking about) name here|| [/h3][/color]
[color=FF00FF](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=FF00FF] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color]
Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center]
[center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Insert other character’s (I.E The character your character is thinking about) name here|| [/h3][/color]
[color=FF00FF](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=FF00FF] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color]
Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center]


[hider=Loyalty Mission Proposal]
[b][u]Character Name:[/u][/b]
[indent]The name of your character. I know it, and you know it, but let’s just dot the I’s and cross the T’s.[/indent]

[b][u]Mission Name:[/u][/b]
[indent]The title of your character’s loyalty mission[/indent]

[b][u]Mission Location and Setting:[/u][/b]
[indent]Where you propose your loyalty mission takes place. Can be anywhere in the galaxy.[/indent]

[b][u]Mission Synopsis:[/u][/b]
[indent]A brief synopsis of your loyalty mission. This is the ‘barebones’ details that you’d be willing to share with all the players in the OOC.[/indent]

[b][u]Mission Description:[/u][/b]
[indent]This is the detailed bit that you share with the GM’s. We need to know exactly how you intended to plot out your loyalty mission so we can more easily fold it into the overarching narrative. There should be no surprises for us during the mission itself, so everything applicable must go here. What kicks off the mission? how does it unfold? How does it conclude? What kind of enemies will be encountered? How are the character affected by the outcome? Seriously, you can not put enough detail here. I will concede that no plot survive first contact with the players unaffected, and that there will be some unavoidable IC changes forced upon your plot, but the end result will still reflect what you write here.[/indent]

[b][u]Desired Player count:[/u][/b]
[indent]How many characters are there space for in your Loyalty Mission?[/indent]

[b][u]Desired Characters:[/u][/b]
[indent]Which characters would you like to see take part in your mission? Please try to include either Aegon or Anderson here, as at least one of them should still be present so we can still provide some kind of GM oversight (though this isn’t completely integral, and some exceptions can be made, however you will need to provide a good reason for why they aren’t present) Probably a good idea to get the agreement of the players who control the characters you want taking part in your mission before filling in this section. If you'd like to leave your mission open to anyone who'd like to join you, please enter 'N/A' here.[/indent]

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago


  • Due to the sheer amount of interest we've had, any further applicants who haven't already declared their intentions to apply in the OOC will now be put on a waiting list. If an active player drops, the first applicant on the waiting list may submit their character for GM approval and then join the game. Apologies for any inconvenience.
  • We have had a surplus of infiltrator class characters. For the time being I will no longer be accepting infiltrator characters from prospective players.
  • We have had a surplus of biotic themed characters. For the time being I will no longer be accepting biotic characters from prospective players.
  • We have had a surplus of male characters. For the time being I will no longer be accepting male characters from prospective players.
  • Seeing as we're a rather large group, and some players seem to be online much more than others, I'd like to introduce a new rule that will make the IC more inclusive to the rest of our player-base. To that end can we all leave at least a three post minimum between all our posts in the IC for the foreseeable. That means if you've posted, you must allow three other players to post before you can post again. This is only for the moment, and when the IC slows down (which it invariably will) this rule will be rescinded.
  • IC ANNOUNCMENT: Shortly before the beginning of the IC each of the accepted characters have received a message including map co-ordinates and a time and nothing else. It is up to your character to arrive at the location, to be detailed in the first IC post, at the appropriate time.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Seen 29 min ago

Glad to be here.
Question, would the Krogan people, or Turians for that matter, give personnel to this new mission in a gesture of goodwill, or would the Specters select members themselves?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 6 days ago

Place holding for character sheet so it doesn't become a scavenger hunt when sheet review time comes around.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
Avatar of An Outsider

An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Glad to be here.
Question, would the Krogan people, or Turians for that matter, give personnel to this new mission in a gesture of goodwill, or would the Specters select members themselves?

Little of column A and a little of column B. Ultimately the Spectres will have the final decision on who joins them though, so even if a prospective members government did offer up their services, they'd still have to make it through the Spectres selection.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arcarius
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Arcarius A Ghost among the Stars

Member Seen 3 days ago

I will make a place holder as well.

Currently working on my ref sheet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leos Klien
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Leos Klien A gun to kill the past.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

*takes a deep inhalation of air* Ahhhhhh, feel's good to be back in a ME roleplay - Will get my charry up tomorrow - hopefully.

Sorry, meant to include reservation for a placeholder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@DarkFey OOC is live.

Looking forward to seeing what you guys all come up with!

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I am here! And this is also a placeholder.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ravanor Rykarn






Standing at 7’03” (213.4 centimeters) at the hump and built like one would expect from front-line krogan warriors, Rykarn is a brute of a man that embodies the physical profile one would imagine reading about the peerless warriors of the Rachni invasion or the marauders that overthrew even the best entrenched turian lines during the Krogan Rebellions.

Weighing in at around 188 kilos (414.5 pounds) and covered in heavy musculature, it would surprise most aliens that Rykarn is fairly young for his species, having a light sandy-coloured skin with yellowish-tan spots and a green-tinged brown crest that has only fused into a smooth plate from the rougher, less formed crest of young krogan. He carries himself proudly with a broad set of shoulders, made to look even more impressive with his armour plating, and he carries himself with an erect posture; about as much as one could expect from a species that is dominated by a predominant hump at the summit of their backs.

While his hump isn’t nearly as impressive or towering as one would expect to see on a Battlemaster or Warlord, it is still a sizable feature that peaks a bit over his head and requires a custom fit for clothing and armour, as is the case for many krogan. It, along with much of his body, are covered with a variety of scars, be it from gunshots, predator’s claws or teeth, blades, or even shrapnel, Rykarn’s body is a tapestry of violent history that belies his often restrained personality.

Rykarn’s chin his broader and less-pointed than the average specimen of his species, with his jawline tapering up roughly an inch and a half above where his chin sits, ending in a broad curvature. The gap between his upper lip and the start of his crest is a bit longer than average, giving nose and forehead a more flat look than more of the squat-faced krogan. This gives him an unintentionally more “open” appearance since his face does not look like it’s locked in a permanent scowl. Since he is younger, his skin is smoother and less cragged than other krogan, and it carries a lighter hue, like soft leather.

His eyes are a defining feature, sitting within sunken sockets that do not appear as baggy as older krogan but still give Rykarn a look that evokes a mistrusting graze, a sense of fatigue, and the slits that give all krogan a predatory visage. Being a light amber in colour, they contrast pleasantly with his crest and compliment his complexion. By krogan standards, he’s attractive, enough that on a pair of occasions he was offered a chance to model for Fornax magazine by the publication’s headhunters on the Citadel Wards and Nos Astra who were canvasing passerby’s who had the right “look”. He turned down the offer both times, only coming to regret it once in his post-Blood Pack career as a bounty hunter that left him nearly broke due to the lack of contracts.


Psyche Profile:
Quiet, non-argumentative and cooperative aren’t usually things one would associate with a krogan, but it is this mentality that has both helped Ravanor Rykarn survive two major wars and the harsh lands of Tuchanka. While he tends to look down upon vorcha and has a lingering resentment towards salarians, the krogan has conditioned himself to judge individuals on a case by case basis. This, along with years living amongst aliens, led to excellent interspecies cooperation for the krogan, who makes no distinction in combat between allied units “So long as they’re shooting the same way I am”.

Rykarn tends to get irritable in confined spaces, and he tends to find most music and video entertainment a waste of time, possibly as a side effect of relying on his senses to look out for danger as distractions can prove to be fatal. The exceptions to this are an interest in turian Clawball and human American Football, which are two sports he has a keen interest in following, as well as a self-professed guilty pleasure in watching cooking shows and volus auctions. He dislikes loud and boisterous personalities, dance clubs, anything manufactured by Elkoss Combine, public transportation, pastries, the way hanar speak, perfumes and asari pop singer Cerulian Sea.

Rykarn has a particular love of processed meats and fresh breads, which make fresh food markets some of his first stops on shore leave. He has a soft spot for pets and has been looking to adopt a bird or varren for some time, as well as find a pyjak supplier to feed said varren. He also has a love for soft furniture, reading, and he maintains a war trophy collection of things he’s picked up from every conflict he’s been in. Rykarn enjoys other species’ histories (particularly military), since the krogan more or less destroyed their own, and he would like to start collecting historical antiquities and visiting museums.

Recreationally, Rykarn enjoys boating, hunting, hiking, and rock climbing. He has a fear of suffocation and entrapment, and burning alive. He also finds clowns and contortionists deeply unsettling.

Rykarn is an excellent example of the ferociousness a krogan shocktrooper can represent; fast, ruthless, and capable of shrugging off wounds that would down a lesser species, he fully embodies the sentiment of first in; last out. Literal decades of combat and survival experience in some of the roughest parts of the galaxy have made him extremely proficient at his job, and in any team composition, he’s a big enough target and threat that it’s hard to ignore him, giving more specialized members of the team plenty of room to do their jobs.

Setting him apart from other krogan is his speciality in the use and maintenance of heavy weaponry, particularly of the explosive variety. Field guns, mortars, grenade and missile launchers, he’s had plenty of field time on just about every major armament that’s hit the Terminus Systems and thanks to his upbringing under Clan Ravanor, he’s surprisingly adapt at repairing and maintaining heavy equipment on a mechanical level.

-Concussive Shot
-Incendiary Ammo
-Adrenaline Rush
-Frag Grenades
-Cryo Ammo

Equipment and Resources:

Sample Post:

-Still maintains contact with his brother Karnak and promised to revisit once a year
-He considers High Tide, Anhur his hometown, where he is seen as something of a folk hero thanks to his role in the Anhur Rebellion.
-He is still on friendly terms with his teammates in Phrixus’ Rangers, although he hasn’t had contact with any of them for a few months.
-Some in the Blood Pack are still hostile towards him for his departure, but on paper, his departure from the company was clean and won’t likely lead to future hostilities.
-Still has to complete his Rite of Honor to secure breeding rights in the krogan clans.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 6 days ago

I'm going to apologize in advance for how carried away I got with that. I was working on it for like 4 days now and the ideas just kind flowed out.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PrivateVentures
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PrivateVentures Purveyor of the Finest Exoskeletons

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Wellp, here goes.

• Ellis Taevon, “Ellis the Undying”
• Human
• Vanguard
• 34
• Male
• Scarred, quadriplegic, cannot exist outside of a regulated, nanite reinforced/maintained suit. The suit is matte black, designed for blitz attacks, and built with oversized plating for intimidation. The nanites give Ellis extraordinary regenerative capabilities.
• Ellis was the younger of two brothers. His older brother became quite a prodigy in his own right, joining the ranks of C-Sec. Ellis was not so lucky. In an attack by a Turian pirate frigate, his father was killed, and Ellis left paralyzed. His brother was unharmed. Ellis suffered debilitating loneliness as the world passed him by. His mind unfettered, however, he was able to develop biotic abilities at an impressive, inhuman rate. At age 30, he received a message on his omnitool, encrypted with a biometric lock. It opened for him, and invited him to join a program for the gifted. The letter was addressed Cerberus.

He became an assassin, learning to hone his long-contained rage in a new, nanite-fueled body. He was famous, infamous, for his ability to soak up bullet after bullet after bullet, and still come back for more. Gradually, many came to fear him, earning him the nickname, “Ellis the Undying”. He still harbors a great hatred of Turians.

• Ellis is a human supremacist, though he hides it well enough. After leaving Cerberus, when it was discovered that they had a hand in both the Reaper attacks and the Collectors, he finds himself in an idealogical chaos. But the Reapers are back. And this time, he’s ready. He has no interest in romance , as his primary motivator is revenge.
• He is most famous for two incidents, one in which he was nearly killed, though no one knows that fact. The first, one Earth, when he alone was able to break the Reaper ground forces’ enemy line in Atlanta, and held them off alone for two hours, until reinforcements arrived. The second, on Omega, wherein a platoon of Blue Suns got in the way of his objective. He killed them all, slowly and simultaneously. His biotic abilities range from elementary, such as pulling or throwing, to the advanced and sadistic, such as his signature Iron Maiden, in which an adversary’s armor becomes their tomb, crushing tighter and tighter at varying intervals. He is revered for his book, “Gods of War”, and is known to be an exceptional tactician.
• His Signature biotic manipulations include: “Iron Maiden”, aforementioned; “Dyson Sphere”, in which a victim’s shield or biotic barrier is turned into a kind of garbage disposal tornado; “Catch”, an ability that allows Ellis to transfer kinetic energy impacting his suit to the nanites, firing them like a shotgun blast with equivalent force. His suit’s cyberwarfare suite allows him impressive hacking capabilities. He is regarded as an expert in the field of Omni-tool Close Quarters Combat
-Biotic Charge
-Tech Armor
• Ellis wears an experimental nanotech-infused suit that allows him extreme regenerative capabilities, and bears an impressive combat history and variety of skills that make him more of a necessity in combat than an asset, comparable to a talented Krogan Berserker veteran.
• sample- “Ellis awoke, his suit’s alarm system releasing an ammonia-based inhalant to shock his wetware awake. His hardware needed no such assistance, and the nanites whirred to life like dense smoke to form the black armor that was so infamous over the naked grey exoskeleton that was so secret. His stature, his demeanor belied his loneliness and shame, but he was not one to be pitied. No, not Ellis the Undying. There was someone on his ship, and now was no time to feel embarrassment. Intruders always went one way: through the airlock, in a bloody, wet cube.”

Ellis hates society for their rejection of him, hates his brother for leaving him all alone, and hates Turians for killing his father. He is not a happy person.

• Please note, I myself am not a sadist, but I desire to be able to create a dark character. I hope that through this RP, I can explore the most morbid of character development.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
Avatar of An Outsider

An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@PrivateVentures Please look to the OP for a copy of the Character Sheet Skeleton.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
Avatar of Mao Mao

Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

And I thought that my background was long. @Dervish
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PrivateVentures
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PrivateVentures Purveyor of the Finest Exoskeletons

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@PrivateVentures Please look to the OP for a copy of the Character Sheet Skeleton.

Haha, I thought I had followed it. I'm new to the roleplaying world. I've mostly just been writing in collaboration.

Can you help me highlight exactly what it is I did wrong here?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
Avatar of An Outsider

An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@PrivateVentures - As far as I can see you've got most of the relevant info, but you haven't used the correct formatting. Just copy the skeleton then insert your characters information in place.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PrivateVentures
Avatar of PrivateVentures

PrivateVentures Purveyor of the Finest Exoskeletons

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ellis Taevon




Scarred, quadriplegic, cannot exist outside of a regulated, nanite reinforced/maintained suit. The suit is matte black, designed for blitz attacks, and built with oversized plating for intimidation. The nanites give Ellis extraordinary regenerative capabilities and resemble black smoke or vapor when changing outer forms.

Ellis grew up in a small family, cosisting of a brother, a father, and a cat. He never knew his mother. As a child, he was more interested in stories, games, and things of creative or imaginitive value. He had no interest in the guns or weapons of the life of an Arms merchant. His brother, on the other hand, took to it all too well, becoming their father's favored son. In a deal gone bad with a Turian militia faction, The Rising Eye, his father's cargo was detonated when they opened fire. Ellis' favorite place to read had been in the air ducts between the inner and outer hull. The fire rushed into the updraft. He only barely survived, his body suffering fifth and sixth degree burns so severe, they torched off his lower arms and legs instantly, leaving him with charred and tender stumps for the rest of his life. His older brother survived, having been in the ship's cockpit, far away from the blast. The cat perished in decompression. Ellis' father was vaporized instantly when the charges imploded. Ellis' brother became quite a prodigy in his own right, joining the ranks of C-Sec. Ellis was not so lucky. Ellis suffered debilitating loneliness as the world passed him by. He was not exactly helpless, however, as he worked as an information broker, as best he could, selling secrets from his father's files. He made many enemies this way, but was a very hard person to assassinate, as his condition required round-the-clock care. Fearing for his life, he opted for L5n combat implants. His mind unbound, he was able to develop biotic abilities at an impressive, inhuman rate. He began experimenting with them in attempt to give himself new limbs, or at least some semblance of his former mobility. He succeeded only in developing some of the most horrifying biotic techniques in Adept history. He enrolled in classes for a degree in Psychology at Oxford, but never completed his degree. He intended to use his new education to develop biotic psychological warfare. R&D is still in progress. At age 30, he received a message on his omnitool, encrypted with a biometric lock, opening only for him. . The letter was addressed Cerberus, and read "We have heard of your gifts and would like to utilize them. You will be given suitable compensation."

He became a hired terrorist, skilled in the art of fear. Morale was his enemy, and violence his weapon.

They gave him a body, human in nature, Geth in theory. He was famous, infamous, for his ability to soak up bullet after bullet after bullet, and still come back for more. Gradually, many came to fear him, earning him the nickname, “Ellis the Undying”. He yet harbored a great hatred of Turians.

Ellis never quite learned how to repair or maintain his suit. Any damage to vital areas required attention by a trained, skilled, and classified technician.

After leaving Cerberus for idealogical reasons, he worked as a gun for hire, always careful to monitor damage to his suit, as he would die without it. Word spread that Ellis the Undying was a free agent, and old enemies hunt him once more. There are too many, even for Ellis, and he alone knows that he is no longer Undying. Faced with mortality once more, he feels the fear he once forced on others. He now seeks companions, not only to protect him, but so that he can do something good, something decent before he dies. A change is at hand for Ellis.

Upon returning to Omega, one of his contacts sent him a classified message addressed to a prominent Krogan warrior, a "call up" from the Citadel. They needed an elite squad to ease tensions between races. Now was his chance to make right what was wrong. He answered the Call Up, ready to give his last breath for the greater good.

Psyche Profile:
Ellis was a human supremacist, though he hid it well enough. After leaving Cerberus, when it was discovered that they had a hand in both the Reaper attacks and the Collectors, he finds himself in an idealogical chaos. His paranoia is matched only by his newfound, terrifying need to redeem himself. Despite denouncing Cerberus, he still finds it difficult to ignore his past xenophobia. He is trying, though, and is even attempting to analyze and construct a new body, a hero's body, but alas, is still trapped in the guise of a monster. Ellis is lonely, and only now is he letting himself feel it.

He is most famous for two incidents, one in which he was nearly killed, though no one knows that fact. The first, one Earth, when he alone was able to break the Reaper ground forces’ enemy line in Atlanta, and held them off alone for two hours, until reinforcements arrived. The second, on Omega, wherein a platoon of Blue Suns got in the way of his objective. He killed them all, slowly and simultaneously. His biotic abilities range from elementary, such as pulling or throwing, to the advanced and sadistic, such as his signature Iron Maiden, in which an adversary’s armor becomes their tomb, crushing tighter and tighter at varying intervals. He cares little for technology, his suit providing basic hacking and cybersecurity. As such, he has great disdain for Engineers and tech specialists.

His Signature biotic manipulations include: “Iron Maiden”, aforementioned; “Dyson Sphere”, in which a victim’s shield or biotic barrier is turned into a kind of garbage disposal tornado; “Catch”, an ability that allows Ellis to transfer kinetic energy on impact to another object in physical contact with Ellis suit, i.e. a wall, another human being. He was regarded as an expert in the field of Omni-tool Close Quarters Combat
-Biotic Charge
-Dyson Sphere
-Cryo Ammo

Equipment and Resources:
Ellis wears an experimental survival suit that allows him extreme shock-absorbing capabilities, and bears an impressive combat history and variety of skills that make him more of a weapon than a soldier, comparable to a fire-and-forget missile.
He also carries a M358 Talon heavy pistol and M96 Mattock marksman rifle, modified for antimaterial ammunition.

Sample Post:
[indent]“Ellis awoke, his suit’s alarm system releasing an ammonia-based inhalant to shock his wetware awake. His hardware needed no such assistance, and the servos hummed to life like little buzzsaws, their characteristic tone music to Ellis' augmented ears. He stood, six foot six, head and shoulders, a boy who was once the smallest in the galaxy, (in his mind). His stature, his demeanor belied his loneliness and shame, but he was not one to be pitied. No, not Ellis the Undying. But he was not Undying, and berated himself for the fear that iced his blood. There was someone on his ship, and now was no time for fear. Intruders always went one way: through the airlock, in a bloody, wet cube.

A young girl, an Asari, maybe, or a human, stood before him in white armor. A biotic barrier sizzled over her body. The pistol shook in her hands as she raised it slowly, to meet Ellis' eye. He cocked his head, activated and fortified his own barrier, and waited. 'Y-you killed my dad.' Ellis withheld his surprise. It was a young boy! 'A-nd n-now you're gonna pay.' The boy was getting less confident by the minute. Ellis overclocked the servos on his right arm, like a batter winding up for a swing, and his hand shot out and snatched the pistol from the child's fingers before even fingers touched trigger.

'Boy', Ellis said, his own hands crunching the weapon to a mangled mess, 'How did you get on my schooner?' The child was terrified, literally shaking in his boots. 'I need to know', as the heat sink clattered to the floor, 'how you got on my ship.' The boy stayed silent, save for a panicked muttering. Ellis raised the gun-turned-steel wool so that that the kid could see it. 'When you come to a good party, you bring a good gift.' Ellis drew his own pistol, and called to his ship's VI. 'NERO! INTRUDER!' The ship's yoke flipped away, revealing an ultraviolet laser, humming to life, generally reserved for ship to ship to ship combat. NERO, spoke, a cool female voice like that of an emergency services operator,
'One intruder detected, sir. Initiate Purge?'
'Well, boy? How did you get on my ship?' The kid's legs gave out as he practically sobbed,
'I stowed away! Omega!' Ellis chuckled.
'Omega? Any family there?' The kid relaxed a bit, in surrender.
'My mom! Two sisters!' Ellis set his pistol back on his hip.
'You have a name, I presume?'
'Rakhtesh. My mom named me after a krogan.' Ellis tilted his head, puzzled. 'She fell in love with him before my dad.'
'So, he isn't "a krogan", he was your mother's love.'
'I guess. Are you gonna kill me?' Ellis laughed out loud, he couldn't help it, the voice synthesizer giving slight feedback to the sound. The boy was not amused.
'Of course not. NERO, shut that crap off. Rakhtesh, if your mother named you after her love, she must love you. Very much, I might add.' The kid was more uneasy than ever.
'W-what are you doing?'
'I'm trying.'
'If you're trying to scare me, it's working. If you aren't gonna kill me, can you just take me back?'
'NERO, set course for Omega. Rakhtesh, who was your dad?'
'John Taylor. You didn't kill him.'
'But you said-'
'That man was [i]not[i] my father.'
'Then who did I kill?'

Ellis hated society for their rejection of him, hated his brother for leaving him all alone, and hated Turians for killing his father. He has a lot of problems to work through, but is desperate to fix himself before he dies.

His primary source of income is selling information, both about his father's dealings, of which there were many, as well as classified Cerberus information.

In combat, his fury tends to overcome his common sense, and he overclocks his suit and augments in a blind rage. Afterward, his body requires a four new heat sinks, also forcing him to use his ammunition carefully.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Huzzah, this is a placeholder.

@BlackSam3091 No one said anything when I announced my intentions to make a vorcha character, so I'm assuming that doing so is okay?
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